Friday, December 22, 2017


Just TRY NOT to laugh
when you see this!

My son-in-law posted this on 
but I am posting it here, too.
Just click the link below
to see BrightEyes in action~
She is
Front and Center 
showing off her 'talent'.

Turn your volume on to get
a real laugh.

Have a wonderful Friday.
I am off to CJK's school to
pop popcorn for the school party.

My wonderful son
to do this---
guess he didn't want to be alone
with all those elementary school kids.

Happy Friday as we countdown
to Christmas.

your photo name


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the early morning giggles! She is precious! God bless your day. Merry Christmas. xoxo

Susie said...

Diana, This little girl is going to be a star forever. I laugh thinking you and your son will be together at school. It will be a fun time. CJK will be happy you are there too. Blessings to all of you, xoxo, Susie

Lisa said...

Oh my gosh I just laughed my coffee out of my nose. Shes hilarious! Shes going places.

Theresa said...

ADORABLE! Thank you for that morning smile:) Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh wow, that video, lol -- she's givin' it ALL she's got!

Vee said...

She was really into it! 😄 Happy popcorn popping! 🍿

Unknown said...

Too darling she is

Pam Kessler said...

That is hilarious. The boys beside her didn't even see the need to sing along :)

Linda @ A La Carte said...

So cute! I love seeing little one's enjoying life!

LV said...

It just does not get any better than the action of a precious child. Treasure those moments. Time going by too fast. Wishing you and family notching but the best during 2018.

Donna said...

I do believe Miss Bright Eyes is a mini version of you, Diana!!:) The speakers on our computer aren't working, but I did watch the video and can only imagine how it all sounded! Too funny!

Adam said...

cute video

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

My goodness, what a hoot, Miss Bright Eyes is a star in the making. She puts her heart, sole and body into this great performance. This t is a keeper to show her later in life. Merry Christmas dear Diana. Xo

At Rivercrest Cottage said...

Bright Eyes stole the show! She is quite a performer. Looking forward to many years of entertainment from her as long as her Nana holds up.

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

So wonderful, of my granddaughters is like that, their joyous spirits! Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

she is her Nanas Grand daughter!!!! Oh my gosh!! Adorable!!

Simply LKJ said...

That is why I LOVED teaching preschool! This made my day. So cute.

Linda said...

She is the cutest thing ever!!! Boy, did she get into the spirit of the bells!!

Debby Ray said...

Oh that is just so adorable! There is always that one child...of course she is YOUR grand daughter!

Kim said...

She is hysterical! Get that kid an agent! Merry Christmas my friend. xoxo

cards4ubylouise and other treasures said...

She sure brought a lot of smiles...didn't she. Merry Christmas Diana!!! Pop corn sounds really good!!!

Estelle's said...

THE MOST DARLING EVER!!!! She is a precious and vivacious angel!!! Merry Christmas Diana!

Jettie said...

I totally think you have your own comedy act going there.

Debbie - Mountain Mama said...

Oh my gosh, Diana, she’s just the cutest!!! Merry Christmas to you all!!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...


kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

Oh my goodness, Diana, Sweet Cheeks is so darn cute! Thanks for sharing the sweetness with us. Hope you had fun popping the popcorn. I'm going to share the fun at Cissy's after school party with some sweet girls at my daughter's house.
Merry Christmas! xx

Red Rose Alley said...

That is so funny. She definitely does not have stage fright haha. I love this picture of the koala behind her back. Have fun making popcorn for the school party. All the family is coming in tomorrow, and I'll have a full house, so this might be my last chance to wish you the Merriest Christmas, Diana. You are a favorite blog sister of mine. : )

love, ~Sheri

Chatty Crone said...

She is going to be a star - she was terrific and she stole my heart - I know she stole yours too! Love, sandie

Kelly said...

OMG! How can you not like that?! She's definitely not shy. She reminds me of Shirley Temple. So cute and outgoing.

Sally said...

How very, very cute! Oh, my goodness. :)


The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Diana, she is made for the stage! So cute! Merry Christmas to you and your family. ♥

Rose L said...

She definitely is NOT shy!!! Kinda like gramma, huh!!

S H Elliott said...

I love her! That girl will go far in the entertainment world. 😊

An Oasis in the Desert said...

Oh come on....telling us not to laugh! She is so adorable! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas & a very Happy 2018!

Warm hugs, Carol

Junkchiccottage said...

Diana the apple does not fall far from the tree with this one. Where or where does she get that out going fun personality!!! Hmmmm I think maybe from her Nana! You are in her DNA for sure. She is just so much fun. Anna and Carlisle are going to be running this country some day! Gosh I hope I live long enough to see that lol! Merry Christmas sweet friend.

Jan said...

Oh my goodness! Grands are truly a gift from God. Kids that we can send home when WE need a nap, when we aren't so busy and our to-do list is much shorter.

She is precious!

Merry Christmas.


Cecilia said...

Lol, isn't she a little diva? Fully into her performance. Goodness, but she's a cutie pie.
Funny how your son volunteered you to help. Isn't it nice he still needs you? 😄
Enjoy the Christmas weekend!
Xo, Cecilia

Kay G. said...

We really need to work on her shyness! HA!
The apple does not fall far from the tree! x

AnnMarie aka Vintage Junkie aka NaNa said...

You guys are gonna have to watch her closely.....she'll be off chasing stars very soon! So cute!!

Annesphamily said...

Oh she’s a celebrity! Front and center ! I love the little ones because they are fearless! Harrison’s preschool put on their program and he has quite a talent for shaking the maracas!

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

She is the cutest ever. Do I detect a little of Nana Diana in her???
Here's wishing you and your family a wonderful and beautiful Christmas.


This N That said...

And which one was she??? ;)..Must get it from you? SO shy..Hope you and your beautiful family have the best Christmas ever..xxoo

Connie said...

So sweet :) Wouldn't you like to bottle that energy . . . if you find a way, please send me a bottle, I could use it, LOL.
Very Merry Christmas!
Your blogging sister,
Connie :)

Cathy @ My 1929 Charmer said...

Oh my she is a very enthrusiatic singer and really enjoys herself. She does seem to remind me of you. She is quite adorable! Merry Christmas

Stacey said...

Merry Christmas Diana. :)