Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Thank You For Your Prayers

Still no computer
of my own.
Just popping in to tell you that
my son-in-law's surgery was
a success.
Thank you so very much for
all the prayers and support.

They were a bit late getting started
and his pain meds wore off
before they wheeled him out
but he soldiered on.
As you all know, I can find
humor even in tense moments.

While we were waiting, Big J was
sitting upright in a recliner with
his open backed gown on
and his to-the-hip support hose.
Someone walked in and he
pulled up his gown to show
how far up his stockings went
forgetting he had
My daughter and I laughed
until we cried.
Thanks for asking but
No-I won't be posting a picture
of THAT!

He has several weeks of recovery
ahead of him which we know
will not be easy.

So.....now that your prayers
have covered him I think you
better pray for my daughter
we all KNOW what
babies men really are
while he is home recovering.
I don't know what it's like at YOUR HOUSE-
but when MyHero gets a cold it is
Meanwhile, while I have the
I am doing laundry, dishes, cooking
and taking care of
I am talking about.
your photo name


Ricki Treleaven said...

Praying for the women in your family and the recovery of the babies, I mean.....*men*

Seriously, what an answer to prayer! Happy your SIL is well on his way to recovery.


Cindy @ Dwellings-The Heart of Your Home said...

So happy everything went well, will pray for quick recovery and everything else that goes with that...yes, AMEN! :)

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

Amen, Sista! Well, you know what they say, "If men were the ones to have babies, there would be no children". I laughed out loud when I read about your son-in-law lifting his gown. I'm sure he needed to be embarrassed on top of everything else. Glad to hear everything went well. My thoughts are with your daughter! : )

The French Hutch said...

I am happy hear the surgery went well I and I do pray for your son-in-law to have a speedy recovery. It’s nice your family had some humor in the ordeal!
Hope you are back to your routine soon..........

The French Hutch

Kathy@ Gone North said...

Glad that all went well & will pray for the recovery, for all involved... : )
& I am guessing that Big J really, really appreciates you telling us all about "his incident"...
You, are a hoot, my girl!!

Preppy Empty Nester said...

So glad he is doing well. And yes, I will pray for patience for your daughter because it's not easy dealing with a man in pain. Miss you the days that can't post!!!!

Susie said...

Diana, Yes, it is so true. There are some exceptions but not many. I will continue to pray for your s-i-l to have a fast recovery and for your daughter to have the patience of Job...she'll need it. Stay strong Diana, you are the glue. xoxo,Susie

farmhouse-story said...

show and tell is never a good idea after surgery, huh?:) glad he is doing well, diana!

Musings from Kim K. said...

I'm glad you can all be there to support each other. Prayers continue. My father in law is having back surgery on Thursday. Somehow, I don't think he's going to bounce back as quickly as your young son in law.

Jane@Bluebird1959 said...

Happy to hear it went well!!! Just a couple of hints that we learned from my hubs back surgery last summer: get a toilet seat riser, a tub chair, and a "grabber" to help with picking things up. All things we never thought of until the last minute scramble! We were able to borrow all of these items for free from our local thrift store. Speedy recovery! Jane

FabShabbyRoses said...

Amen to that Sista! LOL! I wish you SIL a speedy recovery for his sake and your daughters! Too funny about the picture you didn't take....but we all can imagine without a picture. HA!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad everything went well and your daughter is in my prayers, I know exactly what you mean!
Little bit of an embarrassing moment there I'd say, oh my!

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

continued prayers for you all :)

Julie Marie said...

Glad all went well Diana, and hope he is up and around soon... oh and I am lucky, Jack never complains about a cold or anything...just keeps on doing his thing no matter what comes his way... I need to get an attitude like his... xoxo Julie Marie

ℳartina @ Northern Nesting said...

Hi Diana, I just started playing catch up from the last week and a half being MIA and had no idea your SIL had surgery...so glad it all went well! I so know what you mean about "MEN" LOL!!

Tina@WhatWeKeep said...

Glad he's going to be fine. I'll continue to pray for him during his recovery...your daughter could snap at any time and send him back to the hospital. LOL My husband is lucky to have "survived" his recovery after his knee surgeries. Will pray for strength for your girl! Poor thing. ;)

Traditions By The Seasons said...

Continued prayers, sweetie! :) xo ~Liz

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I'll sure keep them in my prayers my friend! Sweet hugs to you, too!

Lynne said...

Prayers for healing and smiles always smiles.

Cottage and Broome said...

I am glad to hear the surgery went well, I hope he has a full and speedy recovery! Will keep all of you in my prayers, Laura

Pura Vida said...

lots of good energy and prayers your way!

