Sunday, December 18, 2022


 Bear with me here.

These pictures are straight from my

phone and I did not have time to 

edit them all.

If I had more time I would make

these all beautiful..but..

what you see is what you get here.

I sorted/purged Christmas items

this year. Gifting some to family

and donating what no one wanted.

I did NOT dig all my Spode Christmas

dishes out this year.

I have service for 20 plus

all the serving pieces.

I used all my old traditional


on the main level this year.

So---here we go.

As you step into the front door

this used to be a closet to the right

in the hall.

We didn't need the extra closet

so I had them open it into a niche.

Below the marble top is a

drink fridge and storage cabinets 

and drawers.

The little tree is full of

Marjolein Bastin Hallmark ornaments,

sweet sentiments from another blogger,

plus a couple of sweet squirrels

that DON'T rob my bird feeders.

As you can see,

my statue of the Goddess Diana

has her angel wings on for the season.

As you walk down the hall it opens into the living room.

There is a marble topped table dressed for Christmas.

Straight behind this table towards the back wall
is a baby grand piano
topped with a nativity and more angels.
Behind the grand piano is a ficus tree
that sports fairy lights and a different
Mark Roberts fairy-depending on the season.
The grands have always loved this.

Above the piano is my beautiful
crystal chandelier that has graced
four homes now-as we moved and 
took it with us.

The living room also has
our main Christmas tree
and a fireplace
with a TV above it
(don't ask...Not a fan of TVs over mantels)
The rocks/geodes by the fireplace
are gifts from my youngest son many years ago.
Our ceilings are very high in the living room.
The tree here is 9' tall.
The stockings are 
Martha Stewart and at least 15 years old.
Not sure why the rug shows so bright-
it is a very pale (almost whitewashed looking
when you see it in person).

I have lots more but 
no time today to post more.
I will post pictures of the kitchen
and dining room in the next day or so.
Plus I will share some of my old
folk art paintings that I did years ago.

Have a wonderful week
and don't get your 
Tinsel In A Tangle!

your photo name


Debra She Who Seeks said...

So many beautiful ornaments and decorations! Your Goddess Diana caught my eye, of course, plus the cushion with the snowy pine tree and rabbits!

Pam Kessler said...

Why did I never think to put my nativity pieces on top of a blanket of snow! That looks so pretty! Hope you and My Hero have a wonderful Christmas and Santa brings Scruffy gets all the dog bones he can eat!

Mevely317 said...

Oh wow ... everything looks so elegant. And cozy at the same time! I love it all, but particularly the squirrels.

Tom said... sure are all decked out. A Merry Christmas Diana to you and your family.

Jeanie said...

Your home is beautiful, Diana. I love that darling woodland pillow and beautiful nine foot tree. And of course filled with light and angels. It's absolutely fabulous and festive. Merriest to you. (I made your PB fudge today!)

Chatty Crone said...

That is your condo? It is exquisite - and your decorations as well. They are BEAUTIFUL!


Elegant and whimsical! I like every inch of it! You are one talented lady! Thank you for sharing your home just shouts Christmas is here!
xoxo Dolly

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love your beautiful holiday house! And I have a pillow cover with a tree similar to yours. Of course we love the same things. Enjoy the week ahead. I have a post for tomorrow and then I'm going to take a little blog break. holiday hugs, Diane

Vee said...

Your home is so elegant and refined...truly beautiful. said...

Very, very beautiful, Diana. Your Christmas décor is just lovely. I know it takes tons of time to do this, but I think the beauty of Christmas décor (for the short time it is out) is always worth it.

Mia Malick

Ginny Hartzler said...

WOW WOW WOW!!! You are such a talented decorator!! First, I have seen these little bristly animals, but never thought to use them as tree decorations!!! And that is their natural habitat as well!! That is beyond cool!! Your tree between the white chairs is a gorgeous scene! And these candles!!! They look like frosting, or snow. Where did you get them, I want to buy some?? I cannot WAIT to see the rest, ALL of it!!!

Melanie said...

Everything looks so beautiful and elegant!

Janie Junebug said...

You have such lovely taste and excellent design skills.


Heaven's Walk said...

It's all so beautiful and festive, Diana! Sheer elegance with warmth and coziness. :) I pray that you and your sweet family have a blessed Christmas and happy new year. (And thank you so much for the beautiful card!)

xoxo Laurie

HappyK said...

Your home looks so elegant. Decorations are so pretty.

Linda said...

Your Christmas Home is every bit as beautiful and elegant as you are! I loved it ALL!!!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Wow, beautiful and elegant - I love the white decorations. So pretty

Jan said...

