Sunday, February 14, 2021


 If you have been following for a while 

you will have read this before.

If not-grab your coffee and breakfast

because it is a long post!

Oh! To relive those days!

First you must hang a
banner INSIDE..
So that the
will know
which Holiday
they are celebrating.
Just a word of caution..
If you hang one
that looks like
the one below..
(who shall remain nameless)
will be sure to ask..
Is he
Your reply should be
That is why he is
carrying an envelope.
This is sure to produce
a giggle from at
least 2 or the 3 grandkids..
The third one doesn't giggle.
She doesn't giggle
because she doesn't "get it".
She is trying to figure out where
HE got that BHIG of an envelope.

You must lay out supplies.
These will cost somewhere
in the neighborhood
of $459.00...and..
after you buy
you will realize that you have
forgotten at least one or
two crucial supplies..
Elmer's WASHABLE glue.
Lord help you
if you buy the
because it will NOT
be pretty.
Now that you have
your supplies home
and have signed
the bank loan
to cover the expense..
you must lay out the goodies...
Lay them out nice and neatly..
Sigh over the paper-Oh So Sweet
Hang a flag outside your door..
A cute little cherub flag
to greet them with a smile.
Isn't it perfect?
Love Mary Englebriet's flags.
Then they arrive...
bringing presents.
Bringing PRESENTS?
For ME?
Yep-these are for Nana..
and they made them
all by themselves..
Inside are beautiful little
hearts made with love..
One from Ria.
Two from Lulu...
and one from SweetCheeks.
Of course I must put them all on..
I pick up SweetCheeks...
What does this say, SweetCheeks?
That's jus' sumbuddy ehlse's name
on there...Doan't pay eny
attenshun to the name...
just putt it on..
Whereupon I am informed
by Lulu that
"I told SweetCheeks
NOT to give you that one".
Whereupon SweetCheeks says
an' I dohn't care cuz I am ghiving
it to her enyway. Hmmmf.
I start the legal paperwork
to change my name to Allison.
Great.. We are off
to a nice, calm start...

Now where were we?
Let's get started...
Who wants to make a
Everyone's hand shoots into the air.

In short order everything
 looks like this.....
All three girls are
Lulu makes this-
 Ria loved the self-stick hearts...
And SweetCheeks has now changed into her third Princess Outfit...
and has busied herself
making th...........
Oh, Dear Lord In Heaven...
Pray tell WHO left HER alone
with the glitter?
There is glitter glitter everywhere..
On the floor and on the chair..
In her mouth and on her hair....
I could go on and on with the
rhyming thingy but I'm afraid
the Dr. Suess police will get me.

An especially nice touch? 

The globs of
glue that dropped here and there
and shine brightly up
from the chair...and the table...
and the floor...and the countertop...
Did I say floor? Ah..yes...
and back to the glitter...
Nothing like glitter on the floor
that can be tracked from
room to room..
Leave NO ROOM untouched
seems to have been the motto
of the day.
I decide I need a bathroom break
to dispose of the 3 gallons of coffee
that I have downed in an effort
to keep up with this
Lo and behold,
in the small reading nook
(where the old steps used to be)
I see
How did all these books get off
the shelf and on the floor?
I ask ever-so-sweetly
between slightly gritted teeth.
Uh-oh---Here it comes...
Welllll...says SweetCheeks..
Ria toohk a few books off
the shellf and then I helped her
and took the rest offf..and
we jus' put 'em there for now.
Yeah? Where do you think
you're gonna put them later?
Wellll...It was Ria's idea.
I dunno how they gonna
get bahck on the shelfs.
Hmmmm...I dunno where YOU'RE
gonna go either if you guys don't put
these books back.
All too soon
the day ends and we clean up the
mess and they get ready to go home.
As you can plainly see 
SOMEONE has been so overworked
she has collapsed in a heap
using her sisters as pillows.
The pictures and story above are from a few years ago.
But the fun continued for the weekend
Guess what!
This weekend we get to do it all
over again.
If you don't see me by Monday
I will be glued to a seat somewhere
in the house.
I hope it is in a chair in front of
the computer.