20 North Ora said...

Yes, I would say the woman needs the prayers as much if not more, than the man. Happens every time.

Best wishes for his quick recovery.


RURAL said...

Sending good thoughts of healing, and fortitude to all of you.


living from glory to glory said...

Missing all your Blog Post!
Praying for him to be pain free and a full recovery quickly.
Blessings, Roxy

Jettie said...

Thanks for the sneak peek into the peanut gallery!

Unknown said...

LOL-poor Mimi ;-)

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Yes, I DO know what you're talking about! LOL!

So happy to hear your SIL's surgery went well. Praying for a speedy recovery for him and strength and patience for your daughter.

Delena said...

I am glad everything went well. I had to laugh about the men being sick. So true. They really need all the attention in the world when they become sick!

Lucille said...

I'm so relieved his surgery went well! I'll say a prayer for a happy recovery!

Sue said...

I just read both posts and I'm so glad the surgery went well. You had me laughing at the end. Ten years ago, my husband had serious surgery and was home 5 weeks. The first week I was so nice to him (he really needed me to be)but by the second week I was telling him to go to the basement or bedroom and stay there and by week three I was counting the days until he went back to work.

He really didn't complain, but there is something about having someone sitting around in a robe while you are working that just made me crazy!

Continued prayers for both the patient and the caregiver!

NanaNor's said...

Hi Diana, I somehow missed this-maybe I was in Ca. when you posted about it...but lifting your sil up now, for a speedy recovery and total healing from our Lord. I've missed you my friend. Blessings on your day.

Dewena said...

That's wonderful! First hurdle over with, now the long stretch ahead. Oh, how I remember my husband's surgery when he tore everything in his knee that could possibly tear. Those were long weeks and I finally had to hide the pain pills when the doctor said no more! We laugh now about what big babies men can be.


LOL...I know, my daughter had her hands full all by her slim self, as her hubby is also a very tall young man!! Boy, did she have a kid with her for at least three months, than the baby got stronger...heheheheheeee Of course I'll pray for both of them!
Big hugs,

Stephanie said...

Glad to hear everything went well ... praying for a quick recovery and wisdom for your daughter as she cares for her hubby :)


Debby said...

So glad that he is doing okay.
Oops on the visual. Hah. That's probably happened to alot of us. Embarassing but funny.
My son promised to help me when my husband had surgery. My son had his second back surgery and no one escept my husband could handle him. He even stayed overnight two nights with him. So mu son said he owed me. But my hubby was really good.

camp and cottage living said...

OMG, that is something a MIL never really wants to see! Poor guy, he'll never live that down..
I hope he recovers quickly-from it all.

Daniela @Frugal Aint Cheap said...

A-men. LOL

Meredith @ The Laundry Can Wait said...

I will still pray for Big J's back. I was took a blogging break for a few days, so I missed the previous post (which I have since read). And AMEN to the men being a baby thing. And AMEN to the "even though I have the same cold, I managed to clean the house take care of the kids." It's a phenomenon I tell you...


My Grama's Soul said...

Oh Dianna.....I just popped in here to see what was going on with you. I see,.....lots.....take care of yourself too as you are taking care of those you love.

Glad the surgery was a success.



Beth said...

I am so happy to read that the surgery went well!!

Nellie said...

Definitely prayers for everyone! I am glad to hear that the surgery went well for him. xo Nellie

Karen said...

I'm so happy everything went well, I'll be praying for you ladies too LOL.

Junkchiccottage said...

Ha Ha Diana so true about men and women and being sick!!!! So happy the surgery was a success. Good healing thoughts coming to your family.

This N That said...

Glad the surgery went well....I hope he gets a good result..

Michele M./ Finch Rest said...

Praise be to the Lord he is recovering - yay.

As for your last prayer request?

Oh boy yes ma'am I understand THAT one completely.

I have a fella who last night ran into a euro sham DOWN pillow and actually said "ow." I was quick to tease: "You aren't seriously hurting running into that down-filled pillow, dear?"

He said it was just a habit to say ow and that his joints were aching.

Yes, I am praying for your daughter. It takes the patience of a saint sometimes to get through these things.


Blondie's Journal said...

I'm glad to hear the surgery went well, it's the at home adjustments that kill! And yes, I'll be praying for his wife!! My hubby doesn't complain about pain, just the food!


andrea@townandprairie said...

Totally know what you are talking about...like we're last man..er..woman...out! Glad that SIL is making jokes and entering recovery mode!

Susan Shull said...

Glad he is doing well! What a blessing to be able to see humor in all situations!

Gina said...

I'm glad to hear his surgery went well! Wishing him a speedy recovery....and lots of patience for your daughter too!

