Monday, May 18, 2015

SweetCheeks First Communion-Family Photos Today

Our little SWEET CHEEKS made her
Look at the gloves!
They are heavily beaded  white gloves that 
belonged to her
She was a tiny little woman and the gloves
 are in perfect shape.
Our girl looked so sweet..
Here is the oldest, Lulu, 
with the littlest, Bright Eyes,
on their way into the service.

Little cousin CJK thought the whole thing was
A bit later---
He was trying to pry the gum out of Mom's mouth.
We have a 
in the background!
I have never seen a baby that loves a camera
like Bright Eyes does.
Mama's Boy got the gold ring so he got to hold
Baby Bright Eyes.
Not a peep out of her during a one hour church service.
We are all SO SAD that NO ONE in the family

MyHero says these things just
Pardon my absence.
I am going to get a mirror to hold under his nose
to make sure he is still breathing.
Be back later!

ps.  I am not trying to be secretive.
I do have something special to share and thought
it would be okay to share it by today.
I have to wait a couple of days yet
so please bear with me.
I don't like doing this and I should have waited
to say anything before I had a GO.
Y'all can slap me when you see me!
your photo name


Cindy @ Dwellings-The Heart of Your Home said...

How special for Sweet Cheeks to have those gloves on an already special day! Too bad the children in your family aren't cute, do they ever take a bad picture? So adorable!

Anonymous said...

Such gorgeous and special photos. Sweet Cheeks looks so pretty and how special to wear these gloves on her special day.
I am feeling mellow today, so I will hold off on slapping you!!! lol

Susie said...

Diana, The grandchildren are growing so fast. The baby walking made me gasp. I love those special. Sweet Cheeks is so pretty, her hair looks lovely. Your are a nice looking bunch. :):) Poor hero. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

Kim said...

Gorgeous and Congrats! I love that the gloves are an heirloom! :)

Sylvia said...

I just love the photo of sweet cheeks folded hands and bowing her head.
Love the dress and gloves.

Vee said...

What a wonderful family day! And a wonderful family.

Bethany Carson said...

Sweet Cheeks looks beautiful! Looking forward to finding out about this "secret!"

Mrs. Kelley Dibble said...

As Mother used to say, "Bring your face over here so I can smack it!" Lol!

Seriously, what precious images-- the glove-adorned angel, especially. What a lovely dayful of memories!

Hugs and happy week,

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

Sweet cheeks is adorable as always! How special that those gloves have been kept and are able to be reused this way. Bright eyes is a charmer :-) Keeping secrets are we? Come on spill the beans!

Laura @ duke manor farm said...

you big tease! photos are precious. kids are nothing but pure sweetness. congrats again to sweet cheeks on her special day.

Victoria's Vintage Designs said...

Beautiful family Diana!!

Jettie said...

BrightEyes will soon steal the show.

Gert said...

Oh, my goodness, she is adorable! Those gloves are just amazing! The bead work is so beautiful! the photo boom! That was worth a million looks like a perfect day for you and your family. May God bless her today and always!


Shirley said...

Good Morning Diana, Sweet Cheeks looked so pretty for her first communion. I can remember when my kids did that. Brings back a lot of memories. They are just growing up so very fast much to fast. We want to keep them babies that we can cuddle as long as possible. I have enjoyed catching up with you since you got back. Storms and flooding around us. I have a pond in my back yard where there is a low spot. My brother wants to stock it with fish. Have a wonderful day. Hugs and Prayers from your Missouri Friend Shirley

Pom Pom said...

Everyone looks happy and festive!

Susan EvelynAndRose said...

Congrats to Sweet Cheeks, Diana! She looks beautiful and happy. My daughter received her 1st Communion a couple of weeks ago - what a special day! Love your photo bomber there. xoxo

Tessa~ Here there be musing said...

Sweet Cheeks is growing up, a teeny, tiny bit. :-) Which is natural of course. I see her changing a bit. I know! Don't say that, to a Nana!!!!!!

