Tuesday, December 10, 2019


I have done a post about this before
but I wanted to do it again
just in case you need a
Little sumthin/sumthin to take along
to give as a little gift.

AND you can use those beautiful boxes
that Christmas cards come in---
you know the ones that are so pretty
you don't want to throw them out.
Here is a use for them.
It's the sweetest little gift ever!

This is 
I wish I could tell you where
I got the recipe but I can't remember.

Here's how to take the box below
and turn it into a 
special gift.
Don't you hate to throw them away
because they have such pretty
They make wonderful little
Candy Boxes.
Open the box and line it with tin foil.
Butter the tin foil.
Then make this:


In pan over medium heat melt
2 sticks of butter
When melted stir in 
1 cup peanut butter, creamy or crunchy.
Like this.
Stir in one teaspoon REAL vanilla.
(not granulated)
(That old tin scoop belonged to my Mom-Good Housekeeping 1954)
I beat it quickly with a hand mixer
(it sets up fast) 
and then pour it into the 
buttered foil lined box.
Put it in the fridge to harden
and as soon as it sets up
lift it out and wrap it in 
parchment paper,
then wrap it with a piece
of ribbon and place it
back in the box.
 I pick up odd knives all year here and there
and include one in each box.

Or you can buy real knives at
Wallyworld for about 59 cents each.

The fudge stays fresh
until they cut it.

Put the lid on and it presents
like this when opened.
2 sticks butter
1 cup peanut butter
1 teaspoon vanilla
3 cups confectionery sugar
In saucepan:
Melt butter
Stir in peanut butter and vanilla.
Use hand mixer (or mix by hand)
and quickly
mix sugar in. It sets up fast.
Place in tinfoil lined box and
set in fridge until hard.
This is the smoothest peanut
butter candy I have ever made.
This recipe makes two card boxes 
full OR 1 8x8 buttered pan.
It's quick, easy and just
a sweet little surprise.
Save a few pieces for your friends.
 Let them eat this while you sip
black coffee or diet Coke.
The fatter THEY get the 
next to them!

It's nice to have some
this time of year, too.

Have a GREAT DAY...
I will be finishing up a couple of 
Christmas gifts tonight and then
Well, except for cooking, baking, washing, ironing, cleaning, scrubbing,disinfecting,
need I go on?????

for all of you youngsters...
that is an old ad for relaxing 
in a bathtub!
(which I used to do while floating a
plastic bowl of M&Ms in the tub
while four kids were screaming
outside the door)...
now THOSE were the days!!!!

Happy Tuesday!!!

your photo name


Mevely317 said...

Wonderful idea!
Unfortunately, this reader would struggle mightily to line the box without tearing the tin foil. I don't even want to imagine wrapping with parchment paper!

Tom said...

...I like your low cal fudge!

Holly said...

I'll have to try this when I buy more butter, cute idea!

Jettie said...

I'm going to make this as one of my dirty santa gifts, yes the only thing dirty will be all those calories. lol

Vee said...

That is a beautiful presentation! I have boxes. I can do this. Thanks so much!

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

What a fabulous idea and I love your sense of humour! Thanks for the smiles.

Ann said...

Oh my gosh, I love the idea for using the old card boxes to gift fudge. Adding the knife in the box is a nice finishing touch too.

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

This would make a great hostess gift or for neighbors.

At Rivercrest Cottage said...

Looks good Di. Hope you are all doing well. Don't eat too much of that fudge. The peanut butter just makes it too healthy.

BeachGypsy said...

Oh Diana my friend I love this post--what a great idea!! Peanut butter fudge is my absolute favorite!! This is a neat way to wrap it up and mail it/present it. Love the idea. How are you doing with all the holiday preparations so far?? Hugs!!

Jeanie said...

Thank you for this -- I think. I might be cursing you! Peanut butter fudge is one of my weaknesses and I've been saved only because I don't have a good recipe. This could be big trouble! But I love it and I love the idea, too! Thanks!

Kay G. said...

Yes! I do love this idea and every time I see it, I think to myself...Kay, why don't you do that for somebody? THIS IS THE YEAR! Wish me luck, I can mess up even easy recipes! :-)

Jenny the Pirate said...

TRULY a precious idea ... I love it. I have copied your recipe and since I'm always looking for unique and delicious -- but EASY -- Christmas gifts, this is one I'm sure to try. Thank you, Diana! xoxo

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

Yum! And the presentation is wonderful!

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Thank you for the recipe and presentation. Could I freeze this? Nancy

Red Rose Alley said...

