Saturday, January 11, 2025


 Yesterday as I was thinking-

about this New Year I found

my mind wandering back to
the place where I was born
and raised,
Bradford County, PA.

I don't have many pictures
of my time there,
but I came across some
photos that stopped me in my 

Someone working for Google Earth
took stunning photos from our
farm setting and they are posted
for the world to see.
This is taken right in front of
our house- headed North.
Our farm house would have
set to the left about 150'
from the road.

You can see the shed my 
father and neighbor built
in the 50's on the right-hand
side of the road.
I remember playing with the
cut off pieces of wood and
sifting the sawdust through
my fingers.

I walked that road many a thousand  
and one times.
I remember when my father planted
the elm trees on the left and
they were just saplings.
My brother owned the
 old farm property
until he passed.

From our kitchen window this 
is what we saw....
Our Lady of Perpetual Help
the graveyard I wandered in
just across the road to the right.

To the far left and just out of sight
are mountains and there
are seven counties visible on a clear day.

There used to be fences on both sides
of the road and the cows would be
pastured on the left side....
another road I walked thousands of
times as a I only walk
in my memory today.

The old church is beautiful.

It's a replica of a larger European church
copied to the most minute detail inside and out.

I didn't go there because we were not
Catholic-but several members of the
families attended mass there.
I have many relatives buried in the
grave yard to the right.

You can never really go home again,
can you?
Yet, I my dreams...
I remember the smell of ham in the
oven on a Sunday morning and
fresh baked biscuits on the sideboard.
There was always a pie or two
for dessert and 
GINGERBREAD for my father.

I remember laughter and love,
 flowing free and easy 
and covering us like a warm blanket.
But....there were also some sad times,
and trials and tribulations.

My parents have both
"gone home" now, 
as has my only brother/sibling.
leaving only myself 
to relive the farm memories.

Leaving me to create my own memories
for the children that will follow me.
Someday they, too, will
"remember when"
and I hope their memories
are as happy as my own.

Happy New Year 2025
to all of you-.
I hope you, too, can look
back and remember the 
good parts 
and that time has
dimmed whatever heartaches
and disappointments you have
encountered along life's path.
I wish you a year of 
Love and Sweet Memories.

I will be back soon with an
update on hubby's trip to 
Mayo and the results.
your photo name


Estelle's said...

What a lovely post Diana...memories are held close to the heart....wishing you a very happy and healthy new year

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I love this post, although I don't see the "Google Earth" photo you spoke of in the first part. But I love looking at those of former places I have lived also. Your memories are very special and sweet, and yes, they are yours to keep and to share, even though our younger generation often can't quite understand our memories because they weren't there. They can't smell those delightful smells in their mind like we can, or see the view as we knew it. But yes, hopefully they are making their own memories of beloved homes where they grew up and the people they loved too. I love this. Thank you for sharing. Been missing you, but we understand you've been "busy". Praying for good news. Have a Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Wishing you a Happy New Year and praying for the best re your husband’s results. This post has reminded me, I keep saying I want to record conversations with my mum and her memories of growing up. She’s 91, so I better get a move on. Rita

Rita C at Panoply said...

How bittersweet a post, Diana. Being the youngest of 9, there are things happening with siblings and their families that certainly give pause to life, in general. I you received encouraging news from Mayo, it was such a long time waiting to just be able to get there.
I love your roots and seeing these photos. The area still looks beautiful. Where I grew up is a sad scene now, but such a good place while we were there.
Wishing the best for you and yours in this new year. ❣️

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Happy New year to you! What wonderful memories you have to share. i have many too and share them with my family. The good memories always get me through the hard times when they happen,

Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful writing in the farm. I never understand that saying, “you can never go home again..” love this piece. I am inspired to write of my own childhood journey.

Terri Steffes said...

That was me above. 😊

Cecilia said...

Happy new year, Diana. There’s not much left from my childhood - my grandparents houses live only in memory and the older folks are gone. But I try to hang onto the good times and let the not so good fade away. That is what’s important after all. I hope y’all got some good results/answers from Mayo. Hugs, Cecilia

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Diana, such a lovely post which truly touches the heart. Childhood memories often are sweet and so vivid in our mind. Unfortunately there are also bad ones along the way. How wonderful to see the old farm on Google maps. I pray you have received good news regarding John from Mayo. Please keep us posted and thank you for sharing some of your childhood. Xoxo

Cheryl Kimbley said...

Just lovely. Oh, yes we go home in our memories - at least I do all the time. My childhood home is gone now, but I have pictures and memories. What an incredibly beautiful church.
Happy new year to you - hoping health flows in your home.

Junkchiccottage said...

This is so sweet my friend. Memories like this keep our hearts pumping. Technology can sometimes be a curse but in this case how great Google Maps took beautiful pictures for you to find. The Church is gorgeous. Now that you have Coco you need to add her to your header of your blog. Have a great weekend. Hugs. Kris

Debra She Who Seeks said...

What a beautiful thing to have found those Google Earth photos! Thanks for sharing your memories with us!

Anonymous said...

I wish you a happy and healthy 2025. Thank you so very much for sharing your heartfelt memories with all of us. I loved seeing the photos. What a wonderful childhood you had. Hugs from Wisconsin

jack69 said...

WE always LOVE to see an alert from you sweet lady. You are not only a great poet but a captivating writer. I will admit the subject adds, but one can feel the heart. What a great discover of the old photos. WE cannot go home again, but you are right, our memories allow a lot of leeway. Hope the hubby you are so dedicated to taking care of, is doing better. Love to you both and hope the trip is rewarding.
Love Sherry and jack the gypsies.