Oh that Baby Bright Eyes!!! What's to say? She is a charmer. :-))))))

Yes, we will "lash you with a wet noodle" if you don't "spill the beans" soon! -sigh-moan-sob-whine-cough-whimper-sigh. >,-)))))))))


Nellie said...

Thank you, Diana, for sharing such a special family time with us! Those lovely grandchildren keep making beautiful news! xo Nellie

Anonymous said...

what a beautiful family you have, good looking bunch you all are!!
such a special day, Sweet Cheeks is such a lovely girl,,

you have me intrigued you do!

An Oasis in the Desert said...

What a wonderful and special moment you all got to share! I remember the day very well when ours did the same thing! Well, I certainly cannot fathom why anyone would like Bright Eyes.....I mean, all that cuteness and sweetness, geez! Your Grands are just adorable, Diana. Sweet Cheeks looked like a little angel. Hope you didn't have to bring out the paddles and oxygen for your Hero! Have a great week!

camp and cottage living said...

Blessings to Sweet Cheeks. Doesn't she look Angelic?
So wonderful your daughter and the grands could make it for Sweet Cheeks special day.
They all looked quite dapper!

Debby said...

Oh my gosh, I had to look at these sweet pictures again. Sweet Cheeks looks beautiful. I have a hard time thinking of her being serious. Love the gloves. So wonderful that your family came to support her. I bet your little heart was full of joy. Now that baby in that long dress, wow, she is adorable beyond words. Photo bomb something else.
Okay girlie, spill the beans. I am dying here.

Pondside said...

What a lovely connection across the generations you have with those gloves. Your little Sweet Cheeks looks like she loved her big day!

Linda said...

Sweet, sweet photos! Linda@Wetcreek Blog

LV said...

What a marvelous occasion. All the little ones are precious, but sweet, pink cheeks takes the cake. You might be in trouble when you know who wakes up.

Chatty Crone said...

What a beautiful communion and beautiful big girl. All your grandchildren are gorgeous but you know that anyway. A secret? And hope your hubs was alive! lol

Trisha said...

Congratulations to Sweet Cheeks and Happy First Communion! She looks like an angel!!


Connie said...

What a wonderful day for your family and doesn't she look beautiful:)

Simply LKJ said...

Congratulations to Sweet Cheeks. She looks precious.

Penny @ Penny's Vintage Home said...

Congratulations to Sweet Cheeks! Those gloves are amazing...what a keepsake! hugs...

Lucille said...

Diana, you have such a lovely family. Such beautiful children and so well behaved! Tears rolled down my face when I saw Sweet Cheeks' First Communion photos and especially the one where her eyes are closed and she looks like she is in deep communion with our Lord. Tears again when I saw the photo with Bright Eyes in her lovely floor length dress and walking so sedately along her big sister. I look forward to your surprise and my imagination has already started working over time! Chuckling here!

Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

Diana, Sweet Cheeks looks adorable and I am sure it was a very special day for your family.

Dewena said...

Diana, thank you for sharing this wonderful milestone in your granddaughter's life with us. What a blessed day it must have been, one that Sweet Cheeks will remember all her life. As always, each one of your family is adorable, even your Hero!

Mary@mydogsmygardenandmary said...

That SC looks like an angel - she is so pretty and her dress and gloves WOW. All of your grands are so good looking and that little Bright Eyes is going to be a beautiful girl.
So glad that everyone enjoyed seeing SC on her First Communion. Guess it was tiring for your Hero LOL.
Have a wonderful week.

Wild Oak Designs said...

What a beautiful day you all had! She was precious in her dress!
Those gloves are so special....Beautiful family....

Red Rose Alley said...

Diana, this is truly special. And what a sweet and beautiful dress SweetCheeks is wearing. I still remember my communion well. My dress was plain, but very pretty. Lulu and Bright Eyes look darling, the oldest and youngest. What a wonderful day, indeed.

Thank you for the birthday e-card. I love it with the red roses. It was just right. We just got back from So Cal and I'm tuckered out.

love you, Diana.


Kirby Carespodi said...

I cannot tell you how much I love a First Holy Communion! Thanks for sharing!!

