Wednesday, December 21, 2022


 I have taken you through much of the first floor-

minus the bedrooms.

The dining room is last on the list today.

I collected many Fitz and Floyd pieces

in the past.

Some of them grace the 

dining room table.

The table is set anticipating

my grandgirl, Alana, and her boyfriend,

coming home from college

and joining her sisters here

for a night of movie and/or games.

I will feed them first, of course.

The large clock is old--ever so old

and the wood piece with the live edge is a piece

my son did for me for my birthday 7 years ago.

There are mini-lights in the greens on the table

and wound through the greenery on the light fixture above.

My big beautiful dining room table did not

fit in this house.  It seats 12.

My daughter loves it now and we enjoy it

when we visit.

I bought a white farmhouse style table

and love it.

The dining room also has a small built in server

with storage above and below,

floor to ceiling...and OH!

the treasures I have packed in there....shhhhhh....

The picture in back is French Rabbits

and was a birthday gift from hubby 

in 1995.

The Santa fairy is one of my Mark Robert's fairies.

The mailbox holds the cards we received this year.

Hubby will sit one night and read them.

I read them as they come in.

The little fat Santa head is also a Christmas gift

from my son about 20 years ago.

Between the dining room and living room 

I have a bombe chest.

On top is the silver coffee/tea service

from hubby's grandmother.

We have write-ups in the local newspaper

where she "poured the tea" during

one of her socialite teas

back in the 40s and 50s.

She was a grand lady.

I keep it polished because I feel it is my obligation

to protect it for future generations.

The silver tray has her name etched on it.

The two Santas are part of my collection.

The picture above is from a local artist

and it is the first place, Kaaps, 

that my hubby took me

when I came to visit his family before 

we were married.

A peek in the guest bathroom:

Toilet tank top and Shabby Chic Shower curtain.

This is close to my hubby's reading chair in the bedroom

and is filled with memories and things his brother,

Steve, that passed away this last year

made. He was a wonderful craftsman.


Below are bits and pieces of Christmas

scattered here and there through the house.

It's a wrap for my Christmas posts.

I will be taking off until after the 
first of the year.
Will also be putting my new
Etsy shop on vacation mode.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays
and love from me
to all of you .



your photo name


Brenda said...

Merry Christmas…fantastic blog

Brenda said...

Merry Christmas

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh Diana! I want to sit at YOUR table for Christmas! It is gorgeous! Hey! did you do a Christmas table setting thingy for us to choose which table to sit at? I don't remember if you did...but you should include this one if you do and don't tell anyone. LOL. I LOVE ALL your decorations, and that Silver Tea/coffee set is gorgeous! Yes, it is good that you keep it so beautifully polished! It is very very special. We don't get to see them anymore. I love the history of it as well. So many lovely items here for us to enjoy. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful home with us at Christmas time. I hope you will do this more often! Have a blessed and beautiful Christmas with your loved ones. See you next year!

Rita C at Panoply said...

I love the stories behind your treasures, especially the local art and bunnies your hubby bought you in 1995. 🌲❤️

Debra She Who Seeks said...

You have so many beautiful Christmas items and memories! I particularly like the Santa and reindeer centrepiece on your dining room table, the silver tea service (yowza, what a shine!), and the figure skates and holly picture! Have a wonderful Christmas, Diana, and I look forward to reading more blog posts from you in the new year!

Cecilia said...

Love Fitz and Floyd…I never had any but my mil does so maybe I’ll end up with a few pieces. The table looks beautiful. Christmas gives us the chance to pull out all those special pieces gifted to us over the years. So many wonderful memories!
A very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and yours, Diana.

Anonymous said...

Everything is beautiful, Diana, enjoy and have a blessed Christmas. Loved talking with you yesterday. Sylvia 🤗

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

This part of your house, like the rest of it is beautiful. You have done a terrific job of decorating all of it. Enjoy your Christmas break . We will see you in the New Year !

Anonymous said...

Diana you should have been a home decorator! I love your talent!

Anonymous said...

Last comment was from me, Debbie W

Lynne said...

Oh My Oh My . . .
Stunningly Beautiful Christmas Holiday stories, pieces!
Silver service and Mannequin piece . . . scrumptious.
I was a Fitz & Floyd person for many years . . .
So Lovely your sharing of your home and post.
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year Diana . . . ❤️

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

Beautiful decorations! Love that Santa and reindeer on the table! Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and a great time off. 🎄

Junkchiccottage said...

All is so pretty and all the pieces have special meaning. Have a nice day today. We are getting very very cold. Ugh! Snow tomorrow. I know you guys are getting pretty severe storms too. xoxo Kris

Anonymous said...

You have so many memories with your beautiful decorations. Have a wonderful holiday. Wishing you all good things in the new year. ❤️

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Merry Christmas

bobbie said...

Merry Solstice, my friend!! Have a great break!

Sandi said...

"We have write-ups in the local newspaper

where she "poured the tea" during

one of her socialite teas

back in the 40s and 50s.

She was a grand lady."

Imagine being remembered as a grand lady. 😊

Ba rum pah pah pum, Diana. Have a Merry Christmas!

Polly said...

It's all gorgeous Diana. The first table settings, the skates, and the mannequin - what a great idea.

Musings of a Vintage Junkie said...

Love, Love, Love it all! Blessings upon blessings to you and your family. Merry Christmas!

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

I loved seeing all your treasured pieces, Diana! I’m so impressed that you keep that gorgeous silver tea set and tray polished for future generations. Merry Christmas to you and your Hero!

Ron said...

It is all so pretty, Diana! Merry, merry! xo

This N That said...

So many wonderful treasures..I don't polish silver any more so my similar service has found another nice to see yours.
Love the mailbox...I never know where to put my cards..That's perfect..May have to look for one..
Your home is beautiful as are you.
Thanks for sharing..

