Well, here we are!
Thanksgiving week is almost upon us.
I have been saving ideas for setting a fine
Let's see what our choices are.
If you want to play along pick
that you would like to be seated at.
Got that? ONE pick!!!! lol
I think I have sources for all of these
this time...Okay-
Elegant & Colorful
Think it's not a Thanksgiving table?
Look at the place setting~
Copper Light
Green Ivy
Rustic Plank
Just plain fun!

Looks like MacKenzie Childs
Refined Roses
Going For The Gold
last, but not least,
Whisper White
Martha Stewart
So-There you have it~
Vote for your favorite.
This will be the last
Pick Your Favorite
I do before I do a Christmas one
Have fun voting and I will be
back to tally the votes
and tell you who you are sitting with.
I hope everyone has a
wonderful Thanksgiving planned
even if it is just for you alone.
We are dining alone this year
but will zoom chat with our
connected family
in the afternoon.
I will be back this coming week with
the results.
Be good--and if you can't be good-
include me!
I choose #1 because I ADORE the turkey plate! I can't wait to see who will be seated at the FUN table:) Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!
Fun! What a fun greeting this morning - love these. They're awesome tablescapes. But #4 Rustic Plank gets my vote this time.
Welcome back, dear Diana! You have been missed! I love them all but my fave is #1! Enjoy your week and stay safe!
They all look so nice, it was hard to pick -- but please put me at table #3 Green Ivy!
I would love to sit at table number 1 please. It is beautiful!
#4 Rustic plank! As a matter of fact, I'm wondering if I can do a little table decor like this! It may have more pine cones though! Thanks for the fun. Take care...both of you! We love you!
Hi Diana! You know how I love these 😊 After a lot of contemplation I decided to go green!! Yes, I want to sit at Table #3! That way I can see and visit with my virtual friends! GO GREEN!
Glad you’re staying home and staying safe!
#1 !!!!! It is the perfect place for my martini in hand. Cheers!!! xo
They were al just lovely but # 4 the rustic plank just stole my heart.
I think I'll go with #8. I love the white pumpkins! Hugs!
WE want to sit at #4. #5 was nice, but we pick #4.
Sherry leaned in again this time to 'influence' me. It is always good to see the alert from your house. WE always enjoy the visit. Be safe.......
From Florida with many old people,
Sherry & jack today we are sending (HUGS).
I like Going for the Gold and can't remember what number it was. I love those golden turkeys on the table !
Actually, I will sit at the Whisper white table...it was the most soothing...one needs soothing right now....
We hope our kids can come to dinner for Thanksgiving...but hold our breathes because even a cold, snotty nose etc will keep them away. So white it is....
Hope all is well...
I like #2 because it is simple and elegant. However, I once did a Thanksgiving with tables with pumpkins decorated with succulents and they were beautiful. Those white pumpkins are lovely but I think they need some greenery. Last year I had over 20 people, this year, it is just me and my Retired Man grateful that, so far, my family is healthy.
Okay so where's the table that you can sit take out bags on? I really am not overly fond of any of these but if I had to pick one it would be the one with the white pumpkins. I like the table but not the pumpkins but they would be easy to remove
Dear Diana ~ I'll take Table #2 (copper), please.
Clean, quiet, simple, classical, elegant (just like me, doan'cha know!)
PS ~ I'm really glad aren't dead!!
You had me at #1 . Can't wait to see who joins me around this table.
#1 is oh so pretty, but #4, Rustic Plank stole my heart. I will sneak in and be very quiet to begin with because this will be my second Thanksgiving this year - my first was in October here in Canada. And we had hot dogs. So I'm looking forward to a full turkey dinner here. Will the Rustics serve turkey? If not, I'm moving on.
Oh, these are so pretty! Welcome back! I think I have to go with the #3 - Green Ivy. I have so much ivy taking over the place, so this one would be easy for me! :) We are dining alone, too - WA state in lockdown again....Sending hugs xo K
It was so hard to pick ONE!! but #4 is it for me...rustic, not so formal, no white tablecloth to mess up ☺
No big gatherings for us either...but there are 8 of us in this house so not all that small either. Hopefully will get to talk to the rest of the fam cause I desperately miss them.
I'm torn between rustic plank and just plain fun. I think my love of Buffalo plaid has pushed me to just plain fun though. Besides girls just want to have fun and I'm long over due.
Green Ivy for sure!!
