Wednesday, November 13, 2024


Several of you have reached out to me

via email and in the comments

asking for another


Who knew y'all would enjoy this so much?

That being said-

Here we go:

So--jump right in and pick your favorite.

or as I like to call it.;..

Candles not your thing?
How about this?







So-There you have it!
You know the drill.
Pick ONE table! ONE!!!
Got it?!?
Pick your table and see who you are 
sitting with at the end of it all.

I love these-
It is so much fun to see 

And, in other news-
We have a new baby at our house.

Our little green-eyed 
COCO~the Cockapoo

We already love her...
Does Scruffy love her?
Other times he turns his back
and ignores her!

in our lives at this point
give us a lot of joy~
We are blessed!

your photo name


NanaDiana said...


Cheryl Kimbley said...

I would have to say #5, of those shown. It is simple.
What a beautiful baby! I have never seen a dog with green eyes. Coco is just a sweet looking ball of fur. They will soon be best friends.

Sandi said...

I am sitting at Table 7 and there are corn feathers in my face. This is awkward. Can I just sit with the puppies?

Anonymous said...

I would like to sit at #4. Thank you.

Lynne said...

Number #4,

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I choose the grapes in #2 Dark Beauty. I do love earth tones, and what looks like chocolate candles.
today you outdid your past choices, because there are only 3 I don't care for, the marching candles UGH and the Vegan Ugh, I like the blue with the gold pumking IF you remove the gold punkin... the rest of them I could and would sit at any or all of them.
your new baby is adorable and I had to go ask Google if dogs have green eyes because I have never seen a dog with green eyes. yes they do, so I have to believe you have one and did not Photoshop those gorgeous eyes..

Jeanie said...

Welcome to Coco! And I'm going for the Baby Boo Pumpkins.

Mevely317 said...

I love Dark Beauty #2! Tho it's been many years, this makes me feel like I'm in Tuscany once more.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Table # 3 (Glittery Gold & Blue) for me please! I think it's the most elegant. And welcome to Coco the baby cocapoo -- so cute! Hopefully she'll be a good companion to Scruffy.

Tom said...

...all are lovely, but too fancy for the plain dude. Where's the room for the food???

Cecilia said...

Put me at table 2, please. Laughing at Tom’s comment…with fancy tables, you get served! Lol. Coco is a real beauty. I bet she keeps Scruffy on his toes!

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

Your new baby is precious!! Enjoy them both. I would go with table setting #1 although I can't imagine how to actually serve or eat without risk of someone knocking over those candles.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I'm so glad you brought this back! It's very enjoyable. I picked #3
GLITTERY GOLD AND BLUE, I think pumpkins are a good representation of Thanksgiving. Can hardly wait to see who will be at my table. Thanks again for doing this! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Sorry, I forgot to say I love your new baby! She is so delightful!

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Cocoa is adorable. Her green eyes are amazing. I pick table #2, because use I enjoy earth tones and besides I can nibble on the grapes. Tom is so funny about, where does the food go. I always serve buffet style. XO

Chatty Crone said...

I like number two - feels relaxing which is what I need! lol You now have a new puppy? You are courageous!

Jan said...

I'll sit at #4-I love autumn leaves. What a sweet new puppy-her eyes are beautiful!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

#4 for me.
Your new puppy is adorbs! Enjoy

Debbie Nolan said...

#4 is my pick although #3 is lovely as well. Oh congratulations on your new baby. Coco is adorable and I know why you love sure Scruffy will become her next best friend. Happy puppy days. We too just adopted another GSD pup - him too and Kelsey adores him...they are best friends. Hugs!

Anonymous said...

#2 for me, although this was a difficult choice to decide. Lots of great tables here. I have never seen a dog with green eyes. He is just too sweet to be real. Love!!

Bill said...

I'll be glad to sit with the dogs. Do they sit under the table or do they have a special place to munch and receive treats. :)

jack69 said...

WE gonna join Lynn, whats her name, and Debby and Debbie @ #4
But I must say I enjoy seeing an alert from you. We know you are very busy, with a demanding job, although a labor of love, from experience, we know it is demanding.
Love you lady,
Sherry & jack

jack69 said...

PS: Sweet shots of the puppies, wish I had one of 'em!

Terri D said...

Diana, please reserve a seat for me at Table #1. I will bring my fire blanket with me and can put out the fire, if needed!! (giggle)

Pam said...

I like the table with the grapes down the center. Warm and classy. The green eyes on that baby.....oooh. Glad you're back and hope all is well on your end.

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

Diana, what a beautiful new dog and I love Coco's green eyes! I will go with table #4 - Leaf me along - I want to eat.

Kay G. said...

