Here is our dear little
all dressed and ready for dance class.
Optical illusion-
Which is bigger-her head or her bow?

I watched her dance last night.
She is so happy -no matter what she is doing.
She just makes my heart smile.
She can twirl and pirouette with the best of them.
And to think-we used to call her our little
You can click on the image to go to
Amber Alexander's website which is full
of wonderful whimsical animal renderings.
Prepare to be delighted.
I guess that is better than
Dancing Bare!
(No images available!;>)
I imagine SweetCheeks gives everything her all. The most important thing is that she enjoys it. She looks lovely.
What a darling photo of sweetcheeks - it's almost looks like a vintage painting Diana!!!
She's beautiful
I would love a video of her dancing...
How cute! I have a photo of my mother taken in the 1930's and she has a GINORMOUS bow on her head too. Big bow heads must come into style every now and then!
She is super cute. And haven't you heard that saying.... the bigger the bow, the better the Mom. They have it on shirts and bows and onesies and things in our area and big bows are all the rage. I prefer smaller ones on babies, though.
Sweet the bow and the smile!
Haha... I think they are about the same size!
She is just adorable!
I love little girls all dressed up!
I hope you have a great weekend Diana! Much love to you, Tammy
How sweet she looks! I took dance classes while growing up and fell in love with dance! If she stays with it, it will really pay off. It will help her have a good body image, and self confidence. It's a wonderful way to express yourself and feel connected to something that keeps you on the "right track" in life. I hoped to have a girl one day so I could put her in dance, but it never happened. Now, I have to just live with my memories. I know it was fun to watch her. I love seeing little ones in their recital at the end of the year!
OMGosh, she is adorable! I remember my granddaughter when she danced in her little pink tou-tou (sp), but no pretty bow on her head! I love it!
Diana, I think SC has a happy heart. I love how she enjoys herself. Blessings to all of you. xoxo,Susie
What a darling girl! Her smile lights up the photo!
She sure has a 10,000 watt smile! A real cutie pie.
Diana, you always make me smile! Love that little sweet cheeks. Her smile is contagious! Nothing like a bundle of light wrapped up in a tiny little granddaughter to make your heart sing with joy! She's delightful and that bow is pretty big!
Keep smiling and dancing, baby girl!
Sweet Cheeks is beyond adorable. I hope she will be dancing all of her life.
Ha Ha Diana that bow!!!!! She is so adorable and can I can tell she loves everything she puts her heart into. What a sweetie.
I so miss those big bow days!
The bigger the bow....the better the ballerina! Hope that bow doesn't throw her off!!! Hugs, Penny
What a cute little dancer, I love the bow, as Patty said, the bigger the bow, the better the mom! Her smile is beautiful! Have a great weekend!
So sweet!! Both my girls are in dance and absolutely love it! I would love to see a video Diana so would my girls:)
Such a gift to have a grandchild that always makes you smile. Seems some people are just born smiling and happy... and the others...well never mind. :)
I had no idea you had been to Paris! Wow what a trip. LOL funny story.
Have a wonderful weekend!
She is such a live wire, waiting to see a video of her ballet preview.
Sweet cheeks is adorable! Ah the world of dance. I have a dancer too, except mine is almost 20 now! Yikes! I still love watching her dance. There's something about watching our loved ones do what they love...warms the heart.
I danced bare once...I ended up preggers.
She is a cutie pie; I hope those other dancers aren't too jealous.
So cute! Love the photo of her!
She is a doll with that bow! And that art work is magical...thank you for sharing this artist with us! I will check her out!!!
She looks like she is enjoying her dance togs and lights up for grandma as you have trained her.
Lucky Sweet Cheeks, to dance as a little girl is so much fun I had two left feet.
Merle...... .......... .....
Love the "bare"'re a little nuts!! Have a great weekend
Absolutely adorable!!!
She does have the most adorable smile! What a compliment to her parents that she is so happy! I think she gets all this from her Nana! oh, that is one gorgeous bow!
Precious! I miss the sweetness of the kids being so young and all these special moments that they get to have and that we get to have with them!
Too, too cute. Love her sweet smiling face. xo Laura
She is beautiful and a delight for all! Thanks for the link to the sweet art. Have a great weekend,
She has got one of the sweetest smiles ever seen.
What a doll.
She looks precious with her big bow and tutu!
Hi Diana, SC is a doll and you can just see the joy in her smile.
Love her hair bow!!
Have a great weekend.
Your little Sweet Cheeks makes me smile! I think I need a tutu!!!
look at her happy, sweet face:) tutu cute! happy weekend!
Don't you just love that pose! I'd want to squeeze her and say stay this sweet forever!
Cute, cute! Dancing bare might be kind of cute too.
I love big bows :) she is adorable!
I also love this artist. My daughter, Abbey bought me a print of a little bird a few years ago when I showed he how sweet it was.
Oh that SC she just melts your heart.
She ought to be in movies - she is such a cutie pie.
Have a great weekend.
She sure does rock that bow! None of your granddaughters like to fade into the woodwork, do they? Let's all say a prayer that she never loses her enthusiasm for life.
What a sweet young thing!!!
A darling little girl :) Have a great weekend, Diana!
She is so cute, with her little leg warmers and tutu.. I can see how her happiness shines through
You know it is!!... lets hope she never gets the notion :-)
Sweetcakes is pretty in pink and a beautiful ballerina. sandie
Well she looks adorable.Look at that smile!
I laughed so hard at your comment about SweetCheeks bow. My girls are grown now (in their twenties) but they still complain about the size of the bows I put in their hair. Funny, how some things stay the same over time. Sweet Cheeks is adorable with or without the bow!
oh you must get a video of her dancing on here one day.
Oh my she is so much like my Granddaughter when she was this age.
Never still. She used to visit us. And do cartwheels all the time. Back flips in the pool. I was going through my cds last week and here she was never a dull moment.
So you have a real people person.
oh the bow is cute.
Most babies wear them that size.
So Sweet Cheeks looks very glamours.
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