Friday, February 11, 2022


First of all-

Thank you all so much for playing along.

Let's get to it!


Sandi-wants some alone time at the table to drink juice out of her wine glass-hmmm..Maybe she could come really early--or really late. Jane-loves the setting but will need a hoist to get up from her seat...any volunteers?, Nancy-doesn't want a boost up-wants me to raise the table!, Linda/LifeJournal-deserting MA to sit here, Lorrie-had to play paper/scissors/rock to make her choice, Missy the wino-here for the wine-can't wait to see her paintings after the wine intake, Laurie-bringing her homemade wine-FatCat.HappyDog (yep-that's the name of her wine You will notice she is sitting right next to the designated wino), Karen, Connie, & Pam S.


A smaller sweet group of ladies-

Amy/ToodyGoo-wants to bring her Cockapoo, Sadie, as a little girlfriend for Scruffy-sadly, Scruffy wouldn't know what to do with a girlfriend if he had one---thank the vet for that!  Marilyn/MountainTop-Really like Table#4 but thought it looked like it was set for a Queen and wasn't sure if she knew which utensils to use at any given time.  So-here she is-safe at #2!  Also here- LisaK, Ellen and Kelly.


Penny, MadSnapper-wants to steal the quilt and asked for hand sanitizer-guess I won't tell her she will be using a port-a-potty for the sanitizing! Ginny, PattyMcDonald-Wants a cushion for the bench...I will get right on whipping one up, Melanie, TerriD-says she is TAKING the quilt with her-I am tacking it to the table so she will need pliers and I will catch her before she frees it, Lynne, Vee, Carla, and my dear Gert.


Ron-the Cocktail King-thinks it is the classic table, bj missed the fact that Ron was here,  Rose, Doris, DonnaC, Lynda


Debra/SheWhoSeeks, Denise, Theresa, Julie, Judy/NorthOra, Kim/NutBrown, Kris, Jack & Sherry-our travelers enjoying the Sweet Warm South, Jan/LowCarb, Sandie/Chatty, Jeanie, Pat, bj, & Connie-thinks all Valentine's Day tables should be for two-but guess she will put up with the rest of you.


Diane, Dawn, MA, bobbie-pink makes her barf so please DO NOT WEAR PINK at this table or risk getting puked on, Jettie-who MIGHT behave herself for once, Jan, Jane, Nonie, BillieJo-NOT romantic-but don't tell her hubby-guess she has been fooling him for years. AND Buttercup

AND KATHY-Sorry I forgot you- you can sit at the head of the table.

AND MEVELY!  Wow- Not a good day here.  lol

AND HAPPY ONE! Missed her, too.

Not a great day at table#6!


Linda/Life&Linda-set a very similar table last year, Pam K, Sue/PearTreeFarm-bringing a sweetie-hope her hubby knows, Leena, Bless, Michele, Ann-afraid she will slop on the table. It's okay Ann-I have a LOT of grandchildren so I am used to messes!

SO-there you have it-

Another Pick Your Favorite results.

I apologize for anyone I missed.

I go back and forth from FB responses to comments on the blog, to emails so I sometimes miss someone.

If I missed you-PLEASE LET ME KNOW!

I wanted to get this done before 


but I will still be away for a while.

We are in a new place of life after losing my brother-in-law, Steve.  So, bear with me for a bit.

Love you all and 


See you soon!

your photo name


Sandi said...

Ok, ok. I will share the table! 😂

Susan Kane said...

I'd go for #4. Feminine and romantic.

Kathy said...

You skipped me. I chose #6. That's alright. I'm not offended. Much.

Mevely317 said...

Me, too. That's okay; perhaps I'll float between the others and no-one will notice how much I'm eating.

Chatty Crone said...


Pamela M. Steiner said...

This is always a fun highlight of every season. Thank you for making it so festive for us! I can't wait to get there. But, please know you and your hubby and family are definitely in my thoughts and prayers. It's hard to think about happy festivities when your hearts are broken. Sending love and prayers for all.

Kim said...

Sending you Valentine's Day love...xo

Billie Jo said...

Love!!!! And yes! Shhhh. I have been fooling him for 31 years! Hugs!!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Interesting, knowing people's preferences!

Terri D said...

My staple remover is in my purse and you will have to watch me every minute if you want to catch me stealing the quilt! Always fun, Diana!! Love & hugs on Valentine's Day and always! xo

bobbie said...

A great group!! {#6} ~ waving at all ~

HappyK said...

You missed me. I picked 6.

Lowcarb team member said...

You missed me, I chose number 5 ... but don't worry I'll squeeze in :)

Please take care, my good wishes.

All the best Jan

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

I'm so very sorry for your loss of your BIL. My prayers are with you and your family. You did a fabulous job with this Valentine's table... always lots of smiles as I read your notes about each one, ha! Blessings and prayers Diana!

Far Ago Farm said...

Ha ha! Always so fun and funny! Jane

roughterrain crane said...

Every table is full of love. I would choose #6. Warm weekend to you.

Ann said...

I'm at the wrong table but that's ok so long as the food is good

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

It is always fun to play this game!

jack69 said...

WOW loved the results and nice it will be to see Chatty and the rest at #5. Sorry we missed Mevely but maybe next time we will be lucky. Thanks for your time spent with this, Sherry especially loves it.
Moving on a pretty day down here.
Sherry & jack

Junkchiccottage said...

So much fun. Happy Saturday sweet friend and Happy Valentines Day. xoxo

MadSnapper said...

there might be a fight at our table over that quilt. could you move Mevely table close to mine, we are good friends.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I'll be making sure I don't wear pink to the party. Wish I could see you there and hope you have a wonderful Valentines Day! It's such a great day to celebrate love.

Amy at Ms. Toody Goo Shoes said...

So much fun, as usual, Diana. Sadie and I have our boarding passes - We'll be there in time for Valentine's Day!

Carla from The River said...

Always fun.. take care my dear friend.
Love, Carla

Donna said...

#4 it is for me as well...
Hope you're enjoying a sweet and peaceful weekend!

Bless said...


Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Very fun Diana, happy I am not sitting alone. I will have to watch out for Ann who might slop on the table...LOL Again, I am so sorry for the loss of Steve. xoxo

Jeanie said...

How fun! I'm in good company!

Polly said...

Oh Diana, I'm so sorry I missed this, but it's just as well because I couldn't have decided which table to choose, they are all beautiful, except I wouldn't have chosen #6. Notifications from your blog come into my promotions folder, which gets lots of mail so I don't check it every day.

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

I enjoyed your Valentine's Day picking tables and the results. Have a Happy Valentine's Day Diana.

Melanie said...

Thanks for the table game, Diana ~ and happy Valentine's Day. Take all the time you need for a blogging break...take good care of yourself and your hubby. Grieving is mentally and physically exhausting. Love, hugs, and prayers. xoxo

Jenny the Pirate said...

I got left out again but I still insist on sitting at Table Six! Love the black, white, and red! And I was going to bring milk chocolate for everyone! Haaahaha sailing away now ... xoxo

Pimenta Mais Doce said...

I think i would choose the number 4 heheh i love pink and also loved your post and allready followed your blog, i want invite you to visit and follow my blog back <3

Pam said...

Crap...I missed it. HAHA...I love the first one the best I think. Hoping you had a great Valentine Day.

Anne Robinson said...

So nice to see you here. I missed all the fun too. I am always grateful to visit blogs because it means so much to me. Thanks for being a friend. LOVE & HUGS to you