Saturday, February 27, 2021


 I have been keeping a secret!

Yes! I have!

If you follow me on Instagram

or Facebook

you already know about IT

but I know 

there are several bloggers

that don't do IG or FB.

So, for those of you that follow my blog-


He is my new best friend.

An all black cockapoo that is

9 weeks old.

He is a gift from my son and his wife.

He was born in Missouri 3 days after my birthday

in December.

We picked him up a week ago today.

I already can't imagine our lives

without his sweet little 

shark-like biting naughty face.

As you can see he is 


A teaspoon of whipped cream a day

in his own Starbucks cup.

Ain't life grand?

He has been really good for


John especially likes it when I put him

on the bed in the morning and

Buddy takes his bluetooth out of his ear

and pulls his sleep mask down.

It's a regular circus around here.

On another note we had our 



We followed Dr. Chris's advice and

drank LOTS and LOTS of water

before the vaccine was administered

and lots of water and GATORADE

right afterwards.

I only have a slightly sore arm and 

MyHero has a little "bite" at the

injection site.

Maybe we are all on our way to 

healing and reconnecting someday soon.

I will keep you posted on our


Bear with me on visiting-

I am potty training "the baby"

and playing NEW MOM again!

your photo name


Pamela M. Steiner said...

What a precious and fun bundle of love! I am so happy you are enjoying your sweet puppy! I can imagine he is good company for your hubby, and lots of fun "work" for YOU! Potty training a puppy is a major project. I remember doing that, and it is probably why I won't ever get another puppy unless someone or some puppy tugs at my heartstrings and I just can't help it. I will just have to enjoy yours from a distance, and our two grand-puppies who live a mile away. Congratulations!! Your puppy is one lucky dog!!


Buddy is so blame cute! Oh I can feel the teeth just hearing about it! You know it will be great you're certain to remember his birthday! How cool is that? Wonderful gift from the kids!
xoxo Dolly

Leena Milligan Lanteigne said...

I'm so happy that you have a new furry family member! He's absolutely adorable! Life is always better with a dog! Looking forward to hearing about all his antics! Hugs!

Ann said...

OMG, He is adorable. Such a sweet little face. This takes me back to my very first dog. I was only about 8 and she was a brown cockapoo. She was a real sweetheart.

coffeeontheporchwithme said...

Isn't he adorable! Yes, I imagine he will keep you occupied, Diana! Did you have a dog when the kids were little? -Jenn

Lynne said...

Loving your new “Baby Buddy!”
Happy hubs and Buddy are bonding as well.
(Smiling at sharp teeth, potty training and Starbucks whip!)
He looks so adorable . . .

Vee said...

He's such a handsome fella. I can see that John and Buddy have hit it off.

MadSnapper said...

you KNOW how much I love Buddy just from 2 photos. he will be smart as a whip, bob had a pickapoo that looked like Buddy does. he said he was the smartess dog he ever had until we got Beau who is truly the smartest we have ever had. so glad your hero loves him and let the PHUN times begin

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

Oh, Diana, how wonderful and how cute. Just looking at a puppy does something to our all over good mood. They are work, but worth it for all the love that you will receive from this precious pup.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Buddy is adorable! And he'll keep you both on your toes, I bet! Glad you're both fully vaccinated now, must be a relief.

John's Island said...

Hi Diana! What a sweet post! It sure looks like you’ve found a treasure with Buddy. Can dogs look any sweeter? :-) Buddy makes me smile ... he reminds me of my first dog I had back when I was just a kid. I so loved that dog. Diana, I really enjoy the design of your blog. You have such a neat way of putting the pics and descriptions together. And I especially appreciate the humor. Wow, we sure need that these days. So happy for you and Hero John about getting the vaccine. Blessings to both of you. Thank you for your kind words on my blog. Have a great weekend, take care, and stay safe. John

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

What a little cute pup!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

What a little cute pup!

jack69 said...

