Jacques Johnson
was beyond
when his
Grandmother dropped
him off in front
of his new friend, Chloe's house.
She was a lovely young girl that
had offered to tutor
It wasn't bad enough that
Gramma had chosen a
French name for him....
or that she
drove a bright
yellow, rusted-out,
beat up old
(made in France)
but when she
"Make sure you practice
a lot of
a lot of
Frenching with that
new frienda yoars"....
he liked to have died.
Gramma meant well
but with her
failing hearing she
had only heard part of
the conversation
when he told her
that he was going
to be practicing
French Horn
with his new tutor.
When he got home
he told his Mother
that he would be
walking to any further
tutoring lessons.
LoL Diana, I could tell you some funnies about my hubby, he's hard of hearing also, but then I can't REMEMBER them all. Guess my memories aren't so good!
Have a great weekend.
I once knew a guy named Jocques
he said "it's pronounced JOE Quez"
that's stupid as f#$k
Hilarious...and my gk's think I am clueless!
I would die. And walk too. LOL
ha...us Grandmothers do these kind of things...it's our job ! :)
Diana, Poor Jacques...His face says it all. LOL. Hope you are doing well. We are in for more winter..just when I was thinking of decorating the porch. Bummer. I guess it would be a great time to finish sorting around here. Blessings, xoxo, Susie
Cute! I used to embarrass my girls by speaking in different accents in front of their friends. Have a great weekend!!
Hahahahaha! Watch out for anyone nicknamed "Frenchy" too.
Hi Diana, I'm in the same boat with Sylvia above. Dennis has some hearing loss (he can't decipher consonants very well) and at times it's hysterical what he thinks I've said. Have a great weekend! xo
Love it, these old granny types can sure be an embarrassment.
Oh my goodness that was funny I think Andy would have died! Thanks for starting my Friday off right. Sandie
Oh, how adults embarrass the young ones!
Hahahah. This could be a true story with my late Grandpa. He couldn't hear good and replaced sentences with what he thought he heard. We always got a laugh out of it. We called him "Mr. Magoo". Remember him?
Now, My daddy is about at that point.
Hahahahaha!! It is a parent and grandparent's duty to embarrass their descendents!
Hahahaha!!!! I would walk too after that remark!! ;-)
Have a delightful weekend my friend!
My Grandmother used to love to meet our high school boyfriends. She would ask their names, their Mother's names and so on. She would start out asking.." wasn't your Mother a Miller before she married and did she have a cousin names Bess?" She would go on and on and would try to convince us we were all cousins!!! We would die of embarrassment and warned our cousins not to dare let her meet their friends. There is always that one relative that could really make you want to crawl under a rock! I love this story, brought back memories.
Your mind is so twisted...LOL. Can't wait until next Friday!
OH my !!..dear boy..
LOL! You are a goofball and a funny one at that :)
Oh dear I would walk to.
LOL ... thank you friend.
Haha, too funny. And perfect.
You are too funny....I'd have to walk too. Oh the humiliating moments of our youth!
Oh how funny, i can just see him being so embarrassed. I would be walking to lessons also. Poor grandma. she meant well.
Enjoy your time with daughter and grands....
Haha... grandmothers are so great for a laugh and humiliation... very funny xox
it's hilarious.. LOL..
Nothing like a good chuckle to make us smile. I hope your weekend is fabulous. Xo
LOL! LOL! You crack me up. Thank you for this!
Oh my, that poor kid...I can actually see that happening...doesn't take much to embarrass teenagers. Have a good weekend...cold and snowy here...ugh... xoxo
Giggles! Thank you for the laughs!
Oh my!! How embarrassing..Hope you are having a good weekend..Winter is back to stay for awhile this time..Going to kill all our buds
Too funny, my dear friend! I am SO looking forward to being a grandparent! xo Kathleen
You do have a way of making up a funny story to go with a goofy picture!
I think Jacques deserves a medal. lol
You are a hoot!!! You sure gave me a LOL moment this morning. Have a great week and be blessed!! xo
I needed that laugh! Hilarious, my friend :)
OMG! Too funny.
Very funny....I am French...I love the pics of the grand-kids ready for SPD. When I was growing up in very Irish Boston, I asked my mother why we weren't Irish, her response,"We're French, it'll grow on you." It did indeed.
Ha ha ha ha you're a riot, Diana!!!
LOL Diana... too funny!
Aw. Haha. Well, I think it's vital to his development. I meant that embarrassing experience. :D
So not the French horny then? ;)
LOL, that was a good one!
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