Thursday, January 18, 2024



I know Christmas is over

I do have one more
little thing I want to share
with you because --Well--
just because!

I have a little tree that I 
set up in the kitchen that has
miniature kitchen tools
on it...spatulas and
soup ladles and small 
cookie cutters.

But the best thing this
tree holds is memories.
These are from some people
that are near and dear to my
heart....not family...but 
even better in some ways.

Pretty cute, huh?
Or- eh? as you Canadian gals say.

I love my little tree..
it reminds me that I am
warmly loved.

And warmly loved makes me
think of my Dad.
His all time favorite food was
He got Parkinson's when I 
was 11 and, after he started
having difficulty swallowing,
Gingerbread went down easily.

When he married my Mom he
had been a bachelor for a long time.
He told her that she wouldn't have 
to cook big meals for him because he
was used to fending food for himself.

She said later that what he
was that she was going to have
to BAKE every day of life.
And what did she bake?

He liked it plain or with butter
on it. 
We like whipped cream!

One day I baked gingerbread
when SweetCheeks was about three;
she was here
she looked at the pan and asked...
Where did HIMS go?
What? HIMS?
You knowah, Nana,

She thought the
gingerbread boy had been
baked INSIDE the cake!;>)

The recipe below is almost
identical to my mother's recipe.
(only better!;>)
Let me tell you- this stuff
is good for what ails you.

Prep: 15 min. 

Bake: 30 min.Yield: 9 Servings


  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup light molasses
  • 5 tablespoons butter, melted
  • 2/3 cup cold water
  • 1-1/2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon-2 teaspoons ground ginger
  • (1 tsp is pretty bland-adjust to taste)
  • 1\/2 teaspoon salt
  • Whipped cream


  • Combine egg, sugar, molasses, butter
  •  and water; mix well. In a large bowl,
  •  stir together flour, baking soda, ginger
  •  and salt; add molasses mixture. Beat
  •  until well mixed. Pour into a greased 8"
  • square baking pan. Bake at 350° for 30
  •  minutes or until cake tests done. Serve
  •  warm with whipped cream.
  •  Yield: 9 servings

I hope you all have a wonderful warm


We are at MINUS 6˚ DEGREES F today

with wind chill even colder!

My Hero is always cold.

This should warm him up!

January Jones!!!


I guess it worked!

Look what happened to 


he was holding!

I hope you have a 

wonderful WARM weekend!

Keep smiling-

Spring is coming soon

unless you live in Wisconsin

PS.  I will give a health update 

on John soon.
your photo name


bobbie said...

Hugs ~

Anonymous said...

Stay warm, enjoy that gingerbread cake (YUM)!
Dawn P. Albany, GA

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Ginger is very good for digestion so I guess that makes gingerbread a health food!

Kathy said...

I love gingerbread. My grandmother's recipe looks just like that one in your picture. I wanted to make it, so Joe got me a bottle of molasses. It was sitting on the counter, got knocked over and broke all over the kitchen floor. What a mess to clean up! But at least it was in the kitchen. Imagine if it had been on a rug! And no, the gingerbread never got made. Now you make me want to make gingerbread again.

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

The gingerbread looks delightful, thank you for sharing the recipe. Sweet Cheeks, such a sweet innocent child. Your little tree in the kitchen is lovely and so special with treasures. Take care Diana and stay warm. Xoxo

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

I don't think I ever had gingerbread cake but my aunt used to make gingerbread cookies. The tree is cute and SweetCheeks was so adorable when she was little.
I hope you stay warm and cozy.

Brenda Pruitt said...

With this cold weather, spring can't come soon enough. You know, I don't ever recall having gingerbread as a kid. Maybe I did and just don't remember. Anyway, stay warm!

Anonymous said...

I just love you to pieces! And if I hadn't just made cookies yesterday, I'd be making that gingerbread today.. but soon.. it will happen. Xoxo. Btw.. thisbis vivian

Tom said...

...Christmas is never over for me. Our tree is still up we are still enjoying it.

jack69 said...

What a wonderful visit to your house. Amazing story about your dad. Love your references to SweetCheeks. Thinking of you and prayers for your Sweetheart.
Stay warm.....

Tete said...

That looks so good- love the stories about your dad. Love your tree of love...I see something there I know. LOL Thank you for always being there for me. You are a good soul. Hugs and prayers for you guys.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Yay! for gingerbread ! Your recipe sounds good! I lpve the smell oF It baking. Anticipation is half the fun!
Good weather for baking. The oven helps warm up the house. We are in the 20's here today but have a winter weather advisory for more snow coming our way. My furnace has been running strait for 5 days now. Keep warm and looking forward to hearing more from you !

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Mother baked a lot, so did all the women in our family except me, but gingerbread as far as I know, did not live in the south. I don't think I have ever eaten any, not even gingerbread cookies. odd now that i think of it. it looks good and is low in sugar. I can't eat it now so to late to try it.
looking through my family memmories I don't remember any of the family with ginger anything.
my dad has Parkinsons but not until he was early 80's until he died at 93.

Estelle's said...

So happy to see a post from you husband adores gingerbread so I thank you for sharing your recipe....sounds perfect for this cold winter weekend....along with some lemon curd of course....warm hugs!

Pam said...

I have never made an gingerbread stuff....cake or men. your grands question about where he went. Yep, waiting for the snow to melt here and with a wintery mix coming in later today, I might not get out till next week.

Junkchiccottage said...