When I saw the picture I thought Nana has a real dog, then when I read the name I realized you had only half a real dog. LOL My most favorite dog in the world was ACE my Black Cocker Spaniel. That was a long time before the Cockapoo methinks. BUT Buddy is close enough and beautiful I could just hug him to pieces. Enjoy the dude, I know you all will. Just the pictures caused my mind to wander, SWEET, and THANKS.
Love from here in NC
Sherry & jack

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Congrats on the new addition to your family. He is adorable. Good luck to both of you !

Kay G. said...

Hey Diana,
That's a cute dog and I am sure he is only a BIT spoiled by you and your hero!!
That's good to know about drinking water and gator-aid when you get the vaccine, if I am ever able to get one I will remember.
Take care !!

Wild Oak Designs said...

What a darling Pup!! Enjoy your "project"....they can be a hand full....but oh so rewarding.....

Kim said...

Just darling!! What a cutie. Animals bring such life in the house, don't they? Enjoy that potty training, I bet spring can't come soon enough in your neck of the woods! xo

Mevely317 said...

Oooooh, I'm smitten! Bewitched, too. :)
Congratulations, both on the adoption and getting your vaccines! 😊

Beside a babbling brook... said...

He is awfully cute.

But you _do_ know, he is going to be a lot of work... Lots of upkeep, to keep him healthy. The need to be groomed... And they need a _lot_ of exercise, to keep them happy.

Along with all you have 'on your plate' now.

But he is certainly a bundle of love!

Jan said...

My first thought was 'a puppy? Have you lost your mind? and then I saw his face...and then I remembered having a 'we need to plan ahead, Winnie is slowing down at 13 and Shirley should NEVER be an only dog...

I remember the first night we brought Shirley home...she threw up all over me, the travel crate and the car. She cried so loud I finally took her and let her sleep on my chest.

Did you know dogs wet the bed/mom?

Can't wait to see more photos.

This N That said...

He's adorable and I'll bet you have your hands full...Glad you have your vaccines..In two weeks you will be as protected as you can be...for who knows how long?? Too many unknowns out there..We just have to do what we can...Hugs..

Jettie said...

Buddy is a joy I can tell. It is terrible when those sharp little teeth dig in, but in the not to distant future, he'll grow adult teeth, and at least they aren't so bad.

I don't know if I would be able to train another puppy, so I was thrilled when Bocephus came to live with us. I see a cute pup, and I want it, until I remember my limitations.

Terri D said...

That new man in your life is adorable! I got my second vaccine yesterday too. Just have a sore arm today. Not so bad!

Ginny Hartzler said...

OH, I am so happy for you, he is gorgeous!!! And you can now have coffee time with him as well. Which shot did you get? We are awaiting our second and nervous about the side affects of it. How are you feeling now?

HappyK said...

Oh how cute Buddy is. You are lucky to have each other!!

bobbie said...


CHERI said...

What a cutie! Buddy sure got lucky!!! Hubby and I both loaded up on Gator-ade, fluids...I drank way more than him. He had no reaction...I had a terrible one!!!! Guess it works for some but not others...and leave it up to me to be one of the "not others"!!!

Brenda Pruitt said...

Oh, he is precious! I know he fills your hearts with love and your home with laughter.

Junkchiccottage said...

He is just adorable and I love his name Buddy!!!! His name could have been Lucky too with how lucky he is to land in your family. He will have the best life. Enjoy this sweet baby. xoxo Kris

Tom said...

...hi Buddy, now be nice!

cloches and lavender said...

I'm so happy you got Buddy, pups are the best. I will never not have dogs. I saw this post the other day when I checked your blog. I thought I commented and apparently not.

Buddy will be do loved.


Cecilia said...

He is so cute! Starbucks cream everyday? Hmmm, sounds like he's living the high life. Lol. Dogs are the best. Enjoy your baby!
Hugs, Cecilia

NanaNor's said...

