Saturday, April 11, 2020


I'm still here--

It's scary times, isn't it?
A co-worker of MyHero is in ICU with the virus.
My son-in-law is a captain in the
He and my daughter are under quarantine
because one of his men's wife
has the virus.
That means my grandgirls are not
able to be with their mom for at least
Hmmm...three teenagers out of the house
for two weeks...

We have moved into our "new" condo.
I am still in the process of making
this 'place' into a home.

I ended up calling the movers
to move us 2 weeks earlier than planned
because I was afraid the movers would
Good thing I called because they
the week we were supposed to move.

I did not get a chance to purge and sort
like I had hoped and
as I open a box or bin to discover
what is inside.

So, today- I have 
of the new place to show you
except one of the back patio area yesterday-
The wind was blowing so the flag is blurry
but---can you see the hail & snow?
As they moved us in
anything that I didn't know exactly
where it was going-
went in the garage.
Today I am smiling because
my garage has gone from 100% FULL
to about 50% full
and that, my friends, is a

Now, I don't know about all of you
I have been cooking and baking.
By the time this is over,
I am going to have to call one of those
For instance...
Homemade lasagna--
sauce that simmered for hours
and baked up like this.
OH MY---about 1800 calories per bite!
So, if I can roll myself away
from the table long enough-
I will be back this coming week with a 
just a bit of frivolity
that I hope brings a bit of 
joy to all of us.

Have a Happy Blessed Safe Easter-
even if you 
that dresses their kid up like a 

Asking God to bless you and your families-
We don't need any sick bloggers!

your photo name


CHERI said...

SOOOO good to hear from you, Diana. Where did you move? Sorry I can't fact, my head is a total blur I think. At least you have had a big project to keep you "entertained"!!! I am about finished with all the projects I can find, altho hubby and I are supposed to work in the yard SOME MORE later today. I absolutely hate what is going on in our country. I hope your family will stay safe and well. Love & hugs!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I'm so glad you got moved in! You have plenty to keep you busy while we all stay at home. I do too....but don't get as much done as I should! Take care and stay healthy! Chick chick!

Jettie said...

I'm glad you got moved before the shutdown. I haven't left our yard since March 13th, so I'm about sick of looking at these walls. Of course Bocephus keeps us entertained. For those that don't know, Bocephus is a dog who showed up here almost a year ago. Hound, Lab, and something with shorter legs, imagine that in a cream color.

coffeeontheporchwithme said...

It is so nice to hear from you! I'm glad you were able to get moved in. You and your husband do take care and have a nice weekend. -Jenn

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

Yay on the move! Come on show us pictures, we don’t care if it’s perfect yet!! Okay okay I’ll shut up! I’m so ready for spring I think plants are beginning to sprout from my body! Okay that was weird but anyway Best Wishes for a Very Happy Easter.

Chy said...

So glad you were able to move. I'm sure it's been extra work but worth it in the end. Take care and enjoy your new home!


Kim said...

Oh my gosh! You moved in this mess?? Well, congratulations!! I know that it's not how you planned it to be, but I guess you have tons of time now to get through all that stuff. Hope that everyone is ok and healthy. Stay safe. xoxo

Pam Kessler said...

Well darn it, I read that first sentence and thought MyHero had it and then wondered why you were talking about the move instead of him. Then I thought I'd better go back to the top and READ it :) . Glad you got moved in. You'll just have extra down time now to get it all set up how you want!

bobbie said...

Welcome back, dear lady!! How are your sprains?
Cyber hugs ~

Theresa said...

SO happy that you got moved. I also put things in the garage and opened them one at a time, 18 years ago:) Enjoy your day and Easter Sunday dear friend! Sending HUGS and PRAYERS your way!

Thankful for Grace said...

Congrats on the "new" place! May love and laughter fill its rooms!

Speaking of spaghetti sauce, I made some the other day. Talk about yummy! I don't even need the pasta---just eat a bowl full of sauce. It's the red wine I use in it that makes it so amazing!

Blessings to you!

Debbie said...

Glad you are back! Just opened the email this morning. Looking forward to pics of your new place. Happy Easter dear Diana!! xo

wisps of words said...

SOOOOOOO good to see a post here!!!!!!!

So happy you are in!

Re; the cooking..... Someone said; "The *19* in COVIC-19, is the 19 pounds we will gain, during isolation." Pretty black humor but....

We will hug again
💛 💛 💛 💛 💛 💛

Terri Steffes said...

So glad to hear from you. Keep plugging at those boxes. Hope to continue to hear from you ! Be safe!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Wow, what a hectic time you've had but it was a good idea to move early. I hope everyone near and dear to you stays safe!

Red Rose Alley said...

I'm sorry your husband's co-worker has the virus, that is awful.

