Sunday, November 4, 2012


I have told 
part of this story before
 I am always
lamenting about my weight-
I did give up sugar and
flour a while back so
I have been getting closer
to a good goal weight for me.
This has NOT gone unnoticed
by SweetCheeks.
Let me tell you.....
She doesn't miss much!

We are talking about
nothing in particular.
SC:  Nana?
Me:  Yes, honey?
SC:  Youh're not so fahtt.
Me:  Thanks, SweetCheeks!
wait for it...
wait for it.....
SC: Nana?
Me:  Yeah?
SC:  Nana...did you see the 
man on Dr. Phil the other day?
Holding her hands about
a foot apart 
she says:
He was THIS much bigger
than you!
Me:  REALLLY!?!?!
SC:  Yep- Seriously!

Okay- What I want to know is
WHO is letting her watch
Dr. Phil??????

He will be looking for YOU
for allowing kids to watch
his show!

As a post note:
SweetCheeks is 
sitting on my lap
One of my friends is here.
She looks over at her and
out of the clear blue sky says:
My Nana looks 
since she lost
My friend about swallowed her tongue
Remind me to put tape over
her mouth next time
she shows up!
your photo name


Marti said...

Boy, that SC should have her own comedy show!

Susie said...

Diana, That girl is killing me..LOL. I bet you couldn't help but laugh. xoxo, Susie

Ann@A Sentimental Life said...

Oh she is trouble! keeps the laughs going...

Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co. said...

SweetCheeks will learn all kinds of stuff from Dr. Phil! And I wish you luck on your weight loss journey. It's not easy for sure. But at least you have SweetCheeks cheering you on!

Anonymous said...

where does she come up with these things!!!!!

Sweet Posy Dreams said...

Wow, 190 pounds! Quite an accomplishment. lol Kids are so funny.

Unknown said...

You see what giving up flour and sugar can do for a person lmao - too adorable!

Jettie said...

My goodness, I didn't realize how much you'd lost, what do you weigh now, -40

Ron said...

I can always count on Sweet Cheeks for laugh or two. It is so funny what kids say. Funny!!! And congrats on the weight loss:) xo

Anne said...

Congrats on your weight loss Diana! I too lost weight last winter.For me being a vegetarian was what I needed to do.And my husband also lost weight!

Ocean Breezes and Country Sneezes said...

Oh, SC is a riot!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your weight loss! I need to follow your example! That Sweet Cheeks is adorable! What a perspective!

Tete said...

I have no idea what you have done in the past, but remember the saying you reap what you sow? All I can say is that it must have been an exciting ride for you! LOL
OMGosh, your dad must have put her up to that.
I don't think she should be watching Dr Phil at all! Oh, my, what are they thinking?
That kid might be good to keep you on your diet, but I would think she could drive ya to drinkin' your lunch and we ain't talking slimfast there.
Is there tape strong enough for that little mouth? Might want to grab some gorilla glue.

Grammy Goodwill said...

I love your stories about Sweet Cheeks. She is so funny.

Beth said...

LOL!! I loved this story!

Sunny Simple Life said...

You two have the funnest relationship. Kids are the best aren't they? Love the things they say. I want my four year old to never grow up. I love watching and hearing what she has to say. Have a wonderful Sunday and I hope all is well with you Diana.

Debbiedoos said...

Some day, some day I tell you we are going to hook her and Jack up. They would be the perfect pair. LOL!

Blondie's Journal said...

That little doll never misses a thing! I would have been under the table!


Traditions By The Seasons said...

Oh no she didn't, ha! Oh my goodness, children really do say the darndest things. SC is so funny...

Have a wonderful Sunday! XOXO ~Liz

{oc cottage} said...

ok, really and you FEEL different...better...without the flour & sugar in your system? i wish i had enough willpower to do it...but that would pretty much eliminate twinkies, right??!! ;}

m ^..^

Anonymous said...

Oh my! You just never know what will come out of her mouth!!!!!!!!

Tina@WhatWeKeep said...

How did we live for an entire month without Sweet Cheeks and her one liners???
Please squeeze that child for me!
xo, Tina

NanaNor's said...

Diana, I smiled as I read this until the end and thought I'd wet my pants-how hilarious is she. Girl, I struggle just like you do and say well done at what you've lost so far.
Hugs, Noreen

Nellie said...

