Thursday, March 2, 2023



Hey!  I need a trip down South!
I am really sick of winter.
So sick of it that I 
 thought I would look towards

How about some
Marbled Eggs for Easter Morning?
They are pickled--
kind of like my old neighbor after a night out.

click on image for recipe

Are those cute or what?
Hmmmm...wonder what kinda chicken
lays THOSE eggs?
I'm thinking they look like this....
but you know how gullible I am.
I know-I know-
Don't all you animal rightists get
your undies in a bundle.
I am NOT in favor of dying chickens,
even though when I was a kid
 we picked some up
every Easter for pets.
They always outgrew their colors
and were then layers--usually...

Has Angel Food Cake EVER looked so Heavenly?

Click on image for recipe

So,  While I am covering my eyes 
so I am not
tempted by the cake,
 I am peeking through my fingers and 
yearning to see this.....

click on image for link

However, while I am dreaming of the South
  I look out and see this-

I used to see this...

Not a dream at all-
It's a nightmare.
Someone wake me up when
Spring hits, will ya?
oh-yeah- wake the old boy up, too.
Tell him it is time to come out
of hibernation.

And wake up his little dog, too!

I know I call you 
BUTT HEAD sometimes but---
the other head goes on the pillow!

Have a wonderful day.
Smile- It's infectious!
your photo name


Donna said...

I'm also SO ready for Spring! But turns into Summer...HOT. I like Spring and Fall...period.
Stay warm!!

AnnMarie aka Vintage Junkie aka NaNa said...

I want Spring without the rain, please! It's just wet snow!
Also, can we have a normal summer for the upper half of the country? No 90's and humidity please? I would take snow over that any day!
Diana, you have a SPRING in your step every day!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I'm ready for Spring to arrive too!

Cecilia said...

I wonder if people will dye eggs this year since they are ridiculously expensive. Always had so much fun doing that with the kids. Ugh, no on the snow. We had a taste of that two years ago and after a week of grey, cold days where you have to dress like a polar bear just to survive being outside, I don’t know how you people up north do a whole winter of that stuff! Give me blustering hot summers any old time over long, cold winters. We’ve been in the 70’s these past few days although Mr. Winter is going to rear his head again today. Trees are already budding out. I’m happy to see those signs of warmer weather. Hope you get a break soon!
Hugs, Cecilia

Estelle's said...

Diana....I certainly enjoyed this post and all the reminders of spring...not thank you with the winter was a fun post today!

Junkchiccottage said...

Ha Ha about little scrubbers! He is so cute. I am over this winter too. We need some spring real soon!
Have a great rest of the week. xoxo Kris

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am smiling and giggling too. And I am so glad that my view out the window does not have a chair full of snow. Would you believe we’ve been up to 88 a few days this week I would say come on down to the south but please don’t come to Florida ha ha every tourist in the nation is here

Yvonne said...

This is so funny, but I do feel for you. Since I'm on the top edge of what's considered the south, spring is doing its tease of spring, then winter, then spring, then winter. Have a happy wait with maybe a little less snow, as pickled egg day will be here soon enough.

Brenda Pruitt said...

I remember getting those various colored little chickens when I was a kid. That angel food cake looks delightful!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Just about the time we think spring is here like yesterday when it was close to 60 degrees, the cold weather comes back. Yesterday was just a tease but we did get a taste of Spring here. Hope the weather improves soon and with Easter Spring will definitely be here ! I love your marbled eggs !

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Cute post Diana. Spring is on it's way. Angel Food cake looks delicious and so pretty. Pickled eggs are tasty, too funny about your neighbor after a night out. Stay warm and cozy with that snow. xo

Mevely317 said...

I wish I might wiggle my nose and trade places with you for a few days! Already our temps are in the 80's and I haven't had time to wear out my favorite winter wear.

This N That said...

It will be here before you know it..Love the eggs..Mollie always sleeps like that..Her body is in her bed with her head hanging out on the floor...Don't know why!! 60 and sunny here today..Ugly tomorrow...probably coming from you!! thanks...

Red Rose Alley said...

Winter is my favorite up here, as I love the snow days! To look out my window and see all the white is a thrill. But I know what you mean, a little color in the house and some flowers outside is nice. Those colored chickens are something else. They kind of look like the Peeps haha. And that Angel Food Cake looks scrumptious. I want a piece with my coffee right now! And I love that bed of purple flowers. Keep thinking of Spring, Diana. It will warm the bones. Your little bird house is too cute, love that.


Rose L said...

LOL! Winter is not for everybody, especially when it includes lots of snow or ice or dark days. I don't dream of a trip to the south but do understand your feelings. I do hear the weather is pretty bad all over! I dream of trips to Scotland and English countryside, waterfalls and forests.