Your peanut butter fudge is a great gift idea, Diana. Those Christmas boxes that hold the cards each year sure are cute. I have two of them that I just can't part with, so they are keepers. Thanks for throwing in a little bit of Maxine during the season. She always makes me smile.


Merlesworld said...

What a good idea and sounds yummy.

Lorrie said...

Such a good idea. Many card boxes come with clear lids now, and this would be pretty in them, too, showing off the wrapping and the knife. Reuse and Recycle is a good thing to remember.

Terri D said...

What a wonderful idea!! Thanks for the recipe and gift idea! xoxox

Rick Watson said...

That’s a great idea. I’ll show this to Jilda.

Bless said...

Thank you for the fudge recipe and this idea! I have a couple of boxes I've saved. I need to buy some powdered sugar.

Junkchiccottage said...

This is such a great idea and since you love the Christmas card why not use the box with the same pretty picture on it as the cards. Hope you have a great evening. I am done too with all my shopping and wrapping. Yay!!! Now for the baking. Hugs. Kris

Debra She Who Seeks said...

This is a great idea and including a knife with it is the crowning touch!

Connie said...

I'm not a big fudge person, but a bubble bath with a floating bowl of M and M's. . . Now that's a great treat :)

Renee said...

Cute idea. The recipe sounds good too.

Linda said...

I just love you, Diana!! Thank you for the recipe and clever gift box idea!

Shari Burke said...

Great idea and the fudge sounds yummy! It's funny to see the butter in sticks again--I'm so used to the big blocks we get here now :-)

Brenda Pruitt said...

What a lovely gift! Who doesn't love homemade sweets? I stopped giving gifts years ago. My daughters have more money than I do, so they can buy their own stuff. And I can as well. And I offer to take the grands to the bookstore if they want books. If they don't, well, grammy closes the pocketbook! I'm all for reading and stubborn about it! I'll probably be known as the grammy that only bought books. What a stuffy old grammy!

Patti said...

What a great gift idea! Such beautiful presentation. I will definitely be doing this.

jack69 said...

I'm with Tom with the Lo Cal Fudge. LOL What would not be good, 2 sticks of butter and sugar! hahahaha
Love the idea of the boxes. I am an "Empty container saver." Beautiful entry.
Sherry & jack

Sue said...

Wow! Diana, this is such a great idea, thank you for the fudge recipe, I have been looking for a quick and easy one for a while.
Yes, I do indeed remember the Calgon commercials, and am now wondering if they still make it! ~smile~

Thank you for visiting and for your sweet comment, Enjoy this most blessed season.

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Diana... you had me at the two stick of buttah. Cute idea with the card boxes! Have a great week!

wisps of words said...

Next door son and family, always make Peanut Butter Fudge, at Christmas Time.

But I doubt we will ever see it gift boxed. -giggles-

Sweet idea, for a sweeeet gift though.

"Jingle bells, jingle bells,
jingle all the way..."

♬ 🎶 ♫

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Thank you for a wonderful gift suggestion. Looks and sounds wonderful. I'm almost done with my gifts, and am still having to do all the rest too. Take time for yourself and enjoy that dalton take me away!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Calgon that is !

Debby Ray said...

This is such a great idea. I have always had a hard time parting with those lovely card boxes and this is just perfect! Thanks for sharing this again!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

super idea and easy and not to expensive.. my Calgon moments were when I called my mother crying and said I can't do this anymore and she would come over and stay for a few hours while I left the house alone...

This N That said...

You were floating a plastic bowl of M&M's ?? What a wonderful idea..At first I thought you said you were floating in a bowl of M&Ms..quite the visual..LOL..I remember making you fudge several years ago..Good idea..Thanks for the reminder..Hope you are having a good week..Hugs

Melanie said...

What a great idea to use pretty card boxes as treat boxes! Though I send out so few Christmas cards, it takes me a couple of years to empty a box. ;-)

HappyK said...

What a great idea!!
I have to have chocolate fudge though! : )

cloches and lavender said...

I remember you doing this before. You're right the boxes are usually so pretty.

Always enjoy a Maxine visit.


Richella Parham said...

Diana, you are darling. I just LOVE this idea! And thank you for the recipe. I'm pinning this now! :)

Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage said...

Tomorrow I go to the surgeon, and I expect he will release me. I've healed well from my last post-breast cancer surgery last month.

I've baked some cookies this week, but I've only been knitting socks for my husband so far. No other Christmas prep except putting out a few decorations. I've never been this late before. ~smile~

God will provide.

so happy you're done!

CHERI said...