Susan said...

Diana I am glad your son in laws surgery went well. Too funny about showing off his hosiery......No pun intended LOL

Deborah@Green Willow Pond said...

I'm praying all goes well with his surgery. My good friend was in a car accident last year and is still recovering. I know she suffered so.

Sorry you are still without a computer. That is the pits! Hope they can fix it or you can get a new one soon.


Unknown said...

Wonderful news, Diana. Hope his recovery is swift & easy.

Anne said...

Thanks for the update Diana so glad all went well.Keeping him in our prayers.

Celestina Marie said...

Oh Diana, So glad that the surgery went well. Amen and prayers for his recovery.
Blessings to all,
Hugs, CM

Savannah Granny said...

Amen to that on the recovery! So glad that Big J has the surgery successfully behind him.
We will keep him covered with the prayers, someone else will have to keep everything else covered.
Love to all, Ginger

Sweet Tea said...

Hope Jason has a great recovery. Are your eyes still bleeding from being flashed??!! Poor guy!

Sew a Fine Seam said...

Oh my word that is just too funny! LOL!! And yes, his wife needs prayer - men are not good patients!

Decadent Housewife said...

Thankful for your good report.

Funny incident. Hopefully he didn't sit crosslegged too. I got to experience that once. :\

The Polka Dot Closet said...

I know what you are talking about...Men..babies! So glad the flashers surgery went well, what a relief, there is nothing worse than being in constant pain!


Leena Milligan Lanteigne said...

So glad that the surgery went well and you got a peep show too! Hubba hubba! LOL! Prayers will continue for his quick recovery and for the survival of all in the area LOL! Hope you get a computer soon! Hugs, Leena

Connie said...

I'm so happy to hear that your son-in-law is doing well . . . your family is in my prayers.
God bless you.

Maria Elena said...

Yes. I do know what you are talking about!!!! LOL So glad to hear your son in law is doing well. Prayers for a quick recovery!

Kelly said...

So glad to hear that everything went well for him in surgery. Yes, the recovery will not be fun. Your daugher will probably need a break herself after caring for him. She will have a lot on her plate right now.

Sherry @ Thrift My House said...

I'm so glad he is recovering and the surgery went well. I'll definitely keep praying for continued healing.
Now, about having to take care of the big sick baby... you couldn't have said it any better.
Amen and Amen, bless them Lord and the wives who love them through the sniffles!

Robyn said...

Oh my gosh LOL!! That must have been hysterical.. Gosh you have alot going on.. I hope you feel better soon and I hope you get a new puter soon. We miss you.. Oh and I thought my husband had that title? Hmm, maybe its a universal man title? LOL Feel better..

Robyn said...

Oops forgot to say Im so glad you're son in law did well.. My husband has had 7 back surgeries. The last one was just this past Nov and the most serious one.. He had almost his entire spine reconstructed so if you ever have any question I can help :).... Best wishes to your son in law for a speedy recovery!

Heaven's Walk said...

Praise the Lord! Praying for your SIL....and daughter, Diana. :) ♥

xoox laurie

Donna said...

Hi Diana,
I almost missed your post. Glad to hear that the surgery went well. So funny about the little "peep show"! Praying for healing, and for your daugter, too!

Unknown said...

So happy to hear that everything went well!
How hilarious about the " peek-a-boo" moment LOL

Unknown said...

I'm off of the computer for a few days and see what happens! Praying that he gets well and is up and around very quickly..and for your daughter. It must be stressful for her. My goodness...praying for you too.

Debbie@Mountain Breaths said...

So happy everything went well, and will pray for a quick recovery and the women :-)

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Oh, Diana, you do always speak the truth! So glad that your SIL's surgery went well. I will be sending positive thoughts for a speedy recovery for him. (And for the sake of your daughter)

Ivy and Elephants said...

So glad the surgery went so well for your son. I just came back from Tucson where my sister was also having surgery. But we know that God is good, and His mercy endures forever. All will be well. Praise God and blessing for you and yours.

Ron said...

Happy the surgery went well. Missing you in blogland, Diana! xo

Ann@A Sentimental Life said...

I have been busy working long hours and am behind on my reading. Sending prayers that he is doing well, and missing you!

Gayla said...

I have missed you! Hope everything continues to improve and you are back soon... Hugs from snowy Missouri...

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh Diana,
I hope your son-in-law is back to his old self in no time. I will certainly say a prayer for him.

I have missed you!


must love junk said...

Leave it to you to find the humor in...well, anything! :)
Glad he's on the mend!

Babs said...

Sending thankful prayers for a successful surgery, and QUICK recovery. :)

Anonymous said...

missing your posts, hope all is well,

Unknown said...

