Well, this is NOT
the Michigan coast
that we live on.
Green Bay is actually on the
bay across the peninsula
from Lake Michigan.
bay across the peninsula
from Lake Michigan.
But this post is not taken from this area.
Our Christmas Coast
looks cold and angry here.
That means that I am always longing
for the warm, beachy
Christmas that is found
on a Southern coast.
Sometimes I dream
that I am actually living
in the South again..
where it warm and sunny
year round.
But today I am content
to find these images
in an old
Coastal Living
and dream my own little
dreams about actually
living there.
Look at the view
from this living room.
The dining room is equally awesome.
And the deck.
Now I'm not saying that this
is STAGED...but did you notice
that the same RUG that is
under the dining room table
now appears on the deck?
Hmmm...or maybe they have
two identical rugs?
And two identical trees with
the ornaments switched up a bit?
And two identical trees with
the ornaments switched up a bit?
I have to tell you that
when I lived in Florida
in the 70's, and again in the 80's.
that shell encrusted pieces
were considered kind of
um..I hate to say it..tacky.
But tastes change
and there are people that would
love to have this shell covered chest.
Don't you just love beachy keen
feeling in that bedroom?
And, what
Coastal Home is complete
And, personally, being
a former
MERMAID myself,
I LOVE these cookies.
Do you think every sailor
is always looking for his
own personal mermaid?
Whaddaya mean you don't
think I used to be a

Well, then, here's the proof!

You don't believe that's me?
Well....you know what I have to
say to that?
which translates (roughly)
to ..............
I will back in a day or two
with a special
idea for you.
Have a wonderful Thursday!
Now that is a beautiful view that I could easily get used to seeing every day. I'm not a fan of white trees though. I like mine green.
I never doubted for a second that you were a mermaid. Of course I've been accused of being a bit gullible at times. :)
I enjoyed your post this morning and where you live now sure is different from those beautiful beach pictures...lol
I am very happy to be living in the south in a coastal city again! Come on back down!
I have always loved the beach. We haven't been in a long time -- years. We were going to go stay for awhile this past summer but you know how that turned out. Maybe next year will be better. I have no doubt at all that you were once a mermaid. You even have photographic proof.
All I would need is to have that Porch Looking Out over that beautiful water- the Christmas tree. What a gorgeous view it needs no decorations and I do love are southern warmth and sunshine. Of course I don't have a house like that on a beach like that but I can drive to the beach and look at 1 it is a beautiful home
Sherry beat me here, we lean to the point that yeah you coulda been a Mermaid. She just told me about the time she moved to Key West before I did and wanted to learn to swim, a friend took her to the base pool and the instructor had been a Mermaid at Wickee Wackee she thinks. So my mermaid can swimm because she was taught by a Mermaid.... Did you ever teach water aerobics in Key West?
We aren't on the beach, but inland about 60 miles and it is COOL here lately, so close the door up there!
LOve your way,
Sherry & jack
Me mermaid too!
Your post was needed today. I do love the beach and would love living on a southern coast. I love the decorated home you've shown us and would be heaven got be there. Her it is wintry and cold with nothing but snow and more snow and so cold. I warm sunny place is so needed these days !
Looks just like you! 👍🏼 Be careful what you call "tacky." I once called a blow-up Nativity tacky. It didn't go over well.
Nope... Not a FL lover...
I'll take our Northern Christmas(s).<---How do you properly, write the plural, of Christmas??????????
That gingerbread lighthouse rocks! AND I BELIEVE you were a mermaid, Diana!
um, not sure about that mermaid tale ☺ BUT if you do get your beach house on a coast somewhere, would you put me on your frequent visitor list???? ☺☺☺
We certainly can dream, thank the good Lord. Take care, stay warm!
Well, it's not so warm and sunny here this week. We have the mid-40s at night and in the 60s during the day. That is COLD for us!! LOL See you here in a few!
I remember going there as a child to see the mermaids! Please tell me you really were one! (Still are, I mean who evers STOPS being a mermaid? No one.)
Your views made me feel warmer which is good because it was a little chilly here lately...but no snow yet, Diana!...:)JP
I can just imagine how nice it would be to be able to walk barefooted along that beach with my wife while listening to the waves coming in, and feeling a gentle warm breeze.
The rooms in this house are gorgeous! And very minimalistic, too. As to shell stuff, it can be done tacky, or elegant.
Though it is all very nice I can't picture me living there at all. :)
Give me the woods and mountains and all 4 seasons and I'm happy.
We've had a very grey, wet day in my part of the UK today so it was lovely to see these pictures.
You do make a wonderful mermaid :)
Take care, my good wishes.
All the best Jan
Sometimes - especially pandemic times - one needs to dream big.
And yes, I believe you were once a mermaid. That's why you want to get to warm beaches and waters. I get you, girlfriend.
Why, I am positive that is you! Of course it is!
Cute post and the best part is that you are still holding on to your great sense of humor, that a wonderful thing.
God bless you,
Connie :)
Diana, That John was one lucky fisherman. Oh yes, let's dream of walking in the warm sands of a seaside...anywhere but here where it snows. Praying we all can take a vacation one of these days. Stay healthy. Blessings, xoxo,love you crazy mermaid. Susie
It is all so cute. I lived in S Calif 45 years. I prefer Oregon. Perfect for my nature calling! Christmas is beter here and we rarely get snow! Enjoy yourself. I am preparing to put up a tree.
Hi Friend, You a mermaid? Of course I believe you. I always wanted to be one too and I was for Halloween one year. :-)
I think I would miss the snow we usually have for Christmas. But then again, I do not like slippery roads.. so maybe a Southern Christmas would be nice.
