Wednesday, May 20, 2020


I am remembering our little
a few years ago.
She was a funny kid-
without trying to be funny.
Hope you enjoy the

Early on I stuck some
faux greenery in the
window boxes of the playhouse
we built for the grandkids
to give it some Spring color.

We can't plant outside 
until after Memorial Day
here for fear of a freeze.
Not likely at this point,
but we proceed with caution

has made a discovery.
What IS that, 
Look at that face!
Let's get a little closer, shall we?
And, even  closer...
SweetCheeks laughed hysterically.
She thought there was something
wrong with them because they
didn't have feathers and their
mouths took up half their bodies.
She had questions-

Where isss the Mohm?
She's around here somewhere, SweetCheeks.
Well, she is probably out finding
food for her babies.
Whut do thehy eaht?
Worms and bugs.
Whereh's the Daddy birhd?
He's around somewhere.
Doesn't he help her?
Not much I guess.
Thass how you know he's
the Daddy, right?
Yep...That's right...
(I am laughing out loud by now).

She can't wait for her sisters
to get there to show them
the "baybees".
She fills them in on all the 
I think she said the 
DADDY bird was a lot
like a husband....or something
to that effect.

And, here they are a week after
I sure do miss the days when
life with the grands was
sweet and simple...
we only worried about what 
we would have for lunch
and what bedtime story we
were going to read.
Big girls now-they are busy
with friends and
Lucky me to have been able to

Almost ready to share some 
Still need several things
like bathroom mirrors
and dining room chairs.

I did get the front area
planted so will share that
in a few days.

Still have to do the back patio area...
and it's a hot mess!

Oh---and I got a nice little surprise
delivered yesterday-
sitting just outside my door...
will share THAT, too!
Y'all are gonna die!  lol

Guess saying that in today's
COVID-19 climate is not
too smart.
Hey!  Never said I was smart....
Have a great day!

your photo name


jack69 said...

You have described life as I remember it. Such 'beauty' when you again enjoy the 'grands' as you did the wonder of having 'your own' brood. You enjoy it at a slower pace. One that allows you to to remember the speech patterns and 'cute' innocent honesty.
BUT you were 'not fair' trying to explain the daddy's part. LOL
Love the entry, so 'stinking' sweet. I can remember as a child first being shown baby birds with those mouths open 'just like the photo.' And in my mind here come so many memories of BEN, our first grand.......
Love ya,
Sherry & jack

Jettie said...

Life has changed so much since we first met. Our grandkids aren't little anymore. I remember when this happened, and the way those girls watched the birds.

Estelle's said...

Oh how precious....tiny baby birds and sweet little girls...I so look forward to the condo photos....hope it's all coming together! Happy Memorial Day!

wisps of words said...

Sweet memory.... -smile-

Hey, does everything in your condo, have to be purrrfect, to show us??????????

Does everything outside your condo, have to be purrrrfect, to show us the layout????????

What's purrrrrfect in our lives now, with the Wuhan Virus still prowling around the world????????????

We do not neeeeeeeed purrrrrfect photos.

There, my *Bossy Nana* work, for the morning, is done! LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Thanks for sharing those precious pictures. Don't we all wish we had those simple days back again. Now the virus seems to take over everything. so looking forward to condo pictures and your surprise !

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, what a sight those baby birds must have been for SweetCheeks! Did they just make a nest by the playhouse? I love that picture of the girls observing and being so curious. Glad you're settling in the condo. I'm getting settled myself, and it's so tiring, isn't it? Now, I'm curious about the surprise you got on your front door!


bobbie said...

"Out of the mouths of babes..."

Bill said...

Cute wee babies, how adorable to see.
Have a wonderful evening and I hope you and John are doing good.
Take care and stay safe.

Preppy Empty Nester said...

What a sweet story, Diana. I miss the good ol' days when my girls were little. I'm so glad that you write about them - for my sake as well as theirs. Can't wait to see YOUR love nest! Stay healthy!

Sally said...

Oh, that sweetcheeks; how funny

I miss my greats being little, but they're growing like weeds. I do get to facetime with Rylan though. And, did see her yesterday for a few minutes. :)


Sherri said...

What a lovely story Diana!! Our grands are the best aren't they!! :)

Doris said...

Very sweet....and funny! Our robin nest under the porch (which is too high to see into) must be a commune...whenever we get near there's several birds squawking and dive-bombing to keep everyone away!

Nil @ The Little House by the Lake said...

How sweet!

Tom said...

...their cousins are in a nest out by my barn.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I can't wait to see what you got! How wonderful that you thought to take these bird nest pictures. The children must have been enchanted! Looks like they were just taken last week!

This N That said...

I just wrote a long comment on this post..It's gone...Hugs

Kim said...

Love this post! SO much sweetness and the years go by so quickly don't they? What a gift your blog is...for your whole family. So many fabulous memories. xo

This N That said...

Sweet memories and you relate them so well...SAd that they have to grow up so fast...Looking forward to seeing what you got...Hugs...I knew this comment would show up somewhere..Part of it anyway..Phew

Terri D said...

Precious photos and memories!! Time goes much too fast!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

It sure is fun to look back at good memories! Can't wait to hear about what's outside the door that's going to make us all die! hahaha! We blondes have to stick together! lol Hugs!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

What fun and sweet memories!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

They grow up so fast, don't they, both grands and chicks!

R's Rue said...


Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

Such sweet memories! I'm still smiling! xo

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

How precious!

Busy Bee Suz said...

I had little bitty tears reading this; so much sweetness and now they are moving on in the world. If only we could freeze time or at least go back and visit. I suppose that is why we blog.

