Monday, June 29, 2015

Rain- We Got Rain- But We Need It!

I know a lot of you have had
this year...
but our grass is just starting to brown
so we NEED it!

There are days that
hint at rain and then,
like trying to slip
into a pair of your
 old "skinny" jeans,
it just doesn't happen.

Well, I am here to tell
you that 
Can you see the line of
heavier rain moving towards
us across the Bay?
I am one of those weird people
that loves a storm.
As long as it is not a damaging storm,
that is.
I love the thunder and lightening
and clouds scudding across
the sky at an accelerated pace.
Rain for the berm.
 Rain for the patio.
Rain for the...
what the heck?
Oh- Yeah..
Rain for the Rabbit.
Yeah, Yeah,
I know it is a bad picture.
Let's see how good you would
do out in a thunderstorm with
a flipping, running rabbit!

It rained so much
I hung the swimming pool
out to dry.
HA!  Bet you never saw
did you?  

Have a great day
 if you need rain
I hope 

you get it.

ps.  When we have parties and I serve
COLD food out on the patio.
I fill that little 3' blow up swimming pool
]with ice and settle the salads and cold dishes
right down into it.  
Works perfect!!!

And here you thought I was just a 

Hey!  I heard that!!!!
your photo name


Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

After a month with little rain, we have had two weeks of downpours with the promise of more to come. I now have more mushrooms growing than flowers. Mother Nature knows nothing about moderation.

Beemie said...

We had rain all day Saturday, but a beautiful Sunday...I am hoping for rain in moderation this week, but we shall see...I am not in control of the weather and don't want to cause any porblems with the One who is in charge. Pool idea is quite smart.

Laurie said...

Well I never...... Lol!!! Never have seen a pool hanging on the clothesline. Glad you got some needed rain. Talk soon!

Sylvia said...

We have been getting also, but the weather man has promise a few pretty sunny days, lets see if he gets that right!
I love your tree line. That is a great idea to use a swimming pool, may need to use it, oh I'll have to go buy one!

Tessa~ Here there be musing said...

A wee bit too much rain here tooo. But 'they say' we needed it.

Cool temps with it. Interesting weather...

Great idea about the little pool and the ice and cold party items! I always worry so, about cold-stuff-not-being-kept-cold. -sigh-


ℳartina @ Northern Nesting said...

We had rain all day yesterday so we all went to the movies:-) It did bring in cooler temps and no humidity!

Penny @ Penny's Vintage Home said...

Glad to hear you are getting some much needed rain! We have enjoyed more than usual rain this year;;;;;not only does our yard look lush and green...our water bill is low. hugs.....

Anonymous said...

Yeah for your rain. Hope it helps your yard green back up. That's a great tip with the pool filled with ice for the cold foods.

camp and cottage living said...

Love your use for the swimming pool, Diana, and what better place to hang it to dry than the clothes line.
Glad you got the rain you needed, we're having a pretty good balance of rain here so far.

Kelly said...

Glad to hear that you got some much needed rain. We were in the same boat last week too. Our yard was starting to turn brown in some spots because of little to no rain and extremely hot temps. We got a lot of rain recently and everything looks much better. Plus we're waking up to cool temps in the 60's for a change! It feels so good outside in the morning after suffering from a heat wave for so long. I like a good storm every now and then too.

bj said...

I'm a storm lover, adverse weather as long as it doesn't hurt anyone. :)
Great idea for keeping things cold...I'll remember that.
Sure glad to hear you had a good rain.

Stacey said...

Yay for rain!! We can't live without it.

Red Rose Alley said...

Diana, I LOVE THE RAIN! And I'm so glad you got some! These pictures of the rain made me smile. It's been very hot here and supposed to be in the 100's this week. Love the clothesline picture.

Have a great week, dear friend of mine.

love, ~Sheri

Donna said...

I love a good storm too,Diana! As long as I'm not out in it. And you wouldn't catch me out in the thunder and lightening chasing after a rabbit:)
Please tell me that you didn't blow up that kiddy pool all by yourself??? We had 3 1/2" of rain Saturday, it was wild. But now it's so green and pretty. Have a good day, my friend!

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

Catching up with some of your posts, Diana! We had rain here, too and high winds at the lake, that ripped out part of our dock. The area had huge trees down, too. So sorry to hear about Bright Eyes and am so glad it wasn't more serious. We have been busy with a new grandson!

God's Grace Overflows said...

Good Morning Diana! We got some rain too! It was wonderful to hear it hitting the roof top. Of course we could of used a bit more, but they are still calling for another storm in a few days. I hope we get some more. It's so green here, I'd hate to see it turn brown. We've had enough damaging storms this year, but I do love a good rainstorm and with a rainbow after... it just makes me happy.

That's a great idea to use your pool to keep things cold while having an outdoor party. Very cool idea!

I hope you have a wonderful week and a safe Independence Day

Hugs, Amy

Wild Oak Designs said...

Hey! Send some rain our way!!
I'm hoping that the El Nino will positively affect our drought. I'm envious of your rain....of course later in the year I might wish hadn't said that...Enjoy your rain.

Denise said...

Yes I too agree, I love a storm .The smell of rain is wonderful isn't it ? One of God's gifts to Us.OX Denise

Denise said...

Yes I too agree, I love a storm .The smell of rain is wonderful isn't it ? One of God's gifts to Us.OX Denise

Chatty Crone said...

What a great idea about the pool and the ice! And we are so dry here - and hot - we need rain - send it down. I love the rain!

Adam said...

We've had a fair amount of rain in SC this year

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

love the pool idea!

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

love the pool idea!

Nonnie said...

