Monday, August 27, 2012

Alphabet Laughs-M Is For Marriage- Happy Anniversary To ME

There was so much going on
that I forgot to
post about our
August 17th.

Here we are-
It was a hot August day
in 1975.
Yes...yes...she wore flowers in her hair....
When anyone asks how
long we have been married
we respond in unison
37 YEARS...
Well, I say it immediately..
MyHero can never remember
exactly how long we have
been married.

He says- Seems like yesterday.
I say- Seems like forever.
The straightman
and the
We make quite a pair.

It has not been an easy
37 years, despite what it
may look like from the outside.
We both came out of broken
and probably should have gotten
to really know each other
BEFORE we got married.

We dated 30 days before
we said
under an old oak tree
Alva, Florida.

There were lots of ups and downs
over the years.
Some easy to accept,
others much harder to deal with.

If WE can do this-
If WE can hang in there for the long haul,
then I believe that if
two people really
make a relationship work...
they can...
and will...
and should.

Take a look at your partner
today...a really hard look...
and think about your
life without them.
Marriage is not always easy,
but no one ever promised us
that it would be.

I only have one piece of
advice for you....
Keep your sense of humor.
Because you are going to
......Trust me on this.....
your photo name


Karen said...

What an honest post! Loved it.. and you are so right on every score! 30 days??... lol.. now that's a whirlwind courtship. Glad you stuck it out.. 37 years is quite an accomplishment. May you share many more...

Anonymous said...

Belated congratulations to you both, Diana. Very wise advice too. I think people give up far too readily on marriage, and don't always consider the alternative.

Diana Ferguson said...

Happy belated anniversary to you!! Totally get this post, too. We are celebrating 35 yrs. in December.

Jo said...

Happy anniversary just a little late :) Love your advice and honesty ~ your suggestion of humor make me laugh. Such truth!

Wishing you many more happy years together.


Shirley said...

Hi Diana, A Belated Happy Anniversary. I agree with what you said. The ups and downs, we will celebrate 49 years October the 19th. You can make it work if you really want. Have a wonderful day. Take care. Hugs Your Missouri Friend

Susie said...

Diana, Congrats on the many years together. We say around here, go into marriage willing to give a hundred percent. I will tell you once I learned to laugh at myself, life got much easier.Smiles, xo, Susie

Maria Elena said...

Awesome post! Congratulations to you both on a lifetime together! We will be celebrating 31 years in October and you are right, can NOT imagine life without him. I wish you many more happy years to come!

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Sweet couple! Happy 37th Anniversary to you guys. We are right behind you... in October. It must had been those sideburns that attracted us ;)

Anonymous said...

such a beautiful couple, a heaven made match,

Simple Pleasures said...

Hi Di,
SO you were 10 when you married, right! Such a beautiful post and congrats on the anniversary! It's very commendable these days to stick to it!

Sweet Posy Dreams said...

Wonderful picture! My husband and I dated 5 1/2 years before we got married, and there were and are still surprises. Life is an adventure, and sometimes it's a good thing we don't know what's coming. lol It's been almost 25 years for us and, as you say, not always easy, but a good journey all in all. Congrats to you on 37 years!

Debby said...

Happy Anniversary. What a sweet picture. You still look like that new bride.
A sense of humor is important. I believe you have one, hah.
Our anniversary is in a couple weeks. Makes me feel old when I count the years.
Hope you have a great week.
I did behave myself at the workshop.....I can sometimes.

Penny @ Penny's Vintage Home said...

Happy Anniversary! I've had my high school sweetheart for 44 years. We had some rough times (like everyone does) , but we are both too hardheaded to admit defeat LOL Hugs, Penny

Nellie said...

Diana! I wish I had known!! Belated happy anniversary wishes to you!!

Our Country Girl and her husband met on September 25, officially engaged on December 17, and married on March 17. We felt like we were caught up in a whirlwind at that.:)

Happy Monday to you!

xo Nellie

Jettie said...

