We never really had
Thursday, December 31, 2020

Thursday, December 24, 2020
I know many of my followers
came along after I wrote
this poem several years ago.
I thought I would post it.
I wrote this in just a few minute's time
as I saw the picture of this rose.
about the Christmas Rose,
If you've not heard it e'er before~
this is how it goes.
The night sky glowed quite splendidly,
and the girl could see a Star.
It brightly shone upon the land
and beckoned from afar.
She left her door step quietly
without a backward glance,
She knew that she must follow it
and take the risk-the chance.
She had heard the shepherds talking
about the child so near,
That would change the world forever-
that could comfort every fear.
She watched behind a hillock
as the Magi took their place,
With their gifts of myrrh & frankincense
& gold in a fine case.
She wanted such a special gift
for this baby oh-so-dear,
But she was poor, had nothing,
and she cried a silent tear.
She quickly searched the countryside~
a flower was her thought,
But the winter was cold
& damp & mean-
no flower to be sought.
She earnestly began to weep
and softly shed each tear,
While an angel watched & marveled
at the love she held so dear.
"Why are you crying, my child?" she asked
as she met her on the ground
"I long to give something to this child
- but nothing have I found."
The angel touched her tears
where they lay upon the earth,
And a Rose sprung up beneath them-
a green & silent birth.
Now go and give your roses, child,
your gift of heart & tear,
And the Savior child will bless you
& comfort you, my dear.
She gently picked the roses
and took them to the place,
Where the baby lay in splendor
in His lowly birthing space.
She stared upon his countenance-
this ragged, humble child,
And He turned his little face up
and looked at her & smiled.
Yes! That's the story of the Christmas Rose-
it's been heard by many ears,
But the Blessing it brings at Christmas time
will carry us through the years.
~©Diana Kosmoski~

Monday, December 21, 2020
You all gave me a run for my money
this time!
Here were your choices:
And here we go!
#1-Green Green Wants To Be Seen
Dewena, Michele(really dislikes #2-lol), Diane (she said it took her ALL day to decide), Missy&Mimi-(Sounds like a high school duo, doesn't it?) Dear Dawn-almost missed her!
#2-Rustic Manor
Sandi (the introvert-pushing herself to the center of the table), Penny, Jack&Sherry(my travelers), Sandra(LIKES THIS ONE-never likes ANY of the tables but, of course, ended by complaining about the chairs)..lol, Ginny, Laurie/Heaven'sWalk, (Laurie will be adding palm trees-of course she will), Bonnie, Brenda, Lisa/OfficeChair and bj!
Kind of like being in the line waiting for someone to pick you for their team...and I was always the last one left standing...lol...A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.
#4-Blue For You
Jane, SusanL, LisaK, LisaL, Lori,
and MaryBeth
#5- Silver Snowflakes
Debra/SheSeeks, Doris, Nellie, JennythePirate(she says she is going to sit quietly and I will PAY EXTRA to see that), Julie, Constance AND Connie
#6-Green & Gold
Ramblings, PamS(going to also visit #7-one in every crowd), Donna, KimM, Every Green Bay Packer Fan
#7-I Plead For Plaid
Next year I am only going to post plaid tables! Susie, PamK, Leena, Arlene(would like to sit at the all white table but, you know, there is gravy to spill there), MA, DebbyRay, Tessa, Jan, Latane, Anne, Diane-(bringing her Aunt Helen and is wearing plaid--is that like wearing white to a wedding?), SusanK, Mevely, Judy, Noreen, Kris(confused the all white queen, did I?), Kim-(insisted on sitting next to Kris by shoving Happy out of place), Happy, Rita, LV, ParR, Denise, Sheri, Liz, LindaC(Snapping at the MadSnapper for her comment-HEY! I do NOT make this stuff up),Beachgram, Cecilia, Louica, Gert, Rita(wants to wear her old parochial school uniform-hmmm--let's see if it still fits after the pandemic), Jan/Lowcarb, Jeanie, Kitty, Fabby, Sabra & Tiffany(my sweet old roommate's daughters found me-I am so grateful),Cass, DonnaL, and JanKoch & Sweet Jenn & Lordy, Lordy- I forgot RON -the Cocktail King~
#8-Whisper of White
Laurie, Louise, Terri (says this table won't clash with her ugly Christmas sweater-and no-there is no contest for ugly Xmas sweaters going on), Carla-(not eating or drinking for fear she will spill on the white table-more for me),Bless-reminds her of WI snow, Theresa & Cindy/Cloches&Lavender.
So! There you have it. What a crazy group!
Thank you all so much for playing along and after figuring this out-I think I need a nap.
IF I missed you-PLEASE let me know. I went over the list twice but invariably I miss someone OR put them at the wrong table. lol
Hey! Never said I was good at this!
Have a wonderful, pre-Christmas Day week.
Love to all of you and thanks for playing along!

Thursday, December 17, 2020
Then you must find some of
good advice!
I will be wrapping up(pun intended)
the Pick Your Favorite Table
in the next day or so.
Bare bear with me.