Wednesday, November 22, 2023



I pubished this a few years ago
but thought I would repeat it today.

Poetry has always come easy to me.
My cousins and I listened to a lot
of poetry growing up.
Both of our fathers read poetry to us
so it is second nature to me.

Are my poems perfect?
Nope- Not even close
 but they are heartfelt.
Here is the one I wrote a few years ago.


Oh! The memories of Thanksgivings past,
When I was just a child,
When the days spread out forever,
And I could just run wild.

I remember early morning sun
Upon the kitchen floor,
And father hurrying across the room
Going out the old screen door.

He would go to do the milking 
Then come  in to eat his fill,
Of Thanksgiving dinner lovingly prepared
In that house up on the hill.

My little grandmother always came,
Bringing the mincemeat pie,
I never ate a single bite of it
Cuz I didn’t want to die. (smiling)

My Uncle came along with her,
And another Uncle, too,
A cousin tagged in here and there,
When they had nothing else to do.

Oh! Then the years just marched along
And God took some family home,
The Thanksgiving table got smaller
As other members began to roam.

I never dreamed when I was a child,
That the day would come to be,
That the old homestead would all be gone
And the only family left would be me.

So, gather your family close, my friends,
As you celebrate -I say-
Remember to give Thanksgiving,
For the love & riches you have today.

By: D. Diana Kosmoski ©2017

I hope your day is 
and for those that do not have family
to spend the holiday with
I wish you 
peacefulness  and  joy
as you celebrate alone.
I'll celebrate with you in spirit......
your photo name


Gay Van Beek, Canterbury Cottage Designs said...

Oh Gosh GF that was so amazing! Thank you so much. The years have gone by fast but we are STILL HERE! Love you so much.

Mevely317 said...

Beautiful, Diana!
Thank you for sharing your talents with us, and have a blessed Thanksgiving.

jack69 said...

WOW that is beautiful. Oh yes I remember in the 7th grade I learned that poems weren't 'sissy' and Mrs Grill my teacher, taught me a lot. I became a fan of poetry. I even wrote my girl a poem once it started:
Postman Postman do your duty,
Take this letter to my cutie,
Tell her that,
I have sat,
Here in the house getting fat,
I have studied for a week
to write this letter mild and meek.


Anyway, she laughed and I was serious. I did love this POEM and all your poetry. You should be proud, have you published any? You should do that as reasonable as it is it would be nice especially for the family.
Love you lady,
Sherry & jack

Jeanie said...

I remember this from before and I'm glad you posted it again. It's wonderful to know your memories -- and they reinvigorate mine! Happy Thanksgiving, my friend.

Lynne said...

Thank You Diana! !
What a gift, happy you shared.
Happy Thanksgiving! !

Latane Barton said...

That poem captured the very essence of family at Thanksgiving. May yours be very special. Hugs Latane

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

I enjoyed your lovely poem! Happy Thanksgiving

Bill said...

Oh what a beautiful poem from your heart. Thanks so much for sharing it and have a lovely Thanksgiving with your family, Diana.

Lady Ella said...

I have no tradition of Thanksgiving, but it is an important concept for all of us. Your poem evokes nostalgia even though I don't have those specific memories. It's really lovely, and poignant too. Have a wonderful day with those around you now, and make lots of new memories.

Carla from The River said...

Beautiful poem my friend. And so very true... Love, Carla

Cheryl Kimbley said...

Just beautiful!!!! So very, very true. I was thinking about the other day - IF we had only known then what we know now.
Blessings to you and yours!

This N That said...

Truly one of your many gifts..Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Diana..

Susie said...

Diana, I love this poem. The ending is so absolutely true. People need to hold each other close. Biting one's tongue is kind of easy between bites of turkey. LOL So old hurts should be let go. I was blessed in my youth with lots of loving family. Now I am blessed with my own big family. Family is everything. Sending good wishes and love to all of you. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Kathy said...

I love your poem. I used to write a lot of poetry but haven't for many years. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

There's nothing sweeter than memories of good past holidays! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Diana!

Lowcarb team member said...