I'm delighted for you to get the rain. I love a good storm. I find it very exciting. We leave the curtains open at night to watch the show when it comes. Great idea about the pool with ice.

Linda said...

We didn't get any rain yet, I'd prefer an all night rain. Although if it rained during the day I'd have to stay in and do some cleaning???? maybe....I love reading in the sunshine but not so much in the house. Putting ice and cold foods in the pool is an excellent idea! I actually purchased something similar to a pool to put cold foods in. Happy 4th of July week to you!!! Let's get this partay started!!!!!

Susie said...

Diana, They sell little blow up things for putting stuff into at gathering now. Crazy .... Love your rain crossing the bay. Hope you get just enough not a flooding like we did. Too much rain here in Indiana. Blessings to you , xoxo,Susie

Julie's Lifestyle said...

I love the sound of the rain and thunder too Diana! Lovely photo of the rain and the bay. We have had rain on and off too last week and makes everything nice and green. Have a wonderful day and week!

Kim said...

We had so much rain this week, too. I actually got caught in a terrible hail storm by the water, couldn't get home...scary stuff. Sunny out today though, so it's all good! :-)

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Glad to hear you have the rain you have needed. We have been getting a lot of rain here in Va--very unusual for us in June! Love the pool on the line and the great idea for it! Also love the bunny in action photo. ♥

Musings from Kim K. said...

Your rain must be skipping over lake MI to dump on us. I'm so ready for warmer summer weather. Glad you got some much needed rain though. That's a brilliant idea for the mini pool.

Junkchiccottage said...

So glad you got some much needed rain. We have had so many days of rain I would like July to come in sunny and warm like summer should be!
What a great idea with the blow up pool for parties to keep the foods cold. Genius!

Joy Junktion said...

Every body needs a little rain sometime! We had our first monsoon storm of the season on Saturday but only DUST, no rain! Hoping we get some with the coming storms! I know California NEEDS rain desperately too! Love the little pool idea and sometimes, I wish I had a clothes line :) Blessings, Cindy

Debby said...

Do the rabbits like the salads you put in the pool.
Thanks for making me smile.
I need to send you an email to tell you what is going on.
I have a migraine today and it's now wonder.

cynthia lee designs said...

We have had rain almost's been the most rain we have gotten in June in a long time. There has been a lot of flooding with the bad storms here in Ohio, but the flooding has missed us where we live, but a lot of flooding south and north of us.

Vee said...

Very clever idea! If you take a photo of it, I'll happily pin it! =D

Katie said...

I love the bunny, I don't have to many. I'm rained out here in Texas we have had so much rain!!

Row homes and Cobblestones said...

Diana us dumb blondes need to stick together. The other day we had a day of soaking rain and overnight pounding rain so fierce it seemed it would break open the skylights, but it's all in the Mother Nature's plan - isn't it?
Love and hugs sent your way.

Cathy, 1929 Charmer Cottage said...

So glad you got some rain but so sad it just won't stopped raining here with so little sun! First of all I wouldn't have gone out in the rain to chase a bunny to catch a photo! Oh, btw, I'm a brunette (above the grey). So hope Bright Eyes is all better soon!

BeachGypsy said...

Oh gosh i love rainy days too.....always have! How is Bright Eyes?

Mindy said...

Send some of that our way, would ya?

Anne's Attic - Design said...

I never thought you were a dumb blonde, blondes seem to be very intelligent, loving and inventive. . . I could go on but then I might get some bad reviews! lol I love storms to. They seem very peaceful to me and comforting, but them I am one of those blondes. lol Enjoy your day. Jo

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

That looks like the rabbit in my yard that's on my "s" list! We didn't get any of that rain but could've used it. I too love the thunder and lightning- especially those deep rumble ones! So you're drip drying your pool huh- those wading pools make good coolers!

Rose L said...

We need rain here in Oregon as having a drought, and high fire dangers.

Shirley said...

Hi Diana, Will you please keep it up in your area long enough for us to have some horse shows. The boys are getting anxious to ride horses. I see the rabbits every morning as I walk out my door. Plus have to come to a complete stop on my son's road while the Canadian geese (momma's and Papa"s along with their babies cross the road. You can go a little farther and momma deer and her two babies cross the road. I loved the post and you are not a dumb blonde some of you are smarter then they think. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend Shirley

Mary@mydogsmygardenandmary said...

Please send the rain here to So CA. I am sick sick sick of carrying water and watching every drop that I use. So glad that you got some. It bet it
s beautiful to see the rain coming in across the Lake. Great idea for the pool to hold your cold foods for a party.

Barbara said...

We've had rain off and on for a couple of days. I love rain too. I've always wanted to visit Seattle to see if I could really be happy in all that drizzle. I think I could.

NanaNor's said...

Diana, Since I get your posts in my inbox, I don't always come by to comment, but girl you crack me up! We've had a lot of rain this season too, so I have more mushrooms in my lawn than I want. In fact, there is a storm rolling in right now. As long as we get sunny, warm days I'm o.k. though. Like many others, I've never seen a pool hanging by a clothsline. Of course, in most neighborhoods here, we can't have them. Enjoy those storms.
Hugs, Noreen

Forest Mother said...

A very delightful, funny and entertaining post. I could almost feel the rain too.....and I loved your bunny picture.

Maureen Wyatt said...

I just heard the long range forecast for here and they say July will continue chilly and wet. The only thing loving this weather is the weeds!

Lisa @ Texas Decor said...

I also love a (non damaging) thunderstorm. There's nothing like staying cozy at home, reading a good book, sipping on some coffee, and listening to the rain beating against the window. Glad y'all got some much needed rain! We've been getting lots of it, but we're still recovering from the drought, so we'll take all we can get. :)