Happy Easter, Diana. Stay safe.


Mama Pea said...

So good to see you back! And what a relief for you to have made the move. Now to get settled. Pace yourself as it will all come in time.

I've been cooking like crazy, too, to stock the freezer for when our spring finally arrives and I'll be outside all day. Your lasagna looks soooo yummy.

That little dressed up chickie is about the cutest thing I've ever seen!

Tom said...

...I wish that my DIL who is a RM at a local hospital caring for Covid-19 patients could stay home and stay safe.

Jeanie said...

Welcome back, my friend. We had snow, too.

In addition to wishes for a lovely Easter I send prayers and good thoughts to your family and extended family and friends that no symptoms manifest and that they will be fine. This is a terrible disease and I thank them for putting their lives out there.

Happy settling!

Karen said...

Glad all is OK in your world, and that you're finally in your new home. at least you can relax and unpack at your leisure not that you're "in". Wishing good health to us all - and healing to those afflicted with that awful virus.

Buttercup said...

Glad you got moved! I'd expected that I'd be purging and decluttering madly, but there's no place to recycle a lot of stuff. Have done pretty well, and know I've got more time this year to work on things. So glad to see you back and sending you happy Easter wishes!

Ginny Hartzler said...

What an adorable little chick! You were so smart to schedule the movers early. I don't know what you would have done otherwise! How far away did you move? I cant wait for pictures of every room and the outside. I am salivating; it looks like you are such a good cook!

Ginny Hartzler said...

P.S. I LOVE your header!!!

Cranberry Morning said...

Moving at a time like this! I can't tell you how much stuff we have to donate and no one's taking donations. I hope spring comes to us all after this next blizzard. Stay safe and warm. Love the Easter chicken! xo Have a blessed Easter.

Wanda said...

Hi Diana, what a fun surprise to see you on my sidebar this morning. So glad you are find, and moved in. Wow! Sorry to hear some of your gang has to be quarantined. The world has surly changed hasn't it!
But with live streaming of church services, I'm praying many people will hear the gospel for the first time, and open their hearts to our RISEN Savior.
Blessing for a wonderful Easter...not like any other year, but maybe the most meaningful for many.
Love and Hugs

Pamela M. Steiner said...

So glad to finally hear from you and know that YOU are doing okay, but am sorry about the people close to you and your family who are not. Praying for them all. I know exactly what you are going through with the move, as we did that last summer, and it was quite the adventure to say the least. Only we didn't have a garage to put everything in that we didn't know where to put...we did have a shed, so much went in there and we couldn't move anything it was so crowded...and the rest went in the "guest room", which took several months to actually become available to function as a "guest room". Just don't open the closet door and you'll be fine. LOL. So my heart goes out to least we didn't have snow or hail here in Florida when we moved. That would complicate things considerably. And thankfully we didn't have any hurricanes either, although I think one threatened but chickened out. So I will be praying for you and hope to see your progress soon. Take care and don't go hog wild on all the goodies. That lasagna looks awfully good, however...making me hungry. Have a blessed Easter. I hope the Easter Bunny knows where to find you.

Vee said...

Very happy to find your post. I have been wondering how things were going and especially in light of our new circumstances. I am having lasagna for Easter dinner tomorrow and I sure hope that it is a delicious as yours looks. Yes, we'll all have Corona 15 from stress eating. Accckkk! Stay well and keep trucking on all that stuff in the garage ☺

Doris said...

So glad you got moved even though it was earlier than planned. Going through things now is giving you something to do =) Oh my, so sorry about the coworker! I don't know anyone who got sick.
God Bless you and have Happy Easter!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so glad to see you pop up here and that you are now in the condo. since you can't go anywhere you will have lots of time to finish the unpacking and organizing. who will keep the children? you? that is sad for the girls and her parents. I pray they are all safe. this virus is a scary thing. Have a blessed Easter

My Shasta Home said...

Wow, what a time to move. It sounds like you just made it. At least you have things you have to do. I'm just not motivated to do anything. I was at first but each day is getting harder and harder.

Nice to see you back.

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

Glad you got the move behind you and are settled! Now you have the time to make it a home! Snowstorm here tomorrow For least we aren't going anywhere.

20 North Ora said...

So glad you got moved when you did. Look at it this way - you have all kinds of time to get everything unpacked. LOL

Happy Easter!

Stay safe and well.

Terri D said...

I was so happy to see your blog pop up in my Reader!! Been thinking about you!! Hooray on getting the move done and on making some good progress with emptying boxes. Stay healthy and be safe!

cloches and lavender said...

Thank goodness you're safe and called the movers.

Great job getting stuff moving. I'll be thinking of tbe family and prayers �� for their safety.

