Sunday, December 24, 2023



I wrote this several years ago
but thought I would share it 
again in case you didn't see it before.

There is a legend old as time 
about the Christmas Rose,
If you've not heard it e'er before~
this is how it goes.

The night sky glowed quite splendidly,
and the girl could see a Star.
It brightly shone upon the land 
and beckoned from afar.

She left her door step quietly 
without a backward glance,
She knew that she must follow it
and take the risk-the chance.

She had heard the shepherds talking 
about the child so near,
That would change the world forever-
that could comfort every fear.

She watched behind a hillock 
as the Magi took their place, 
With their gifts of myrrh & frankincense
& gold in a fine case.

She wanted such a special gift 
for this baby oh-so-dear,
But she was poor, had nothing, 
and she cried a silent tear.

She quickly searched the countryside~ 
a flower was her thought,
But the winter was cold 
& damp & mean-
no flower to be sought.

She earnestly began to weep 
and softly shed each tear,
While an angel watched & marveled 
at the love she held so dear.

"Why are you crying, my child?" she asked 
as she met her on the ground 
"I long to give something to this child
- but nothing have I found."

The angel touched her tears 
where they lay upon the earth,
And a Rose sprung up beneath them-
a green & silent birth.

Now go and give your roses, child,
your gift of heart & tear,
And the Savior child will bless you 
& comfort you, my dear.

She gently picked the roses 
and took them to the place,
Where the baby lay in splendor
in His lowly birthing space.

She stared upon his countenance-
this ragged, humble child,
And He turned his little face up 
and looked at her & smiled.

Yes! That's the story of the Christmas Rose-
it's been heard by many ears,
But the Blessing it brings at Christmas time 
will carry us through the years.
~ยฉDiana Kosmoski~

God bless each and every one of you 
this Christmas Eve, Christmas Day
and all through the holidays
and upcoming year.

Thank you ALL for being such
a beautiful part of my life.
I have made so many friends in blogland
and feel like I know so many of you 
on a deeply personal level.

I have laughed and cried for you
and your families and feel as 
connected to  you as I do to
"real people".
My kids are 
when they say 
 are not the same as

Using an old phrase
coined by SweetCheeks I say

Merry Christmas my friends! 

your photo name


NanaDiana said...


MadSnapper n Beau said...

Beautiful Poem! and I can't tell you how many times the words, of blog friends are not real friends, from my hubby. We all know that is not true! Merry Christmas to you and your family and to all the friends in Blogville, both known to me and not to me but to you...>๐ŸŽ‹>๐ŸŽ„>๐ŸŽ‹>๐ŸŽ„>๐ŸŽ‹>๐ŸŽ„>๐ŸŽ‹>๐ŸŽ„

Debra She Who Seeks said...

A beautiful poem, Diana, and what a lovely photo to accompany it! Wishing you and your family the Best Christmas Ever, my friend!

Lady Ella said...

Beautiful words and fabulous photograph!
Wishing you a lovely Christmas with memories old and new.

Nellie said...

Merry Christmas to you and yours, Diana!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

MERRY CHRISTMAS to you my friend. May it be all that you wished for ! that was a beautiful poem. Thanks for sharing it again!

Lynne said...

Beautiful Diana!

Cheryl Kimbley said...

Just beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
Merry Christmas.

Mevely317 said...

How beautiful! Thank you for this Christmas blessing, Diana!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely heart melt warm ... you are such a gem in this world n my life.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Beautiful poem, Diana. Merry Christmas

jack69 said...

Oh yes, I loved every word of the Poem. At times a poem says more than hundreds of drama words. I love it when a poem just 'rings the bell' This one did tonight. I needed this. I never thought I would be visiting a son who was not allowed to have visitors except Sundays and Holidays. BUT we see a change of attitude, and God is Good.
MERRY CHRISTMAS TO you and yours and wishing you the best. We hope you get a bike or some skates for Christmas...
Love ya!

Kim said...

Merry Christmas, Diana. I wish you a lovely day with your family and that cute pup and agree friends and real friends!! Love to you!! xxoo

Ann said...

What a beautiful poem that is.
Your kids are definitely wrong about blog friends. I feel closer to my blog friends than I do to a lot of people I know in person.
Merry Christmas to you and yours.

Kathy said...

Merry Christmas, Diana! I pray you and John have a wonderful day. Thank you for being my friend and hanging with me all these years.

Rita C at Panoply said...

Merry Christmas, Diana. Beautiful poem. We are all real, and share our lives with each other, as real friends do. โค๏ธ

Junkchiccottage said...

Beautiful story from a beautiful friend. Hope your Christmas is wonderful. Hugs. Merry Christmas Kris

Polly said...

Thank you for your beautiful poem Diana. Merry Christmas x

Polly said...

Forgot to add, I know blog friends aren't the same as real live ones, but we do make a connection with people that we feel a liking for :-)

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Merry Christmas Diana ๐ŸŽ„ I hope you have a fabulous day. Your poem is so beautiful, touches my heart. Love and hugs

Tete said...

Merry Christmas!

Bless said...

Lovely poem!
Merry Christmas to you and yours, Diana; wish you all the best!

This N That said...

I remember this but it's always nice to be able to revisit it..I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and that you were able to do the things you wanted to do...Big hugs!!!

Yvonne said...

Dear Diana,
Your ending made me smile. Your poem is quite beautiful and a joy to read. Wishing you much love this holiday season and in the year to come.

Far Ago Farm said...

Such a beautiful poem by beautiful youโค I have known for a long time that you are a special treasure to your YouTube friends. God bless you and your family during this holiday season. Jane

Donna said...

I Agree with You! Blogging Buddies are just as important as friends physically with you! More so! We all keep in touch most weeks!
Loved the poem!! So sweet!

Connie said...

Your poem is outstanding . . . what a marvelous talent you have and thank you for not hiding it under a bushel, but instead sharing with your "blogging friends". I'm afraid your family does get it because they haven't experienced the blessing of blogging friends and the way hearts are truly touched through the kindness of others from all over the world because of blogging. I remember when Steve was ill and how it touch his heart when I would read to him that someone across the world (who would never see him in this world) was praying for him. We even had people that put him on their church pray-lists. It was a blessing and true gift to each of us during this hard time. Blogging friends are most defiantly real as real can be :)

Billie Jo said...

Merry and Blessed Christmas to a beautiful blogging friend! Happy New Year too!

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

This is just beautiful Diana! I love your version of the story of the rose blooming! I think that the Lord delights in using the difficult seasons in our life - the times of tears - to bring forth new and special things. Your story shows the heart and spirit of Christmas! And I agree - blog friends are some of the dearest, most precious part of my life!! Others may not understand, but the friendships I have made have added such joy to my life! Merry Christmas to you and a Happy New Year!

racheld said...

When we think you can't surprise us,
You delight us every time;
Such a lovely poem of Christmas,
Perfect scan, exquisite rhyme.

You're a feast with happy presents,
Just by clicking a few keys,
And the stories that you spill out
Cannot help but vastly please.

You put YOU upon the page here,
And embrace us fondly in,
It's no wonder that we LOVE you,
And are glad to call you FRIEND.

Many much HAPPY and GLAD and Beautiful in this fresh, untouched New Year!
Knowing you is like a Present every day.

Sandi said...

Happy New Year, Diana! ๐ŸŒน

roughterrain crane said...

Wishing you a happy and healthy 2024!