That was a lot of babies; for the mama to feed. I've had a mocking bird in the yard with her two babies and she works tirelessly feeding them; I feel bad for her. She's so tired, she doesn't even attack me when I'm in the vicinity.

I can't wait to see your condo updates.

Ann Thompson said...

How fun for the kids to watch the baby birds grow. Sweet conversation

Vee said...

Are they are that grown up already? You know that I am perpetually surprised by this thing called growing up. Those baby birds sure grew fast, too.

You have been so busy with the move and the creating home...hope that it is proving to be a pleasant diversion.

Nonnie said...

Life passing! It happens so stinkin’ fast! I love those memories and the sweet times enjoyed with them. She’s a clever one for sure to have such an understanding so young! 😆

HappyK said...

The baby birds are so cute and don't they grow fast!!

Gert said...

Oh adorable! Sweet Cheeks has always been so darn cute! What a great post! Wonderful memories. Yes, life has changed...I’m sorry to say. Can’t wait to see your next post.


Art and Sand said...

Oh, my!

We have a nest somewhere in our eaves -they come back each year.

Decor To Adore said...

What an amazing experience for Sweet Cheeks and her sisters. May you continue to be safe and healthy. Happy Memorial Day!

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

That was such a wonderful time for SweetCheeks and her sisters to see the baby birds being born. It's a memory you all will cherish. Glad to hear all is well with you and that you are busy setting up your new home. Enjoy the weekend.

Lisa said...

Not sure which is the cutest. The birds or the babes.

nonie everythingsewing said...

That is the sweetest story ever! Just look at her face.

Thank you so much for sharing Susies address. I got a nice note from her, maybe she doesn't have a computer but we can still keep in touch.


Junkchiccottage said...

This is just the sweetest. Love seeing the girls when they were younger. Makes me crave those days when we could see the grandkids and have fun days like this. I cannot wait to see more of the condo and your sweet bike and flowers. Have a great evening.

Rose L said...

I can remember seeing baby birds grow up! Great thing to have shared with her! Memories. Good you captued it all in photos. It could be a great photo book!

Bless said...

Too funny about the Daddy bird! :D

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh I love those pictures of your "Sweet Cheeks" cutie pie and her conversation about the baby birds. That was a classic, and should be in a book! I am so anxious to see the pictures of what you've done with your new condo home. We don't care if you don't have everything done perfectly any of us have everything done perfectly yet? We've been in our new home about 9 months now, long enough to make a perfect baby, but our home is still not perfect. I see different things every day that I still want to do, but time, money and energy keep me from it. Well, I have the time, but not the other two things. It's a slow process and sometimes we just have to say "This is it, for better or for worse...there's no place like home!" Hope you have a blessed and beautiful Memorial Day weekend. Love to hear from you here. Always a treat.

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

Wow those baby birds were so sweet! It’s hard to believe Sweet Cheeks is graduating already (I didn’t get any older how could she?)!

Susie said...

Diana, I think I may be back up and running...not fully but somewhat. The neighbor man just called and said our lines are hooked in with his. Oh great. So I better send this out. Love this sweet story. Wish we could hold our children again. Blessings, love you, Susie

Cecilia said...

Oh my goodness, that's a scream! So miss my kids being young sometimes. Now hurry up and share the condo and your surprise! The suspense is killing me. Lol.

Theresa said...

I miss those days too! Cutest pictures of the tiny birds and I laughed out loud about the Daddy Bird:0 Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Precious memories and the look on Sweetcheeks’s face. The birds are so cute. It’s difficult to believe she is all grown up. Time flies by and hopefully we can get through al of this Covid virus thing. Happy Memorial Day weekend. Looking forward to seeing your sweet condo. Xo

cloches and lavender said...


What a precious story and memory. I did enjoy it and a great giggle.

Was so much easier back then wasn't it? Never in my wildest dreams did I think our Country would be in this state.

Looking forward to seeing the condo and your surprise.

Have a great weekend!



Oh dear friend, we all loved your Sweet Cheeks stories, she was a special fun child and I always enjoyed and laughed at her stories. We had one funny grandgirl too, our Cayetana, now 13 and yes, I too long for those fun days with Victoria 15, now. At least we enjoyed them so much. I always thought grandkids didn't grow, but only our kids, lol...
I can't wait to see your surprise and condo sweet darling.
I am so busy, but happy that we have our daughter Alexandra from Madrid just across the street in a building as they got caught with the CORONA Virus while visiting us in Feb.
Keep safe and well pretty girl.

BeachGypsy said...

These are some of the CUTEST PICTURES I've ever seen!! Love them!! love their expressions, love the hungry little birds, love the sweetness! Hope your weekend is going great. Bet that new condo is keeping y'all busy.

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Aw, Diana - little ones grow up so fast, don't they? I've always loved this quote, "A hundred years from now...the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child." Sending hugs xo Karen

Laurel Wood said...

Sweet memories and photos. Looking forward to your condo!

My Tata's Cottage said...

Your stories always bring a smile. My DIL's mom has a robins nest on her front porch. One of the four eggs hatched. She named the little bird Birdy as that was Brittany's nickname as a child. AT Hannah and Jake's we saw so many different birds. I think I Have a new hobby. HUGS xo

Lowcarb team member said...

Awww sweet memories and a lovely story.

All the best Jan

Puzzle & Action Games Store said...

knock ball
aim game
shooting game
jigsaw puzzle
Ghost Block

Katie Isabella said...

MY dear I saw the surprise...I am reading backward! And I was filled with joy seeing the babies! Dad the Daddy bird ever show up and do his duty?