Monday, March 27, 2017


Well,  This is a LONG POST!
Holy Cow!
If I had known you were all going to come out
of the woodwork and
I would have run for 

The tables all got votes--
but there were a couple that filled up
so I have 
for a couple of these tables.

This time I am actually going to
(isn't that a lame saying?)

IF your name
I am using the name of your blog.
I figure if your name isn't there 
it is for your reason
and you don't want it published
and I am not going to rat you out!

So--that being said:

and think of it as banquet sized.
Here are the names of your meal mates.
No fighting over 
who sits next to who either-please....
or is it whom sits next to whom.....

Lori, Sylvia, Kris, Sissie, Nancy, Ronda, 
Cecilia, Lorrie, Karen, Lisa, Martha, Ellen, 
Vee, Dianna, Carla, Amy, Laurie, 
Kay, Nancy, Jan, Krishna, 
Missy, Donna, Linda, Doreen &Pam.
We had a couple of people that want to 
(in case they don't like the company?)
Patty, Wanda & Stephanie
aren't sure if they want to sit with 
YOU ALL or join another table.

You want to know who you are sitting with here?
Well, good ol' Susie is at your table
and joining her are:
Mildred, Judy, AnnMarie, Carla, Liz, Ellen, 
Janet, Mary, Ann, Ckrut, & Ellie.
 Stephanie  and Jill have decided 
they MIGHT join you
for half the meal.

With ONE LESS VOTE than the above table is:
Your companions are:
Linda, Susan, Starting Over Accepting Changes, Nancy,Lynn, 
Connie, Chubmama, Katie, 
Tia, Lola & Donna.
Wanda has decided she MIGHT join you or she
MIGHT just sit at Table #4 with her 

You are sitting with:
Sheri, Dazee, Spicing Up Idaho, Sandi DiDio, Sue, Pompom,
Karen, Racheld & Anonymous (hmmm...wearing a mask, maybe?)
Jill has decided she MIGHT LOWER herself to sit at your table
IF she doesn't stay at Table #5 
with her REAL FRIENDS!

I think those beautiful Jadeite plates got you!
Launna, Lisa, Louise, Cindy, 
Carol, Beemie, Jettie,
Beach Gypsy, Julie  & you have an UNKNOWN guest!
Those are always fun because you never know
WHO might show up!
Could be Nicole Kidman? 
Ya never know!

You will be most pleased to know 
you are sitting with:
Ron, Brenda, Debra, Celeste, Rose, Adam, Vera,
Kathleen & Karen.
Now...Patty & Karen Ann 
are trying to decide if they 
well enough
to spend all their time at this table.
They are kind of fickle like that.
Please don't judge!

As for me...
Well, I will be sitting at each table for a bit.
I will eat the best thing at each table and 

This was a lot of fun...
IF I missed anyone's name I am SO SORRY.
I went through twice to try and make sure 
I had everyone down at the right table and didn't miss anyone.
You can call me out if I missed you!

So-what do you think?
Is this fun enough to do again?
Maybe not tables next time but places or something?

PS- I am gonna say this for whatever it is worth.
have your name on your blog anywhere,
please consider putting it on there in some form...
even if it is a nickname.
It is much easier to make a true 'connection'
when there is a name to associate with the blog.
Doesn't even really have to be your 
(like Beemie-you know that is not Beemie's real name-right? 
 But you KNOW her by that)
I think even BOZO is acceptable....
for some of us
Those are just my personal thoughts...

And if you do leave an 
Anonymous or Unknown comment 
(which I don't mind at all)
consider just adding your name or even an initial
at the end of your comment.
That way I can feel more connected to you.

Hope you have a wonderful, wonderful week!!!

your photo name


Sylvia said...

I love doing this, yes do it again. I see lots of my friends at my table #4 so I won't be lonely!

Ron said...

Last place...............................LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xo

Lisa said...

Im sitting at the winner table! Cheers!
PS: Bozo was taken.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

This clever idea was fun!

Anonymous said...

This was very fun! I am wishing you a nice week filled with many blessings! xo

Susie said...