Jackie said...

The angelic looks of these photos just take my breath away.
Your girls are beautiful....and what a blessing to have your daughter take her first communion. Priceless moments for you.
I love the white gloves....beaded....and more precious than any you could purchase as they belong to Grandmother.
I remember wearing white gloves when we got "dressed up" for a special occasion. (Am I dating myself?)
Thank you for sharing this day with us.....and....ssssh. Don't wake him. He looks too comfy.
Looking forward to your news.

Lisa @ Texas Decor said...

Love that the gloves belonged to her great great grandmother! So special and meaningful! Love your little photo bomber too!

Kelly said...

Sweet cheeks looks so pretty in her dress and veil! It almost looks like a prelude of whats to come in her future huh? Glad that you all had a special day together.

Julie's Lifestyle said...

Looks like a beautiful day and congrats on your grand daughter making her first holy communion!

Jan said...

How sweet for her to be able to use those special gloves on her special day! I love being able to hand down precious things from my family's past!

Jane@Bluebird1959 said...

Hi Diana! Oh how I love a pretty first communion dress. I remember my own (from back in the stone age) and I still love my daughter's dress from 1998, lol. Sweet Cheeks looks like. A little Angel and the veil is perfect. Then, I have to say, the gloves made me all misty...what a precious accessory. Traci wore gloves for hers as well (she was the only one), but your family heirloom is so special. Those brands are growing quick - love seeing the pictures. With so many girls to keep up with, I can see why your hero is pooped! Jane

cynthia lee designs said...

Sweet Cheeks is adorable!! Congrats on your granddaughter's first communion. Brings back memories of when my granddaughter had her first communion.

Dixie Delights said...

Sweet Cheeks is so beautiful and I love how special those gloves are. Congrats to the whole family. First Communion is a joyous occasion!!! xoxo

Celestina Marie said...

Congrats to pretty SC on her first communion. She looks so adorable in her pretty dress. Do you know I still have mine from the 60's. My mother saved it in her cedar chest and I never knew this till going through the chest after she passed away. Bright Eyes is so precious!!
Lovely family time and looks like your hero is wore out!!
Hugs, CM

Row homes and Cobblestones said...

I am again so very late... Your photos totally warmed my heart and SweetCheeks will one day be a beautiful bride. Yes, I am Catholic but I have always seen the white dress and blue suits are a far in the future photoshoot of a fairytale wedding. Yes indeed I know the significance of first communion but I adore the regilious meaning and the precious outfits of the day. The gloves from Hazel are absolutely beautiful, little photo bomber will have her day! So glad you're back Diana.

Cathy, 1929 Charmer Cottage said...

Ok, I am definitely stealing the photo bombing and then the family won't have to deal with it anymore, no charge of course! Love the gloves and how special she could wear them and congrats to sweet cheeks.

Marissa said...

Congratulations to your sweet cheeks on her Holy Communion.
You have a beautiful family and how wonderful it is for all to be together..

Terra said...

I like how cute Bright Eyes is when she is leaning into your photo, and your sweet cheeks is a beauty. Those gloves are family heirlooms.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Congratulations, she looks lovely for her communion. Pops looks a bit worn out by all the fun!

Kay G. said...

Sweet Cheeks! Oh how I love these photos of her! All the kids are so good looking! AND LOL on the baby photo bomber! xx
I feel as if I am watching Sweet Cheeks grow up on your blog!

Petie said...

Congratulations to Sweet Cheeks! The gloves are beautiful, so special...and I can't quit laughing at the baby photo bomber...too funny.

This N That said...

Congratulations Sweet Cheeks!! Such a little lady she is..Love the picture of bright eyes trying to get in to t.She's gorgeous!! and you're still BAD..Hugs,

Anonymous said...

Diana, Sweet Cheeks looks so pretty! I adore the gloves and the family history that follows them. What a special day and even more special that her extended family could celebrate this with her. Bright Eyes is adorable too! What a cutie pie! I'm with your hero these things just wear me out too!

Beemie said...

