Friday, May 10, 2019


Ladies & Gentlemen~
You are going to bow down and kiss my 
 pedicured unpedicured feet after you try this!

I was craving
Being completely honest here-
I did NOT have Key Limes nor did I have 
Key Lime juice.
So---I made this with one of those 
funny little squirt cans of
So- I am calling this 

So-ALL you need for this pie?
Egg yolks, Lime Juice & 
Heavily butter your pie dish
because there is NO crust.
Whisk all ingredients together and 
pour into pie pan.
Bake, Eat, Enjoy!
That's it!  That's all she wrote, folks.
Above is the 
However, when it is served 
here it looks more like this!
We like a 

Here's the recipe:


Preheat oven to 350.
Heavily BUTTER a glass pie dish.

3 egg yolks (or 3 eggs*)
1 can SWEETENED condensed milk
1/2 cup LIME juice.

Beat eggs yolks slightly (*If you use whole eggs you will get more of  a cheesecake consistency-which is also good)
Add sweetened condensed milk and lime juice.
Whisk or stir until well blended.  
Do NOT beat mixture.

Bake in preheated oven for about 30 minutes...then keep checking every 5 minutes until it is completely set and a knife inserted in center comes out clean.  The very outer top ridge will be just slightly brown.  Do not overbake.

This cuts and serves beautifully -

as if it had a crust!

Serve with whipped cream.

This is so good and so easy and you can substitute lemon juice for the lime if you like.

Perfect treat for Mother's Day~

Remember about kissing my feet?
start kissing....
Have a MOTHER'S DAY and
your photo name


Anonymous said...

Oh such pretty feet you Have! I have never made key lime pie, I’ve never eaten it either so I must try this!

WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

HaHa! Is that it...Crustless Lime Pie...!!!
Crustless..? Crustless..? Goodness! That's
like eating a sandwich with 'NO' bread....
Willie..careful what you'll be
defrocked...AGAIN...!!! :).

No! I'm not a sweet person..l think l'd better
rephrase that..I love sweet things..desserts etc..
But l never seem to make any, mostly savoury,
after dinner food..Cheese, salami, olives, etc..
If anyone makes or brings any, l'm the first in the, l would still eat and enjoy, this crustless
pie..sorry..Crustless Lime Spring Pie...Jeeeeese!

Diana...I've amazed myself..l've kept my comment as
clean and honest, as l possibly can..and perhaps l'll
have a Mothers Day Pie..if l can remember where l buried
her..Bless!x HeHe!

Great fun as usual..and two 24inches....!!! :).

mxtodis123 said...

It sure does look yummy. I've only had Key Lime Pie once in my life. This looks like something I would like to make.

coffeeontheporchwithme said...

I made a "proper" key lime pie once and it was so amazing, but a lot of work. I love your recipe and the fact that it's crustless means it's a little less decadent. I've discovered in the past couple of years that I absolutely love lime. I'd take the lime over the lemon any day. Hope you have a well-earned Mother's Day weekend, Diana! -Jenn

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Sounds delicious, and so easy peasy!! Although I have to say, I am a big crust fan...but not so crazy about having to make it, so this will be just fine. And kissing those feet? Wow...wouldn't it be lovely to have such lovely feet? If I had feet like that I'd probably kiss them myself, if I could get them up to my face! LOL. I used to be able to do that when I was a kid, but I'm not quite so limber anymore! LOL. Have a wonderful Mother's Day! This was delightful, as usual.

Tom said...

...oh, but the crust is the best part!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

What an easy and yummy recipe. Thank you ! Wishing you a very Happy Mothers Day !

Vee said...

That sounds good. I might prefer making it in custard cups to serve as a pudding so I don’t feel bad about no crust. I often prefer the crusts to the pie. 😉

bj said...

Key Lime is such a favorite around here...I will make this...but the buttery graham cracker crust is a must for us! Your recipe for the filling sounds amazing...thanks for sharing��

jack69 said...

Key lime or Lemon, my favorite pies when I do eat sweets. Delicious.. From East of the South Fork where more apartments go up every day!
Sherry & jack, Love from over here.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I was craving banana pudding and made up some jello instant pudding...sugar free of course! It really has been good though. Something different! Enjoy your day!

Junkchiccottage said...

Happy Mother's Day Sweet Friend. You are one of the best Mom's, Nana's and friends anyone could ever know. May you have the best day on Sunday. Eat the whole pie yourself you deserve every bite!

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

That pie looks so delicious Diana and thanks for recipe! I love key lime pie. :)
Have a Happy Mother's Day!

Jo said...

I love simple recipes like this, it looks delicious.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

that looks so good and simple. Thanks. I'll pass on kissing your un-pedicured feet.