Jan said...

Merry Christmas!

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Love all your Christmas decorations, Diana - everything is so pretty with lovely, sentimental stories to go with them. Those are the best kinds! How wonderful to have Grandmother's tea set and your table is so beautifully set with all your nice dishes and centerpieces. I scrolled down to see the rest of your decorations, too. Your home looks so warm and inviting and filled with sweet Christmas spirit. I hope you have a lovely Christmas and many blessings in the new year. Hugs xo K

Carla from The River said...

I love the mailbox with the Christmas cards in it. What a fun way to display your Christmas cards.
Happy Christmas to you!
Thank you for the prayers for Sam and our family.
xx oo

Ann said...

Love all your decorations. Your house is a Christmas wonderland.

Susie said...

Merry Christmas my friend. I thought of your grandsgirl and that little hiding place you had for gifts once. Miss all our cutie pies being little. Hope things are good there. Stay safe. Sure thought of you last weekend. My daughter took me to Horton's. I did not buy anything. She bought fudge and gifts for her co workers. So pretty there. Blessings, xoxo, love you, Susie
p.s. hug John for us.

Patti @ Pandoras Box said...

Beautiful and festive decor - I love your "let it snow" painting! Wishing you a Merry Christmas and happiness in the New Year!

HappyK said...

Your house is filled with beautiful decorations.
Merry Christmas to you and all your family and a happy and healthy New Year.

Terri D said...

Your home is decorated so beautifully, Diana. Thank you for sharing your amazing style with us. I just love everything you shared with us. Merry Christmas to you and yours!! Have fun making new memories!! xo

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love everything!! But oddly, some of my favorites are things you have not talked about! The green table runner, gorgeous! The sparkly plug-in candle. The ice castle. The tapestry cloth with the cardinal wreath, and the sweet simple bird wreath, did you make that one? I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

Wanda said...

What a most lovely and warm picture of Christmas in your beautiful home. Thank you for sharing. Just can't get enough. Scrolling up and down . Just dreamy.

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Gorgeous table Diana. Love your Fitz and Floyd pieces. I would love to be a guest. The tea set is so beautiful, how special to have that set from your MIL. Love, love, love your Christmas decor. The mannequin is lovely. The bunnies are adorable. There so many wonderful decoratrion to admire. Enjoy your time off. Merry
Love, Linda

Lorrie said...

Beautiful glimpses into your home, Diana. The tea set is magnificent and such a treasure to keep and pass along to the next generation. Your table setting is lovely and magazine worthy.
Have a very Merry Christmas, and stay warm! I hear the Arctic outflow that we're currently experiencing is coming your way. Brrr.


Christmas Spirit is in your gorgeous home. Every detail is such a delight to see. Merry Christmas and stay warm! Even we in the South are in for some extremely cold weather.
xoxo Dolly

Bless said...

Your home, decorated as it is for Christmas, needs to be featured in a magazine! And, please, may I choose your table to be seated at this Christmas?

Have a wonderful Christmas with your family and loved ones and all the best for the new year!

Wild Oak Designs said...

Merry Christmas, Diana...We will be flying to WA to see our daughter and family...where they are still surrounded by boxes...(we will undoubtedly be helping with those...) Have a very Merry Christmas and happy new year...

Debbie Nolan said...

Oh Diana - such a lovely post of beautiful decorations and each with a special meaning. I adore your rabbit painting. Hope you have a blessed Christmas celebration. Hugs!

Pam said...

Diana, it all looks so beautiful. I love the Santa under the clock. He is just beautiful. Hoping you have a Merriest Christmas.

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, so many things I love here. First, I love the silver tea set from your husband's grandmother....and how nice that you keep it polished. Isn't that something that you have write-ups from the tea parties she had back in the day. I LOVE the red Santa on your table setting, and if you ever sell that, count me in first haha. The design on his coat, the white fur, and the merry smile, it's so charming. That candle night light is so cute. That's nice that you have a little space for your brother-in-law memories. Everything looks wonderful, Diana.

Merry Christmas to you, dear friend. See you in the new year, and may goodness come your way. : )


Kim said...

Merry Christmas Diana!! Your home is lovely, filled with such warmth and charm and so many, many lovely holiday treasures. Memories seem to be everywhere in your Christmas home, as they should be!! Enjoy your break and love to you and your sweet family!! xo

John's Island said...

Hi Diana, I just looked through your last 3 posts and I can say this for sure … You have a beautiful home and your holiday decorations are the best I’ve seen anywhere. Congratulations on all the beautiful decorations! Your new condo looks wonderful. I hope you and your family have a joyful Christmas. Very best wishes to you and yours. John

Amy at Ms. Toody Goo Shoes said...

I love all of the personal stories behind your Christmas decorations, Diana, especially the tea set from your hubby's grandmother. Enjoy your break and time with your family!

Theresa said...

THIS post looks like it came from a magazine, BEAUTIFUL! I will be looking back to see the other posts. I am WAY behind on reading blogs, but I will catch up:). Enjoy your day and week ahead, sending HUGS and PRAYERS your way!

Jeanie said...

It's all gorgeous -- every photo tells a story and every story is an enchantment. Your design skills are impeccable! Merry and happy. I've hardly touched the computer in over a week so Merry Winter Holidays and In-Between Week to you! So, I hope Christmas was terrific!

BeachGypsy said...

Its all so pretty Diana! I especially love the reindeer! I v e been collecting them for a few years now. Happy happy new year!!

Sally said...

Diana, I'm in awe of your decorating skills. You're a master!

Wishing y'all a Happy 2023. I hope things will get better for all of us

Donna said...

Everything is beautiful, as usual!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year...