Friday, February 21, 2020


A lot of years have flown by since
Sandy and I were kids and
 first met in a laundromat
in North Fort Myers, Florida
in the Fall of 1970.
Little did we know the day we met
that we would become best friends
for life.
Friends that would see each other
through marriages,
 the births of children,
divorces that we weren't expecting
and re-marriages.
We have both moved all over the 
country but have always lived 
within driving distance of each other.

Let me tell you how good of a friend 
 I am.
When she went to remarry 
she asked me to be matron of honor.
The long distance tolls started
adding up.
Me:  Did you get your dress yet?
Sandy:  I found a nice pants suit.
Sandy: Yes! You heard me right!

Me: You can't get married in a pants suit.
Sandy: Watch me! (sensing an "attitude"
here are you?;>)
Me:  I am wearing a soft pink dress as 
your matron of honor.
Sandy:  Great!  I'm wearing a pants suit.
Me:  Really?
Sandy:  Yes! REALLY!!!
The day before the wedding I went shopping.
I bought a wedding dress in her size.
I took it to her home in Illinois.
Me:  I have a present for you.
Sandy:  What it is?
Me:  It's your wedding dress~

Sandy: (the red head in her making her face flush)
I have a nice pants suit!
Me:  MOM!!! MOM!!!! Come here, Mom!
Look at this- I bought Sandy a REAL wedding dress.
Sandy: Oh, Crap!  Don't get my Mom in on this.
Mom: (timidly) Well, it wouldn't hurt to try it on.
Sandy: (glaring at me) I don't like wedding dresses.
Me:  You'll like this one!
Door to bathroom SLAMS shut.
Door to bathroom opens.
Her Mom and I look at her and we are 
smiling from ear to ear.
Mom:  It's PERFECT
Sandy: It's too big on the sides!
Mom:  You have four hours to get ready,
I'll take it in.
Sandy: FINE!!! 
(this is the closest we have ever come
to having a cross word with each other!;>) 

ps.  And THAT is what best friends are all about-picking your wedding dress out
for you whether you want one or not!
pffffftt.....A Pant's Suit!!!!
Happy Birthday Sandy!
Listen-she recently connected to the internet world down there in the wilds of Minnesota.
Wish her a Happy Birthday here for me-will you?

And Happy 66th birthday to my brother, Charlie.

He is celebrating his seventh birthday in Heaven
today- I miss you, buddy!
~You are forever in my heart~
Yep-my best friend in life and my brother
born on the same day-
What are the odds on that?
I hope they made him an
Angel Food Cake
up there where calories don't count!

Happy Birthday, Sandy...
I love you as much as if we were
blood sisters.
Who knows?
Maybe we are.....after all...
my Dad used to travel, you know!!!!
your photo name


Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

How lucky you are to have such a wonderful friendship. I have a friend like that (we met when we were three years old) and though we don’t live close to each other, we are family and have been there for each other always. This reminds me that I must call her this weekend.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

That wedding dress story is great! You are both stubborn but "Mom is always right."

MadSnapper n Beau said...

life time friends are the best kind to have..Happy birthday sandy and charlie

Theresa said...

That's a great friend right there, happy that she wore the dress:) Happy Birthday to Sandy and to Charlie in Heaven! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!


Wonderful post! It is so rare to find someone that is such a true friend, you two have done that. Thanks for sharing this with us. Happy Birthday Sandy and Happy Birthday in Heaven Charlie!

Busy Bee Suz said...

What a funny story about the wedding dress! Happy birthday to your sweet Sandy and your heavenly brother. XO

Tom said...

...I wish that calories didn't count!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

You are so funny..."My Dad used to travel, you know..." That is hilarious. But what a wonderful friend you are and I am sure your dear friend appreciated the dress after all was said and done. happy Heavenly Birthday to your sweet brother. I know how you must miss him. But won't the reunion be grand someday?
Have a blessed and beautiful day, dear friend. My dad didn't travel much, so I doubt we're related, but then never know. LOL> You are a character. A good one.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

P.S. I almost forgot, and "happy Birthday to your "sister" Sandy. Hope it is a great and wonderful day all day long.

Ricki Treleaven said...

