Friday, September 6, 2019


How about a little change up
on a favorite 'game'?

I usually do tables
but I thought it might be fun
to do something different.

You are going to have your job
cut out for you this time!
I was looking at wreaths to see
what I could do to spruce up 
the one I have for my front door.

I came across the motherlode of wreaths.
IF money were no object
which wreath would you want
hanging on your front door to 
welcome family and friends
for Thanksgiving?

Here we go!
Autumn Mix
Harvest Wreath
Ringtail Woods
Some poor bird is missing his tail feathers.....
Rustic Elegance
Fall Feather
Abundant Harvest
Told you it was going to be a job to 
pick a favorite this time.
These all came from 

If I were a "BIG BLOGGER"  I would probably
be giving one of these away.
Sorry- ain't gonna happen....

So---while you are deciding on 
your favorite wreath
I will be at where else- WALMART
checking out new hairstyles for 
I think this might look good...........
For SURE I am getting him that shirt!
Y'all have a nice day, ya hear?

I'll tally up the votes and tell you
which wreath gets the most votes
in a couple of days.

Happy Weekend-
Love you guys and thanks for
playing along and voting!
your photo name


coffeeontheporchwithme said...

Hey now, this is a fun twist on your table settings!! I really like #4. There were two others that were great as well, but the tartan and the pine cones say Christmas to me, so I had to go with #4. Let us know what actual wreath you end up using, Diana. -Jenn

Susie said...

Diana, I like number four. I still have my dollar wreath on my it at a yard sale. :) Diana, that fellow with a crazy hair style, maybe he is at walmart to get a mirror. I think his wife cuts his hair like that , so not one will flirt with him. LOL
Ted has had a good week getting his chemo maintenance. Meds lowered again.They gave him an IV chemo on Monday and back to the shots the rest of the week. Did a Who's who blood draw. That's to see how must of his marrow is donor. Praying for 100 percent again. Blessings sweet friend, xoxo,love you, Susie
p.s. what's John's number...I need to call and warn him about that shirt you plan on buying. :)

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Helloooooo dear Diana!!!I need a Fall wreath - thanks for doing this post! I think I like the one from Frontgate the best! Thanks for doing the research! Have a wonderful weekend!

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Yikes! My bad - just realized they are all from Frontgate. I'll take the last one!!

Doris said...

I was looking for something with blue and white in it, I know that's not traditional colors ;-) Sooo, I'll pick #4. It is really stunning but I might have to repaint the front door, hehe!

Tom said...

...some people must not have a mirror.

Kim said...

Oh, they’re all so pretty!! I think I’d go with number 6. I love all that color!! Xo

Sandi said...


People of Walmart is terrifying. :) Imagine looking through those photos and seeing yourself. Hmm... (thinking to self)...those pants ARE atrocious...

P.S. Totally thought your friend in the green shirt was a woman, but that's his tummy! Oh, ok. Gotta love that he will not give up his hair.

Vee said...

I want #1 with the plaid ribbon from #2. 😁

Since you’re getting the shirt for that dude, swing through the brassiere department, okay? Good heavens, Diana, the things you do to us! 🙃

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

You are right it was a hard choice...but I'm going with #7 Abundant Harvest. I like the variety it has to offer. but really they are all beautiful.

Have a fun outing today and hope all goes well with the haircut and the shirt!

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

I love all of the wreaths but I would love #1 on my door. I like hydrangeas and pinecones.

MadSnapper said...

my pick is number 2, even though I have never hung a wreathe of any kind on any door... remember I am not a decorator.. possibly the only female in the USA that has never bought a wreathe... I like the plaid ribbon is why I chose number 2..... now if you ask us which coffee mug or which Walmart I shop in, I could choose... maybe which brand of dish soap, ha ha… are you picking up that I am ultra practical? you know like which gas station...

MadSnapper said...

I know a contest.. which Truck would I drive???

MadSnapper said...

I am back, just read all the comments and it seems I am the only one that likes 2... ha ha on me

Jeanie said...

I think I like number 1 but all of them are a little more fussy than I prefer!

Debbie said...

#4 Rustic Elegance....Love the dried pods and other pieces in it.
Now, about that haircut....
Love you.

Lisa said...

I like #7 the best. It displays all the natural beauties of Fall. It even has little honey combs in it. that a good thing?

Jan said...


Kim said...

I like #1 with the fruit and hydrangeas. Fruit is a nice addition. I like #2 also, but #1 a bit more.

And that guy looks like a total creep. Why are so many older guys creeps?? 😨

Red Rose Alley said...

