It is COLD COLD COLD here.
What do you do on a cold day?
I decided to go through
some of my old magazines
and came across this one from
January/February of 2015,
Sadly, they have stopped publication
of this magazine.
I had all of them from the first
issue forward.
When I got rid of most of my old magazines,
I just could not bear to part with my
but, finally, I donated
my whole collection to an old friend.
She told me she now wants to redecorate
her whole house.
She loves romantic and so do I.
Romance is just kind of timeless,
isn't it?
Let's talk about the next holiday
February is all about Valentine's Day but-
I don't think you have to wait for
Valentine's Day to make this for someone special.
Pink Pearl Lady Cake
HERE is a similar recipe.
I thought the cover was just lovely.
Got your cake mess cleaned up from
baking that heart cake above?
Good! Now then
you can see the
owned by
It is softly sweet and livable.
You can find her on Pinterest by clicking on her name.
Here's a little sneak peek at the Florida estate
of a New York couple.
This home was designed by
By:Sarah Yoon/Mark Roskams/photographer
It looks like Florida, doesn't it?
You can find more
Okay-Now-Doesn't the home of
just make you dream of warm summer days?
I found her on Facebook.
You can find it by clicking on her name above.
Prepare to have your mouth hang open for a while.
While your mouth is hanging open....
purse your lips a bit and
Then you can blow up balloons to put together
this beautiful garland
styled by
photography-Shirlie Kemp
So-There you have it.
A few things I love in the old
2015 January/February Issue of
Romantic Homes.
Know what else I love?
Thanks for following along here.
Here's how I am feeling about you this morning....
Lips still puckered up from the balloon blowing
are they? Good!
Here's to you!