Saturday, May 2, 2015

Romantic Homes- May 2015 Review

is still one of the
out there!

May has some pretty things, people!
Look at these 
She has a beautiful blog, too, 
and is now on my side bar.

You know this caught my eye!
Jo-Anne Coletti- of course
Photography by Hulya Dincel/no link found

And the LAVENDER LEAPS off the page 
here for me.
-Also by-Jo-Anne Coletti
The next picture is one out of a 
ten page spread.
The home belongs to  
The whole house has a fresh, 
crisp blue & white scheme.
Styled by Ros Connellysamderson-no link available

This beautiful home belongs to 

A closeup of the urn 
on the coffee table 
that you can't see above.
You can find it on any newsstand.
Here is what the May cover looks like.
It has has several beautiful 

I'm ready for a party, too!
Aren't you?
Here is what 
MyHero looks like 
when I ask him if hewants to 

Yeah- Welcome to MY world!
your photo name


Cindy @ Dwellings-The Heart of Your Home said...

Happy Saturday Diana! Love the party pic...super cute!

vivian said...

I get that on my nook once in a while. but I have to be honest, since pinterest, I just dont feel the need to buy as many magazines as I used too. And in fact.. I feel like Im might actually be ready to toss the piles and years of old mags that I have.. except for my Mary Englebriets home companion magazines.. such a waste to toss them out though...
have a great weekend my friend! its going to be lovely weather here, so I am excited!

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Hi Diana,
Yes, I especially enjoyed this issue of Romantic Homes. It was more like some of the older issued that I loved. I loved the tea cup artwork in one of the homes featured and of course all the ones you mentioned above.

Have a beautiful, romantic home weekend.


Simply LKJ said...

I love that urn filled with flowers. Gorgeous! Happy Saturday my friend.

handmade by amalia said...

Serious eye candy!

Susie said...

Diana, I just got my issue of romantic Homes. I do love this magazine. Of course, I have been too busy to even look through it. I want too now that I have seen your preview. That cat's face just makes me laugh. Talk about cat-a-tude...he has !
Hope you are enjoying nice weather today. Boy yesterday here was the most perfect day in ever so long. Today is to be more of the same. Yippee. Blessings to all, xoxo,Susie

Doreen@foxdenrd said...

Romantic Homes is simply the most beautiful magazine out there, bar none. The spaces are so feminine and luscious, they take your breath away.

As for CJ, I think he needs a shave ;).

Chatty Crone said...

The homes are all just beautiful - and the cat - purrfect !!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Saturday. Beautiful book and yes I can dream. Who can afford the upkeep in those homes.

Not in this day and age.

Kathy @ Smile for no Reason said...

Beautiful pictures.
Have a great Saturday! xo

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

Lovely inspiration for the day! Just love the calming white colors. Hope you are having a beautiful day :)

Junkchiccottage said...

Ahhhhhh love you my friend. I think I saw that face when I looked in the mirror this morning lol! Love your reviews of RH. So many beautiful and inspiring pics to look at. Love to get my new copy and settle in and read it. Have a great week end.

Row homes and Cobblestones said...

Going out later to the Container store and I am stopping to pick up the May issue for sure. Beauty leaps off the pages, thanks for your review.
I wonder if that cats normal expression is a frown, too funny!

tammy j said...

oh my. love that nautical blue and white!

bj said...

These are all so pretty and now I want to throw everything out, paint my walls white and can a 77 yr old woman find a new man 'cause if I did all this, Mr. Sweet would roll his eyes at me for the last time and drive away.

Anonymous said...

So pretty!!!


BeachGypsy said...

Ive read their magazine for many years....started b2k in the nineties i think! When the kids were still little. I LOVE MAGAZINES and will never stop buying them. Like to hold the magazine and flip thru the pages each dont think ill convert to the "modern way" of reading them online or on a device. Plus i rip alot of pages out for recipes, outfits and accessories, books to order, home decor to try, travel tips and locations etc. I rip out alot of pretty pictures for my journal too. How bout you?

BeachGypsy said...

That should have said "back in the nineties" and it looked like b2k! Like Y2K....ha! Remember that???!!

BeachGypsy said...

Ooops here i am again.. do you know Diane?.....she fell and hurt herself yesterday!