This cake sounds delish. We are getting the same weather. Today though it is 25 woo hoo.

Lorrie said...

I haven't made gingerbread cake for a long time. Yours looks delicious. I used to serve it with a lemon sauce.
Stay cozy - that's cold! We're getting more snow today.

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

Yum on the cake! My son is a wonderful cook and when he visits or we visit him he does most of the cooking. I enjoy it cuz I'm lazy about cooking anymore! Woo hoo we've warmed up to 18º!

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Diana, bet your kitchen smells good! My dad had Parkinson's too. I don't know if he liked gingerbread but I know he would have liked January Jones. Keep warm, my friend..xxoJudy

Susie said...

Oh Diana, Our little sweet checks. Miss our little ones. Girl you never let up on good ole John. Stay warm and hold each other tight, that will help you thru the coldest parts of winter. Love you guys, blessings to all, xoxo, Susie

Jeanie said...

What a cute post, Diana -- and the recipe sounds really delish. I just love gingerbread but haven't made any in a long while. Might have to try this one!

Ann said...

LOL January Jones had quite the effect on your hero. Too funny.
I love gingerbread. I remember my mom would make it and top it with a warm lemon sauce. I wish I knew how she made the sauce because that would go down really good.

Ginny Hartzler said...

It is good to see you! How have you been? What has been going on? I love the kitchen tree idea! And I will be making the gingerbread.

Carla from The River said...

Stay warm my friend. Hee Hee about January Jones, you always make me LOL!!
Love that about you!

HappyK said...

That piece of cake looks so good and I love that dollop of whipped cream on it.

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

Happy January, Diana - it has been very cold here too - got up above 0 today, so that is a positive! Thanks for the gingerbread recipe, I may try to make it gluten free (since we are doing keto/gluten free breads these days. I'm glad you have those special memories with your dad. Sweet Cheeks - precious memories! Hugs for you!

Chatty Crone said...

I hope John is okay.
I love gingerbread too - I am surprised he got it down slowly tho.
I love it with butter. A dollop of whip cream works too.
Your tree is beautiful and has a lot of wonderful memories and ones with your dad.
Thanks for commenting on my post after such a long absence.

Red Rose Alley said...

There's just something about gingerbread cookies or gingerbread cake. So Yummy. And the whipped cream you added really makes it! That's a nice story about how much your dad loved gingerbread, Diana. Minus 6, that's pretty cold. Bundle up and stay warm. aahh, little SweetCheeks. I bet she still has those memories of baking gingerbread with Nana. Oh, your miniature Christmas tree in the kitchen is soooo cute. Jess has just like it with utensils and such. It's one thing she won't part with. ; )


Lowcarb team member said...

That gingerbread looks so moist and yummy, thanks for sharing the recipe.

Take care, sending my good wishes.

All the best Jan

Bless said...

That sounds delicious! Would dark molasses work? That's what I have, I believe. I'm not naming names, but, I do know someone who knows Ms. Jones! :D

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Yum looks so good. I like gingerbread and ginger snaps with a cup of tea.

Terri D said...

I love gingerbread and can almost smell it baking!! Thanks for sharing the recipe!!

Lynne said...

My mom loved Ginger Bread and made it often.
You write the best posts Diana . . .
I am impressed in how you have stayed with your blog.
Missy is another who has stayed true.
Love the picture of SweetCheeks and
her looking for “HIMS!”

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I'm going to bake some brownies today! Take care and hugs to you both!

Cecilia said...

Oh my gosh, I love gingerbread. I always make gingerbread cookies for Christmas but yum, cake! I love to slather butter on it or cream cheese! We got cold for Texas - below freezing for three days! Brrr. Finally back in the upper 30’s, lower 40’s. I’d rather it be in the 50’s or 60’s for winter. I’d never survive northern winters!
Stay warm!

Kim said...

Kids are the best, I love their little musings. They can make you smile for years...lie your hims tale. I'm not a huge fan of gingerbread, although I love the smell. I don't think I've ever made it on my own. I do love baking on a cold day though and we sure have had plenty of them lately. Stay warm!! xo

Doris said...

Gingerbread is something I've certainly eaten but never made. Yours looks so good...and yes to whipped cream! Anything gingerbread smells so good while baking.
It's cold here in PA but not anywhere near as cold as where you are. Oh my! Stay warm!

Theresa said...

Well, that made me hungry! I love gingerbread and have most of the ingredients to make this. I still have a few little Christmas memories around that will stay up for a little while longer. I pray John is doing well, sending hugs and many prayers your way!

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

I loved reading the gingerbread memories of your dad and Sweet Cheeks! Oh how I love gingerbread! I’m still praying for you and John. God bless you both.

Melanie said...

Oh yum, that gingerbread looks really good! It's been bitter cold here too all week, with sub-zero temps. Blech.

Ramblingon said...

Girl! That gingerbread will be made tomorrow. I guarantee. I LOVE the stuff. XXOO

Donna said...

Printed the gingerbread recipe!!
Funny cookie and hubby reference! lolol

Billie Jo said...

Thank you for sharing the lovely memories and the delicious recipe, my friend. I have actually never made it myself, but my mom did. She loves it!

Kay G. said...

Hey Diana!
I love gingerbread! I will try your recipe but I have to make it gluten free so will adapt it!
Hope you are doing well these days, my friend! I was hoping Green Bay Packers would go to Super Bowl, but it was not meant to be. Thinking of you always!!

Katie Isabella said...

I made it...and though it took 3 days I ate every crumb and loved it,