Wednesday, February 12, 2014

My Three Boys-The ThumbThucker-The Computer Geek-The Croupy Cougher

Last week I took a few days off and 
went to a Waterpark in Wisconsin Dells.
I met my daughter, Mimi, and her two boys there.

After a long day of sliding down slides
and running under waterfalls we were tired out.
This little THUMBTHUCKER curled into a ball
and snuggled with his Mama.. time we will wash his face
after he eats his macaroni and cheese!
This little computer geek can already do things on
the computer that I can't figure out.
Scary, huh?
Yes!  That is his own Ipad (or whatever it is).
His Daddy is an AT&T manager so they always 
have the latest and greatest.

And, last but not least,
I am waiting this morning for our little
CJK to arrive.
Poor baby.
This is what 
THE CROUP looks like!
My Hero tells me NOT to use 
on him because he is 
and we don't want to make 
A SISSY out of him!

No kidding?

Well, wait till he sees THIS!
I'll have this fella standing by with the de-fib paddles just in case
MyHero keels over from the shock.
Shock-Get it?  Shock for the Shock...
never mind...

MyHero WOULD get a doctor 
that looked like that.
If I keeled over do you know what kind of 
doctor I would get?
You know WHY I would get that doctor?
Because MyHero has a 
BIG insurance policy on me!

 Hope YOU have a good day.
I'll be here holding a baby,
dancing to his tune,
and praying that he feels better
by tonight.
your photo name


Anonymous said...

What sweet pics. Hope the little one feels better soon. Give him lots of cuddle time.

Nancy's Notes said...

Oh, your boys are something else! The ThumbThucker is just precious and look at that smart boy, your computer geek! Oh these little ones these days are so computer savvy, and some before they can walk or talk! Your Hero cracks me up! Aww Nana, your dear little croupy cougher, bless his heart! He'll need lots of snuggling time today~
Stay warm and well Missy!

Boopnut said...

Hope little CJ feels better soon! I would get a doctor like yours too.

Musings from Kim K. said...

Such sweet little boys. You must have had so much fun at the waterpark. Enjoy loving up that sweetie. It's in the negatives again this morning. I sent Josie off with two coats this morning.

Sylvia said...

I am so sorry your little one is sick,Diana, I pray he's better soon.

Laura @ duke manor farm said...

You always make me giggle. Feel better lil man.your in great hands!

Pat said...

Cutie boys for sure...our granddaughter has had croup twice this season. Hope the little guy is feeling better.

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

Aw, poor little guy. No, not your Hero, the baby! : ) Hope he feels better soon. I'm sure he is loving being with his Nana. I'm babysitting mine today, too.

Susan Shull said...

Blessings to your little one. Enjoy the snuggles as you pray over him!

Traditions By The Seasons said...

Poor baby boy, hope and pray he feels better. Super cute boys for sure. :)

Rebecca Nelson said...

Your boys are just toooooo cute. I'll take that doctor, too. The one without the cig, please! xo :)

Susie said...

Diana, I hope your baby gets better soon. I know why your hero has a HUGE policy...good grief girl...All the things you do would take a staff of 10 or more. Child care expert, chef, gardener, decorator, driver, house maid, lady companion, LOL, well you get the idea. xoxoo,Susie

Laurel@ChippingwithCharm said...

Poor guy!! Hope he feels better soon...

Vee said...

What a hoot you are! Gosh this poor little guy has been sick enough this winter. Saying a prayer for a full recovery and some boosts of immunity.

Kim said...

Oh boy, I remember the days when my kids were that little. I felt like everyone was sick all the time. Hope he's on the mend soon! :)

Cranberry Morning said...

Poor little guy, I hope he feels better soon too.
And I hope you don't get that doctor. lol

Tessa~ Here there be musing said...

-sigh- The Croup... -sigh- Poor baby...

And how about watching out for your own lungs, Nana......?????

Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co. said...

A little Nana love will go a long way today!

Simply LKJ said...

Such sweet pictures. Praying CJ feels better soon. My girls used to get it all the time, then we learned they had reactive airway disease (a form of asthma). At least then we had meds to handle it!! They finally outgrew it in their teens. Something that always helped was taking them into a steamed up bathroom...the bonus...they loved drawing on the steamy mirror. LOL Or bundling up and heading into the cold air. I always found day 2-3 the worst then it would get better.

Tina@WhatWeKeep said...

Oh, poor baby. I know just how he feels. Can you come take care of me, too?
At least send the handsome doc for me?
Hope CJK feels better soon...Nana love will do the trick.
xo, T.

Patty Patterson said...

Poor little guy! I hope he feels better really really soon.

Ron said...

