It is COLD COLD COLD here.
What do you do on a cold day?
I decided to go through
some of my old magazines
and came across this one from
January/February of 2015,
Sadly, they have stopped publication
of this magazine.
I had all of them from the first
issue forward.
When I got rid of most of my old magazines,
I just could not bear to part with my
but, finally, I donated
my whole collection to an old friend.
She told me she now wants to redecorate
her whole house.
She loves romantic and so do I.
Romance is just kind of timeless,
isn't it?
Let's talk about the next holiday
February is all about Valentine's Day but-
I don't think you have to wait for
Valentine's Day to make this for someone special.
Pink Pearl Lady Cake
HERE is a similar recipe.
I thought the cover was just lovely.
Got your cake mess cleaned up from
baking that heart cake above?
Good! Now then
you can see the
owned by
It is softly sweet and livable.
You can find her on Pinterest by clicking on her name.
Here's a little sneak peek at the Florida estate
of a New York couple.
This home was designed by
By:Sarah Yoon/Mark Roskams/photographer
It looks like Florida, doesn't it?
You can find more
Okay-Now-Doesn't the home of
just make you dream of warm summer days?
I found her on Facebook.
You can find it by clicking on her name above.
Prepare to have your mouth hang open for a while.
While your mouth is hanging open....
purse your lips a bit and
Then you can blow up balloons to put together
this beautiful garland
styled by
photography-Shirlie Kemp
So-There you have it.
A few things I love in the old
2015 January/February Issue of
Romantic Homes.
Know what else I love?
Thanks for following along here.
Here's how I am feeling about you this morning....
Lips still puckered up from the balloon blowing
are they? Good!
Here's to you!

Good Morning sweet friend. I have a lot of my romantic homes mags too. Loved that magazine so much. We are having the same temps as you. It actually hurts your face to go outside in this stuff. Ugh!!! Let's hope spring arrives early. Big Hugs. Kris
Stay warm, Diana! There is SO MUCH WORK in making that Pink Pearl Lady Cake!
You always share the cutest things paired with a laugh. It's cold here too but not down in the minuses. I used to get Victoria magazines and still have some of them. I love their timeless style!
Brrrr Diana, I can’t even imagine being that cold. I guess I shouldn’t complain about being cold in California. The cake is so pretty. Love looking at pretty romantic homes. I also love the balloon garlands, but they are a pain in the butt to create. Stay warm and cozy. Xo
I think your post may have ansered my life long question as to why I am not like other women, I don't decorate, or read magazines other than People in doctor office, or buy what I call fru fru stuff, no desire to go to hobby lobby, dont' do holidays. you said you are a Romantic.. there is my answer. I must have male genes somewhere, and not one romantic gene. my cousin, that I grew up with is like you and has all the magazines all the issues and her house is decorated to the nth degree... she would love the dining tables you show us sometimes. my mother was a romantic but could not afford magazines. give me a small log cabin, made from hand hewn logs, with board floors and a rag rug, and a few lantern looking lamps and I am happy. must have internet and electric and indoor potties.
Oh my, and here I thought our 28* morning was miserable! You're made of sterner stuff than me. I'm not particularly fond of "foo-foo" (or pink), but that shabby chic French kitchen's checking all my boxes. I'm going to check out her Pinterest!
You have to be freezing as it is sooo cold here in GA.
I went to a couple of sites. I LOVE the pink house.
I wish I had the money to redecorate. So much beauty out there.
Enjoyed this.
Now that is COLD! It's cold here in Florida...too cold for a hike! lol But I love visiting you this morning! How about a cup of cocoa with a brownie? Hugs!
My precious Mother LOVED pink. She had an antique sofa that she had upholstered in pink toilet. She loved that sofa. Her Christmas tree was completely covered in pink ornaments, feathers and tinsel. It was breathtaking. Every year I buy one pink ornaments in memory of her. Stay warm. We are in single digits for a few more days. Judy Clark
I know your heart is always warm because you are such a sweet, lovely person. My favorite color is pink. That cake is beautiful. It's pretty cold here in Northeast Florida. We're supposed to get some snow tomorrow. The natives will probably fall apart!
Oh my gosh! I loved that magazine! I might have a copy or two left. I’m not much of a pink lover but I loved going through this magazine and Victoria (?). I’m more into cottage/farmhouse/eclectic but that suits where we live now. We’re in the 20’s. Cold enough for me!
Hello, Diana! Oh, I know what it’s like to have a collection of magazine issues! I’ve recently made the tough decision to part with some of mine. We have had very cold temps (for our area) the past couple of days, and colder is predicted for tonight. Staying inside isn’t a difficult decision! Be safe! Stay warm!
It has been years since I have gotten a magazine as well. It is COLD here today too! Even in our house with our wood stove, it is COLD!!
Stay warm and safe.
Brrr. That's chilly! I used to read Romantic Homes, too. All those old magazines that have disappeared. Now, I suppose, we have IG and Pinterest to inspire us, but it's just not the same.
Stay warm and cozy!
