Sunday, May 14, 2017


I wrote this a few years ago
and after I published it,
 I got several emails
from women that 
find some sadness in
Mother's Day.

We must remember that not everyone
had a wonderful mother and that 
there are those of us that desperately
wanted a child and that has not happened-
and there are those that have lost
children to Heaven--
a loss beyond understanding......

Please think kindly about others that 
do not find much happiness in this day.

Related image

Mother's Day
(written as if our mother is still with us)

Some of us have been blessed 
with wonderful Mothers.
Some of us have Mothers 
that are not quite so admirable.

Some of us have Mothers 
that praise us and adore us,
Some of us have Mothers 
that never say a kind word.

Some of us have Mothers
 that love us unconditionally.
Some of us have Mothers
 that love us only
if we meet all her expectations.

Some of us have Mothers
 that smile readily.
Some of us have Mothers 
that never find much to smile about.

Some of us have Mothers that~
whatever we do~ 
it is more than they hoped for.
Some of us have Mothers 
no matter WHAT we do-
it is never enough.

Some of us have Mothers 
that had a charmed childhood.
Some of us have Mothers 
that were raised in pain & shame.

Some of us have Mothers 
that need us & 
want us in their lives.
Some of us have Mothers 
that are needy
 and we seldom see them.

Some of us have Mothers 
that complete our lives.
Some of us have Mothers that
leave us aching, wanting and empty.

Some of us have Mothers 
that stand
on this side of the Great Beyond.
Some of us have Mothers 
that have passed
 over this earthly barrier.

Some of us will emulate our Mother.
Some of us will vow to never be
anything like our Mother.

Some of us are happy and fulfilled,
no matter what kind of Mother we had.
Some of us will never be happy
even if we were nurtured 
by an amazing Mother.

Today I am blessed to be a Mother.
My daughters are blessed 
to be Mothers, too.
Today I vow that I will be
the best mother (and grandmother) 
I can be.

Today I vow that I will love
as deeply as I can 
those that share my life.

Today I know that I am blessed indeed~
Today I hope that you find blessings
in your own life-
and love your Mother-
even if it is just because she gave you life.

~Happy Mother's Day from Me to You~

I just spent the weekend with my sweet
Mindy and her family and will be driving
home today.  
I will catch up with all of you tonight.
your photo name


Kay G. said...

Yes, I have seen this before but I hope you share it on every Mother's Day!
Happy Mother's Day to you! x

Carol said...

Beautifully written! I am thankful that my own mother is with us and doing well at 81. I also vow to be the best mother and grandmother that I can be. I really enjoy being Mammaw!!

Penny @ Penny's Vintage Home said...

Happy Mothers day!

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Happy Mother's Day, dear Diana. Safe travels.

Jettie said...

Yes, some of us have mothers that are special in one way, and others have mothers like mine, who was special only to those special to her. I know some wonder why I never mention Mother, some things are better left unsaid.

Pom Pom said...

Oh, Diana. I love your good heart. God has shepherded you through highs and lows and used your life to bless more of His sheep. God be with you, dear one.
Happy Mother's Day, good mother.❤️🌷🌹

Donna said...

Diana, a beautifully written and heartfelt post...enjoy your day. I had a very good mom and still miss her. xoxo

A Joyful Cottage said...

I thought it was beautifully written the first time I read it, and I feel even more so now. I agree with a previous reader that you should post it every year on Mother's Day. I'm glad you enjoyed your time with the kiddos. Happy Mother's Day to one of the best moms and grandmothers I know. Hugs, Nancy

Chatty Crone said...

I wish I was a great mom - but sometimes yes and sometimes no - lol. But I tried.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yes, every holiday carries with it a measure of sadness for some. It's important to be reminded of that -- thanks, Diana!

Susie said...

Diana, Even if our mommies were not the greatest...there are things about them that we can gleam something from, like being strong or able to endure hard times. The older I get the more I can be grateful for learning. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Debby Ray said...

I think you've just about covered it all. Beautifully written, Diana. Happy Mother's Day.♥

Simply LKJ said...

Thanks for sharing again Diana. As you know, my sweet MIL passed in March (she was my stand in as was my late Granny). My own mother suffers from mental illness. In some ways I feel I've been robbed. But, then God places other Godly women in my path to fill the void, such as my dear 96 year old neighbor. I just pray that God allows me to see the good, even in tough times. Happy Mother's Day friend.

Deborah Montgomery said...

Yes, Mother's Day can be kind of a mixed bag for many, can't it? After losing 7 babies, including one who died the day after he was born, I am so thankful I got to be a mom (of three here on earth). It's been such a privilege and I always pray I'll be worthy of the Mother's Day card! xo Deborah

amazingsusan said...

Yes, not all mothers were meant to be mothers, and many children suffer great harm at the hands of their mother. I wrote about it on Mother's Day 2012 and others shared their experiences with me:

Ironically, thanks to Alzheimer disease, I was lucky to find a lot of healing.