I hope he feels better really soon....poor lil guy!

Daniela @Frugal Aint Cheap said...

sick babies are no fun...poor thing.

Ruth Kelly said...

I am amazed at how quickly the little ones know what to do on ipads and phones.

Melanie said...

Hope that he feels better quickly! Poor little fella! It is amazing how quickly they learn to do things on comptures isn't it? It is good that you have tech help when you need it! Love that little macaroni face, it is perfect!

Something Nice and Pretty said...

How beautiful are your grandsons Diana! The little sick one grabs at my heart!

Donna said...

Your little guys are just the cutest, Diana! Hope the baby feels better soon. He is lucky to have such a nice Nana.

Pam Kessler said...

Aww, hope he feels better soon. It's so hard to see the little ones sick and not able to tell you exactly how they feel. BTW, my son woke up this morning with a huge cold, so we're watching Spongebob ALL DAY. Of course, I'm sneaking off to do some computer "work" now and then:) Only so much Spongebob a mom can handle.

Art and Sand said...

I am confused - water slides, in Wisconsin, in the winter?

Hope the little one with the croup is well soon.

I laughed at your post about your physical. I had my "Welcome to Medicare" physical on Monday. 2 1/2 hours later, tests I didn't expect and a pneumonia shot that made my arm ache (still 2 days later).

Cindy @ Dwellings-The Heart of Your Home said...

Precious! Hope "croup" gets well real soon!

Gail said...

Poor baby, I hope he feels better soon! He has his Nana looking after him today chances are he will!!

Lisa @ Texas Decor said...

Oh poor baby! The croup is not fun. My oldest had it once and taking him into a steamy bathroom helped a lot. It's not fun when the little ones aren't feeling well. Hope he has a speedy recovery. :)

Beth said...

You have some precious boys! I hope the little guy feels better soon!

Nellie said...

Sending wishes for the little one's improvement! No fun when they are not feeling well. It is a little scary sometimes how much the youngsters know about technology! xo Nellie

ℳartina @ Northern Nesting said...

Such cutie pies!! Hope that little guy feels better... the croup is so scarey...I hate the sound of that cough!

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh poor, boy. I don't like to see kids sick, breaks my heart. I hope he feels better.

Did you change your comment section. They used to be pop-up. Not sure you know they are coming up differently.

Your grandsons are precious, Diana.


Gypsy Heart said...

Poor baby ~ the croup is just horrible for little ones. They're all adorable!


Penny @ Penny's Vintage Home said...

Toooo much sweetness in this post...your grandsons are just precious! Hugs, Penny

20 North Ora said...

Sorry your little one is sick but know he will feel better at your house.


Sweet Tea said...

Cute, cute, little guys - Mac/cheese and all! Hope the sick little guy is feeling better after spending some time with his WACKY Nana!!

Stan and Jody Gabara said...

Cute Photos! Hope the little one feels better soon!!

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

Oh I hope your little one is feeling better...I always hated croup... Sounds like a fun outing, though!

Savannah Granny said...

How is CJK doing? I am still praying for him. I am thinking that you went and INDOOR water park! RIGHT? Sounds like you had fun and a great distraction.

Savannah Granny said...

I just went back and scanned the comments. Can't believe no one picked up on a water park, February, Wisconsin! I guess it's a southern thing, all our water parks are outdoors. Bet they are closed in Atlanta this week. LOL!
Love to all, Ginger

Chatty Crone said...

You are the cutest writer - you always make me laugh. My hubs is the same way - with pink and flowers. And I love the doctor smoking - you are cute.

Jane@Bluebird1959 said...

Love those cute pics and love the Dells! Thanks for the smile....and I'll take Dr. ,#1 please!

Jacqueline said...

I caught the water park thing! I grew up in Wisconsin! Hope you enjoyed the freezing cold in your suit!
We love the Dells too!

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Diana, such sweet pics of the boys. Hope the little guy feels better soon. Love the doctor pics!! Too funny. Thanks for stopping by and your sweet comment. I also love to do crewel work. It's like painting with thin yarn.
Have a great weekend and Happy Valentine's Day.

Sue said...

Hope all the baby is better now. Nothing is worse than sick grands.
I grew up in the Dells, and can you imagine, not a single water park when I lived there. How old does that make me?

This N That said...

I'm laughing so hard, I woke Mollie up...Cute pics of the boys..I hope the little one is feeling better...Glad to have you and your humor back..

living from glory to glory said...

What little guy just doesn't love to push something with wheels, pink or purple they don't care...
Happy Valentine's Day! The house is looking just wonderful. I can't wait to see the finished staircase, and the window seat!
Blessings, Roxy