Oh, put me at Table #5 with those candles stuck in the little pumpkins and that bright dining room! Your sweet dogs could win a contest, so gorgeous. x

Shari Burke said...

I'll be with Bill and the dogs! maybe we can have our own table?

Ann said...

I have to choose #4 simply because I love what it's called. Pass the mashed potatoes please.
Your sweet new fur baby is adorable.

Ron said...

I am bringing my martinis to table #3.

Ginny Hartzler said...

#4 - leaf me alone. Coco is gorgeous! Tell us everything. how old, when and where did you get her, etc.

This N That said...

#2 for me..Can't ignore the grapes...It's been a long time Diana..thanks for doing this..Always fun

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Diana, #6 please. I only can think about those beautiful green eyes looking at me. What a little beauty. Rugby has the same soulful look in his eyes but he isn't as clean as she is. Right out of the groomers and he looks like he has rolled in it. He is the original PigPen from Peanuts for sure.. xxoJudy

Latane Barton said...

I am happy to join Judy at GoldCountryCottage at table #6.

Lowcarb team member said...

Such fun!
I like the look of table number 2 please.

Both your dogs are so sweet.

All the best Jan

Bless said...

I'd be happy to be seated at any of those tables! But, if I had to pick just one, then, I think I will choose table number 4, please.
Your new puppy looks so cute with those green eyes!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

#4 and I'll take one of those adorable family members! heehee! Hugs to you and John today, Diane

Anonymous said...

Oh Diana—-thank you for doing this again !! My choice is #4 LEAF ME ALONE!!! Ha Ha (really in life never leaf me alone)—actually I’ll take a little Coco and Scruffy lovin!!! They are adorable!!!

Michele M./ Finch Rest said...

Oh, your sweet green eyed beauty is adorable! So happy for you.

#2 gets my vote.

Junkchiccottage said...

I like number 2 dark beauty. Reminds me of a traditional Thanksgiving. Your sweet babes are so adorable. Those green eyes are just gorgeous. I still think she needs to live with me she matches my decor!!!! Hugs. Kris

Nellie said...

I like #5! Also, Coco and Scruffy are the cutest!

Janie Junebug said...

Coco is adorable! Congratulations on the addition to the family. Scruffy will adjust. I choose #5, please--Baby Boo pumpkins. I'm so glad people asked you to do a pick your table again because I enjoy these so much. You have beautiful taste.


Lizabeth said...

I’ll join #5! I like the use of baby boo pumpkins! Coco is the cutest and what unique eyes! Now you have double trouble!

The French Hutch said...

Love the new addition! I love those baby boos..........Happy Thanksgiving.

Holly said...

I'm finally making my way to blogging again. Please seat me at table #3. The decor reminds me of the coast & the beach. super cute pooch.

Jettie said...

Looks like I'm sitting alone so far at Table #6. But I'd take a paper plate and a solo cup and enjoy Sruffy and Coco. Can I bring Bocephus and Shadow to play with them.

Penny Carlson said...

I am picking 2! Your new baby is adorable. I have never seen a dog with green eyes before!

racheld said...

Well, I was looking at #2, because I could see soupspoons and bowl, and you KNOW it's going to be a lovely pumpkin bisque, because who would serve a chickeny one or a broccoli one with that turkey and vegetables to follow. Then I thought I'd pick #5, just because since we have had so few folks in all these four years since most folks aren't traveling, etc., we've moved our big celebration from the big party room downstairs to the smaller sitting room upstairs with the afternoon sun always brightening the cloth and glistening on the silver---that's always a happy meal with the day moving into sunset, then twilight for candlelight with dessert.

And after all this time of home-keeping and masking and gloving for every outing, I'd sit anywhere---dining room, kids' table, just anywhere will be lovely, with such gracious and sweet, funny and lively, caring and curious friends who frequent your table, whichever one it is. You seem to draw the NICEST people.

Billie Jo said...

Hello! Always a happy day when I see you on my reading list! I choose number 5. Lovely! And welcome to your new baby. Those eyes!!!!!

Cindy said...

Awe, poor Scruffy is probably having a hard time not being the only baby now. But how could he not love Coco? What a beautiful dog! I have to choose the blue and gold. Those two colors together are some of my favorite.

Kim said...

I'm late to the party!! I hope there's still time to grab a chair at table #2...but if not, just squeeze me in anywhere! Oh and those green eyes! Just like mine...well, not really, Coco's are much more vibrant. I bet she and Scruffy are quite a pair! Enjoy them my friend!! xo

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Well, I think I'm going to go with #5- just something about the simplicity of it appeals to me. What cute pups! Have a great Thanksgiving week!