Chatty Crone said...

I cannot imagine a more beautiful place to grow up in than that. You were certainly blessed. It looks like you grew up in Heaven...

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

That is a beautiful place to grow up. That church is gorgeous and so much history there. I’m glad you were able to visit through Google Earth.
I’m hoping all is well and the visit to Mayo has the answers you need for your husband.

Mevely317 said...

Where'd this big lump in my throat originate? I love every image, every word. Dreams are the best!

Ginny Hartzler said...

It's good to see you, it has been quite awhile! But I know you have been dealing with a lot. The place you grew up looks lovely, not over-built and still like the country!!

Red Rose Alley said...

I love hearing about your time growing up on the farm, Diana. And all the good foods that you ate, especially that gingerbread. I can just imagine all the fun and carefree days you had growing up. The grass looks so green and groomed. And you can see the Catholic church right down the road, how wonderful. About going back home, I will return to my hometown soon. It won't be the same I'm sure, but the memories will always remain the same. I hope 2025 is a good year for me and you, Diana. This is a heartwarming and lovely post today.


~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

It's nice to have photos to help us remember happy times. I hope and pray your hubby is able to get better. I know it's hard. Hugs to you both, Diane

Cindy said...

Diana the church is beautiful. Google came through with a positive for you to be able to capture and share these memories!


So beautiful and your memories are so endearing. xoxo Dolly

Tete said...

If we could only go back, if just for a day. I have googled my old farm too. The house is still there, but the barns and trees are gone. Farm life was the best life.

This N That said...

Looks like Pennsylvania farmland. A wonderful place to grow up for sure! Lovely church Thanks for sharing your memories. I hope 2025 is good to you both.

Nellie said...

Beautiful Pennsylvania setting! Wonderful that you have good memories from your time there.

Terri D said...

Diana, I loved this post full of your wonderful memories. Thanks for sharing them with us! You and your family remain in my daily prayers. Sending a hug!!

Kim said...

I love that the shed is still standing and you can visit it online when you have the desire. There's nothing like old memories to bring you back home again...even if it's only in your heart and your head. Happy 2025 my friend. xo

Anonymous said...

Remembering the good ‘ole days seems to come up a lot as we age. Pennsylvania is a beautiful state. Glad to hear you made it to Mayo. Love to hear how it went. Liz / Home and Gardening With Liz

Ann said...

What a beautiful look at the past. I live very close to the home I grew up in and will occasionally drive by. Of course the house and the area have changed so much since I've lived there.

Polly said...

Many years ago I took my mother back to the city where she and my father first set up home. The city centre was just ugly 60's buildings, gone were the lovely old, almost hand crafted buildings, even the entrance to the beautiful Cathedral was enclosed with concrete buildings. My mother cried, we went home and vowed never to go back.

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Hello, my friend!!
What a beautiful post about our home state of Pa.
I do love living here in NEPA and will never leave it...2024 was a year of sorrow and heart ache for not only me but for so many people I know, both family and friends...I am glad it is over but I am looking forward to 2025 will a lot of HOPE, which is my WOTY....I HOPE it will be a much better year for everyone...Praying for you and your hubby...
Debbie-Dabble Blog

Billie Jo said...

Hello! So happy to see you here! I was born and raised in Pennsylvania, and I so enjoyed your post today. Prayers for you and your man.

Jettie said...

What a beautiful tribute to 'home' . I have been back to the farm I was raised on, the house is still there but is unrecognizable with remodeling. The old concrete bridge over the creek seems a lot smaller than when we threw rocks off it. And there is no way I'd let kids swim in that water now. Most of my memories are good. I remember watching the old 52 Ford tractor washing down the creek in the flood of August 1957.

Pam said...

So glad to hear from you again and what a beautiful post of your lovely past in that beautiful country setting. Hoping and praying your husband is doing well.

racheld said...

Love and Sweet Memories to you, too, Precious Girl, and many more to come this year. Wishes bright as the gleam of sun-on-snow outside to you, everybody you love and everybody who loves you.

Anonymous said...

I loved traveling with you to the old homestead. Thank you for taking me along in this trip down memory lane.

Anonymous said...

Above from Loretta Larkey.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful words. I hope the appointment is helpful. ❤️ Debby Messner

roughterrain crane said...

You have kept the beautiful and precious places.

Donna said...

Hope hubby's results are good! Take a break and try to get some rest. Love the home place!

Cindy said...

I loved this post! Those photos you found are priceless. You have great memories to cherish. I'm the same way, I often reminisce about my childhood. Do you ever go on You can put in the address of your childhood home and if it was recently sold, it sometimes shows photos of the inside. I confess I occasionally do this with my childhood homes! Happy New Year to you and your family!

Anonymous said...

I dream of my life 'at home' too sometimes. Hope you have good results from Mayo for hubby. 2024 not a year I will look back on in fondness - 2 surgeries for my son, and in the end he passed from traumatic sudden horrific illness; from ER to passing 10/8-10/17/2024 of my only child, my son Mike. Dawn P. Albany, GA

Creations By Cindy said...

Oh what wonderful memories down memory lane. I love all the pictures too. I can truthfully say that 2024 I will not miss but oh have I indeed learned so much and one thing is for sure, the Lord never leaves me nor forsakes me. Happy New Year beautiful lady. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Lowcarb team member said...

A lovely post.
Sending my good wishes for 2025.

All the best Jan