Saturday, October 8, 2011

I'm SOOO Excited- Baby E's First Ad

(Thank you to Tete who found this picture online)
Well, I know that
I am always telling you
how cute I think
my grandkids are...
and they are..
you KNOW they are...

thinks at least
is cute, too!

It's BabyE!
My daughter was approached in
a Milwaukee mall
by someone who told her
was cute enough to be in

My daughter,
"Yeah, right"
(you know all the scam
artists that are out there)
and went on her merry way
but not before taking
the woman's card.

She called.
This ad agency was legit!
NO up front fees,
NO professional head shots required.
You just have to show up if
they call you~
they pay you!

And call her they did.
Now this is not a big
three page spread
but we couldn't be
any more tickled
if he were posing for
Ralph Lauren ad.

a Midwestern chain,
used him in one of their

So- rather than
me blathering on about it...
Here he is...
I know-not the best quality...
but it's a picture of a picture, folks.
BabyE is the one in front

Is he cute, or what?

Here's the funny part.
It was about 100º the day they
took those shots
and the pants
were lined flannel pants.

Good thing it wasn't
ME in those pants
or I would have been

It would have given a
whole new meaning to
"wet your pants"~
and that's all I'm gonna say 'bout that!
your photo name


Simply Me said...

So adorable!!!! You can order the book on walmart online. I received it in one day i paid $13 extra, but thats ok... It cost $23 for the book..

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

That's wonderful, and what a gorgeous picture. I'm guessing that sales for that clothing will go through the roof now *wink*. What does Sweetcheeks think of it all?


lisa Moran, Bilancia Designs said...

This is an adorable picture! proud you must be!
Your comment made my day, by the way.
Thank you for your very kind words...
Have a wonderful day!
Bilancia Designs

Rebecca Nelson said...

SAVE THAT MONEY FOR COLLEGE! He's gonna be a heart-breaker for sure!



sherry said...

very neato!!!
he's adorable, diana. :o)

Jettie said...

As if we couldn't tell who was the most adorable boy in the world! Congratulations Big Boy E, you are no longer a baby, so tell them to quit calling you that.

Tete said...

What an exciting moment! I love this little guy and he is so cute! How is SC handling this? I went and found the ad and I am sending you a better photo of it! Yippee!

Daniella said...

EEK!!! He is famous!! As well he should be! He is completely adorable! Congratulations to you both!!

Debbiedoos said...

Look out Baby E, your phone is going to be ringing off the hook. What a great pic, CONGRATS!

Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

How cute is he! I know you must be so proud! Hope you are having a great weekend!...hugs...Debbie

ShabbyESP said...

He is so adorable!!!! He is so cute!!!
Suzann ~xoxo~

Pam Kessler said...

Baby E is famous!!! He really is pretty darn cute in that ad. Maybe he can get his own reality show. Keeping Up With Baby E.

At The Picket Fence said...

Yay for Baby E!! That is so neat and now, someday, all of us in blogland will be able to say "we knew him when"! :-)

Debby said...

I knew he was cute before the ad.
Now he is even cuter. So is the little ones next to him. Way to go Baby E.

Michele Smith said...

How cool is that!!!! He is adorable!

Blooming Rose Musings said...

I've said it before...he is absolutely precious! This is probably the start of an early career. How cool and great for his education fund. Congratulations!
I know you are very proud...but you were proud way before this happened. You are such a wonderful grandma. The kids are all so very blessed to have you in their lives.

From the Kitchen said...

It's nice to "know" who's starring in those adorable ads!! He's precious.


Annesphamily said...

What a cute celebrity! How is life treating my friend today? Hugs Annie

Holly said...

oh my goodness, Diana! That is so awesome! He IS a cutie. No wonder he caught someone's eye. Isn't that fun!
Thank you for stopping by to say hello.
blessings to you!!

Suzanne@Meridian Road said...

Oh wow! I saw that ad and thought he looked familiar! How cool! Perhaps he'll be able to pay for his own college education.

camp and cottage living said...

Baby E is ready to soar! He's adorable!

Gina said...

Well congratulations to Baby E! He looks adorable in his add. And here I thought Sweet Cheeks would be the only celebrity of the family!

Gina said...

I meant to say he looks adorable in his "ad." Not "add"

Blessed Serendipity said...

He looks so cute! A celebrity in your family!


beachside cottage Linda said...

Congrats, congrats! Great photos and a great "discovery" story, too!

Happiness to all of you!

beachside cottage

Leo said...

Adorable. How cute this photo is. He is such a cute little boy.

Anonymous said...

You must be proud as a peacock Diana.....that's wonderful. Ava is still getting stopped. :)

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Yeah!! That is definately something to be proud of and shout from the rafters! Congrats gramdma...!!

Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

Baby E is so cute!