Diana, Could you just squeeze all the tables together...LOL. I want to eat lunch with all these people. :):) I like when you do "which is your favorite?". Hope you get some nice weather this week. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Pom Pom said...

Oh yay! I get to sit with Marilyn! 😊

Karen Heath said...

I love all the tables! They are just beautiful!

Vee said...

Thank you, Diana. That was a lot of work! 🌷And thank you for saying something about those who do not use a name...some name...because it is very difficult to connect with a blog without "knowing" the person behind it. It's strange how often that happens, too.

Vee said...

Oops...forgot to answer the question. I love these posts where we get to vote. I'm very civic minded. And I offer a possibility...favorite Easter candy. 🍭

Cranberry Morning said...

You missed my name, Diana, but that's probably because I didn't stop in until JUST NOW!! LOL Sorry I missed this. I would have voted for the winner, too, probably because it's a little more understated than the others. Simple, clean, pretty and light. Besides no names, it makes it difficult when bloggers' emails aren't connected to their blogs so we have to try to track them down to respond. Anyway, I hope you have a good week. Tomorrow is supposed to be 55 and sunny. Can't wait! Until then, I might actually clean another closet. LOL

Sonny G said...

I missed this so the folks at table no.3 will have to scoot over a little and let me get a chair in there..if they refuse, I'll sit at table 5 and be fine with it.

Kathy said...

How did I miss this? I didn't get to vote. But I would have chosen the second place table although all of them are very pretty and festive.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

What fun! I really wish we could all meet and have a meal at our tables. Of course I might do some table hopping to visit all my other blog friends. Yes this was fun, so please do it again! I agree about a name on your blog! Hugs...oh and I'm off to visit real blog friends around a real table. The Atlanta bloggers are meeting up again. Of course most of us have stopped blogging much except moi!! But I don't hold that against them!

Jettie said...

I see that Anonyamouse didn't vote, lol

Chatty Crone said...

I think all the tables are pretty and your guests.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Diana, what a fun way to connect to everyone. Yes, please do this again. I see friends I would really like to meet at my table including you. Have a great day! xo ♥

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

All of the tables are beautiful. Maybe I am sitting at the winner's table or Aqua and Pink....LOL Difficult to choose a winning table, because they all are so pretty. I get the changing of sitting. People seem to be in cliques....LOL Happy Monday. xo

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I didn't want to cough on anyone and make them sick but I think I'm better this I'll go around with you and sit at EVERY table! hahaha! I love them all anyway and I have favorite blog buddies at every table. So make room! Hugs!

A Joyful Cottage said...

I'm at the winning table and I just hope they bring something out to eat besides the grass. (Fun game. Fun enough to do again.) xo

Karen said...

LOL I'm at the beginning and the end! Love it! :-)

Wild Oak Designs said...

It was fun! Light hearted and dear....

Art and Sand said...

That would be a really fun party!

Red Rose Alley said...

All the tables are festive, Diana. It was fun playing along. : )

love, ~me

cards4ubylouise and other treasures said...

Table #2 that came in 5th place....maybe you could tell me what is in those "little boxes"....I love a surprise, but not every setting has a "little box" please don't tell me "mints". Fun playing though.

Mary@mydogsmygardenandmary said...

I didn't see #6. So glad that everyone enjoyed this game. Now don't eat to much table hopping.

Hope all is fine with you, John and the grands. Have a terrific week.

Hugs dear friend,

Annesphamily said...

Hi Diana, thank you for your thoughtful comment at my blog. Friends like you make me smile. xo
These tables were all gorgeous and I would sit there with anyone of these fine folks!
I am trying to catch up with comments a bit and of course, stopped over to say I am praying for Jill and her phamily too. hope you and John are well. HUGS

Lorrie said...

This was fun! I'm in good company at Table #4 - we're going to laugh a lot and eat even more!

Adam said...

I demand a recount

Kim said...

Oh, I picked the winner! It must have been the tulips! ;)

Cecilia said...