Happy Belated Anniversary....
and you have me beat, hubby and I dated about 6 weeks before we said I Do, and have for 43 years.

I agree, take time to get to know each other, and humor is a good thing.

farmhouse-story said...

great post, diana:) hope your day was wonderful! 37 yrs is amazing!

Something Nice and Pretty said...

Happy Anniversary Diana!!! Gee, 37 years, that is so wonderful and what a handsome dude he is! Stush and I celebrated our 6th in May and I couldn't be happier, he makes me laugh everyday and I think that is so important in a marriage...wonderful post, love the flowers in your hair, is that from the Mamas and Papa's? I always loved that song♥

Anonymous said...

Belated Anniversary!

You are still a doll face. Poor hubby he did have a Elvis look with the big hair. Now all gone dame as my man.
Oh well it does not change the inner man's personality just the outer, ha,ha. Less to wash.

Anonymous said...

Like your flowers in your hair.

Beth said...

Congratulations!!! Beautiful picture!!

It does take a lot of work to keep a marriage strong. I had Jim for 50 years. There were trying times for us too, but we made it. Strive for 50 and more and never go to bed angry.

Lynne said...

Happy Anniversary!
We have been married 39 years.
Our journey sounds similar including sideburns and big hair!

Judy said...

Congratulations on 37 years & counting! David and I will celebrate 9 years Oct. 12th...some years better than others (LOL!).

Marriage is a daily test of love, patience and tolerance. But would I choose to be single again? Never!


Donna said...

Happy Belated Anniversary, Diana! What a beautiful bride you were (and a beautiful person inside, too!!). Wow, 30 days isn't much, is it? Sometimes I think we never really know them. Thanks so much for being honest, so true, it is not all a piece of cake. And it takes two to want to make it work. Have a great day, my sweet friend!

Tete said...

I forgot you anniversary is on my birthday...duh. I will have to write it down. You know I am at that age where I have to write things down now.
Happy Anniversary...geez, he sure looked better back then...LOL. SO did mine...he had hair then!
Hope you are feeling better this morning. I am not sure yet, but will let you know when I wake up more.

Patty Patterson said...

MY marriage has been easy..... most of the time, anyway. There have only been a few things we didn't agree on over the years.

Anyway - HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Since you forgot to post on the 17th I think you're just going to have to celebrate again!

Traditions By The Seasons said...

Hi Diana,
Happy Anniversary!! Wow, 37 years...way to go!! =) Love that picture of you two, you look so pretty! Great post, too! XO ~Liz

Sarah said...

And I thought we were rushing it! We said "I do" after 90 days. Married in August 1975 too! Will celebrate this week......Happy Anniversary to all of us!

Julie Marie said...

Happy Anniversary to you sweet lady!... you look absolutely beautiful and your hubby is just a hunk!... Jack and I celebrated 35 years in June... and you are right... one must keep a sense of humor... infact, that is what attracted me to Jack more than anything, even more than his tall, dark and handsome good looks... he had the cutest sense of humor... still does... wishing you many more laughter filled years together!... xoxo Julie Marie

Kathy said...

An August wedding in Florida--Can you say HOT? I love your photo, by the way, and congratulations to both of you :)

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

How beautiful! And you haven't changed any either! I hope you still wear flowers in your hair, sweet friend! Happy Anniversary to you both...keep on celebrating!

Nonnie said...

Happy Anniversary to you and may you enjoy many more anniversaries together. Great post and your thoughts so honest! When I get discouraged, I always remember and mentally go over my list of all the wonderful qualities he has and why I love him and the promise I made to God and to him. You were a beautiful bride and are a beautiful soul as I see here on your blog. (My first thought as I saw your pic was you resembled Dyan Cannon!) I hope that it is a compliment.

Ron said...

Happy Anniversary! I enjoy reading your insights. xo, Ron

P.S. Pray for us here in South LA

Little Susie Home Maker said...