Carla from The River said...

I am with you.. I have Spring Fever so badly this season it is almost strange for me. We got hit with a Valentine Ice Storm, then 16 inches of snow and then another ice storm this past Monday. I am done with WINTER and I want Spring. But I know better living here in Wisconsin... We do not put away the winter gear until the 4th of July. HA HA!!!

Bill said...

Fun post. Diana. Never had a pickled egg but seen many of them sitting in glass containers, who know for how long. :) Please give ole man winter a kick in the butt, it's time that he moves along. :)

Jeanie said...

I want that cake, please. I'll take two. And some pickled eggs. I might have to try that this year -- must be a recipe online! They'd be pretty deviled eggs, too!

Melanie said...

You're not the only one looking forward to spring. Sooo over winter! We're due for wet, heavy snow tomorrow. *sigh*

Longing for the days of working in the yard and relaxing on the patio...


Ann said...

I'm right there along side you dreaming of spring. Bring on the flowers and the sunshine.

Nellie said...

Hi, Diana! We are having springlike weather here! Just yesterday, I had to turn on the a/c in the car. It’s too early for that here. We already have things blooming in the area. Take care of those hibernations!

HappyK said...

Love those angel food cake squares.
Our winter has been so mild so I wouldn't mind some snow. :)

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

We're just getting started here in California - seems winter has paid us a late visit and most of us, enjoyed it. It's been cray cray!

Those angel food cakes look yummy.

Anonymous said...

It’s unanimous, we’re all sick of winter! I have some painted wood eggs that remind me of those marbled pink eggs! I want to know where they are breeding those chickens! Lol!! Liz

Bless said...

Fun post! Love how the puppy is sleeping! :D I'm ready for spring, too!

Leena Milligan Lanteigne said...

Girl, you definitely have a case of spring fever! I don't blame you! Just looking at that snow makes me cold. We've had temps in the upper 60's and 70's recently and things are coming back to life - trees are showing signs of leaves, our two little daffodils have bloomed and the early season golfers are back in town! I highly recommend a warmer climate! My grandkids keep talking about wanting to go where there's snow. I wouldn't mind if I could go for the day, play in it and then go back home afterwards with no shoveling! Hang in there - spring is coming! Warm hugs!

Pam said...

Waking to that much snow would be a night mare for for Easter eggs, I am glad I am not a young mom having to decorate eggs for my kids with the price of eggs these days! Plastic is the way to go this yr.

Amy at Ms. Toody Goo Shoes said...

Less than 3 weeks till its officially spring! We have had one snowfall (just last week) and only 3 inches, so winter up north has been a mild and easy one so far. Of course, that's what I hear, since I'm here in sunny Florida where temps are 10 degrees above average! Sorry, Diana, I didn't say that to be mean, lol!

Chatty Crone said...

I LOVE THIS POST! I can't agree more - we are not getting snow - but rain and overcast all winter and it is never like that.
Scruffy is so cute.
That cake is not so bad either.
Hope your spring comes soon.
I had a pink and purple chicken too.

Karen said...

oooh, that cake!!!

Lowcarb team member said...

Here in the UK they are talking snow for some areas next week!

Roll-on Spring :)

All the best Jan

Kim said...

We got snow here for the first time this winter, which is highly unusual. Even though it's only been one storm, I'm so ready for spring and all the colors. Thanks for sharing a little warmth! xxoo

SImple and Serene Living said...

It has been spring here for weeks so I am not selfish and I'm more than willing to share. Just close your eyes and tap your heels together three (maybe 50) times and I'm sure it will show up soon. xo Laura

Lisa said...

We have been having spring like weather here since February and even a few days in January. I have been walking in shorts and tank tops already. My daughter sent me a picture of her in a bikini around the pool yesterday. She was suppose to be working (remote) so I guess she was getting in the sun and getting paid for it.

From the NC

Theresa said...

It’s kinda Springy down here, come on down. That cake looks SO yummy. I want a piece😋. Enjoy your day dear friend. Hope you get some Spring soon. Hugs

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

You know how much I love snow and winter. However, now that it is March, my heart is yearning for spring too. We always take a trip to see our family in Texas in the spring, and that helps a lot. We need some of that precious vitamin D! Poor Scruffy - his life is just so "upside-down" sometimes lol! I'm "peeking" with you, hoping that soon spring will come - even though another snowstorm with massive amounts of snow is coming tomorrow. :)

Rain said...

Ha ha ha great post! I am SO sick of winter too Diana! Let's hope for an earlier spring!!!

The Happy Whisk said...

Pup looks comfy. Those little flowers or were the single petals? Not sure, the ones on top of the cake ... so pretty. lol, on your eyes being covered, sorta. What a hoot.