Wanda said...

Thank you for powerful, and so often I take for granted that I had that marvelous mom, and good childhood.

This N That said...

Well said, Diana.. all mothers are not wonderful. Those that can say that about their mothers are very lucky. Hope you had a wonderful day.

Red Rose Alley said...

Happy Mother's Day, Diana. I hope you are having a nice and restful weekend. I am blessed to have had a gem of a mother, and I am blessed to have sweet children who love me.

That's nice that you remembered all women today, not just mothers. : )

love, ~Sheri

Diane said...

Best of the holiday to you Diana, beautifully written words and so true.

Hugs Diane


Happy Mother's Day and thank you for this thoughtful post.

AnnMarie aka Vintage Junkie aka NaNa said...

I know so many women, including myself, affected by so much of what you mention here. We all have to trust God to help us to find our own peace about it.

Lorrie said...

Mother's Day is fraught with so many emotions. It's good to be sensitive to those for whom this day is difficult.

Mary@mydogsmygardenandmary said...

Beautiful post Diana. I had a mother that I loved very deeply, but she has been gone since 1956 and was only 45 years old and I was 21. So I didn't have her very long. But I have met some wonderful women along the way who would have been a terrific mother and took me under their wings. To them I say :thank you from the bottom of my heart.

So glad that you had a great time with Mindy and family.

Hugs dear sweet friend.


Our Hopeful Home said...

Happy Mother's Day to you, Diana! It's a bittersweet day for me as I lost my mother at a relatively young age. But I do feel blessed that I have my own kids. And I've been blessed with a sweet mother-in-law these past 20+ years. Hope you had a wonderful day/weekend with family. xo Kathleen | Our Hopeful Home

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Happy Mother's Day to you, Diana. I hope it was filled with joy! I love what you have written, my wise friend. Life is not always love and roses. We need to be reminded to always be kind. We never know what pain and heartbreak is hidden behind masks. xo ♥

Cheryl said...

Beautiful and true, sweet friend. I hope your Mother's Day was filled to the brim with happiness and peace! Sending love and hugs to you!

Okio B Designs said...

Beautiful! Hope you had a lovely Mother's Day!


Boopnut said...

I like that, Diana! Some holidays are just hard for people...I'm sure this one was hard for my nephew and niece who are missing Linda. Personally, I have difficulty seeing photos of the large families that include grandchildren. I hope your Mother's Day was great! Mine was very nice.

Linda said...

Such truth here! Thank you!

Kim said...

Happy Mother's Day!

krishna said...

Its a wonderful writing.. You are very much true..

Renee said...

Beautiful. Mother's Day is so sad for me. My father died on Mother's Day 21 years ago. My momma died 5 years ago. I miss her but I realize how lucky I was to have her for so long and I was blessed to have a good mother.

Happy Mother's Day to you.

Shirley@Housepitality Designs said...

Hope you had a most wonderful Mother's Day!!!!

Creations By Cindy said...

I hope that you had a great Mother's Day dear sweet lady . Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Diana, Happy Mother's Day. I know I am a little late but if we are mothers we should have a Happy Day no matter when it is. I agree that the ones of us who had a wonderful Mother in our lives and the ones of us who strive to be a wonderful Mother herself, sometimes find it hard to imagine that everyone is not as lucky as we are. Even so, I would hope that we all have that something deep within us to come to terms with our lives and take the joy from all that we can. Your poem is beautiful..xxoJudy

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

A late Mother's Day to you Diana! I remember reading your poem in the past, and it was as true then as it is now. I was very blessed to have an amazing mother and mother-in-law in my life, plus many women who have been like mother's to me, but I can only imagine the pain of those who haven't been so blessed. Thank you for remembering them today, you are awesome! Hugs to you dear friend :)

jmac said...

awesome! hope your mother's day was awesome too!

Forest Mother said...

A very good reminder to be loving to all. I am so thankful for the man who made me a mother even if he chose not to stay. My daughter is an amazing blessing. Thank you for your poem.

Rue said...

You are a weaver of words, my long lost sister :)

My mother.... God love her, but she's a project and a mixture of both sides. You'll notice I don't talk about her a lot on my blog, except to say that I call her everyday. Someone once commented that it was so sweet that I did that and all I could think was "you have no idea" LOL I love her, but oh man....

Anyway, I hope your day was wonderful :)


Rue said...

Oh and I missed out on the darn table thing AGAIN. I would have picked the first one :)


Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Such a bittersweet and insightful Mother's Day post, dear Diana. No matter what our Mother's were like, we can always learn from and strive to be either like our Mother or better. I think it is the most complicated of all relationships, for sure. Glad that you got to spend the day with your dear daughter and sweet grands. xx Karen

Doreen@foxdenrd said...

Such poignant, true words Diana. Thank you. I think Beatrice hit the nail on the head. No matter what, we can learn from our mothers.