Edited @ 6:55 am to add:
MyHero reads my blog and says:
(Sheeez...don't ya know a joke when you read one?;>)
your photo name


Anni said...

It figures. The cost (even IF AN EXAGGERATION) would be the only noticeable item of the post! I got it right away! Everyone knows the flags are only a steal, at $100...

Girls are cute, fun times & great memories. You missed some glitter in that corner.

~ Anni @ Hootin'Anni's Day Trippin'

Tom said...

... 3 gallons of coffee and you are still alive? Have a lovely day!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hahahahahaha, this is so funny, Allison! Yes, the joy of glitter! Happy Valentines Day!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I can tell you right now if I handed this to Bob and told him to read it he would not get any of what you said he would take everything you said verbatim and not get any of the snide remarks are the things that make us laugh. This is funny and those little girls dresses are just absolutely adorable and I had not seen this before it was all new and it did make me smile and laugh hope you don't get too stuck to your chair today

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

What a wonderful memory . Crafts were always one of my favorite things to do with the kids, but oh yes, they made some messes. Washable glue is a wonderful invention! Hppy Valentines Day !

Lynne said...

Really A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E. post!
Happy ❤️ Day Diana!

jack69 said...

HAHAHAHA!!! Love the read and your LOVES. YOu do such a great job, WE KNOW that among the crowd YOU are special. Easy to see they love you to the moon and back.
AND changing your name ain't such a big deal for the RIGHT cause. LOVE IT!


Ginny Hartzler said...

Your granddaughters are beautiful! What fun and great memories they had that day. I can't wait to see your next post about what you did today! At least you are forewarned this time, and can maybe prepare for less widespread mess. But then, that is all psrt of the fun as well, and you take it in very good humor. It's just another way to show your love.

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Wonderful memories. I cannot believe these girls are all grown up. The joy of glitter...LOL. Happy Valentine’s sweet friend. Xoxo

Susie said...

Diana, I sure miss those days and all that kid logic about the books. LOL. I remember crafting with the grands. It all went by too fast. Bless all our grandkids' sweet hearts, they all love us. I think they remember the fun also. Let's hope they do. Blessings and hugs to all, xoxo,love, Susie

Kim said...

It's always fun to peek back Diana, especially when we get to see your darling girls...young accomplished ladies, now! Happy Valentine's Day!! xoxo

This N That said...

Never gets old!! Nice trip down memory lane..Happy Valentines Day my friend..hugs

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Blast from the Past!!! -smile-

💕 💓 💗 💖 💗 💓 💕

Junkchiccottage said...

So hard to believe how grown up they are now. Fun to look back on all those fun times. Happy Valentine's Day. xoxo

Terri D said...

So cute and those times are the ones that live forever in their memories! You are such a special Nana!! Loved this!!

Bill said...

Very nice blast from the past. Happy Valentine's Day, Diana.

bobbie said...

Thanks for the great big belly laugh!! And Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours!

vivian said...

I just love you!

racheld said...

I just LOVE you, Nana Diana! You are the ME of the new generation~the Elmer, glitter, construction paper, sticker, colored pens and pencils and tape and glue and HIDE THE GLITTER QUICK of the Family. And you see all the dear, messy, exasperating, unexpected, expected and totally lovable HUMOR of of it, all at once (well maybe except those couple of times you wished you smoked, so as to take a break). Or drank.

So loving this because the youngest-in-town is a sophisticated THIRTEEN, and nobody under fifty has entered this house since Fall. (except for that young fellow who swung all eight Aldi bags up the steps and through the door in one trip before I could get the tip out of my pocket). Wonder if he has children---I could borrow some. Love your wonderful stories!!

HappyK said...

Happy Memories!!

Holly said...

Happy Valentine's Day, have fun crafting more memories.

Ann said...

Loved reading this. That sounds like a totally fun day, glitter and all.

Louca por porcelana said...

