Monday, January 27, 2020


I am sure many of you know
the blog

Her husband, Jim,
is in a coma
and ready to 'go home'.
Please pray for a peaceful passing
for him and 
for peace of mind for her
and her children & grandchildren.

She is 78 years old
and her blog has changed
but here is the link
if you would like to leave her
a word of comfort.

Ramblings of a Retired Lady

Also, my friend, Jettie's
brother-in-law, Leamon,
is passing.
He is the last sibling on her husband's side
so it is a sad passing for her hubby.

Please keep them in your 
thoughts and prayers, too.

Thank you so much.
I will be on the road soon
and out of touch for a while.

If you don't pray,
please send good thoughts
and wishes their way.

Love to all of you~
your photo name


Ramblings of a Retired Lady said...

Thank you.

Adam said...

I hope he feels no pain.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Yes, been praying for Linda and her sweet husband Jim ever since I heard. Will continue to pray for peace and comfort, and for strength for Linda in the coming days and weeks. May the Lord be with her and her family.

mxtodis123 said...

Sending prayers.

Theresa said...

She is my friend and I am praying! Thank you for sharing. HUGS!

Brenda said...

I read her blog daily and pray.

Susie said...

Diana , I will pray for Jim and his family. Please be safe in your travels. Blessings, xoxo,love you, Susie

Billie Jo said...

Thank you for sharing this.
Prayers and love to my dear friend Linda and her family, as well as for Jim.

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

Prayers for a peaceful passage.

Mevely317 said...

Prayers for the peace that surpasses all understanding.

jack69 said...

You B Sweet and of course prayers. Time rolls on and we meet HIM one at a time. My girl and I are inseparable now, but we know. Of course not like those who have already faced it.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

prayers for both of these requests.

Debby Ray said...

Praying for both of these requests, Diana. Hurry back!❤️

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Prayers for a peaceful passing and for comfort of those left behind. And praying for you too. Have a safe and happy trip. Enjoy the tropical breezes..

Jeanie said...

Thank you, Diana. And of course.

Kathy said...

I knew about Linda and Jim and have been praying for them, but I didn't know about Jettie's family. Thank you for always letting us know of these prayer requests. Have a safe and fun trip and see you when you get back.

Jettie said...

Thank you so much, Diana, Leamon is one of a kind, and it is going to be tough knowing he is no longer with us. He has lived a good long life, and I know he is ready to rest high on that Mountain.

Red Rose Alley said...

Said a prayer for both of them, Diana. The photo you shared is just right.

I love your Valentine Header, it's so cute. That sweet girl reminds me of Francesca. ; )


Dawn P. said...

Prayers to all the family and to those nearing their time to return home...God Bless them and may they pass in peace. Amen.

Wanda said...

Thank you Diana for being the faithful prayer warrior and sharing so we can join in prayer too. Will remember these two precious souls.

Doris said...

Linda is a regular blogger on my list of must reads. My heart breaks for them and my prayers are with them!

Susan Kane said...

God's Hands are open and ready, holding him closely.

Terri D said...

Linda and Jim are in my daily prayers. I have added your friend Jettie and her family.

Jan said...

Praying for them all, for peace, comfort and strength.

This N That said...

Sad sorry

Holly said...

Prayers to both families. I've strolled down your post to catch up. I love your memories, I was born in 1980 so this was my Mom's era. Congrats on the Cali shed, makes me miss home. Santa Cruz and the Bay Area had these nestled along the Pacific Coast.

Rick Watson said...

Life is quick. Thinking of your blog friends.

Vee said...


You have a good and relaxing time away. God knows what we need. Let Him bless you. ☺️

Diana said...

Hey, Diana! Looks like I got here just in time to say have a great time at the condo! And I've added those folks to our prayers. Have missed visiting with you. Hugs and blessings! ♥

Buttercup said...

I've been stopping by to offer my prayers for Jim and family and now will add Jettie's brother-in-law to my prayer list. Safe and happy trip to you!

Jenny the Pirate said...

This is a difficult time. I pray God's blessings and comfort upon them. xoxo

Rose L said...

Such sadness in this post.

Curtains in My Tree said...

Yes I'll check out their blogs again. I have a male friend 104 and he has had pneumonia twice since December, I don't know how he is making it still after being so sick.
Lots illness going on in blog land, thanks for letting us know

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Sending prayers.

Rain said...

Asking for prayers is wonderful. People's energies are strong! I'll pray for these people and wish them all the best!! :)

Lowcarb team member said...

Saying a prayer.

All the best Jan

Ricki Treleaven said...

Praying for your dear friends. It seems to be such a sad season currently for so many people!

Rachid Afinis said...