Lovely words.
Wishing you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving.

All the best Jan

Janie Junebug said...

That's a sweet poem. Happy Thanksgiving!


HappyK said...

The poem is lovely.
Happy Thanksgiving.

Nellie said...

Blessings to you and yours, Diana! Enjoy your Thanksgiving!

Linda said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Rita C at Panoply said...

Oh gosh, Diana, that's beautifully moving in this autumn/winter season of life. Our family on Will's side is not getting together for the first time ever, and the message rings loud and clear. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your Hero.

Donna said...

Love your poems!
Happy Thanksgiving!

Polly said...

That's beautiful Diana, I have tears in my eyes. My family wasn't large, I was an only child, but I do fondly remember aunts and uncles and cousins, and then another lovely family when I married. Most of them gone now. Happy Thanksgiving x

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Happy Thanksgiving, we always had a family reunion on TG and now it has gone from 30 to us 3 cousins and spouse left. the photo is hanging in my bedroom of the last one and 6 out of 30 left. i feel your poem

AnnMarie aka Vintage Junkie aka NaNa said...

Thankful to start my day with your sweet poem. Happy Thanksgiving! Have a wonderful day!

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Diane, such a beautiful poem with. Heartfelt ❤️message. Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving. I remember the days when I was a child and the whole family gathered. I miss those days. Love and blessings.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Diana, this poem is so beautiful. We don't always realize when we are making memories that the ones we love won't be with us forever. It has been a hard year of loss for us, so much to be thankful for though, because we know they're with the Lord. But our hearts are really grieving today. Your poem shares that sentiment so well! I hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving, hugs!

Anonymous said...

I don't know why Google did an anonymous comment, this is Marilyn from MountainTopSpice.

Wild Oak Designs said...

Happy Thanksgiving!! I hope this finds you well and happy....

Junkchiccottage said...

Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy the day with your sweet family. Hugs and Happiness. Kris

Red Rose Alley said...

Lovely, lovely, Diana. And beautiful memories of your grandmother and her mincemeat pies. We would never think that our old homesteads would be gone someday as we had so many special times in our homes. My son made the turkey last night, and it was the best he ever made. And many side dishes, like the green bean casserole, which I haven't had in a long time. I'll be seeing the family soon, and into the Christmas season. Just wanted to say thank you for your blog friendship all these years. Me and you go way back, don't we? I love that red pick up truck that you shared with your poem, by the way. It is just perfect for farm living. ; )


Brenda Pruitt said...

Happy Thanksgiving! Loved the poem! I never would try the mince meat pie

BeachGypsy said...

I love reading your poems-- they're good!! Merry Thanksgiving!!

Bless said...

It's a beautiful poem, Diana. Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

Ann said...

That's just beautiful. I love it. I wish I could go back to those carefree days just for a little bit.
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgving

Connie said...

Oh sweetie pie you made me cry . . . but memories are sweet and loved ones missed. The holidays are different now, but there are new memories to be made, new joys to fill the heart.
Happy Thanksgiving

Rajani Rehana said...

Great blog

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh my, Diana, I LOVE this poem! I brings a tear to my eyes. I can feel it in my heart. It seems as though our family gatherings are getting smaller as the years go by because so many aren't carrying on the fine tradition of having lots of children to have more children, etc. People choose to do their own thing and go somewhere else for the holidays rather than gather with the "old folks at home". I try to keep Thanksgiving traditions alive and well at our home, but if the younger generation doesn't step up to the plate, I fear these age old traditions will go by the wayside when our present generation moves up to the great Thanksgiving in the skies... Thank you for sharing your poem. It IS perfect!!!

Kim said...

It's a lovely poem, Diana, you have a way with words and you nailed the sentiment. Our holidays have changed drastically over the past few years. It's been a bit rough to get used to, traditions have changed, there is an empty chair at the table where my mom used to sit...but the memories are lovely and your poem captures it all perfectly...xo

Rain said...

Just lovely! ♥ Happy Thanksgiving Diana!

Izzi said...

Keep up the great work, your post was fantastic.