Friday, September 27, 2024



This time of year always
makes me a bit nostalgic.
It makes me long for my youth
on the farmlands in Pennsylvania.
I remember those I loved
that lived there with me
and the cool ,crisp mornings
I spent in the woods with my father.
There are songs that I find
particularly haunting.
Neil Diamond's
is one of them.
I am not putting the music
on here because I know
most people find background
songs annoying...
but if you get a chance 
listen to the song when you can.

September brings out my
"rustic side".
I love picking 
the perfect apple!
 and baking
 and making
Needs a sprinkle of cinnamon,
doesn't it?
All those things make me
a  little nostalgic but 
what hits even deeper?

We moved from 
what was supposed to be our
"forever home".
We have downsized and 
gotten rid of tons of stuff.
And I still have more stuff
to dispose of--sigh.

Living in a condo means
we live differently than we did
once upon a time. 
Plus, hubby's health issues keep us
anchored to our living space.

Life is full of changes, 
isn't it?
Thanks be that I am one that
although I will 
say that sometimes I feel like

Can't you just hear your grandma saying,
"That's not ladylike" (or nice)...

If you promise to be very good,
and not give 
mean old Uncle Arthur 
Ex-Lax in a Hershey's bar wrapper,
I will be back in a bit with
some Fall pictures of the 
area I live in now.
Yeah- Yeah- I promise!
your photo name


Sandi said...

Downsizing is a gift to those who come after us. My parents gave us "kids" grandma's china and some furniture and things like that while they were still able to go through it all. When my Dad passed we had just a few things of sentimental value to go through. My mom's retirement apartment is sparse. She likes it like that. We can easily spot the treasures to keep and give the rest away.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

"To every thing there is a season" whether that be apples or living spaces. Enjoy your new home -- looking forward to your photos!

Donna said...

Oh sweetheart! I'm sorry you needed to move! And I SO agree with how you feel! Getting older can really suck! We've been doing things, around here, since Larry was diagnosed with bladder cancer. Oh, they caught it in time, but it still changed him...his attitude about things. I keep pushing him to become active again though!
Hang in there with me...just believe.

Junkchiccottage said...

Good Morning my friend. Summer just zoomed by and now I hope we can hold onto fall for a little bit. We all know that Mr. Winter will be right around the corner. Our trees here are changing all ready too. Happy Friday have a wonderful weekend. Hugs. Kris