Love a good First Communion and the gloves ,ake is so special. Congrats to all.

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Oh, too precious! Love all these sweet photos - what a beautiful family! Congratulations to Sweet Cheeks on her first communion! xo Karen

Nancy's Notes said...

Oh my heavens, SweetCheeks looks like an angel! Diana, her dress is so sweet and oh my those hierloom gloves are glorious! What a precious day!! Okay, Bright eyes is so bright eyed and adorable! Okay, another bad!

Nonnie said...

Pure preciousness in the post and the photos! What a beautiful family you have. Can't wait to hear your news!

Congratulations to Sweet Cheeks for her communion. She looks absolutely radiant in all the white.

Carla from The River said...

So sweet!! SweetCheeks xx oo Bright Eyes xx oo ~ oh my! And then your HERO! LOL

Wanda said...

Those are just adorable pictures. I'm loving the gloves. I have a pair of my mothers. A short but funny story. We are Baptist and our church doesn't observe First Communion as your's does, so when our youngest daughter at age 7 (she's now 44),,,came running into the house screaming....Momma, Lupe's (age 7 ~ Jill's best friend) getting married....... I looked outside and across the street they were all dressed up for Lupe's first communion.....Yes, she did look like a little bride.

20 North Ora said...

Precious photos of everyone! The gloves will always be a special memory for Sweet Cheeks.


living from glory to glory said...

How special to see her first communion... I will say those gloves were so lovely! I would really love to have a photo of them to put on my blog
hint, hint. I could not believe bright eyes is walking, now how did that happen, she was just born!
You are so funny, I know the hero is alive cause my Hubby looks the same way when he is just getting a long spring nap...
Love you, Roxy

Laurie said...

Congratulations Sweet Cheeks! How special to be able to wear the gloves of her great, great grandmother. And I can't believe Baby Bright Eyes is walking already! Yikes, where does the time go?

Joy Junktion said...

What a very special day for Miss Sweet Cheeks! Love your photos and little miss bright eyes dress...gorgeous! Have a super week! Blessings, Cindy

Rose L said...

Such a lovely little lady all dressed up! Beautiful grandchildren and I am suspecting that the news may be that another one is expected???

My Garden Diaries said...

You tell her that she looked perfectly pretty on her special day! What a doll! As is the rest of your sweet crew! You have me hanging buddy on what is going on! I love surprises! Be back soon to see what it is! Happy week to you! Nicole xoxo

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

What a sweet post...and I love the photobomb picture...

Anonymous said...

She looks very cute in this white dress. Lovely photo of photobomb!

Musings from Kim K. said...

So many precious photos in the post. What a beautiful family you have. What an amazing gift for sweet cheeks to be able to wear those gloves on her special day. Josie's 1st communion was last year and she wore the dress that her big sister wore 8 years previous. Sniff. Sniff.

Feral Turtle said...

What a wonderful day, and to wear such a family heirloom, very beautiful! You are being a bit of a tease Diana!!!

ℳartina @ Northern Nesting said...

Such a special day! Sweet Cheeks looked beautiful!!

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

She looks beautiful and the rest of it just cracked me up!

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

She looks beautiful and the rest of it just cracked me up!

Japolina said...

You are a very lucky girl to have all of those gorgeous, fabulous loved ones in your life, even the one who needs a mirror under his nose. Congrats. Sweet Cheeks looks angelic!

Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

How precious! She is adorable and it looks like it was a blessed day! xox

Forest Mother said...

Such beautiful, happy and content children. Diana you are deeply blessed.

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

All your grandchildren are so beautiful! Just loved the photobomb picture of Sweet Cheeks, and your hero snoozing - too funny! What a blessed beautiful family you have Diana!

At Rivercrest Cottage said...

How wonderful for your family that you can all get together for celebrations like these. And, your poor husband has my sympathy.

Lori said...

I love traditions and this is one that definately has not changed over the years. White dress, veil and gloves! Such a great family moment.

Kathy @ Smile for no Reason said...

Wonderful family photos. Love the photo bomb!!!