Sunday, January 21, 2018


I wrote this a
while back for a 
Gardening Group
that I used to belong to
and thought I would share it here.

It looks like
to me!
The spruce stands in full glory,
A pretty sight to see.
As daybreak catches glimpses,
Of the snow upon this tree.

He lifts his boughs to Heaven,
To give glory and full praise.
He stands in solid tribute,
To the Maker all his days.

He shelters every bird's nest,
He guards it; standing green.
And he beckons to the bunnies
As they hide & remain unseen.

He will stand there oh-so-proudly,
If we will let him grow.
For he's living just as we are
And this is what I know.

A man with all his knowledge,
Cannot create a tree.
He can only guard & keep it,
For the gift of life is free.

Poem by: Nana Diana©
Picture by: Marilyn/Enchanted Gardens
your photo name


Sandi said...

"A man with all his knowledge,
Cannot create a tree."

Gasp! Powerful. Love that.

Theresa said...

Beautiful!!! Love it! "the gift of life is free" Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Beautiful, Diana! Hope you have a wonderful Sunday!

Lisa said...

Beautiful. Has a lot of meaning. Happy Sunday!

Mac n' Janet said...

Nice way to start my day, lovely poem.

Sylvia said...

Beautiful poem,Diana. So true God is amazing!

Debra She Who Seeks said...


Anonymous said...

this is so beautiful,, absolutely beautiful!

Gayla said...

I really love this! Beautiful world... Have a good Sunday!

Susie said...

Diana, This is a beautiful poem....why aren't you writing a poetry book? :):) The picture is so pretty too. You know I like to look at winter pictures but I do not like to live in winter conditions. LOL. Blessings for a great Sunday and a new week. Stay warm and healthy. Blessings, xoxo, love, Susie

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Lovely poem, beautiful tree. God is indeed the maker of all things beautiful.

Chatty Crone said...

That was incredible Diana! I loved it and I loved the message. The gift God gives us is free - we just have to chose it!

Pom Pom said...

Hi Diana! Trees are truly miraculous, I agree. It's snowing buckets here today. The trees look good in it!

Pam said...

And she writes poems also...that was awesome. I love that pic! Beautiful. Have a great week Diana.

Simply LKJ said...

He lifts his boughs to Heaven, what a beautiful picture. I just planted a tiny fir tree that I had gotten for Christmas that we kept in our kitchen. Praying it takes root!!



Bill said...

Excellent!! Beautiful poem and beautiful tree.

At Rivercrest Cottage said...

beautiful photo and words Di. It does look like January.

Junkchiccottage said...

So beautiful Diana. Love the phrase about the shelter the tree gives. Just a beautiful poem from a beautiful heart.
Happy Sunday.

My Shasta Home said...

Beautiful tree and beautiful poem. Such talent.

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Such a beautiful poem. Love it Diana.

Jettie said...

Beautiful, and you know, I haven't wanted to cut down a tree for Christmas in many years, they are living things, and one of God's creations.

Kay G. said...

Man made or GOD MADE? When you are in nature, it is GOD MADE.
Wonderful poem.

AnnMarie aka Vintage Junkie aka NaNa said...

Lovely! Snow covered trees are one of the best part of winter. Your poem is perfect for it.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

You've penned a beautiful word picture, Diana, and I loved the tree standing tall and proudly "lifting his boughs to heaven." Our God is an awesome God! Loved this. xx Cheryl

Cecilia said...

What a great poem! I truly enjoyed reading it.

Mary@mydogsmygardenandmary said...

Diana, great poem and beautiful pictures. So are so talented.

Have a wonderful week and stay warm.


Cathy @ My 1929 Charmer said...

A beautiful poem and enjoyed it.. I have a colorado spruce in my backyard that I love.

Rose L said...


Bluebird49 said...

Love your word-crafting, Diana! Hope all is well with you and your family.

Karen said...

Wow! beautiful poem here...

Kathy said...

That's a beautiful poem, Diana!

Cristina Garay said...

Best way to start my week, Diana! The gift of life is free. Beautiful! <3

Lauren @ My Wonderfully Made said...

That's such a beautiful poem!!

Connie said...

Good Morning Diana . . . my sweet blogging sister with so many hidden talents.
This is beautiful!
Thank you for sharing.
Connie :)

Debby Ray said...

I love it, Diana! You are a woman of many talents!

Sally said...

Beautiful, Diana! You're an amazing writer!


Kim said...

A lovely poem to a lovely tree. I especially love that last stanza, Diana! Have a great week, my friend!

This N That said...

Beautiful poem and lovely tree...You should write a book of poems..You have the talent..Thanks for sharing..

Henny Penny said...

I love the poem, and that beautiful tree! You ARE an amazing writer! I also love your blog! Oh, and the picture in your last post of the covered bridge is so pretty. Thank you for visiting my blog.

BeachGypsy said...

That is absolutely beautiful!! I love it. You definitely have talent! Hope you had a real good weekend!

Cheryl said...

Oh, my, this is just SO beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing your amazing talents with us here. :) God bless you, sweet friend.

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

What a beautiful poem you've written, oh it speaks so beautifully of the majesty of the spruce trees. We love spruce trees so much, we have planted them along the edges of our property, hoping they will grow up strong and beautiful like the one in your picture! I like the old trick you've pulled out Dianna, you are a lady of many talents :) Blessings and hugs to you today!

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

What a pretty poem. Hope you are having a nice week. :0)

An Oasis in the Desert said...

This is such a beautiful poem, Diana.

Warm hugs,