Wednesday, May 6, 2015


I hate to do this!
I really do!
You are NOT gonna like this
It is a word from ME.
The new word is-


That is:
Gotta take a real break!

I have several irons in the fire right now.
A couple I can share today-
I have SweetCheeks, Ria & Lulu
here for a few days.
Daddy is out of town and Mama is working hard
so I am picking up a few pieces for them.
Wonder if I can make that watermark any bigger?
(that is a joke)

I am going to Milwaukee to babysit
my other three grandchildren so that
their Mom and Dad
can go find a house in their new hometown.
I need to get a bunch of stuff done 
besides all that.

So---an early---
I will see you in a couple of weeks-

AND- I just might have a nice surprise for you then!
I have my fingers crossed that I 
have something special to share with you
when I come back....
and No- I am NOT pregnant!

Have a wonderful couple of weeks!
your photo name


Anonymous said...

Not preggie? :) You're a hoot! You go and enjoy those grandchildren and be the blessing I know that you are! We'll miss you but grandparents need to do these things from time to time. Happy Mother's Day to you too!
You're always a sweetie,
Shelia :)

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

Happy mother's day to you too...and enjoy your time with the grands! :)

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

Happy mother's day to you too...and enjoy your time with the grands! :)

JoAnne said...

Happy Mother's Day, Diana ~ you're such a good Mom to help out your kids so much, but I know you enjoy it too. Have a good time!

Vee said...

Have a good time away...keep your Geritol handy (no joke) and have a wonderful Mother's Day, Diana! Those grands are all in for a treat.

Nancy's Notes said...

Enjoy your time with your beautiful grandchildren, oh my, they really adorable! You are such a great Nana! Happy Mother's day, sweet, hilarious and dear friend! Oh dear me, not pregnant, oh shoot!

Sylvia said...

Happy early Mothers Day to you Diana! Enjoy your time with your grandchildren, they are so precious and grow up so fast. We'll miss you so hurry back!

Nancy's Notes said...

They are really adorable! Can't even type this morning, cup of coffee is needed and asap!

Susie said...

Hi Diana, I hope you enjoy all the time with your grandkids. Wish I could see mine that long. We will miss you for sure. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

Mrs. Kelley Dibble said...

Safe and happy trails!


P.S. Happy Mother's Day 2015!

Anonymous said...

awww, darn, I thought you were pregnant!!! I was going to start knitting baby booties, wouldn't they be lovely, lol, the blind knitter, lol,

Kathy said...

You are taking a break for the very best of reasons -- grandchildren. They are so precious. Have a good couple of weeks and see you when you get back.

At Rivercrest Cottage said...

Your going to feel so much better after a little time off. Happy Mother's Day to you too.

Pam Kessler said...

Darn it! I was going to guess pregnant! Have a Happy Mother's Day to you also. Until you mentioned it, I had no idea it had snuck up upon us. Enjoy your vacation/babysitting!

camp and cottage living said...

Have a wonderful time with all of the Grands, Diana!
Can't wait to hear your news....

Our Hopeful Home said...

Too funny! They're all lucky to have you! I so wished my mom was around to see my kids grow up:) Enjoy your time with all of them, and Happy Moter's Day to you, too, Diana!

Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co. said...

There is nothing more precious than time spent with the people you love ... enjoy every moment Diana!

Lisa @ Texas Decor said...

Happy Mother's Day to you too! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Jill said...

We will miss you but totally understand :-) Have a very happy Mother's Day!!!


Penny @ Penny's Vintage Home said...

Happy Mothers Day....enjoy your ....vacation????

Kim said...

Happy Mother's Day to you early, dear Diana! We will miss you terribly!

Nellie said...

We all need a break from time to time, Diana! You will be doing such good work with yours! Happy Mother's Day to you! xo Nellie

Cranberry Morning said...

Well, I can see you have your priorities out of order. You're putting family ahead of blogging!! LOL. Good for you, Diana. Have a wonderful time. The kiddie photos are darling. We'll be here when you return. Hugs!!!

Kathy @ Smile for no Reason said...

Happy Early Mother's Day to you. Hugs those babies for all of us!!
See you when you get back. Excited to know what you have been up to. ;)

Anonymous said...

Enjoy and Happy Mother's Day to you also.

Laurel Stephens said...

Have a fun break!

Row homes and Cobblestones said...

Diana wishing you a happy Mother's Day early, you honor your family and your love is ever abundant. Enjoy your Grand children while away and Blogland see you soon.

A Joyful Cottage said...