Lisa @ Texas Decor said...

Such beautiful pics! Love that it has party ideas too. We have tons of birthdays around here during the summer. :)

Anonymous said...

It's a lovely magazine. Aren't the lilacs pretty? Our weather is near perfect today. Hope you are enjoying a nice Sat.

20 North Ora said...

Glove that magazine - especially loved this issue. The Halliday home was so dreamy - made me want to move to the coast. Gorgeous!


Preppy Empty Nester said...

Gorgeous pics! Have a great weekend, Diana!

Unknown said...

LOL at My Hero!
Interesting magazine.

I started a new blog!!

Pom Pom said...

How funny (the mad party crasher cat!)
I love Romantic Homes. I buy it digitally now because I was worried about myself - don't want to turn into a hoarder with piles of pretty magazines in my study! I'm glad you like it so much, too!

Nancy's Notes said...

Those photographs are just exquisite! Love Romantic home!
Have a great weekend and thanks for sharing!
OH, do you have your Derby hat on yet?


Penny @ Penny's Vintage Home said...

I just love to see some of my favorite talented bloggers get to "strut their stuff" in Romantic Homes Magazine!

Gypsy Heart said...

Beautiful, beautiful photos! I haven't seen the magazine in person but this looks like a very nice issue. Thanks for sharing!

Are you wearing your Derby hat and attire today? :) I woke up very early with a killer migraine and haven't been able to do
much of anything except rest. The nausea does me in.

Hope you're having a wonderful weekend!

White Lace and Promises said...

It is one of my favorites. I don't know what I'm gonna do when we move. I already have a small house but I will be less one bedroom and am having to see a few of my favorite. It will be an adjustment but if my kids are there I'm okay.

Kelly said...

Thanks for sharing the magazine highlights again this month! It's fun to see what each month features.

A Joyful Cottage said...

This is a great issue, Diana; I've been drooling over my copy. I love the Halliday's home. Blue and white never goes out of style. The chandelier with the shades is so charming. Hugs, Nancy

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

It looks like a beautiful issue, and I love that blue and white room. My favorite magazine is Jeanne d' Arc Living, but there is only one place that sells it, and I have to enlist my spouse to drive around a few times, because there is no parking. Have a wonderful weekend. xoxo Su

Forest Mother said...

I can't seem to restrict myself to one or two colors. But I love the brightness white brings.

Kim said...

I generally like a deep pop of color, but those dainty pale pink roses are so sweet. I still have not purchased this magazine....I really have to go check it out one day! your new profile picture! :)

Nellie said...

I am a fan of blue and white! A friend gave me some back issues of this magazine just yesterday! I will have a great time reading through them! xo Nellie

Debby said...

I'll have to get that issue. So many pretty things. Your poor hubby. You are so funny. Hugs

Renee said...

One of my favorite magazines.

Donna said...

I loved the May issue, Diana! Those ribbon flowers are just gorgeous, I really want to try making some. Looks like you have quite the party animal on your hands. There is one who lives here, too:)

Red Rose Alley said...

Diana, Jennelise was one of my first followers. Her blog is very lovely and she has so many unique ideas. The lavender page caught my eye right away.

Have a nice weekend.

love, ~Sheri

Ana said...

Ooh, Romantic Homes is one of my favorite magazines. So many beautiful homes. Thank you again for stopping by my blog Diana. Hope you visit again soon, Happy May.

Hugs and Kisses,

Amy at Ms. Toody Goo Shoes said...

Such pretty spaces. I don't think I've seen that magazine around but I'll look for it. Cute puddy cat!

Feral Turtle said...

Hmmm I wonder if this lovely magazine is available in Canada? I do love a good party. I figure it's all in the hat!

Carla from The River said...

I love the crisp blue and favorite :-)

Kim said...

Love the blue and white them! So fresh! I love all the shabby goodness, too. Such a nice magazine!

Kim said...

er, THEME. lol

Lorrie said...

I used to buy Romantic Homes, but lately find the issues so similar. And I think I'm moving to a more streamlined decor style. Love the blue and white, though - always my favorite.

Annesphamily said...

Is your MyHero a grumpy cat? Hee Hee! Love all the pretty Romantic Homes shares. SO beautiful and I really love that blue...sigh