What to do? What to do?
My computer has a black screen.
Even my techy son can't fix it.
One minute it was fine,
the next minute I had a totally black screen.
It is off for repairs.
I will try to sneak a few minutes on
my hubby's laptop when I can.
Oh-They called yesterday and it is the
Motherboard, indeed.
Mama has let me down!!!
Oh-They called yesterday and it is the
Motherboard, indeed.
Mama has let me down!!!
What SHALL I do while I am
Maybe I will SEW,
using some fabrics like these from
Maybe I will finally get at finishing a couple of
pieces that I have been putting off.
Like this....

I will be back as soon as I can!
Pray that I don't need an intervention
for my computer addiction.
I think MyHero might tie me to a chair..
and shove me into the closet.
That would be HIS idea for a cure.
If I don't surface in a few days-
send help.
I'm sorry. Computer woes are awful. My motherboard crashed at Christmas time. Sneaking blogging time on my husband's computer wasn't quite the same. I totally understand the addiction.
Feeling your pain, been there and done that! Hope that "mama" is repaired/replaced and up and going again quickly!!!
Oh nooooo ... NOT the "Motherboard!" I see a sparkly new computer in your future! LOL. For now, though, I know you'll have fun painting and creating ... look forward to seeing your completed projects AND your new computer. Hee hee.
Hope your computer is saved and yell real loud someone will let you out of the closet !
Oh no Diana! I feel your pain! I hate when I have computer problems. Looking forward to seeing what you do with all that pretty fabric. Enjoy your day, Gail
oh no, that's not good, but those projects look wonderful!
Ah computers-the epitome of love/hate relationships. I'll send the hounds out if your not back soon. (they may be smelly but they do good work)
We'll send out the troops! Oh my! I hope you get everything back and up and running! Take care! Hugs!
PS I posted about the mystery book today! Sweet hugs!
I just returned from a short vacation where I didn't have internet connectivity, and I was exhibiting withdrawal symptoms. Hope your computer is fixed up and sent back to you soon.
Hope you are back onboard again soon. I am so glad to have a Kindle now for a back up. Hope you get alot done.
I hope your computer is back in service ASAP!! I am addicted to my computer.
I hate being cut off! I hope things are fixed fast so we can have you back in all your glory! I will send Ellie and her crew over to save you if John stuffs you in a closet!
Oh, no! Now that is my idea of torture, no internet!:) Hope they get your computer fixed soon! Your French Provencal night stand is just like the set I had when I was little! I've got the desk and hutch in my craft room that I repainted last summer.
Good morning Diana, I am sorry that your computer is sick, but I am delighted that you haven't let it ruin your humor. Stay happy and enjoy your projects.
Your blogging sister, Connie :)
Ha Ha Diana I know what your mean about not having the computer!!! Hopefully the motherboard will get help and be back up and running soon. My computer has been acting funky these past few days too. I hope it is not my "motherboard"!!!!!!
Diana, Start hoarding chocolate in the closet...just in case. Oooh make some pretty sundresses for summer with that gorgeous fabric. Or napkins.LOL. This reason,I am still using this old computer,I can't decide which brand to buy. Plus I am scared to be a long time with one...I need my contact with all you bloggers..well yes, I am addicted. xoxo,Susie
Oh no! So sorry to hear about your computer - they are so unpredictable! Praying it will come back to you soon :) Enjoy your time without a computer.
My last computer that is what happened, the mother board = new computer :(
I understand. It's scary. Withdrawal symptoms ahead. But freeing too. Unlimited possibilities ahead! Time for filling the well. And you'll be bursting with stuff to blog about. I can see it all now......
Yikes! Yes, it was the motherboard for the 10-year old Apple laptop (handed down from oldest daughter) that was my problem in January. I was in a spot that a computer was needed so had to head out and purchase this HP. On my "to do" list is taking that laptop to be repaired. I certainly do miss it!
That fabric is quite appealing! I believe I'd be sorely tempted to do some work with THAT.:-)
Have a good Wednesday!
xo Nellie
Yikes! Yes, it was the motherboard for the 10-year old Apple laptop (handed down from oldest daughter) that was my problem in January. I was in a spot that a computer was needed so had to head out and purchase this HP. On my "to do" list is taking that laptop to be repaired. I certainly do miss it!
That fabric is quite appealing! I believe I'd be sorely tempted to do some work with THAT.:-)
Have a good Wednesday!
xo Nellie
Oh Diana,
I don't know what I'd do without you in the blog world. You are always full of surprises. This dresser made me smile, as the girls used to have one like it, but bigger. When they were all grown, I gave it away, and I really wish I hadn't. It included a dresser, two nightstands, and a hutch. What was I thinking? Cherish this piece, maybe one of your grandkids can use it.