LOL That's a funny story about the wedding dress. And you were right. Hey, Sandy! Diana was right! *giggles*

Jo said...

How lucky you both are to have such a lovely friendship which has lasted all these years. Happy birthday to them both.

Mevely317 said...

Loving your moxie, girl! Me, I'd have probably just stayed silent and pouted. LOL.
Happy Birthday, Sandy, wherever you are! (And your dear brother -- where we know he is.)

jack69 said...

How sweet is this:
I hope they made him an
Angel Food Cake
up there where calories don't count!...
Me too! You are pretty cool lady!
It is nice to know you have a close friend like that. I wish I still did. I miss him terribly!
Love ya,
Sherry & jack

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a story! And I bet she was always so glad that she did not wear that pant suit! I am so sorry about your brother; he looks like such a sweet person.

Terri D said...

Happy birthday to Sandy! A very cute story! Besties are the best!! Your brother was a handsome man!

wisps of words said...

2 Happy Birthdays!

Such a cute story. If your friendship weathered that, you are surely friends for life. -grin-


wisps of words said...

NO click-able link to Sandy's blog.

Can't wish here a Happy Birthday there..



Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Cute story Diana. Happy birthday Sandy and also to Charlie in Heaven.
I noticed when I clicked on your name from the comment you left on my blog, your profile is empty. xo

Wanda said...

One of the best treasures in life is to have a "lifelong" friend. I love the story of the wedding gown and pant suit...Great story! Great ending.
I have a brother in heaven too. Hal, he would be 68. He passed 5 years ago. He was my baby brother..I'm ten years older. Cancer too him. so sad.

I also have lifetime friend, Kris. We moved across the street from her family when she was 5 and I was 4. Went through school together, went to Biola Bible college together. I married a Pastor, She and her husband became missionaries to Oxnaco Mexico and translated the New Testament into Zapotec. We lives miles apart, but keep in touch and love each forever. Both our husbands have health issues too. So much in common..and I love your spirit and attitudes of fun...You are an inspiration...Love you.

Kim said...

Now that's a best friend story for sure!! I love it. And thinking of you today as you're thinking of your brother...xo

Louca por porcelana said...

Great story!Happy Birthday to Sandy and to your Brother...Mine is in Heaven too,he left us when he was only 26 years old.I believe God had other plans to him.Love Sandi's photo !Xoxo.

Susie said...

Hey did your dad know my mom? LOL Just teasing. Your brother Charlie looks so sweet. I know you miss him. Happy birthday to Sandy. I think it's amazing how you girls became friends and have stayed close. Blessings to you Diana. xoxo,love , Susie

Jeanie said...

Big happies to all. Isn't it wonderful to have a friend that long?

Ann said...

LOL, wonderful story about your friend. Wishing her a very happy birthday

Rita C at Panoply said...

How sweet! Happy Birthday, Sandy, and a Happy Heavenly Birthday to Charlie!

Buttercup said...

Happy birthday to Sandy. Love the story of her wedding dress. I am blessed that two of my college friends live 4 blocks and a mile away. They would both buy me a wedding dress and make me wear it and I love them for it. Hugs and love, remembering your brother.

Junkchiccottage said...

Happy Birthday to Charlie in heaven. Diana you are the sweetest person so I can see you becoming friends with someone very easily. Sandy looked beautiful in the wedding dress. Great friend great choice.
Have a great weekend.

Carol said...

Such a cute story and I have a friend that I am like that with as well. Although, I might not buy her a wedding dress, but I would not let her get married in a pant suit. Happy birthday to both of them.

Sue said...

Happy Birthday to your best friend, Sandy! and I know your dear brother is celebrating a wonderful birthday in heaven. loving thoughts to you as you remember.

I think friends are one of the most precious gifts to us from our heavenly Father! Thank you for sharing such a sweet story, I enjoyed smiling as I read!, Have a great weekend, Diana.

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

You are so blessed to have a friendship that has lasted through time and distance!! Great story!! Happy Birthday to both your friend and your brother in heaven....
Thanks so much for stopping by and for taking the time to let me know that you did by leaving such a sweet comment!!

cloches and lavender said...

Now that's a friend, you were honest, a pantsuit for your wedding? Best friends say the truth. Heck you bought the dress too.

