Sunday, July 2, 2023


First of all-

Thank you so much for always playing along.

I know many blogs have been abandoned over the years-

Facebook & Instagrams are the new favorites


there are a lot of us "old" bloggers

that remain connected and I am thankful for that.

Ready for the results?



Denise, Ginny, Linda(Life&Linda), Chatty Crone,

Liz(hoping Ron is serving cocktails here-sorry Liz),

Sweet Sandi (wondering what she can bring--just yourself, sweetie),

Debbie K/Debbie (Bluebirds&Mandolins),Terri, Noreen, 

Linda C(my artist friend), Sabra (love you, kiddo), Sheri, bj/SweetNothings, 

Jettie (plusI am sure one of her pets)


Donna, Debra(SheWhoSeeks), Jeanie (likes the water but not the red/white/blueWHAT THE WHAT?),

Jack & Sherry (my sweet travelers)

Gert-(must eat before swimming),

Happy, Karen M, Gay (needs an outfit-I'll order one to match my own for you, Gay),

Laurie- (probably the only one that can wear a bikini-lol)

Lynne & Missy (the two most likely to act up-& Missy is bringing a fishing rod-seriously?)

Kim, Melanie, Janie J, Jan, Lisa, Yvonne


Penny C, Viv (bad knees and all-bring your crutches, darlin'),

Latane, Kris V, Karen/BeatriceE) MA, Nonie

Pam S & Ann-both wanted Table #2 but were afraid someone would push them in the WHO would do that (hands outstretched here).....

Fran, Cecilia (wearing a paint stained smock), Debbie N, Jo, Nola & MaryH

and-God bless me- I missed BLESS!


A small sweet group!

Tiffany, Marydon, Ellen, Lisa K, Susan B.


Mevely, Billie Jo, Betty D &

 Racheld-comment/how she rationalized her choice:

I DO believe #5 would be my choice, though I've never been a sunflower or daisy person---it's just that all the red checks and blue napkins and little jam jars with their topknots fresh from the canning kitchen all look as if they could have come out of one of those Massachusetts/Maine baskets ready for a picnic. You know, the wide, lavish ones with the colorful cloths top and bottom of a warm berry pie with stars in the crust, whether it's the Fourth or not---something about a New England Summer picnic that's so fresh and crisp and bright, and not like the dumpy old everyday Colemans and Igloos of my Southern raising, slid into pickup beds with tools and quilts and an ole dog to head for the lake, and Cuzn BobbyRay already there with a big bag of Kingsford and Marvella's famous Duke's potato salad.

And the table! The colors---and cupcakes! Nibbles! Jam! That one looks like you turned me loose at it already, throwing all sorts of homemade goodies around with a careless hand. Yep. #5


Mad Snapper, Lena (she is leaving me a BIG tip-pay attention you slouchers)
Kitty & Sally


Connie- Is smitten by sailboats, 
Woody (a salty old veteran,),
Julie, Alice & Mary

AND my friend, Tom-Who only comes for the food and doesn't 
care where he sits!

Well, there you have it!
Another Pick Your Favorite wrapped up.

If I missed your name-let me know.
I do double check but I have to go 
from blog comments, to FB comments, 
to direct bear with me..

Be kind if I dissed you---let me know
and I will give you a special seat at the table
(no extra charge for the nail sticking up)

I have a prayer request coming in a day or two
so please pop in again.

Love all you wonderful people!
your photo name


NanaDiana said...


Junkchiccottage said...

Always fun to see who we get to sit with. Happy 4th.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh no! We have to wear bikinis to sit at Table #2? Yikes!

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

So much fun! I am happy to sit at any of these table and help celebrate the 4th. Be safe and have fun Diana. xo

MadSnapper n Beau said...

only 3 of us by the pool, that means I can wear my bathing suit. the less people the better to see that mess

Brenda Pruitt said...

I somehow missed this. But I'm proud to say that, like you, I am one of those old bloggers who's still around!

NanaDiana said...


Red Rose Alley said...

I'm with many of my blog sisters. This table had me at the BLUE HYDRANGEAS.

Have a pleasant Sunday, Diana.


Anonymous said...

Let's Get prayers lifting now ... done

Penny Carlson said...

Always fun! Happy 4th.

SImple and Serene Living said...

I want to look at the view at 3. xo Laura

Ann said...

I'm so glad I wasn't the only one afraid of falling in the
Have a happy 4th

Kim said...

Happy 4th Diana!! I hope you have a lovely long weekend! xo

racheld said...

Lordy, Nana-D! You just splashed my long-winded thoughts right out there, and those poor three stuck with me at #5 are gonna be regretting that they didn't choose SIX or FOUR. I promise to reel in the words better this time. It's just been a LONG THREE Housebound years, and I've written WAY more than I've talked. Sending wishes for a LOVELY DAY for Everybody!! rachel

Polly said...

Hello Diana, I'm sorry I missed this one, I like your table placings. If I had been in time I would have chosen #5- A LITTLE BIT OF GOLD :-)

Bless said...

Boo hoo, I got left out of table #3! I picked it because it looked like a picnic and there's nothing better than a 4th of July picnic! I was looking forward to it, too! Oh, well, maybe next time!

Chatty Crone said...

I am in great company. HAPPY FOURTH!

Ginny Hartzler said...

So interesting what everyone said! I hope you have a great holiday weekend!

Terri D said...

I'm in good company!! Just wish we could really get together like this and celebrate "old bloggers" with lots of fun and laughter!! Love this, Diana!! Happy 4th!!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Sounds wonderful. I hope all these tables are in close proximity to one another so we can hobnob around and meet everyone else! Wouldn't that be grand??? Happy Independence Day, Diana, no matter who you end up dining with. So happy we are still free to do so!!

Nellie said...

Shucks! I missed the first post with the choices! Good to see the results! I think there is room to add me to #3!

Cecilia said...

Lol, I promise not to have a paint stained smock on but I can’t guarantee I won’t have paint splotches on my arms, hands or legs. Happy 4th of July! Have a blessed week.
Hugs, Cecilia

Ron said...

How did I miss this? I LOVE these posts.
I want to be at #1. I'll just pull up a chair!!!


Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

Diana, it was so fun to pick a table and see where everyone is sitting. Have a nice 4th of July!

Melanie said...

Thanks for hosting the virtual 4th of July party. Have a safe and (hopefully) relaxing holiday. xoxo

Jeanie said...

I don't know anyone at my table!

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

I see Ron has chosen my table (in the comments) so I’m glad for that! 🇺🇸

Lowcarb team member said...

Good fun, thank you.

Happy 4th of July wishes.

All the best Jan

Heaven's Walk said...

Hahahaha! Oh, girl! I WISH I could still feel good in a bikini! Lol! A tankini with a beach cover up is much more to my liking nowadays. But, thanks for the compliment! You're so much fun and I treasure our friendship! Love you, Diana! xo


Buttercup said...

Not sure how I missed this. Always enjoy the table settings. As a blogger of long-standing so very grateful for this wonderful blog community.