Amazing tablescapes for Thanksgiving and so I choose No.1, because those turkey plates are gorgeous, the flowers and the happy legance is magnificent.
I will pin them all for future inspiration.
Table 1 please. So elegant, love that chandelier and all those pretty flowers.
Have a feeling table 1 will be pretty crowded.
I'm all about copper, so it's no contest. I admire Ron's mindset, but think my martini glass would look nicer at Table #2.
All of them are beautiful, which makes it a little hard to choose, but I have to say #1 makes me very happy just to look at it so I can imagine my joy at actually sitting down to it.
Super choices, Diana!
Please seat me at table #2! I wish indeed we were dining with others this year. Like you, me and my husband will be staying home this year.
Diana...I would like to reserve a seat at Martha Stewart's table....table #8 Whisper White...it's all about the food presentation and this table will be perfect to showcase Thanksgiving dinner!
#4 that way Bo's toenails won't ruin the finish.
SO happy to see you here!
And I choose Number 3. So lovely and calming!
Wow! It is hard to pick! My first pick was #3 with the green ivy, then I came to #7 with the gold turkeys so I am sticking with #7. If it gets too crowded, you can put me at #3. This is always so much fun!! xo
This is my vote . . .
I like the simplicity of #2, Copper Light.
I love seeing each table. They each give me ideas!
I pick number one, Elegant and Colorful. It is beautiful!!
It's a toss up between #4 Rustic Plank and #7 Going for the gold. I'll probably go for #4, because I am just a rustic country girl at heart. I hope you have a pleasant Thanksgiving even if you can't be together with family. Zoom will be fun. We are planning to have our immediate family and my sister and her immediate family, but that could change between now and then if things keep getting crazy. We aren't too bad here in Florida right now, but I guess we need to try and keep it that way. I am hoping it will be a nice enough day to eat outside on our porch. So we shall see. Thank you for doing this. It is always fun!!
I'm usually a rustic girl, but this time that color really caught my eye. So I'll be sitting at table #1 please. Gobble gobble! xo
These are all soooo beautiful, Diana! I love the Rustic Plank, believe it or not. It's got the potential to become a tropical paradise Thanksgiving table by adding a few bright, tropical flower to it! Lol!
Blessings to you, sweet friend!
xoxo Laurie
#2 Copper Light. I love the simple elegant look. Bring on the wine.
Just love Rustic Plank #4......unique and beautiful.
Just plain fun is for me !!! I can use fun and laughter! Colorful and quirky and unique...ME!!!
Definitely 4 for me. The first one is lovely and it looks like it got tons of votes but it’s super impractical. You’d never be able to see each other lol.
Oh, it's so difficult to pick just one! I like so many of them! But, I will pick table #8 - it looks very serene, without a lot of distractions from the main purpose, which will be the feast! Always thinking with my stomach! :D
Ooohhhh!! Yes yes yes the #3 green ivy table because my favorite color is green!! Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! 🦃
No question about it! I will be sitting, sipping wine at number 1. the only one serving any food or drink that I can see. also looks like they will be serving turkey.
I love elegant and colorful. OMG is that pretty. Love that mirror in the background too. I will have to sit on the opposite side of the table facing away from that large mirror. I do not want to scare myself watching myself stuffing all that stuffing into my mouth lol! Have a great new week my friend. xoxo Kris
Number 5 for me !! Happy Thanksgiving my friend!
Save me a chair at Rustic Plank, #4. Thanks, Diana! -Jenn
Numero Uno for me! I love the blues!
Fabulous blog
Put me at #1 - the high centerpiece arrangements should block COVID spread from at least the other side of the table!
Definitely number 4. Love that rustic plank!
Diana, I like table 5, love the checks and plaid tablecloth. I really like the fall flowers too. I hope that all your family is safe this holiday. I know it's just going to be the two of us here. Wishing everyone a happy day...let's make the most of it. Blessings to you , John and the family, xoxo,love you sweet friend, Susie
It's good to hear from you Diana. I would love to sit at Table#4 Rustic Plank.
#8 please! I might be all alone but that means more goodies just for me!
#4 please, so cozy and relaxed. Love this one!!!
#2 Copper Light
But I won't be sitting with anyone because I'll be in the corner after saying, "Stuff it." 🥴
#3 please. Love the table covering, the green/white plate stack, and the topping of ivy with an orange pumpkin. You can't go wrong in selecting a DigDigs table setting of which you chose five, Diana
Jan E.