Happy Birthday to them both. Enjoy your weekend!



Woody said...

Lot of "Good People" born in February, I think I was 12 years old befor I didn't spell it (Februrary) !!!! I miss my Best Friend !!!! OH WELL- we have to enjoy all our days we get !!!!! Take Care ! Gary

This N That said...

Happy birthday to you both. Aren’t you just the best friend? Who else would do that? Beautiful dress and you were right. No pants for Brides... Have a wonderful weekendXxoo

Shari Burke said...

It's wonderful to have a sisterfriend. I'm sure she appreciates you as much as you appreciate her! :-)

Doris said...

Hahaha, maybe you are sisters, too funny! Can't say I was every that gutsy but glad it work out the way it did! True friends for sure.

Sandi said...

What a wonderful gift!

Vintage Girl 901 said...

Such a great story!

Kay G. said...

Yes! I do remember that story of you buying the wedding dress for your friend. I love that!!
And thanks very much for your comment on my blog about Richard's Dad.
Your brother will always be with you. xx

Lauren at Wonderfully Made said...

What a GREAT story!! Wow - she must REALLY love you to let you change what she was going to wear on her wedding day haha!! Time certainly does go by so fast . . . grateful for the joy of knowing Charlie is in Heaven and celebrating another 'birthday' in best way possible!

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

Such a beautiful friendship you've enjoyed over the years, what an amazing friend you are Diana! I know you miss your brother so much. Funny how both your sweet brother and your best friend shared the same birthdays! Life has some interesting connections, doesn't it! I just recently made contact with a fellow blogger, and we have exchanged letters, and I discovered that our husband's and daughter's names are exactly the same! Sweet little joys in life for sure. Many blessings to you!

HappyK said...

We all need a very best friend like that. Mine is Bernice and today is her birthday! :) We've known each ALL our lives. We have never lived close to each other since we've gotten married but have always kept in touch!!

Rachid Afinis said...


Rick Watson said...

My older brother died on Feb 14 and my mom on the 20. I often feel sadness this time of year.

Annie said...

Hi Diana! I am a blogging friend of Marilyn's of Mountain Top Spice. She and I discovered that we live in neighboring towns in North Idaho and we just got together for coffee for the first time yesterday! She told me I should come check out your blog and introduce myself. :) I just started blogging back in December and am "learning the ropes" so to speak.

I'm so sorry for the loss of your brother. What a sweet tribute to him on his birthday.

I love that story of you and your best friend. My best friend and I live in different states now too but it's so sweet how the distance doesn't effect our friendship in the least. The dress you picked out for her is so pretty and she looks so happy. Sometimes our friends know us better than we know ourselves!

Lowcarb team member said...

Happy birthday to Sandy and also to Charlie in Heaven.

My good wishes.

All the best Jan

hamada said...

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Pam said...

AND only a good friend could have gotten away with that!!! I love it.

Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage said...

You made me smile and then tears nearly sprung to my eyes. Bless you!

Decor To Adore said...

Oh your precious story of friendship brought tears to my eyes!

Jenny the Pirate said...

Awww! Lovely story! And your friend was such a happy bride. Condolences on the loss of your brother seven years ago. May he rest in peace. xoxo

Katie Isabella said...

I love this! I have one friend...a colleague from work that can and does speak to me like a mom even though she calls ME "Mother Dear". She has been responsible for a bog personality change at work because she made me see the necessity of it. I am 12 years her senior but we are as much family now as we became 390 years ago!

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Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Aw! You're a good friend, Diana. Not everyone can pick out a perfect wedding dress, but you did, and for a perfect friend. Happy Birthday to your beautiful friend and dear brother! Hugs xo K

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Tom said...

...I'll pass on the cake, I'm trying to go down, not up!

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

What a sweet story about the wedding dress and Sandy. Happy belated birthday to Sandy and your beloved brother. Our hearts are always connected to our loved ones.

Andrea Charles said...

Wonderful friendship carried forward for so many years and will flourish so many year more. It is an interesting read. Sorry to know about your brother. Handsome and cheerful. Must have been a dashing sis bro pair. And, you are a beautiful man’s. Wishing for all cheerfulness in your life.