A blog break is a good thing. I honestly think we should all do that from time to time, even if we don't have a really great reason like yours. :) Enjoy those sweet kids and I wish you a wonderful Mother's Day, Diana. Hugs, Nancy

Dewena said...

Enjoy this family time, Diana. That is the best part of life!

Mary@mydogsmygardenandmary said...

Doesn't sound like work - being with those wonderful and beautiful grandchildren. Have a terrific time with them and enjoy yourself.
Wishing you a Very Happy Mothers Day.
Mary xxoo

20 North Ora said...

Have a great time playing with those grandkids. Travel safe. Will miss your making me smile every morning.


Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

You will be missed Diana, and I don't like your new word... lol! No, I'm kidding - I do think it is good to take a break and enjoy your grandbabies. I know this will be a bittersweet time, as your kids prepare to move them away from you. Enjoy the three beautiful girls, and have a ton of fun with all of them! May you have a very blessed and special Mother's Day. I will miss my morning dose of smiles from Diana though :)

Junkchiccottage said...

Have fun with the grands. I know they will love their Nana spending time with them. I cannot wait for you to come back and share your exciting news. Have a great little break. Happy Mother's Day. Enjoy this week end and your special day.

Kelly said...

Oh Diana, you make me a grin like the Cheshire cat!!! I will miss you, but I understand how life can take us away in many directions!!!
I want to wish you, as well, a Wonderful and Blessed Mom's Day!!!! Also, wishing for you much joy and laughter spending time with your grands here and there! I send you prayers for your safety as you travel! BE sure to breath and take time for yourself! I look forward to your return and all the fabulous tales and pictures and maybe not so fab pics, you may have in store for us! <3 Keep Smiling! ; )

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Just seeing those precious little faces made my morning, Diana! They are so cute I don't know how you can stand it! I nearly squealed when I saw the baby in the tutu! Have a great break - you are an Angel for being such a good Nana! Happy Mother's Day! Hugs xo Karen

tammy j said...

OH! bon voyage o lady of supreme energy! and that little irish lad... i'm just in love. he's already got STYLE! :D
have the fun i know you'll have!!! what a weird sentence. LOLOL. ♥♥♥

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

Happy Mother's Day! Adorable grandchildren! xoox Su

Laurie said...

Happy Mother's Day! See you when you get back. I'll leave the light on!

Musings from Kim K. said...

Have a wonderful time spoiling those grands! Wishing you a very happy mother's day too!!

Stephen Andrew said...

You bought a new house! I'm seeing a little cottage with a big view...
Am I right? Happy Mother's Day to you!

cynthia lee designs said...

Happy Mother's Day a little early!! Have fun with your grandkids!!

Kim said...

You are one busy lady. Thank goodness you are not pregnant...where would you fit in time to take care of a baby! ;) Enjoy the babies you are surrounded with now. They, your bigs and their littles, are very, very lucky to have you. Happy Mother's Day, Diana! xxoo

SImple and Serene Living said...

Have a nice break and a happy mother's day with your family, Diana. xo Laura

Terra said...

Your grandkids are way cute and I bet you all have fun together.

Joy Junktion said...

1. Happy Mother's Day to you...looks like you will be using your momma/nana skills a lot over the next few weeks!
2. Stay healthy...
3. Love all of your grandkiddos sweet faces...
4. Isn't there an adoption happening?
Sending Hugs and Blessings to you and your Hero!!
Cindy xoxo

Bethany Carson said...

Sounds like you have a lot of babysitting on your schedule! Your grandchildren are all beautiful. I'm looking forward to finding out about the surprise!

Red Rose Alley said...

It sounds like you are going to be busy in the next couple of weeks. I really do understand cause I will be going to So Cal for Nel's graduation coming up, and all the family will be here for my brother-in-law's service this weekend. May is always a busy month. But don't forget to say hi on my birthday next Friday hehehe. And Happy Mother's Day to one of my favorite ladies in blog land.

Be safe traveling, and have a good time in Milwaukee. Have never been anywhere near there, it sounds interesting. I hope your daughter finds the perfect house in her hometown.

love, ~Sheri

Japolina said...

I hate, hate, hate cliffhangers…"who shot JR?" "Will the entire grey's anatomy cast go off into outer space? " What is Nana Diana's big news?" Just drive me crazy girl! Seriously have fun with all of the grandkids. xoxo

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

Lol you are a stitch! You are a busy one! Have fun with the grandkids and a wonderful Mother's Day!
XX, Liz

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Diana, enjoy being with your grands!! You will be busy but wonderful and right in time for Mother's Day.
Wishing you many blessings my friend. Have Fun!!
Hugs, CM

This N That said...