Love, Carla
Oh I can totally see you as a mermaid. I am right there with you in wanting nice weather year around. I cannot wait to get out of the snow in the winter months. Ohhhh some day! Have a great night.
Of course you were a mermaid! And I was a top model!
No wait, you were the top model, I was just a maid!
Why are all the mermaids shown with one arm, only? What happened to their other arm? Maybe a shark attacked them? A very very long time ago, I lived in an apartment that overlooked the ocean. I loved it!
So, do you count Southern California as the South? If so, you know you are always welcome at, Cottage By The Sea. We've known each other for years now, and I have a feeling we'd have a great time! Loved the photos, and as far as you formerly being a Mermaid... I do believe!
As someone who does not do well in heat (and by heat I mean 60 degrees F-LOL), I am happy to leave the warm places to those that love them. I sometimes miss the subarctic with a physical ache :-)
Such a happy post! I live in s.e. FL and DO NOT have a view like that. You have to be wealthy to have that view. Out my window here next to where I sit I see greenery, flowers, and this morning a partly cloudy sky. Right now it is 72 degrees with a predicted high of 81. I will be working outside helping a younger man from church work on repairing/replacing some stockade fencing. ~ Happy Christmas month ~ FlowerLady
It does not surprise me one bit, Diana, that you are a former mermaid! Love your crack about the rug in both rooms - too funny. Have a great weekend and stay safe!
Staged for sure..good eye.Very beach decor..I would love to see the ocean again and walk along the beach but I am not a fan of summer..Even today..in the 40's and rainy..Is preferable to hot and humid and burning sunshine..I don't want a steady diet of this but I like the changes..except for summer..Cute lighthouse..The cookies look yummy..Hugs
A warm and wonderful coastal Christmas sounds just about right to me. If only...xxoo
The sailor cookies are especially cute. OK, how come it is that the blue ornaments laying loose on the table look great there, but if I did that, it would look like I just left in the middle of a project. Yes, staged -- but pretty!
...we would love to be in Maui this winter, but it's not in the cards!
I was going to ask if you worked at Weeki Wachi? You said you lived in Florida...so that could be where you were a mermaid...I wouldn't be surprised at all! The beachy look is lovely, if you live at the beach. I tend to be more the rustic cabin type, but I wouldn't mind spending some time at the beach. I live in Florida, and it's been ages since we went to the beach. There's something wrong with that picture! LOL. Merry Christmas!!
Well I do love me some beach time for vacation but the whole beach decor vibe is not really for me. I wouldn't want shell-encrusted anything. BUT I do love the colors and, like I said ... if someone says let's go to the beach, I say just tell me where to be and when. xoxo
I loved living in Melbourne /Palm Bay when we did. LOVED it. We couldn't afford A/C so we toughed it out till we got used to it. Beautiful beautiful. Loved it there so much despite the bomber sized mosquitoes and the blood running down my legs from their bites. The sand fleas, the stickers in the sand...the Palmetto Bugs that are giant roaches that flew, as an added attraction. But truly I loved it; and actually had tears when we left for overseas.
Ain't nothing better than a Terrazo floor, too.
Thanks so much for stopping by!!
I love how you pointed out the "flaws" in these pictures!!
So funny!!
Stay safe, healthy and happy!!
Oh, I can believe you were a mermaid:) My MIL collected shells for many years and now they are in tubs in my attic!!!! Don't know what to do with them! I do like to stay at the beach surrounded by "tacky" beachy decor:) We live in GA so FL is our usual vacation spot. I live on a pond but I do love the ocean...always feel the need to be located near water. After all, my sign is CANCER (if you believe in that sort of thing)! I hate the hot, hot summers here but don't think I'd like to live in the freezing north in winter either! Oh, well...I try to bloom where I'm planted!!!
I just noticed you left me off my pick of Thanksgiving Table...#3 Green Ivy. I'm sure though you did it because you have a very special table prepared just for me...LOL!!! Seriously, I'm sure with that many people it is very easy to lose count. So no worries, please!!!!
I have enjoyed my many trips to Florida, especially to the gulf area, but do not think I would like to live there. I have always been a northerner and find pleasure in complaining about the snow and cold. Besides have you seen the size of their palmetto bugs? We call anything that big a bird here.
We just got back from Texas, and enjoyed the sunshine while we were there! It was amazing. I absolutely love winter, to be honest it is one of my favorite seasons, but the lack of sunshine does make one long for warmer climates for sure. I thought it was fun how they changed out the tree and rug in the pictures! Hope that you get to go enjoy some sunshine soon :) Blessings and hugs!
I could have sworn you told me you had been a mermaid when we first met. Hmmm.....you are a water lover. Love all the photos and warm looking beaches. Sigh....we are climbing into the 40's again from the low teens.
Thank you for the smiles and have a wonderful new week.
I am here https://annesphamily.blogspot.com too everyday :-)
Of course I believe you are a mermaid, Diana....I am one, too!!! but I don't look quite as nice as you do. I look more like a sea elephant. Maybe that's because of all the fudge I eat from your recipes~~xo
Oh, I know you were a mermaid because I was that fairy that watched you from the shore because I was always too chicken to get my wings wet! That caramel has to be tried. I bought a new mini microwave this fall because we don't use it much. It is a 700 watt, so I will let you know... It looks delicious! I like the coastal vibe in the summer. but think that lighthouse is more my style... or your burly, blustery Lake Michigan shores!
I believe you're a mermaid because I'm one too so I recognize others!😁🧜♀️ I love the view from that home! Hugs!
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