Well, aren't you just the smartest thing??? I just finished up a box of Christmas cards that came in this adorable box and I was thinking I would hate to throw it away! Now I know what I can use it for!!!! Probably not the peanut butter concoction because I'm not much on PB, but I do make some other nice goodies. Thanks for the idea! And I am old enough to remember CALGON. In fact, wish I had some as tomorrow I am planning on having a PAJAMA DAY and being lazy. Too much on the go for me lately!!!!

Theresa said...

Thank you for sharing this. I ran across a tub of Christmas Card boxes that I had saved yesterday. Great idea for my Christmas Eve gathering. Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS! (I am olden enough to remember "Calgon, take me away":)

Saimi said...

Aren't you just the clever one!!! What a great idea and I love how you added the knife in, such a lovely touch!. The recipe looks amazing Iv'e never made fudge before but my mother in law has. It has always intimidated me for some reason. perhaps I'll give yours a go and see what happens!
I remember the Calgon commercial!

Sandi said...

What a GREAT idea!!

Wild Oak Designs said...

Oh that looks yummmmmy!
I made Buckeyes...so don't need the fudge...but thanks...I will store that recipe away....
Cute box too...
Hope all is wellll...

Brenda said...

Enjoy your blog
Merry Christmas

Rain said...

Oh that's fantastic about the bowl of M&Ms!!! I love it! I always bring a glass of wine into the tub with me, lots of candles too. I love how you refurbished those gift boxes!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

What a wonderful gift idea! I just don't seem to have any pretty boxes like that, however. But that pnut butter fudge sounds great. Thank you for a good idea.

Carol said...

What a neat idea and such a pretty presentation! I don't have any of those boxes, but I will be making some of this and taking to some friends!

Carole said...

Hee Hee... Wishing you a lovely Christmas. Cheers from Carole's Chatter

Michele M./ Finch Rest said...

YES!!!! the ones I get at Hobby Lobby are SO sturdy - what a brilliant idea, Diana!!!! I have them sitting here next to me hating to recycle them - now with a new use - yay - thanks so much for the great idea.

Yum - your fudge - mmmmmmmm!

I made cranberry white chocolate biscotti today - hope they fit in the boxes - that way they won't BREAK either. Whoo hoo!

Hope you are enjoying the peace and joy of the season.

Hugs. ♥

Kim said...

Last year someone gifted me a few ornaments in an old card box and I saved it because of your post! I haven't made the fudge yet, but that bowl of M&M's in the tub sounds good! ;) xoxoxo

Pam said...

YUM....YUM....YUM.....I will hold onto the directions but I don't buy cards in a box. I paint my card and buy random bday cards around when needed. But what an amazing idea!

AnnMarie aka Vintage Junkie aka NaNa said...

Such a clever gift and yummy looking fudge. Where do you find the time to do all these special things? I still am waiting to find the time to do the gingerbread men at the door! I miss your posts but since I don't get them by email anymore I have to rely on my fuzzy head to remember to check my blog roll on my blog, where I no longer blog!! I miss you although I have never met you! Okay, now I am getting silly :-)

Lauren @ My Wonderfully Made said...

This looks SOOOOO good! And the presentation is lovely! I wanted to tell you I made your caramels tonight.....oh my they are wonderful and so easy! I pressed a candy star into each piece for Christmas. I've necer had success with fudge but yes, I will be trying this recipe!!

Lauren @ My Wonderfully Made said...

This looks SOOOOO good! And the presentation is lovely! I wanted to tell you I made your caramels tonight.....oh my they are wonderful and so easy! I pressed a candy star into each piece for Christmas. I've never had success with fudge but yes, I will be trying this recipe!!

Lisa said...

You done it this time missy! Im gonna have to make that fudge. Probably today just as a test trial. The diet can wait.

Lowcarb team member said...

This is a nice idea, many thanks for sharing it here :)
Enjoy the Season, it's a busy one … but so enjoyable.

All the best Jan

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Clever idea sweet friend. I hope your holidays are filled with magic. Many thanks for thinking of me. I am running round like crazy trying to get caught up. Xoxo

Buttercup said...

What a fabulous idea and it looks so pretty the way you've got it arranged in the card box.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Hi Nana Diana! Thanks so much for visiting and following me! Especially when you have so many followers yourself! I have seen you around Blogland. Where do you live? We live in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. The box is a genius idea!! And the peanut butter looks SO good! In fact,since peanut butter has so much protein, I am making this and calling it health food! I love your blog!!! I will have fun, learn, and laugh.

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Diana, what a pretty way to box something up and that fudge looks wonderful. I haven't even started baking yet, but I will get it done! Believe, right? Well, Maxine hit the nail on the head again..Have a wonderful Christmas, my sweet friend, and a Happy New Year..xxoJudy

Rehoboth said...

wonderful shots. Nice