You too Diana..I'll miss you and the laughs you bring.!! Have fun..Don't overdo..Take care of you!!

This N That said...

PS..Have a super Mothers Day!!

Barbara said...

Have a wonderful time. Be sure to rest when you can. Enjoy yourself and we'll see you when you get back.

Rose L said...

Seems like sometimes we are more busy as we age than when we were young! Now do not wear yourself out!! Have laughs and make memories.

Chatty Crone said...

Oh do enjoy your two weeks off - you gottatakeabreak!

Lorrie said...

Happy Mother's Day to you, too. Enjoy your time with your grandchildren.

RoseyGirl said...

Happy Mothers Day to you! Have a great time with your grandchildren, I have eight and they bring so much joy and love into my life. I'm sure yours do too, have fun , RoseyGirl

RoseyGirl said...

Happy Mothers Day to you! Have a great time with your grandchildren, I have eight and they bring so much joy and love into my life. I'm sure yours do too, have fun , RoseyGirl

Katie Mansfield said...

Enjoy your babies. I'll be here when you get back.

Kelly said...

Oh darn! I was hoping that you were pregnant! LOL! Hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day and find time to get some rest despite your busy schedule.

Gypsy Heart said...

Family is #1 ! If you'd like, I'll take care of Miss Bright Eyes ~ but not sure about returning her. :) Seriously, they're all adorable but there's something about her besides being a baby still.

As much as you'll be missed, I hope you have a wonderful time and safe travels! Happy, Happy Mother's Day my friend ~


Leena Milligan Lanteigne said...

Well, you certainly will be missed during your babysitting, and I'm sure you'll have lot of adventures to write about when you return! Might have a surprise too? Oh boy! Have fun with the kiddos and I'll be looking forward to your return! Hugs, Leena

Simple Pleasures said...

Happiest mothers day to you Di. xoxo

Patricia @ 9th and Denver said...

Oh one of my favorite things... spending time with the LITTLES! yay!
Can't wait to see you when you get back... thank you for the Mother's Day wish... and a very blessed Mother's day to you as well, Diana!

Donna said...

Are you SURE you aren't pregnant, Diana?!! Have fun with the kiddos, just holler if you need me to help:) Happy Early Mother's Day! Hope you have a great one:)

Feral Turtle said...

Awe geez that was the first thing that came to my mind, that you were pregnant. I guess that's how rumours get started! Have a HAPPY MOTHERS DAY and have fun with all those beauties.

vivian said...

You make me smile! wouldnt that be hysterical if one of us did get pregnant??? that would be God playing a bad joke for sure! LOL!
Enjoy those beautiful grandchildren and have a lovely mothers day. I know you will do both!

Jane@Bluebird1959 said...

Enjoy your break and your time with your special family! Milwaukee? Only a half hour from Me. Sometime we will need to plan a coffee date! Happy mother's day to you!

Bliss said...

I'll bet you are just so so so sad you are on gramma duty for a while. Yeah, bet you are crying into the pillow every night you get to spend with all those cuties.

Julie's Lifestyle said...

Hi Diana, enjoy your time with your grandkids and Happy Mothers Day!

Pam said...

Happy Mother's Day, Diana and have a blast with the grandkids!

NanaNor's said...

Diana, Sending love and hugs for a wonderful Mother's Day! I know you'll have so much fun with your grands. Can't wait to see what your surprise is??? You'll be missed.

Tete said...

You better not be pregnant, sister! LOL-
Big cheeks must run in your family...especially those last 3. So cute.

Anonymous said...

Diana, your profile photo is so pretty! I just noticed it. You will be missed, friend! Take care!
I had my other eye surgery and had a reaction to a new eye drop and cannot see well right now. I have missed so many of your posts- so sorry.
Have a safe trip!

Renee said...

Have a great time with the grandchildren. Have a Happy Mother's Day.

Forest Mother said...

I hope you have a beautiful time with lots of good memories, a safe trip and a Happy Mother's Day. Will be looking forwards to your return and your news!

Jettie said...

Rest up so when you get back this new whatever will be ready to be told.Glad your not pregnant, because as you know, when one is, another isn't far behind...and I don't need any more, at my age I'd lay them down and forget where I put them.

Janice Kay Schaub said...

Can not wait to hear. This life as a nanna is sort of hectic isn't it.?
Thinking of you

God's Grace Overflows said...

There is nothing wrong with taking a break! Enjoy your time away and can't wait to hear from you when you return!

Hugs, Amy