I'm not sure SweetCheeks would be hindered at all by tape on her mouth!:)

Have a blessed Sunday, Diana.

xo Nellie

Privet and Holly said...

I think the fact
that they really
have no filter until
they are 8 or so
makes anything
they say sweet,
not mean : ) And
I bet your DO look
great, Diana!

Happy Sunday,
xo Suzanne

Debbie~ said...

Diana, SweetCheeks is adorable, it will be all too soon when she out grows this part of her life, and we'll miss it right along with you!!! I'm sure your GF cracks up every time she thinks about her visit with you!!! Thanks so much for sharing! Hugs, Debbie @ Cottage Hann~Me~Downs

Sarah said...

Gee, 190 need to share your secret. ;-)
Sweet Cheeks is too cute for words!

Daniela @Frugal Aint Cheap said...

what I love about children is their honesty...but also that they have NO concept of weight, time and days :)

Diana LaMarre said...

Ha, ha, that's so funny, Diana. Kids say the darndest things!

Donna said...

Oh boy! Good thing Miss Sweet Cheeks doesn't live close to me, as I'm sure I'd be hearing lots of fat jokes too!!

20 North Ora said...

Kids do say the darnest things! How funny!

Congratulations on what you have lost.


"Cottage By The Sea" said...

Kids say the darndst thinks me do thinks.

Anonymous said...

LOL! Oh, from the mouths of babes!
I'm proud for you on loosing your 180 pounds! :) Really, it's hard to do.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

OH MY! I wonder if you were just like her at that age! hahaha! What a cutie. And yes, I agree with Shelia...we are really proud of you for losing 180 pounds...that can't be easy! heeheehee! BIG HUGS!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Excuse me...that was 190 pounds...which is even harder to lost! Hahahaha!

Sonya@Beyond the Screen Door said...

What an absolute doll that girl is! I love it that have this kind of laughter and fun with your grandkids. I think you should write a book!

Debby said...

What a little turkey.

Rebecca Nelson said...

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...sound exactly like something my Miss K would have said.

She told me last year after I dropped 40lbs that she thought I looked less old with the weight off.


:) :) :)

Love you~R

Heaven's Walk said...

You best hang on to your drawers, girlie. If you lost 190 pounds, you're going to be blowing away in the breeze!!! lol!

xoxo laurie

Cristina Garay said...

Oh my! I love SC comments! That's so funny! I'm happy for you losing all those 190 pounds!

Janet said...

Oh Diana, you crack me up! LOL

And Sweet Cheeks is hilarious. :)
She is sooooo cute.

It's great that you are doing well with your diet. I would not be able to go without anything. I don't eat much to begin with. But do need to lose some weight.

I love coming to visit you here. I am so glad I found you and your blog.

Have a great week my friend.

Take care, Janet W OX

momto8 said...

funny!! you guys really do have fun together.

Micupoftea said...

Love it! She keeps you laughing and she is such a doll! SO blessed :)

Laura said...

I am so glad that there will be a record of all the funny little comments of little miss sweetcheeks that she can read later on down the track!!!! would love to be a fly on the wall when that takes place!!! so funny!!
Laura xx

Patty Patterson said...

She is just tooo funny!

And it's a good thing you are not the overly sensitive type. The overly sensitive type should probably stay away from kids whose thoughts come out of their mouths unscensored. *LOL* Either that - or get over it!

Suzanne@thriftstoredecorjunky said...

Hahahaha! Don't you just love her?!!!
At least she noticed your weight loss! I am (again) also trying to lose weight. Sugar and white carbs seems to be my problem, too.
Thanks for your nice comment on my blog!

Karen said...

SC is adorable and hilarious. You should writ a book, Stuff Sweet Cheeks Says LOL it would be a best seller!

Suzanne@Meridian Road said...

Oh, boy! I"m sure you're much smaller than the 800 pound man!
Duct tape works really well. Don't ask me how I know that.

The Polka Dot Closet said...

Congratulations on your ENORMOUS weight loss LOL! I thought having grand kids was supposed to be wonderful...I think I can wait!


Bella's Rose Cottage said...

Hi Diana,
Well congrats on the weightloss!! :-D She is darling! and she has grown sooo much! I am glad your back around. A spit of snow, that doesn't sound good. haha!

SImple and Serene Living said...

I love that. My granddaughter always starts her zingers with "I don't mean to offend you but....." That's when we roll out the tape :)