Beautiful decorations. I love the nativity on a blanket of snow and the angel!

This N That said...

Beautiful..I have done nothing inside..Got painted last week..I guess I'll get a few things out tomorrow..I do less and less each year..Nice to see yours..Hugs

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh my! This is very lovely indeed! I had no idea your "condo" was so beautiful. Thank you for sharing it with us finally!! Loved every picture. Although I can't imagine getting rid of a closet! I can never have enough closets, but I love what you did with it. Maybe I could give up a closet for such beauty! LOL. Love it all!!!Merry Christmas!

Martha said...

Oh, thank you for the tour! I would love one day to have my home all decked out for Christmas. We're doing a little better each and every year though, so maybe I'll share what we do have sometime this week. I have dreams, and more Christmas decorations still in the attic. Maybe I'll even pull them out as well.

Terri D said...

Oh my goodness, Diana! Your decor is beautiful... like from a magazine! Can't wait to see the other rooms! Beautiful. xo

The Happy Whisk said...

Donating and gifting. Great combo. I honestly didn’t notice anything wrong with the pictures! I thought they were lovely. Excited to see kitchen and folk art when you get time. Happy Christmas.

Ann said...

Everything looks beautiful. Last year I took a bunch of Christmas decorations I no longer wanted, divided them between two gift bags and gave them to my children as "Vintage Heirlooms"

Rita C at Panoply said...

Beautiful, Diana! Have you ever shown your condo? I don't think so! That nativity on the piano is gorgeous! The stockinged are beautiful too, but I think the entry is my favorite vignette. Love your Diana statue and the Marjorlein Bastin tree. Merry Christmas, Diana!

Leena Milligan Lanteigne said...

Your home is lovely and your decorations look beautiful! Everything is Merry and Bright! Have a wonderful Christmas! Hugs!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

What a beautiful Christmas home you have there. Everything looks merry and bright! Can hardly wait to see the rest of it . Hope you are keeping warm and safe there. We have a Christmasa storm headed our way they say. Have a Merry Christmas!

Estelle's said...

It's all so lovely Diana...thank you so much for sharing your home dressed for Christmas..wishing you a very blessed Christmas!

Doris said...

So pretty! I love seeing how others decorate. Merry Christmas to you and your family, Diana!

Penny Carlson said...

Your holiday decorating is beautiful! You know I am a fan of Mark Roberts fairies!

Junkchiccottage said...

Your pictures look wonderful and your decor this year is absolutely stunning. OMG Diana I love the grand piano the best. That is so gorgeous. Keep it coming so far it is soooooo beautiful. xoxo Kris

jack69 said...

Quote Mev: Oh wow ... everything looks so elegant. And cozy at the same time! I love it all, but particularly the squirrels.....
My exact thoughts. VERY MUCH CHRISTMAS!!
WE all Know the "Goddess Diana", not as well as her hubby, but she still shines!!!
Love you lady,
Sherry & jack we are smiling at 67 degrees....

Debbie Nolan said...

Diana - what gorgeous pics of your rooms so beautifully decorated for Christmas. Love each one. I hope your Christmas is wonderful and that a great New Year is on its way for you and your family. Hugs!

Shari Burke said...

Beautifully festive!

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

so gorgeous. Love the baby grand with the nativity set. The marble table is lovely all decked out. Looks like Christmas. The Diana angel is so fun! Wishing you a Merry Christmas with love. xoxo

Anonymous said...

I have enjoyed following your family for years.
Your homes are so beautiful!

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

I love all of your Christmas decorations Diana. Your house looks so pretty and I love the white nativity set.

Bless said...

Oh, Diana, it looks so lovely! You've done such a wonderful job decorating your home and it looks so elegant! I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of your home all decorated for the holidays.

Lynne said...

Oh my Diana, lovely beautiful stunning!
Looking forward to more . . .
Merry Christmas.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

That nativity set is the most beautiful I have ever seen in my whole life! And I do love everything glass and angels are my favorite things for Christmas and you have plenty of that. Elegant and absolutely stunning

Musings of a Vintage Junkie said...

Love your style! It is what I am drawn to most and would fit perfectly in my home. Goddess Diana is the best!

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

So pretty, love the nativity on the piano. The marble top looks so pretty and the Angel on the floor by the table. Can't say that I blameyou for taking the crystal chandelier from home to home. Some things just can't be replaced. I have a few Marc Roberts fairies now, mine are small sized though. Love the stockings, they still look great after all tese years. I miss the days when you could go into Kmart and buy her decorating stuff.

Amy at Ms. Toody Goo Shoes said...

Beautiful! Goddess Diana - I always knew you were special!