Have fun while your computer is being repaired. I can imagine with your talents there is so much for you to do.
enjoy your computer break. Sewing is therapeutic
Oh no!
You DO have a lot of sewing to get done for the cookie company, don't you? Don't get near the closet...you know he's sneaky and might get you locked up for good. Unless you get him first!
xo, T.
Oh no! So sorry, Diana. Here's hoping it gets fixed quickly and it on its way back to you.
oh no! Sorry to hear that. My motherboard crashed years ago went through two. They could not save my pictures oh they could get them if I had 200 dollars to give them. So I now put my pictures I want on cds so if it crashes. I have them.
So I am on my 3 computer now.
Oh we will miss you girl.
Go sew with those selections of material.
Oh noooooo!!!! Boo to computer problems!!! Good luck. (Oh my goodness, that stack of fabric is fabulous!)
Hope someone can fix it soon, and if you see hubbs with duct tape, run run run.
Oh I know the feeling. Hope you get your computer back real quick!
I hope it can e fixed soon! I know what you mean. I would be lost if I weren't able to visit my bloggy friends! But then again I might actually get something done!
Ooo...the only time mine has gone black, a new computer baby arrived at my house. It seems that fixing them cost more than a new one these days. That fabric is so pretty it makes me want to sew...almost:)
Yikes! I hope it gets fixed soon. I always get so stressed if we're having computer problems. How in the world did we ever live without them???
Yeah, the motherboard is never good news. Hope you get it back soon. I'd be lost without a computer.
Ooohh, that doesn't sound good! Hope you'll be 'back' soon (and share your projects-lol! :)
Oh no NOT good!! I hope all gets fixed asap. I can see you having computer withdrawals!! Better tackle that dresser and sew up that fabric. Hope to see you soon.
Hugs, CM
Oh... Diana...been there, done that. Hope it is fixed soon. I have a love/hate relationship with technology. Will miss you... sneak into hubby's office as much as you can. I need my NanaDiana fix!!!
Oh no I'm so sorry about your computer I hope it gets fixed soon! Thank you so much for posting my fabrics and that chest of drawers is identical to the one I had as a little girl! It brought back floods of happy memories thank you so much for posting! Hugs, Jennifer xoxo
No fun is it!
Oh no Diana hope they figure it out soon! I bet you keep busy see ya soon!
Ooooh I really like that piece! Can't wait to see it finished! I think you should paint it pink :)
Oh no! It's almost torture without a computer, but you never know. You might actually enjoy being unplugged for a bit.
OH, you are living our nightmare, a crashed computer!!! I am headed over to look at that fabulous fabric, I feel a spending spree coming on!
Ack! Yikes! Say it isn't so! OMG Computer down! Mayday! Mayday! I hope that they get it fixed and back to you soon! Hey, if he does lock you into the closet for an intervention, at least it will give you something good to post about LOL! Hugs, Leena
Bummer. My hubby says get a second opinion - it's rare for a motherboard to actually go bad anymore. He says the computer guys don't want to deal with it so they just tell you the mohterboard is bad but it's not!
Evening Diana, I FEEL YOUR PAIN!!! My computer will not download any NEW PICS I have...now going on 6 weeks!! UGH! The addiction gets better after a week or two?? Did I say that? Praying for the best.....Roxie
May I suggest that you hang out a lot at Starbucks?? ;)
I know what you mean! We just went through the same thing with my son's computer. He drove me up the wall the days he was without it! LOL It sure is an addiction! I think a new computer will resolve all your problems! What do you think? :) Meanwhile, enjoy your projects!
Hi Diana! I'm so sorry to hear about your computer problems. That's such a bummer. But in the mean time, maybe we could see who finishes their piece of furniture first? I have a very similar one waiting for me to work some magic on it...... :)
The motherboard is the bane of my existence! I can't even tell you how many I've crashed. Sigh. Good luck my friend!
:) Linda
If it isn't fixed soon, we may have to take up a collection from all of your blog readers to buy a new one.
I know I'd get a lot done if I didn't have a computer..I'd really miss it though..
Hope your computer is fixed soon. Love those fabrics.
We are tied to these things. Before the laptop I was able to limit my time on here. Not now! Bob is watching the race and I am playing catchup as usual.
Did get a little yard work done today. I told
Bob is is so strange, well not really, but you don't want to quit and come in but after the shower you relax an feel better than ever. We that a compound sentence, a gun on sentence or gobbled goop! I go for the latter.
Love ya girl, Ginger
I finally had to get a new computer. All the blackouts were causing me a nervous breakdown and my family couldn't take it anymore. Need any tips on being melodramatic, call me.
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