What beautiful things. I love the romantic shabby chic Frenchie look but couldn't have a home like that. But those are my fav kind of tea homes or bed and breakfasts - or even visiting friends. What eye candy goodness! I once had a cake pan like that but donated it because every time I tried to have a GALentine's Party it snowed and days and days of labor to prepare for it went out the door. I don't have that kind of energy anymore to host a party no one can attend. Same for St. Pat's - just don't schedule parties around now much. And yes it is SO cold. Minus 4 here this am. The poor homeless. I just can't even imagine what it is like. / praying.
I'm glad to see you! I have been wondering if there is any news from any of your husband's doctors?? How is he doing? How are you? I have never heard of this magazine. I know I would have loved it, because I love shabby chic and English cottage looks!
Brr! Now that's cold! That's one of the things I don't miss about Wisconsin! Stay warm and cozy.
Love the happy pretty in pink pictures of homes and cake and just everything. It is fun to dream a bit, especially when you are stuck inside in wintertime. It's not that cold here, but we are under a "winter storm warning" tonight, which could bring very cold temperatures and some people to the north of us are already getting snow! Wow!! In Florida!! So anything is possible! Take care my friend, and stay warm and cozy and safe.
Oh my gosh, I am drooling over those beautiful pictures. I miss magazines...and ones that are affordable. Every time I go the bookstore I do look at the decor magazines that are left and they're almost $20 each.Yikes! I think I need a friend like you with a stash of the old, good ones!! Stay warm my friend!! Hugs!!
All fun and pretty things, Diana! I'm not into romantic but appreciate how pretty it all is. I am always happy to see a post from you!! xoxo
I LOVED Romantic Homes magazine, and brought nearly every single issue, then subscribed. It was a good one. I was sorry to see it stop. I loved Victorian Homes too, and Coastal Living. And Reminisce. All gone..... Ladies Home Journal and Redbook are gone too. Its freezing here! Us South Carolinians aren't USED TO THIS and tonight it's SNOWING! I haven't seen snow in YEARS!! It's awful cold tho, to us in the 20s at night is extreme. You stay warm and take care of yourself and hubby! I bout froze feeding chickens and guinea today, brrrrr..... LOL
Hopefully, once Valentine's Day is out of the way, it won't be long until some better weather arrives. We've had a cold spell here, though not as cold as you've got it just now, it's warmed up a little but we've now got a storm on the way. I'll be glad when spring arrives.
I miss good old fashioned magazines. There were several that I bought on a regular basis. That balloon garland is pretty cool. That would be fun to make.
I loved this magazine (and in fact, they used to have a page where they featured different things and featured the blog there too! I was so excited!). It was a good one. I miss that and Mary Engelbreight Home Companion. Now magazines are almost more expensive than books!
It's very cold here too and wishing it was spring. It's the perfect time for reading magazines and books. I hope you stay warm and cozy.
You are so funny. I miss the old magazines esp. Home Companion. I hope you and your sweetie are staying warm. Debby Messner
I'm pretty good about giving my magazines to one of my sisters when I finish reading. That way I don't feel the guilt of tossing them. I loved RH. I think my favorites now are the Hoffman media Cottage Journals. Country Living seemed to have gone into a slump, but it's good again, and I love it too. Great features you've shared here. Can't do the puckering, afraid my face will freeze in that position. It's too darn cold here too! Spring, come soon!
So many wonderful ideas on here for Valentine's Day. I especially love that blue vase with the pink roses. I'll have to check out the Pink house afterwards. There's just something about Pink that makes us happy. Wow, you have all of the Romantic Homes Magazines! I love that magazine, but haven't bought any magazines in ages. I've been looking for a cottage one. I bet your friend is getting all sorts of ideas and inspiration from browsing through the magazines you gave her. The romantic style in the home is so charming. It was good to see a post from you this morning, Diana.
Hello Diana, it was fun to look at all this pretty and pink with you.
We finally broke out of the negatives last night. 4 days in a ROW of NEGATIVE temps.
I think we are unthawing now?
Brrr! That's chilly!
Definitely warm soup weather.
Stay safe and warm.
All the best Jan
WE ALWAYS enjoy this visit. I loved to build homes but shied away from decorating or furnishing them. I was shocked the last one that Sherry did at the cost and effort in the right curtains and all that stuff. Wall colors are enough problem for me. LOL
BTW,, Thanks for the Indepth comment about lightheaded and your hubby's situations. YOU two are in our prayers and thanks again for what you said,,,, Love ya, the gypsies in a cool Florida we did drop to 34 last night that is COLD for central Florida.
Morning there lady....temps have been crazy all week here. I have stayed in all week. I went out into the yard for the first time yesterday and even with the sun out, it was still cold to me. I love looking at such pretty homes but mine looks LIVED in, those don'
Lots of pinks and florals to warm the heart with romantic notions. I miss my roses I had in Cali I used to fill the house with random bouquets. Thank you for sharing your farm house memories in the previous post. We got snow in Texas but all has melted as of yesterday.
Oh I have some of those magazines, they do trigger redecorating:) I can't believe Valentine's Day is getting close. I am ready to wear my new Valentine sweaters:) Enjoy your day dear fiend, MUAH!
Hey Diana! I miss magazines so much! Newspapers too! I can't stand the smell of the ink on them these days and both magazines and newspapers are TINY. Stay warm, my friend! xx
I love that you gave them to a friend. Funny now she wants to redo her house. lol.
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