You stay safe and healthy!


HappyK said...

Glad to hear you were able to get moved into your condo.
Well, you'll have lots of time to get settled!!

Rose said...

You were so blessed to think and move earlier than planned. The lasagna looks delicious.

Louca por porcelana said...

Happy Easter!God bless you and yours!

This N That said...

By the time this is over, we will all be heavier, our hair will be way too long and grey roots will be glad I never colored my hair..interesting times..Glad you got moved...hugs xxoo

Adam said...

Stay safe and healthy.

Carla said...

I've heard people are wearing their masks at home so they can't eat!!! That lasagna looks delicious. I don't know anyone personally that's had the virus but a good friend's BIL had it was hospitalized and is now declared cured. Scary thing.

Rick Watson said...

Can’t wait to see the new place once your settled. Stuff collects at an alarming rate. It’s much easier to collect than to get rid of.
Y’all stay safe.

jack69 said...

Awww happy EASTER! sorry about the daughter and son in law. Prayers that they did not 'get' anything. The lasagna made my mouth water. Looks good. Oh how blessed! to get the stuff before they closed shop. Good thinking on your part to call early! I never thought of that.
I do understand the 50% garage YES!
Sherry and jack

Pom Pom said...

Happy Easter, Queenie!

living from glory to glory said...

It was so good to hear from you!! And you were wise to get in a bit earlier as you could of missed the window. Because when it, shut it was really quick!
I hope your family gets through this we also have a son quarantined because of the virus. I have closed my doors and allow no one in and no town for me. But we have had warm weather and we have been outside alot.
Please Lord keep us well and safe all of us... Amen
Love Ya, Roxy

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

So glad you moved before the shutdown began. These are the scariest of times but getting settled in will give you a lot of work so there will be less time to think. I do a lot of thinking and worrying, and eating.

Sally said...

You've been a busy girl! But, it's so good to 'see' you again.

Yep, I've been eating more and might need a crane to move me out of the house when it's save to leave. :)

Love the little chick; so, so cute.

Happy Easter, Diana. HE LIVES! Amen


Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

So thankful that you got moved in Diana! I will look forward to seeing pictures of your cute home once you are all settled in! This virus stuff is sure crazy! We are all well and safe here thankfully! Have a blessed Easter Resurrection Sunday!

Bless said...

So glad to hear from you and know that you have safely moved into your new place. Yes, this is a scary time, but, we will get through it. Hope you and your family are keeping safe, including those in quarantine! I am drooling over that picture of your lasagna! I LOVE lasagna! I keep meaning to make some, but, I haven't - because if I make it, I will eat it all! :D

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Glad you are safely in your new home and that the move went smoothly all before the moving company decided to shut down. Enjoy setting everything up and have a blessed resurrection day. Love, hugs and prayers ~ FlowerLady

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Good morning, Diana. So glad you are back and your move went well. What a crazy time!! Have a wonderful Easter!

Brenda Pruitt said...

One time I moved and everything went into the garage and a few days later we had an electrical fire and neither the firemen or we knew where the fuse box, etc, was. It was snowing at the time. We were able to go back that night with five pets but no heat because of the fire. I will never forget that move. Check to see where that box is just in case!

NanaNor's said...

Easter Blessings to you dear Diana! Praying for health as you settle in your new home!
With Love,

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

So glad you were able to have the help of the movers. And a garage at 50 percent is a job we'll donne. Happy Easter to your house from mine !

Jo said...

I'm glad you got moved before the movers shut down, I'm sure you'll get everything sorted out in time, no rush. Wishing you a very happy Easter.

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Oh My! So glad you got moved before they shut down. I have another blog friend who moved a few weeks back and the movers would only work for 4 they had friends and family help with uhauls. Stay safe.

Junkchiccottage said...

Hello and Happy Easter sweet friend. May you have a wonderful day today. Rest, relax and enjoy. You have worked very hard with moving quickly and unpacking. You accomplished so much with all the scare of the Covid and the movers schedules. Glad you got to move early. Great intuition on your part. Enjoy that pretty new home. It is now your safe haven. Happy Happy Easter. Hugs to everyone in your sweet family.

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Wow Diana, so much on your plate. You are one amazing woman. Unpacking can be fun, especially finding things we haven't see in a while. I think we are all cooking and baking up a storm. We will need an intervention...LOL Take care sweet friend. Happy Easter. xoxo

Wild Oak Designs said...

Congrats on the move!! smart to move sooner....
I am sorry to hear about friends and family in quarantine.
Isn't your whole area doing "safe at home" self isolation?? We are, here in So Cal....Its been four weeks of hugging grand family dinners...and at Easter it is especially hard.
Well, prayers that all are safe and well soon!
I look forward to more posts....we all missed you!

