Thursday, December 15, 2022


 Do you have 

someone you need to pop in

and visit over the Holidays?

Do you need just a sweet little
something to give them?
I post this every couple of years!


I wish I could tell you where
I got the recipe but I can't remember.
You know those boxes that
Christmas cards come in?
Here's how to take the box below
and turn it into a special
Don't you hate to throw those boxes away
because they have such pretty

They make wonderful little
Candy Boxes.
Open the box and line it with tin foil.
Butter the tin foil.

Then make this:
In pan over medium heat melt
2 sticks of butter
When melted stir in 
1 cup peanut butter, creamy or crunchy.
Like this.
Stir in one teaspoon REAL vanilla.
Use the real stuff!

(not granulated)
That old tin scoop belonged to my Mom-
Good Housekeeping 1954
I beat it quickly with a hand mixer
(it sets up fast) 
and then pour it into the 
buttered foil lined box.
Put it in the fridge to harden
and as soon as it sets up
lift it out and wrap it in 
parchment paper,
then wrap it with a piece
of ribbon and place it
back in the box.
 I pick up knives all year here and there
and include one in each box.

The fudge stays fresh 
until they cut it.

Put the lid on and it presents
like this when opened.
2 sticks butter
1 cup peanut butter
1 teaspoon vanilla
2-3/4 cups confectionery sugar
In saucepan:
Melt butter
Stir in peanut butter and vanilla.
Use hand mixer and quickly
mix sugar in. It sets up fast.
Place in tinfoil lined box and
set in fridge until hard.
This is the smoothest peanut
butter candy I have ever made.
This recipe makes two card boxes 
full OR 1 8x8 buttered pan.
It's quick, easy and just
a sweet little surprise.

Save a few pieces for your friends.
 Let them eat this while you sip
black coffee or diet Coke.
The fatter THEY get the 
next to them!
your photo name


Debra She Who Seeks said...

It's such a nice touch that you even include a knife to cut it with!

coffeeontheporchwithme said...

Oh, Diana... every year I see your post about this luscious fudge and every year I say I'm going to make it and then I don't. The shame. If I do it this year, I will post about it!!! (But I can't guarantee the fancy box! haha) -Jenn

Anonymous said...

Been making this for years .. 5 minutes n yummers

Jeanie said...

Unsolicited recommendation -- it's the best PB fudge recipe EVER. Never fails!

Vee said...

This was a dear friend's recipe—no marshmallow fluff required. She stirred in as much peanut butter as it would "take." She said the pan would tell me. I don't know about that, but it sure is a delicious fudge. I am not sitting by just watching, Diana. Nope. Besides, peanut butter has practically zero calories and is a healthfood. ☺️

I do love your presentation. And I actually have boxes saved should I ever actually do this. 😏

jack69 said...

WOW you have done it now, Sherry says I gotta try this!!! The idea and pictures are absolutely great. I think I could even follow this recipe. LOL
Love from down here where it is 70 and rainy., BUT Life is certainly good.
Sherry & jack smiling...

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

This looks like the perfect treat for the holidays. Thanks for the recipe Diana.

Mevely317 said...

What a super idea! I'm not that fond of fudge but love that old tin scoop. Every time I make mother's banana nut bread, I make it a point to pull out her old utensils.

Bill said...

Sound good and looks great. Maybe I'll gift myself. :)

The Happy Whisk said...

Hi Diana! I love, love, love those holidays boxes too. In fact, there's a really nice one in the closet that I keep a few things in. I just could never get rid of that one and I've gotten rid of so much stuff. That box stayed. LOVE the fudge. Peanut butter fudge is one of my Hubby's faves. Great to meet you! Excited also to get to know you with more posts. Cheers and boogie boogie, Ivy.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wat a wonderful, beautiful, and yummy idea!

Kay G. said...

My luck, I would give someone that giftbox with the knife in it and forget to make the fudge! LOL!
It really does sound good!

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Peanutbutter Fudge is my favorite food group> Merry Christmas dear Diana.

Billie Jo said...

You are THE BEST! I absolutely love this idea!!! Christmas hugs, my friend!

Chatty Crone said...

I love how you packaged it - it was beautiful!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I love this! The box you displayed it in is adorable. What a good idea. Thanks!

Kim said...

Great idea! Love the knife, too. I went to an ornament exchange a few years ago and I was the lucky winner of two cute Santas, but best of all, they came in an old vintage card box. I display it every year now. I like it more than the ornaments!! Xo Merry Christmas!

Terri D said...

Thanks for the reminder, Diana. I printed this out last year and didn't make it. May have to get it done this year!! xo

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I love this idea, Diana. I remember you posting this before, and I always look at my card boxes and think about that. I still haven't made the fudge, but at least I saved the boxes. There may be hope for me yet! LOL. Have a very Merry Christmas!

Debbie said...

what a great idea and it sounds so very yummy!!! how wonderful of you to include step by step instructions with pictures...and of course the recipe too!!

Ann said...

Yum. I don't think this would work for me since the cards I bought last came in a clear box with no lid. I think I have a few of the older kinds in the crawl space. I wonder if anyone would mind if the box smelled a little musty :)

Musings of a Vintage Junkie said...

LOVE this idea! I know a peanut butter someone in my house that would eat it all up, never mind giving it as a gift!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

What a wonderful way to use those card boxes. I agree, they are very pretty. I don't make fudge but I have used them for holding gifts before. Thanks for sharing your recipe ! I does look good !

Junkchiccottage said...

Good Morning. I love that you use the boxes from Christmas cards. Yummy and pretty. Happy Friday.

Polly said...

This is such a pretty and thoughtful gift Diana x

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Great idea Diana, makes for a very sweet gift. Saving pretty boxes makes sense. Adding the knife is perfect. xoxo

This N That said...

I remember this. Just thinking about it makes my teeth hurt! Yummy though.

Woody said...

OH NO, THAT FUDGE IS MY DOWNFALL, even better with a little Pop Corn ! Merry Christmas and a Happy Healthy New Years !

Sally said...

Look at you! I was just telling my daughter that I want to make a few goodies this year, and that is one I used to make a lot. Thank you for the recipe. I know your recipients will be delighted!

Bless said...

Yum! I can almost taste it, just looking at the photos! Butter is so expensive that I am seriously considering just wrapping up a pound package of it and giving as gifts, this year! :D

Jenny the Pirate said...

Thanks for posting this again, my friend! I'm sure I've copied it before but in case I didn't I copied it again! I think I really am going to have to give this a try. Merry Christmas! xoxo

Amy at Ms. Toody Goo Shoes said...

Yum! looks delicious, and a great gift idea! Merry Christmas, Diana! Trying to catch up on my blog reading!