I think I'd go for number 1, Autumn Mix. It has a little of everything - the pine cones, some fruit, and the colors of Fall. I can see that hanging from my door. I hope you are well, Diana. It's nice that you changed the game to wreaths, cause I love a good door wreath. : )


ps.....I always enjoy seeing your Header with the apples and the little one.

jack69 said...

Imma pick #7, it just jumped out at me for some reason. Please look further for a hair do for Mr. HERO, just sayin',

Kathy said...

I usually get something more orange, yellow and bright red. But... of what you gave us to choose from, I'll take #4. Doris and I live near each other so we can share it.

Wild Oak Designs said...

Truth be told, I am looking for a new fall wreath....and #1 seems to fit the bill...
I have looked and looked, but what I want to pay and what they cost is conflicting....
I'll take #1...

bobbie said...

I'll take #7 ~ Abundant Harvest, please! I love this twist!

Adam said...


nonie everythingsewing said...

No question it will be number one #1. Not over the top but full enough. Not crazy about the bow on number two#2.


Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

#4 is simple but so interesting and the one I would put in my dining room, but #1 with the hydrangea would go on my front door. I used to only put wreaths up at Christmas, but now I have them for each season because I like to welcome guests with something pretty .

At Rivercrest Cottage said...

Hey girl! I'll take number 2. It looks like it will go all the way through Thanksgiving with the bow like it is. Love it. I don't have internet in our new home as it's in a new section out in the woods in Mississippi so I have to stop by Starbucks to get connected. Write me soon. Miss you.

Fran said...

They are all so pretty. I am picking #7.

cloches and lavender said...

My pick is #3. Don't want to hurt birds or anything but I love pheasant feathers during the fall. Pick a good hairdo for your hero.

Have a great weekend


SImple and Serene Living said...

Eeeek that man is going to give me nightmares. I may never scrub that out of my mind. I really had a hard time picking so I did eenie meenie miney moe. Came up with number 4. xo Laura

Akasha said...

For me, it’s a tie between 3 and 6.

Dawn P. said...

My pic is #2; just like that look the best!

Jan said...

Love the soft colors of copper and sage, so Rustic Elegance #4 is my choice. Hope to do a fall table with browns, copper. and white. Wonder if there is a matching garland that could be used on the table?

Theresa said...

I think #6, I like a little color in my wreath:) I am not sure about that hair style or shirt, HAHA! Have a wonderful evening dear friend, HUGS!

Lowcarb team member said...

Oh my goodness, these are all so good.
My favourites are Autumn Mix and Rustic Elegance.
Final choice is Rustic Elegance number four.

Enjoy your weekend.

All the best Jan

Ann said...

I'm going with #4 Rustic elegance.
As for the haircut, I think you might want to keep on

Lorrie said...

I like #7- so pretty. Can we please get together for tea with the people who have chosen the same wreath? I miss the chatting.

Just say NO to the hairstyle.

Mevely317 said...

I'm soooo confused! (*smile*)
Going with Rustic Elegance. Not only do I adore pine cones, but love the notion of 'rustic' décor.

This N That said...

Guess I’ll have to settle for number seven. My preference would be to have them all so I could use a different one for each day of the week. Oops... I forgot I’m not wealthy either ....I just love fall and everything that goes with it.. I guess it’s a little early to put pumpkins out. As for the hairstyle ...yuk! Xxoo

Junkchiccottage said...

LOL you crack me up. Only at Walmart can you find those handsome men!!!! I like the Abundant Harvest because of all the natural stuff and colors. Just looks so pretty for fall.
Happy Friday. Have a great weekend.

Denise said...

#6, colorful yet elegant - my goal in life.

HappyK said...

This was really hard but I've chosen number 4 Rustic Elegance.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

They are all so lovely, but for some reason my eyes fell on #1 first and I keep going back to it. I don't think too many others picked it so maybe I'll be unique. They are all so lovely though. I need something that will go on my new "Bering Wave" color door (from Behr paints). I was enjoying this so much until I got to the end and saw that man...gross! What makes people think they look good like that? jeepers...kind of spoiled all the good thoughts I was having about the fall wreaths! LOL Have a great weekend...and stay out of Walmart! LOL

Anonymous said...

All are beautiful....but since I used to grow strawflowers, I
would like to choose number 6. Thanks for the fun again.

Rose L said...

#5 for me! I might add a bright yellow leaf or 2 or 3

JanL said...

I chose 3, but since I'm only allowed one wreath... I'll go with Number 1. (I really was tempted by #6's bright straw flowers,)

Barbara said...

I'll take wreath #1 please. They're all lovely. Had to laugh at your comment about the one with the bird's tail feathers.