Love you new man; I've always adored Cockapoo's. He looks older than 9 weeks, what a heart breaker he is. So glad your hubby is enjoying him too. Puppy stage will pass.
Glad to hear about the second vaccine-I'm going to tell everyone I know whose getting one these tips-especially my dog sitter who'll be here all next week while our whole family heads to warmer shores(aka Fl). I was concerned when she told me she's getting her second one on Thursday and hopes she isn't sick. I am going to be praying she isn't sick.
Love you girl!

Bless said...

Enjoy having a new man in your life! :D He looks really cute! Congratulations on getting your second vaccine! Hope you don't have any side effects. Take care.

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

What a cutie pie! Have fun with the training!

Janie Junebug said...

Squeeeee! What a beautiful baby!!!


Shari Burke said...

How wonderful! I am so happy for you and John and for Buddy! So many moments of joy and laughter ahead :-) Hope the potty training goes well!

Our neighbour in the place we lived before this has a westie-poo. He's a character.

Rita C at Panoply said...

Diana, what a sweetheart your new puppy is! I hope he brings you both lots of joy. We got our 2nd vaccine last weekend - yippee! I was sick for 24 hrs, starting about 12 hrs after the vaccine. But all is good, and we are also looking forward to a little bit of relaxed outings. Let's see what March brings us!

Red Rose Alley said...

What a cute little addition to your house, Diane. And the fact that he's drinking out of a Starbuck's cup makes me smile. So good to hear you got your second vaccine already, and thanks for the info. on drinking lots of water.


jp@A Green Ridge said...

Your gift from your son is absolutely perfect for you and the hubs! It sounds like he's already got both of you wrapped around that little paw!!

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Oh, Diana, Buddy is darling. What good times you have ahead of you and anyone, whether man or beast, started off on Starbucks can only mean nothing but goodness. Just ask my hubby! He is so cute and that is a very good breed..Stay well..xxoJudy

Creations By Cindy said...

Well your new man is adorable. So glad you both are doing well with the vaccines. Good to know advice on the water and Gatorade. Marty and I are not eligible to take the shots as of right now. But I always appreciate the tips. And see here...I don't even have a Starbucks cup! I am getting one now. Ha! Hugs and blessings to you. Cindy

Melanie said...

Aww, your new little love is so cute! I'm sure he brings lots of love and smiles to you and John every day.


Lisa said...

I been watching him on your FB page. He sure is a cutie.

Linda said...

Congratulations!!! Things are looking up!!

Decor To Adore said...

I am absolutely over the moon for you and your sweet Buddy. Our fur babies bring such simple joy to our lives. Hope you are continuing to do well after your vaccine.

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

Congrats on your new puppy Buddy. He is adorable and looks like a lot of fun. Great that he is starbucks trained and I hope you all have fun with him.

Diane said...

Congratulations on your new family member, he is just adorable. Great news on your shot, I had my first one and second on will be this month.

Hugs diane

Carla from The River said...

Love at first sight!
I am so happy to hear how little Buddy is helping John feel better.
Have fun my friend.
Love, Carla

BeachGypsy said...


Jeanie said...

Glad all is well with the vaccines. Meanwhile, your new naughty baby is pretty darned adorable. Can't get mad at a face like that! Big smiles, my friend!

Jenny the Pirate said...

He is DARLING! What fun. So wonderful for you and John. Good luck with the training! xo

Down by the sea said...

Ahh Buddy looks gorgeous, I'm sure he will give you some much company and joy in the years to come! Sarah x

Lowcarb team member said...

Awww Buddy is a cutie :)
Enjoy your new family member.

All the best Jan

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Aw! What a sweet face! Love, love, love sweet puppy breath! If you can get close enough without a nip to the nose, that is :) Have fun with your new baby. Hugs xo Karen

Katie Isabella said...

Hello Buddy. You look positively loving and lovable. I'd love to meet you and smooch that sweet face. I used to smooch my dog Jack's satin muzzle.

Faith said...

Hw is a doll. We have a cock a poo, he is cream and cinnamon, he is an old towser no will be 15 in October, he can still be puppy like, especially around dinner time. Loves his viddles. They are loveable little furballs.