Lisa said...

I make a lemon tart the same way. I need to try the Limes next!
However, I HAVE to have a graham cracker crust but my hips would like the crustless better. and yes, Whip Cream!
Have a wonderful Mothers Day sweet friend.


HappyK said...

Thanks for the recipe. Can't wait to try it.

cloches and lavender said...

I'm going to have switch this to lemon. I know I am difficult. Don't like lime even a smidge.

Have a Happy Mother's day. You so deserve a wonderful day.


Red Rose Alley said...

Do you know that I LOVE PIE? And you made this one look so scrumptious on your red dishes. I don't ever have key lime pie, and now I'm craving it. I think the whipped cream makes it. : )

Happy Mother's Day, Diana.

love, ~me

LV said...

This was my husbands favorite pie. However, did not make as you did. Looks super good. Have a wonderful mother's day.

Benita said...

I. AM. SOLD. I love, love, love Key Lime Pie but haven't made one in years!! This will be perfect! I will make it over the weekend and will be able to keep it all to myself since the hubster hates it! LOL Hope you have a fabulous Mother's Day weekend! Love and hugs sweet friend!

Rain said...

Great post Diana, very fun! :) I LOVE Key Lime pie, but alas, we don't have key limes here...but I will be trying this with lime juice! Actually we have a great little market that sells fresh fruits and veggies at great prices, too bad I just did the monthly shopping yesterday but this will be on my dessert menu for June! Thanks for the recipe and I agree about the whipped cream!!!

Terri D said...

I am not crazy about lemon OR lime pie, but they are Joe's favorite. This recipe sounds good and easy. Thanks!! Boy, oh boy, do I need a pedicure.

Chatty Crone said...

The lemon pie looked DIVINE! Happy Mother's Day.

Michele M./ Finch Rest said...

Perfect for gluton free dessert lovers, too I would say - who knew?

I am soooooooooooo going to try this! TY, Diana! Hugs!

Happy Mother's Day. ♥

Kim said...

Can you believe that I've never had Key Lime Pie? Maybe I should try your recipe for Mother's Day. I hope you enjoy the weekend!! xo

Adam said...

Happy Mothers day to all the maternal ladies out there.

Doris said...

Simple is soooo good! I wonder if it would be good with lemon instead.....think I might enjoy that flavor more.

Happy Mother's Day to you, Diana!

Debby Ray said...

Looks so cool and refreshing...key lime or spring matter! Thanks for sharing this yummy recipe an Happy Mother's Day to YOU!♥♥♥

Ann said...

Oh wow, it couldn't get any easier. Thanks for sharing

Barbara said...

I'm gong to have to make this.... it looks and sounds perfect! Thanks for sharing!

At Rivercrest Cottage said...

I'm going to risk dirtying up my newly cleaned oven for this pie! Yum.

Wild Oak Designs said...

Oh my, yes!!
It's delicious sounding! I did a recipe not long ago a coconut custard pie and oh my these type of pies are wonderful....
and awesome....
Thank you

Sandi said...


Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

Only 3 ingredients, wow!! Thanks for the recipe! Quick and easy! Have a blessed Mother's Day!

Shari Burke said...

Yum! Will have to try this--looks and sounds delicious!

Brenda Pruitt said...

You will probably be surprised to learn that I don't think I've ever even tasted key lime pie. Sounds good though. Especially with all the whipped cream on top!

This N That said...

Looks yummy!! Those feet don't look like yours..or mine either for that matter.. Happy Mothers Day..

CHERI said...

Well, it certainly looks delicious and I am totally sure I would scarf it right up, but I do believe I would love a graham cracker crust on the bottom. This reminds me of a pie I haven't had in years called MILLIONAIRE PIE. That stuff is so yummy but right now for the life of me I can't remember how it's made. I do remember it is super simple to make and I believe it had sweetened condensed milk (is that stuff yummy or what???) Would you believe I have a friend who used to open up a can of that stuff and eat it right out of the can???? Of course, it was only a few minutes on her lips but is still to this day on her hips!!!! (Ooops, that was probably ugly!!!) Glad she doesn't read your blog!!!

HWIT BLOGG said...

What a LOVELY pie :)
Love from Titti

Jeanie said...

I'm sold. This looks to die for! And it's the guts, not the crust when it comes to this type of pie!

Busy Bee Suz said...

That looks amazing! And your feet aren't crusty either. :)

Lowcarb team member said...

Looks delicious, many thanks for sharing the recipe.

All the best Jan

Janice Kay Schaub said...

That looks awesome. Bet it tastes divine, no calories naturally.

Rehoboth said...

Lovely video. Nice Post