As for the picture of the man at Walmart, did you come to my Walmart to get that photo? I see something like that nearly every time. Is it because I live in Florida in a town very highly populated with retirees? It wasn't that bad in my former home state of Colorado, but then, it got cold there and people had to cover up.

Thanks for all the fun!

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

This was hard! I’m going with #4 but I’ll take #5 as a backup!
That’s some kind of haircut that dude has and the shirt just makes it all happen! 🤣

Saimi said...

#2 Harvest Wreath for me! At first glanceI thought that was a woman with huge girls. That hair, oh my!!

Gayla said...

All are pretty sweet, but the order and swirl of number 5 is getting my vote tonight.

Debby Ray said...'s really hard to un-see some things...for sure! Where do these folks come from?? LOL! Now, about those wreaths...a hard decision to be sure! I kept going back to #1 so that is my choice. They are ALL so beautiful!

Rick Watson said...

They are all beautiful wreathes, but #7 is my fav.
Walmart is a fashion hub.

Estelle's said...

I love these posts Diana...I vote for the Harvest wreath, #2..LOVE IT!

Creations By Cindy said...

But me one of my His shirts too ! �� I’ll go with #4. Mercy the heat here has me wondering wh n I’ll wver put a fall wreath on the door ! �� Hugs and bkessings, Cindy

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

I love #7! So pretty! Happy weekend!

LV said...

They are all nice, but my favorite is No. 1. Your work is cut out for you as so many "pickers".

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

I'll go with #4, as I am inspired to try to create one like it using some dried flowers and nature's droppings from my garden and yard! They are all lovely, and this was very fun :)

Sally said...

Fall Feather for me. The rest are a little too busy for my taste, if I had any. :)

Yeah, that haircut; maybe he just need to brush it to the top of his head; then he'd look like ______ fill in the blank.


Anonymous said...

#1 Autumn Mix

The Liberty Belle said...

They are all cute in their own way. However, it's got to be #2, Harvest Wreath, for me.

Rain said...
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Rain said...

The Harvest Wreath for me! I love the apples! Although this kind of wreath is more my preference ;)

Cecilia said...

I'm just seeing if you get this...hopefully.

Always enjoy the Pick Your Favorite!

hugs, Cecilia

A Brit in Tennessee said...

I think they are all so very pretty, but number 7 seems to win my heart :)
Thank goodness I never have to shop at Walmart, my husband gets that job...

Jo said...

#1 for me, I think that sums up autumn.

Pam said...

Oh my....lets see, this is hard! I have to go with my fave being abundant wreath but if I could not have that one then I would go with 2 which is the harvest wreath. HAHA...I figured it out, BOTH! One for each door then I will drive myself crazy trying to figure out which one goes on what door....Oh, got that too, change it weekly!! haha

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Number 2 please!

Melanie said...

Wreath #4 - Rustic Elegance. Kinda describes me. lol

Have a wonderful week, Diana - and stay out of Walmart! ;-)

Rebecca Nelson said...

you are hysterical. That hairdo! OMGOSH...

I pick #4. I don't like things tooooo perfect or balanced! <3


~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

#5 Fall feathers...of course I will take some of the feathers out but I love the leaves! You could give away a date with your mystery man! hahaha! Enjoy your week! Lots of hugs from HOT Florida!

Carla from The River said...

# 5 for me .. Fall Feather

Anonymous said...

Ha ha! From lovely wreaths to THAT! :) Now about the wreaths - I can't decide between one and four! Maybe I'll just take them both! :) Hope you're doing well and thank you for popping in to see me.
be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Carole said...

Strawflower for me... but lots of them are nice. Cheers

Anonymous said...
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Jenny said...

Well this was super hard ... there was really only one that I didn't like. But I think I'll go with #7, Abundant Harvest! And I'll be needing one of those green shirts too, haaahahaa xoxo ~JtheP~

cards4ubylouise and other treasures said...

I'm a little slow at pickin' just could not decide. So I think I will go with #1 or is it #2 or maybe #3????? Ummmmm #1!!!!

Buttercup said...

I'm going with the Harvest Wreath. It's so pretty and I love the ribbons. In fact, I think I need one just like it.

Sue said...

I want them all put #2 is my choice, Love the hairstyle on your friend, sorry I am late for the party.

Cathy @ My 1929 Charmer said...

I think I like the Rustic Elegance! I wouldn't want to pick one where the bird lost its feathers! I can relate since the older i get I’m losing more hair, 😕 i think John will take you out to dinner after
Buying him that green shirt 😳 but i don't think it will be at an expensive restaurant☺️