Oh my!
You don't make it easy!
It was a tie between numbers 1 and 5 ...
But my final choice is number one please :)
All the best Jan
Hmmm I love #4 but then 5 came along! I love the Buffalo plaid. So 5 it is! 😊
No. 1 is so pretty. It is elegant, and I'm loving all the blue.
I hope all is well, Diana. Happy Thanksgiving!
I like #4 but if the table is crowded put me at #7! I like things evened out, ya know! 🦃
2 by golly!!
I am going with #2 Copper Light! I wonder if anyone else will be with me? If not, maybe I could ask for one of the napkins to take home, so pretty! Ha! Watch out for me at dinner! Lovely to see your post. Thanksgiving on Zoom. Sounds like sci-fi but it's just 2020! Did you see Dolly Parton donated one million dollars to the new vaccine? My son says he's asking for the Dolly vaccine! Hey!! He is a songwriter too!!😊
#4 Rustic Plank...as long as the candles aren't scented..With Bo's toenails??? What is Bo??Why are his toenails on the table?? i guess he is spoiled like all of our animals..Have a nice Thanksgiving..Be safe!!
#1 I like the turkey plates and the colorful flowers and glassware. It's cheery!
It's green ivy for me #3... not that the saying "green with envy" suits this table at all... but it is a beautiful table setting, and a delightful view outside as well. Happy Thanksgiving Diana... so glad to see you pop in with this fun table setting post, always so fun, and a great chuckle :)
Hi Diana. You have been a busy girl. Hope you find something out soon for hubby. I think I would like to sit at table #4. I have a plank just like that but it never looked so good!..Happy Holidays to you and stay well..xxoJudy
Well, you know how this goes, I will be traveling from one table to the next to visit. But for my sit down and eat, Rustic Plank. I love all rustic. I am not a big white type of person but I love the pumpkins. The elegant is more then too much for me but I do love the green also. The little pumpkin on the plate just sets it off and its so pretty. Hey, come over to the Rustic Plank and have dessert with us!
#2 Copper Light
This was really hard. I liked all of them. I kept going back and forth on which one to choose. I loved the rustic plank, but in the end I decided on #7. The gold turkeys won me over.
I jumped on two right off the bat, but since you just refuse to let me table hop I guess I'll have to pick....#3 GREEN IVY. (If you change your mind and I can jump around I also like #5...the FUN Table:) Most of the others are waaayyy too formal for me. Give me more casual and earthy:)
I’m choosing #1, but I love the sunflower one, too. It’s so hard to choose!
# 2.... Sooooo pretty....
OK let's see here ... Copper Light for appetizer ... Going For The Gold for entree ... Green Ivy for dessert.
Haaaahahaha just KIDDING. I'll settle in at #4 and be a good little pirate.
Happy Thanksgiving!
#4 for me but they are all gorgeous.
Enjoy your selves, Stay Healthy and Safe, I like # 4 Rustic Plank for my Table, I just like the way it looks and would feel comfortable sitting there for my Meal ! Have a Great Thanksgiving ! Gary an Anna Mae
I'm loving the Rustic Plank look so much that I'm using it as inspiration for our teensy two-person table. Heck, if I'm cooking anyway, I might as well go whole hog and decorate as over-the-top as possible!
I'm going for 1. Love the turkey dishes. Take care and happy Thanksgiving wishes!
TABLE NUMBER ONE!!--- that thing is beautiful!! I love the blue/white and the colors are just a bonus. So pretty. I'm ready for the big party and I will bring BELLS. "now she's got bells on her fingers and bells on her TOES, say has anybody seen my sweet Gypsy Rose?"---old song by Tony Orlando and Dawn, I believe. LOL. So I'll bring bells for everyone, sweet dainty bells and also huge clanging loud jingle bells, everyone can pick their bells, ha ha. I will also bring ribbons in rainbow colors to pass out, folks can tie them to their bells or wear them in their hair or whatever.....I put mine on my wrists...for DANCING of course, ha ha LOL---there WILL BE dancing, correct??? Someone needs to bring music..........??? I will bring my gypsy guitar but I cant play it one bit, I never paid attention at those dang boring lessons....I was too busy distracted by all the colors and sounds around the blazing campfires---and dancing with bells and ribbons by my third birthday, ha ha LOL.I'll also bring red candles for the tables and imprinted table napkins that read "Diana's Big Shin-Dig". Party on!
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