Haha, well they are all lovely but I picked the winner! (Rare for me, let me tell ya!). This definitely was fun...maybe places so we can see who we'd be vacationing with, lol.

amazingsusan said...

Aqua and #PINK will always be #1 in my heart and mind, and no doubt my table mates would agree ;)

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

What a fun thing to do for us and I wish my table would look as beautiful as one of your tables! Nancy

Donna said...

Woo-hoo! My table finally got picked, yeah! I really do love these voting for our favorite posts, Diana. Maybe you could do a bathroom one and a kitchen one some day! And I sure wish that YOU had run for election, as YOU would have done a much better job leading our country! Ok, enough said..............:)


Hate I missed this so cute! Beautiful tables!

LV said...

Your friends really went all out on their tables. Gorgeous. You will never see mine on one of the blogs. I am plain and simple.

This N That said...

Good grief! I will revisit this tomorrow. My brain is too tired. You did a lot of work Xxxooo

Carol said...

I must have missed a post about these beautiful tables, but let me say I am impressed.

Blondie's Journal said...

I came to catch up and I missed a great time with all of these bloggers and you, you wonderful party planner!! Fun, fun, it again so I can at least play along!!!!

Hope all is well in your world, Diana, and with your love...bless him.

I'll try to get by more.

Jane x

krishna said...

Oh sweet Diana.. this is so much fun.. yehhhh!! I'm at the winners' table... :)

Row homes and Cobblestones said...

Thanks for this fun "pick your table" post.

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

Yay! It will be a party for sure :)

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

This was way too fun Diana! Pompom and I are quite excited to be sitting together :) I didn't know any of the other gals, but would be happy to meet them too! I think you've hit on a really fun little game here :)

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

I'm sorry i missed this, Diana! I would've chosen table #1, and I'm always happy to meet new friends!

Debby Ray said...

Oh missed me too...BECAUSE I MISSED YOU! I have meant to go back to this post all week long and vote...and never made it back! What a fun way to get everyone together. But what would be more fun if we could really do this in REAL life! All of the tables were just gorgeous and I guess that was one reason why I missed out on voting...I just couldn't make up my mind! Since it was so hard to decide, I guess I would have just had to visit all the tables like you did! Thank you for the fun, even though I missed out on most of!♥

This N That said...

Bozo works...You are so funny..And so popular..By the time I got thru your post and all those comments..I totally forget what I wanted to say..Probably not worthwhile anyway ;) That was a lot of work but fun for us..Thanks..Wouldn't it be fun if we could really meet???Happy Tues..Raining here..How about vacation spots, castles, tree houses, shoes...and the list goes on..I'm sure you will run with it..

AnnMarie aka Vintage Junkie aka NaNa said...

This was definitely fun and I would love to do it again! Maybe go on a trip, or girl's day out. How about out for ice cream (which flavor?) I know you don't need suggestions, I am just rambling!

Carla from The River said...

I love it! I love how you wrapped it all up with us sitting at the table. FUN, FUN!
Yes, let us do it again.

Kay G. said...

I picked the winning table!!
You know why that one is so appealing? It might be the one with the least amount of dishes upon it, therefore, less to clean up! HA!!

Creations By Cindy said...

This was so much fun . Hugs and blessings , Cindy

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

I think I'm in good company! It would be so fun if we really could all get together and sit at these beautiful tables! xx Karen

Lisa @ Texas Decor said...

This was fun! I love how you put us all together at the tables too! Definitely do this again. :) And I totally agree with you on having your name (even a nickname) on your blog. It's so hard to reply to comments when you don't know their name.

Rue said...

Well, darn! I missed this post :( I would have picked the first table.

By the way, you know my name isn't "rue" ;) I wonder how many realize it though. I wish other bloggers would do the same and pick something.


Launna said...

Diana, I guess you have to love purple to have it be higher on the list but I am good with that... lol

I totally agree, people should put some sort of name on their blog, I like to use people's names in my comment, you are so right, it makes it much more difficult to connect... That is what blogging is about, making connections xox

Forest Mother said...

Lovely Diana. How very creative of you to do this!