Carla from The River said...

Happy Easter my dear friend. Stay Safe and Healthy!!
Love, Carla

Kay G. said...

Happy Easter, Diana!
Whenever I have to move house, I am calling YOU!
God bless you and your dear family.xx

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

I am so glad to hear that you moved in and are unpacking everything. This is a good time to be working on the inside of your new home! Have a fun baking and cooking and have a happy Easter.

Bill said...

Glad you got the moving part down, now for the unpacking and organizing part. At least you don't have to rush around.
Take care and stay safe, Diana.
Happy Easter to you both.

Ann said...

So glad you got moved before they shut down. Who knows how long you would be waiting otherwise.
So sorry to hear about everyone who is either sick or under quarantine. Hope everyone is feeling better soon.
That has to be the cutest little chick I have ever seen.

Melanie said...

Glad to hear you're moved in - especially before the movers shut down! That would've been disastrous. Can't wait to see photos of your new place when you get everything set up. Here's hoping and praying that you and your family all stay well and healthy. Happy Easter to you and your hubby!

Gert said...’s so good to hear from you and to see you back on line, I am so happy you were wise enough to move before the quarantine! So proud of you—having your garage half empty is amazing! Please stay in and stay safe


Michele (Finch Rest) said...

You moved!!!??? Wow - I guess I have been away much too long. Oh my golly going from the biggest house I ever saw to a condo - what a bittersweet, huh?

You will love it once all gets sorted, I can imagine. Just less. Less can be such a good thing. I would love to do it but my still working husband won't budge, haha. He said the lack of privacy would kill him so not yet. Sigh.

Hope you are healthy and safe - hasn't this been a strange Lent/Easter?

I miss my 3 year old grand so much I can hardly stand it. Thank God for FT and Zoom!!!

Best wishes on your new home, darling, miss you. Sorry I am not around much these days. I just have no energy for anything anymore it seems. Hugs. ♥

Creations By Cindy said...

YUM on that dish of food! Oh girl I am praying all the more. He's got the whole world in his hands has been my song that I have been singing.....Childhood memories of that song has surely become a favorite. So sorry to hear about your family and friends! Mercy...I just wish CALGONE really would take me away...I tried it...but the old commercial lied! Hugs and blessings to you sweet lady.

Kim said...

A blessed Easter to you, dear Diana! So glad you got moved just in time, and have plenty to keep you busy during this quarantine. Blessings sometimes come in strange packages, don't they? Much love!

Woody said...

Oh how I remember the Garage being 100% full to finally getting stuff put away, we had our stuff stored for over 12 years, thankfully My Honey taped each box almost "Airtight" so like you said it was almost like Christmas as we opened each box ! Hope you get settled into your (New) Condo, can't wait for Pictures, We are getting rains and strong winds and possible Thundertorms, Stay warm and Healthy !

Rose L said...

It is so difficult for everyone right now and trump does not make things any easier. My mother had a stroke a little over a week ago and ended up in hospital and no one could see her. Now she was sent to a rehab place without family being notified for 12 hours and still no one can see her.She is confused and I am sure scared. She had speech affected by the stroke. We are all praying.

Shari Burke said...

Glad you're all moved and can take your time going through everything. Stay safe!

Lorrie said...

Hello Diana,

So glad you got moved before the moving company shut down. What great foresight! Now you probably don't mind staying at home as you have a lot of settling in to do. And cooking. We are all spending more time cooking, I think. We're trying to do order in or pick up from local restaurants once a week or so to help support local businesses. We've done pizza and Thai so far.

Have a good week.

SImple and Serene Living said...

So happy that you were able to get moved. I've been saying all along that if you want to invest in the stock market you should buy shares in weight watchers. Their stock, if they have stock, should really go up after this quarantine is over. As for me I'm on my way to the fridge. Happy unpacking. xo Laura

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

I'm glad that you made it through the move, Diana, and that you had the foresight to change your moving plans to accommodate this pandemic that's controlling our lives. I've been baking,cooking, making mask after mask, cleaning, and making jam. I do some exercise videos on YouTube to try to get some exercise in with all that cooking and baking!! I hope you're enjoying your new home.

Rose L said...

I cannot remember where (city?) you moved to! It is such work to move and resettle in a new home. Eventually Randy and I will do that.

Shirley@Housepitality Designs said...

Diana, I can truly relate to your move...we moved right before our state shut down back in March and the movers gave us 4 hours of their time vs. 8 hours....So we rented a U-Haul for 5 days! Grateful for great friends that helped us move....I so can relate to the garage thing too...what a great feeling to have both cars in...but my boxes extended to the attic!
Sorry about the CV -19 situation for your family...Please stay safe and hope your family will be OK!