Sweet memories!Such fun!Adorable girls!

Janie Junebug said...

I imagine the price of the mess was worth the time spent with three girls.


Lorrie said...

I LOVE this! So much fun with your three grandgirlies. Is there still glitter around?


Oh my goodness I sure did enjoy all of this! So sweet Love it!
xo Dolly

Cecilia said...

Hahaha, that's just too funny. Glitter, glitter...Some of my children's favorite memories are going to their Meme's house to decorate for the holidays. They had fun and I think she did too (well, she did repeat the chore, um fun, year after year). Lol. She was sad when they grew up. Happy Valentine's Day!
😊 Cecilia

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

What fun and well worth every penny. I sure miss those days. Six of my seven grandchildren are teenagers and beyond. I have a little one now again and I look forward to some Valentine’s crafts in the future, no matter the costs.

Sherri said...

I really enjoyed reading this post!! I'm glad you had fun with your granddaughters! Yes, glitter is a curse! It is pretty but not all over your home. They look like that had fun then!

Ricki Treleaven said...

How cute!!! I can relate with the cost of crafting and art hilarious! It's fun to see your grands when they were younger....such cute little ladies!

And speaking of glitter....I cleaned glitter off of our breakfast bar this morning, and I haven't had any out since December....where in the world did it come from?

Happy Belated Valentine's Day!

John's Island said...

What a perfect Valentine post. I'm leaving with a big smile on my face. Thank you Diana! Have a wonderful week ahead! John

cloches and lavender said...

I remember this story and I feel bad. I laughed again at the story.

When I was making my snowy houses this Christmas, no lie I thought of this story.

Glitter truly is a nightmare.

Stay warm


Jenny the Pirate said...

You're a braver man than I am, Gunga Din! And your hero is exceptionally gullible. Hahahaaahahaha xoo

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I can totally vouch for the $459 it cost s for craft supplies. Been there, done that.
I hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day and are safe and warm this cold winter's week.
We are approaching for the first time in forever...a single digit low overnight with 9 inches of snow today.

I swear this is someone else's winter that got lost and landed in Arkansas.

Conniecrafter said...

Oh how fun to play with the grandkids and make sweet Valentines!
Special memories made!!

Lisa said...

This was a fun read and so sweet. Nothing like having three glitter princesses in the house. You will see glitter for months.
Or should we call it princesses dust. Allison is your Valentine name. Precious.

Kathy said...

Oh my! What a fun post. Kids can be... interesting.

Wild Oak Designs said...

Oh my goodness....I was laughing so hard.....
Ive been there...even with Grandsons....
years ago (about 30 I think) I had my two girls and niece to do Easter eggs....I still to this day have permanent glitter on the old dining table....its slowly fading...but your day reminds me of each and every time children come....
MY Grandsons are like that with the books....and me being a librarian....LOL I no longer worry just how the books get back to the shelves...they are just going to jump back onto the floor again anyway.....
Grammy's house is fun I have heard....
Take care.

Lowcarb team member said...

Wonderful memories.
Fabulous post.

Belated Happy Valentine Days Wishes.

All the best Jan

CHERI said...

This is just priceless. So glad you recorded it for history's sake:) I so miss doing crafts and such with my (now teen) grands. But I have tons of memories and I hope they do too (let's just say they'd better)! We are still making memories though...took g'daughter for haircut and nails today; helped g'son put together a spa basket for his girlfriend for Valentines Day. And I'm praying there will be many more memories before they start their own lives and families. So glad you are back at the blog:)

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

Oh Diana, what fun to relive happy memories with grands!! I’ll be making memories this coming weekend while I watch my two youngest granddaughters for a few days.

SImple and Serene Living said...

Love these great Valentine memories. I vaguely remember getting Valentines from my sweet little grandchildren. Now if I get a text I fall down on my knee replacements and feel ever so thankful. LOL
xo Laura

Katie Isabella said...

Oh if I had girls in the family...I'd be tickled! Had a buncha boys and grandchild is one too.