Oh You do speak the truth

glad all is well

Dewena said...

Hi Diana, still no computer? Are you about to go nuts? So strange to see you down so far on my blogroll, but just wanted to say I hope you hurry back. I know you'll have lots to tell us!

Sue said...

You didn't "Post" of picture of the SIL without underwear...but I love how you didn't say if you took a picture??....Hope he's on the mend...a man with back surgery is something I would not want to have to deal with....Like you said a simple cold can throw them into a tizzy.....My best for a speedy recovery! BTW..I mentioned your Sweet Cheeks on my blog...

Rick Watson said...

.....we all KNOW what babies me really are?????? I resemble that statement :)

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

Clad to know his surgery went well. Lol on the special viewing you got!
Boy do I know what you mean about how the hubby's colds are always so much worse than mine- the world stops for him but mine doesn't!

SImple and Serene Living said...

Happy everything went well. I have been helping my mom move into a retirement apartment so I am a bit behind in my reading. Hope your hero hasn't died from the worst cold in the world :)

Leslie Harris said...

Hi Diana
I just stumbled on this post and found out about the surgery. I'm sending your son-in-law my prayers. I've been there before, right in a hospital room like yourself. Except the surgery was for my son. And I know how relieving it is when it's all over. Take care.
Leslie (aka Gwen Moss)

Karen said...

Praying for you all during the recovery. My daughter (mom of 3) had surgery two weeks ago, and it makes us all realize how much she really does do!!

Renee said...

Praying for a good recovery. Good you all could laugh at such a time. Hope your computer is fixed, back, new soon.

Romeo said...

Oh yikes!!!!! Double, triple and a bazillion prayers during the recovery. And for J too ;)

Hugs and purrs,

"her" and Romeo

Cristina Garay said...

I'm so glad it all went OK! I'm missing you!

Thistle Cove Farm said...

such good news, rejoicing with you! and, laughing with you...laughter is good medicine.

Savannah Granny said...

Checking back to see if you have a computer yet.
Hope and pray that Big J's recovery is coming along great. Praying especially for your daughter, LOL!
Hugs, see you soon, Ginger

Laura said...

Oh no Diana, borrowed time also. Prayers from mexxxxxx

"Cottage By The Sea" said...

I definitely know what you're talking about! My prayers are with all of you. Glad he came through okay but I sure would like to see that picture (you didn't take). I'm laughing just thinking about it!

Lynn Wood said...

Diana, the world SO needs people like you who help us laugh through those tense moments!

God bless!


andrea@townandprairie said...

NanaD...I do hope he is still getting better and on the mend! Please keep us posted when you have a free moment! Happy spring, my friend!

Anonymous said...

Diana, prayers are certainly covering him: that's the beauty of Blogland! I have been in his shoes four times and I certainly understand! Praying for a quick recovery! Hurry back!

June said...

Just stopping by to see how you are Diana. I hope Big J is healing up well. Sending prayers your way!

Red Rose Alley said...

I just wanted to wish you a Happy Mother's Day, sweet blog sister of mine.


bj said...

Sure glad to hear he is doing good. Blessings to all.....

Hope you get your computer soon...I miss ya !! :)

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Diana, thinking of you and hoping all is going well. Wishing you a very special Mother's Day filled with many blessings.
Hugs, Celestina Marie

Heaven's Walk said...

Hey sweet friend! Just stopping by to wish you a blessed Mother's Day! Love and hugs to you!!!! ♥

xoxo laurie

Anonymous said...

So thankful the surgery went well. We have been moving and I am behind with blogs. Just wanted to say I am thinking of you and wish you a blessed Mother's Day. With love, Mildred

KrippledWarrior said...

prayers continue for all involved in this situation. And as a man who spent 2 years trying to regain enough strength to move my arm and scratch my nose, I'll trade for your laundry chores with a cold any day you believe you're woman enough to

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Thinking of you, Dear Diana!

Karen thisoldhouse2.com said...

So glad it all went well, hoping he has a speedy and uneventful recovery.. sorry I'm late with the prayer and sentiment, just catching up now on blog reading!

Maureen Wyatt said...

I'm so glad your son in law's surgery went well! Let's hope he is well on the way to pain free days. Not that this compares to having a bad cold! lol

Debbiedoos said...

So happy to hear all went well with the surgery. Hope you had a lovely Mothers day..miss your smiling face.

Shabby Brocante, Karen said...

Hope he is doing well. I hate falling behind on my blogging. My husband is a big baby. My father was too. The day I got home from having my second child, he went on and on about how his toe he stubbed and the pain he was in. Really?