Well Happy Anniversary! Yes, marriage is work, and worth the effort! I am on year 19 of mine!

Craftberry Bush said...

Congrats Diana....what a beautiful thing it is to see true love ...xo

Unknown said...

Congratulations Diana!!! Love your post! And love the photo -

Maureen Wyatt said...

What a hot couple you were! Congrats on hanging in there for the long haul. You two built a wonderful family and life and deserve to rest on your laurels now! ~ Maureen

Ruby Jean said...

What a Beautiful picture of you two. Happy 37 years and the joy of many more to come.

Unknown said...

Congratuations!Your guy almost looks like Elvis in your wedding picture! 37 years is a long time, but I am sure it was worth all the trials and joys. Have a great day. Hugs, Teresa

jewels in the garden +: ) said...

Flowers in your hair...
Sideburns on his...
Definitely 70's!! Congratulations to both of you for making it work! Happy Anniversary!!

Low Tide High Style said...

What a lovely post, and Happy Belated Anniversary! I love the photo, and the fact that you knew he was the one after just 30! I hope you have many more years of happiness together!


Mindy said...

Great post. Happy anniversary!
The hubs and I will be celebrating our 8th tomorrow. A dog, a cat, and three kids later. Amazing how fast it goes!

Daniela @Frugal Aint Cheap said...

Great post! You are right about keeping your sense of humor. I have never met perfect couples nor perfect marriages, but I know great people that choose to make great marriages!
Happy Anniversary

Busy Bee Suz said...

Happy anniversary to you both. I agree...a sense of humor is key!
Alva? Did you live there? ...that is a wee-little town.

Karen said...

Happy anniversary Diana, you two are so adorable. I love the flowers in your hair and your hero's Elvis sideburns! Yes marriage is work, I've been at it for almost 31 years.

NanaNor's said...

Happy belated Anniversary; I love your photo-you look beautiful. Your words of wisdom are so right-we've just celebrated 34 yrs, some good some hard but blessed all the same. I have had friends who lost their hubby's and whenever I get really grumbly, I remember them. I can't even imagine and don't want to.
May you have many more years together.
Love, Noreen

Unknown said...

Wow ... 30 days? That's amazing and inspiring and kinda beautiful! LOVE the picture of you two! Congrats on making it this far - thus far!!! xo

Gina said...

Awww, Happy Anniversary to both of you! May you have many more happy years together.

Love the are quite the dazzling couple (even with your Hero's big sideburns! lol)

Kay G. said...

Love your wedding photo! Happy Anniversary, hope you had a good celebration!
And I agree, a sense of humor is good for anything!

Blessed Serendipity said...

Your wedding photo is so sweet Diana. Wow you had a whirlwind courtship. Your marriage advice is good advice. A good sense of humor is definitely needed in any long lasting relationship. Congratulations on your anniversary and wishes for many many more happy and healthy years together.


It's Just Dottie said...

You look so young and lovely. You are so right about marriage. Sometime it is so hard.

Savannah Granny said...

AHHH, You are both so cute. Love the Farah hair and the sideburns. I absolutely love the flowers in the hair.
I also know something about ups and downs. Bob and I reached 54 years last June. When the good memories come easily and in greater number you know it is right.
Congratulations and may you enjoy many more. Hugs and Blessings, Ginger

Lucille said...

Congratulations on your anniversary, Diana! How gorgeous you looked and how handsome your husband. I'm just dying to say that "It takes two to tango." There, I said it!

andrea@townandprairie said...

You look ravishing! I did not wear a veil, either. I could not afford one! Didn't need it anyway and am glad I did something different.

Kelly said...

That is good advice! Congrats to you on your anniversary. You look so young in that picture! I know you don't want to hear this, but I was only 10 when you got married. ha! Glad to hear that your marriage persevered through the years. It's always nice to hear of people that "hang in there" through the ups and downs. My husband and I have been married for 25 yrs ourselves.

