Monday, January 1, 2018


I hope your year is blessed and beautiful.

I pray for happiness and good health 

for all of us and for our families.

Back with some 

FUN on Wednesday morning!

Hope none of you are nursing a hangover.

Hmmm....does that
in your mind?

Nursing a hangover?

 Someone a bit more tech savvy

could have made that look real...

but I am just the 'idea woman'....

LOL-Never said I was good at photo alteration.

Have a GREAT NEW YEARS DAY---2018!!!

your photo name


Kathy said...

Happy New Year, Diana! Stay warm.

Sandi said...

That photo of the fireworks is fantastic! What is that, some kind of fantasy unicorn land?

Vee said...

The idea woman. Another great title for a blog. 😄 Happy New Year filled with blessings🎈

Gay Van Beek, Canterbury Cottage Designs said...

Happy New Year to one of the sweetest girls I know. I hope this year brings you happiness, lots of family love and a tremendous amount of healthy days gf!!!

Pom Pom said...

Happy New Year to YOU, Diana!
May God give you great enthusiasm for the changes up ahead. Thanks for your sunshine always. (BIG HUG!)

Theresa said...

Happy New Year to you too dear friend! That's a cute pic and NO I am NOT nursing a hangover, yet one more thing to be thankful for:) Have a blessed day and I'll see you when you return! HUGS!

Debby Ray said...

No hangover here! You crack me up, Diana...Happy New Year!

Doreen@foxdenrd said...

Lol Thanks for the laugh Diana :)

May 2018 be filled with all good things for you and yours! ❤️

Mac n' Janet said...

No hangovers here, had a couple of drinks and watched a movie. Happy New Year to you.

LV said...

My age is showing as we used to stay up and watch the ball fall. Not anymore. So cold, just went to bed and slept warm. No doubt your husband has a different personality than you. You come up with so many fun things. Looking forward to the new year to see what you share with us. Wishing only the best for you and family.



Red Rose Alley said...

The happiest new year to you, Diana.

love, ~me

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Happy New Year to the sweetest Diana I know!

Sylvia said...

Stay warm Diana. We're going to down in the "Teens" this weekend in Georgia, can only imagine what yours will be!

Kim said...

Happy New Year!! xoxo

Wanda said...

Happy New Year....not nursing a hangover, but sure over did it at Red Lobster...haha.

Katie Isabella said...

Happy New Year! We are gonna be at 9 degrees tonight. It's 23 now which is surely the high. WHEW!

Suzanne said...

Happy New Year 🎊🎈!!

Chatty Crone said...

Happy New Year to wonderful you and your family.

“May you always be blessed with walls for the wind. A roof for the rain. A warm cup of tea by the fire. Laughter to cheer you. Those you love near you. And all that your heart might desire.”
—Irish Proverb

Kim said...

Happy New Year, Diana! I pray it's a good one for you and your family! No hangovers here. We had sparkling cider which is SO delicious and makes you feel like you're drinking alcohol without the negatives. I think we went through 4 bottles! Buuuuurp! ;-)

NanaNor's said...

From my heart and how to you, Happy New Year!

Ryoma Sakamoto.Japan said...

May this New Year be special in every way… bringing you the gift of love and excitement.
(01/01)From Japan to friends all over the world; Happy New Year! ! @Sakamoto2Ryouma

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Happy New Year!!

AnnMarie aka Vintage Junkie aka NaNa said...

Starting the new year laughing with you!!

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

Tech savvy or not,, the photo made me laugh! Happy, Happy!!

Cecilia said...

Happy New Year, Diana! Nope, not nursing a hangover thank goodness! Too funny! Have a good one,

Adam said...

I bet a lot partied too hard last night

Rose L said...

I hope this new year will see beauty and life appreciated more and we all recognize our blessings.

Lisa said...

I didnt drink this year, Just ate too much so no hangovers here. Only over hangs!!!
Happy New Year!

Susie said...

Diana, You know your old when you toast the new year with a cup of coffee. LOL. That's me and the Teddy Bear. It would be nice to get outside and walk, but girl, you know how blinking cold it is here. I am getting some exercise sweeping the snow from the porches and going up and down stairs to do laundry.(big pain at times ) LOL. I wish I knew more about working on doctoring pictures too. LOL My girls do it all the time. I am sending some warm hugs to all of you. You know I pray for all of us to have a great new year and I have learned good health is the best.....all too often we just take it in stride and do not think of it as a blessings....but it is, absolutely. I pray each of us takes care of ourselves and others. Blessings to you my dear friend, xoxo,love, Susie

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Happy New Year, Diana. Since I am a new follower of your blog I look forward reading more about you and your world.

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Happy New Year, Diana. Sorry I haven't commented lately. I thought you changed the name of your blog and that's the one I have on the blog roll. It didn't update so I thought that you took some time off. I'll change your url back to this one. Have a very happy new year!!

This N That said...

You are an "idea woman" for sure..Happy, healthy New Year to you

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Happy New Year, Diana! May 2018 be AWESOME for you!

Janice Kay Schaub said...

Happy New Year, many blessings for you and yours 2018

cloches and lavender said...

Happy New Year


Carla from The River said...

Happy New Year!!

Ricki Treleaven said...

You crack me up! But at least I've learned not to drink anything while I read your posts. I might be a slow learner but I've learned that!

Happy New Year!

Pam said... funny. I was not nursing a hangover cause I was asleep on the couch at around 11 New Years night....did not even hear the fireworks go off.

Draffin Bears said...

Happy New Year dear Diana, and best wishes for a wonderful 2018, with good health and happiness

shwet said...

Happy new year!! that hangover was so funny.
I am your new follower on GFC, hope you will follow me on G +, GFC & Bloglovin. please visit my blog

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

I'm wishing all the same to you and yours sweet lady..Happy New Year..xxoJudy

Lisa @ Texas Decor said...

Happy New Year to you too! Hope your 2018 is fabulous!!! xoxo