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh Diana,
I loved this post! Everything about it is perfect; the words, the advice, and the beautiful picture of the two of you. Happy Anniversary - 37 years, oh my!
~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

Ricki Treleaven said...

Congratulations! You look like an adorable little flower child. So cute! Y'all are a good looking couple.


Happy Anniversary!!!Great words of advice!
Thanks for your kind comment about my BFF.

koralee said...

Happy Anniversary to you!!! And I love your is so true! xoxooxoxxooxo

Ann@A Sentimental Life said...

Happy belated anniversary! such a cute picture.

"Cottage By The Sea" said...

What a beautiful bride and groom. I too, wore flowers in my hair. Must be a 70's thing? Congratulations to you both. You must have a fabulous marriage because you have the best sense of humor I know of! And I agree - a good sense of humor may be the key to a good marriage.

Suzanne@Meridian Road said...

You have no idea how much I needed to read this post today! Happy Anniversary~37 years, especially after only knowing each other 30 days before marriage~is wonderful!

joanne said...

yea, that sense of humour thing is so very important. Well I've got you beat by about a year...hard to believe we made it here but it would be that much harder to have left the marriage. I'm just silly like that! Work, work, work and then sometimes you get the pay-off, like babies and grands, and it all comes back into focus. Congratulations you two!

Kathy said...

Beautifully done! Marriage is a lot of give and take - you do have to dig your feet in deep and be determined to stick it out - good and bad - it can be so very rewarding! Love the picture - :)
Hope you're having a marvelous week,

Diana LaMarre said...

I hope you had a great anniversary. Love the flowers in your hair and the hero's side burns. You are a very attractive couple!

Debbiedoos said...

How beautiful Diana. Happy Anniversary and many many more.

Anonymous said...

omg....i love that photo of you two, and the flowers in your hair....too fabulous. Ours was August too.....43 years. Yep...43 years....what's that you say? I don't look that old. Hard to believe I know... :)

Shabby Brocante, Karen said...

Oh, that made me cry. Such good advice! Happy anniversary to a beautiful couple!

Shopgirl said...

Happy doesn't mean it is easy...but so worth the pain (sometimes) Arney and I have been married since 1963, I do not know what I would do without him.
I love this post, Mary

Cristina Garay said...

What a pretty picture of you two!! Great advice! I love your sense of humor! We celebrated our 17th year on Aug. the 18th.
Congratulations on your 37th!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful post and congratulations on 37 years together! Your picture is beautiful and I love the flowers in your hair. Wishing you both the very best. Thanks so much for sharing. :-)

momto8 said...

happy anniversary!!
what a gorgeous wedding photo!!

Ann from On Sutton Place said...

Happy belated Anniversary. We've been married 31 years. I have to admit it's gone by very quickly. I agree with you too about a sense of humor. It certainly helps! I am lucky that my marriage has had more good times than bad...which is a good thing because the bad was really bad. :o)
Here's to many more!

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

OH! Happy Anniversary, Diana! Lovely post!

Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

So true!
Happy Belated Anniversary!
Oh...and he looks like James Caan in the photo!

ShabbyESP said...

I am late sending you wishes for your anniversary!!!! Hope it was a great day for you both!!!
Must have been the 70's thing...I think back then we just didn't have long engagements :)
Always enjoy visiting you
Suzann ~xoxo~

Andrea at Opulent Cottage said...

Y'all are the sweetest things! I get it, really! My hubby and I only dated for 3 months before we got engaged, and then married 5 months later (1987). Everyone predicted disaster, but we celebrated our 25th this year on Valentine's Day. We have lived through EVERYTHING! You have to hang in there for things to get really good!
xo, Andrea

Lynn Wood said...

Oh Diana you were the perfect flower child bride! You are so right about that sense of humor thing. A Big Congrats to you both!!