Wednesday, June 12, 2019


Ye Olde Bicycle
gets a tad weather-worn
during the winter season here.
Time for a little

I made  myself start using up
all the old paints that I have on hand.
This was one SweetCheeks picked out 
a long time ago.
It is not the paint I would have chosen
for this bike
but it IS what I had here.

And...don't go whining about the size
of the watermarks on these.
I am using Windows 10 and for some things
there is just no rhyme or reason
as to why these things happen
TO ME.....
trust me...

What does ye olde bicycle look like today?
Feast your eyes on THIS!
(Well, except for my friend,Jettie-
She says pink is pukey-lol)
(speaking of Jettie-she has a bacterial
infection in her hip-had more surgery
and is in hospital for several days-
she has a good attitude after
her 5th surgery on that hip and
she thanks you 
for your prayers & well wishes) 
I don't have the real 
front and back baskets
attached yet.
However, I didn't want to 
keep you in suspense
too much longer-
cuz you know how YOU are!
Wanna see more?
Do you love it
or does it hurt your eyes?

Don't be counting any weeds that need to 
be cleaned up either..
Judge not lest ye be judged...just sayin'...
MyHero has been talking about 
taking up cycling.
I thought I should look for a nice
cycling outfit for him.
If he puts this on I will even let him ride
It'd be perfect, don't ya think????
I didn't show you the whole thing
cuz I didn't want to see you 
squirting your coffee out through
your nose-
It didn't leave much to the imagination
if you know what I mean.
SO-You can use
 YOUR imagination...
and imagine MyHero in it!!
Have a GREAT day!~
your photo name


coffeeontheporchwithme said...

Well, that outfit it just about perfect with the bike! And the cut it perfect to show off all of our husband's six packs! ;) -Jenn

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Ha Ha, I am almost squirting my tea out of my nose already, even without the full disclosure picture...LOL. Hilarious. I'm sure your hero hubby would be so thrilled to have that outfit to go bike riding with you on your pepto bismol pink bike! LOL. Actually, the bike is beautiful. It will definitely stand out in a crowd of bikes, and I don't think it will get stolen so easily that way! LOL. I say, ride on, and enjoy!!!! Made my morning bright!!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

PINK! PINK EVERYWHERE! Actually, I think it looks great. "No comment" on that cycling outfit, LOL!

Karen said...

I am not a fan of that shade of pink... however... I think it looks lovely on the bike! And I LOVE the basket hanging off the bars, even better than if a real bike basket were attached. It's lovely, good job!

Janice Kay Schaub said...

I love the bike and basket, pink geraniums are gorgeous. I wish I could get some colour in my garden. Summer will be over before I am done. Its raining again today.........thats OK the house needs attention. Always something.
Luv Janice

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

I think the color is just perfect, Diana.

Pam Kessler said...

I think it's bright and cheery! That man's bicycle suit is a little scary!

Tom said... depends on your point of view!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I love your pink bike and the pretty flowers! What a great way to reuse something old and make it new!

Gay Van Beek, Canterbury Cottage Designs said...

Love the bike gf! And I love that sweet cheeks picked the color even more. And I don't weed either (who cares about them anyway!)

Anonymous said...

The paint matches the flowers perfect and I don’t think pepto l at all, it has more of a red blue undertone, it’s very pretty. As for liking the bicycle outfit, not so much, that's just wrong on so many levels! LolšŸ˜‚


I love it! I really do, you know we grew up with the Pepto color! Praying for Jettie. I'll tell you you are one funny nut, that outfit for Hero is something else. Thanks for great read and the laughs! xoxoxo Dolly

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I'm trying to drink my coffee...but you sure have our imaginations going with this one! Love the big basket of pink blooms! How pretty! Happy summer!

Creations By Cindy said...

Well I am drinking coffee as I read this and thanks for the warning about "spitting my coffee out". LOL! My mercy...Cute bike and beautiful basket of pretties! I have an old bike laying in a brush pile that belonged to one of my girls and each year I try to talk myself into dragging it out of that brush pile and giving it a makeover for decor purposes. AIN'T done it yet!!! Hope you are having a good day. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Susie said...

Diana, I like the bike all spruced up for another year. I do that all the time use up what I have around. Ewwee that outfit, what would make a man wear something like that? Gosh if John puts one on, get pictures. LOL Well, cause you know we all want to laugh. :) I have yet to clean up the tiny bike I bought years ago. I will be doing good to sweep the porch this year. I do need to stain. LOL. Praying that Jettie heals soon. Today is Ted's dr's appt...praying for more good news. Blessings to you sweet friend, xoxo,love you, Susie

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Pink is not a color i would use, but i think this looks really pretty.. yikes on the outfit but it would match the bike. sorry to hear about the bacterial infection, that seems to be more common these days when people have surgery.. i was worried aobut my hubbies surgery and glad it did not get infection...

jack69 said...

Okay, Mr. Hero would be very brave to ride the bike even in that 'FUNTASTIC' riding outfit.
sorry to hear of yet more surgery, more prayers for her.

But seriously, I think the bike makes a great SPRINGish SUMMER decoration, twill be great with baskets also.
Love from NC
Sherry & jack

Connie said...

You always bring a smile and a laugh our way . . . it is pretty bright, but look how well you matched the flowers to it. Actually I think it is very pretty :) Praying for Jettie.

Betty said...

I like it and it is a girls bike.

Junkchiccottage said...

LOL!!! I think your hero would sport that look nicely on the bike. I love the pink. It looks fabulous.
Pretty in Pink! Have a great day.

bobbie said...

Usually I'm not that keen on pink ~ however, on your bike it looks wonderful!!
That outfit though ~ I refuse to let my mind even GO there!!!
Thanks for my first big belly laugh of the day!

John's Island said...

Hi Diana, Yes, I'm smiling, and, yes, thanks for cropping the last photo. :-) I think all you need on that bike is one of those little license plate frames that says DRIVE PINK. :-) Have a great day!

Doris said...

Oh my. that biking attire. You/HE will be the talk of the town!
Love the bike!

God's Grace Overflows said...

You still crack me up, my friend! It is indeed pink, well more like Pepto Bismal Pink, but if you're into that sort of thing, then this bike is a great color! Ha! I like a lighter pink, but I guess you didn't ask for my opinion.

Glad you are using up old paint, doesn't that feel great to not let something go to waste?!

I hope you have a wonderful Summer, Diana!

Hugs to you,

Sally said...

Dear Hubby - Say NO, just say no! :)

I love the pink bike, are you going to get a matching outfit?


Mevely317 said...

I'm not necessarily a pinkie person -- but I'm absolutely besotted by this. (The flowers and bike, I mean … not the man candy.)

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

I love the pink bike so bright and cheerful. Haha how funny to have your hero wearing an outfit like that! Have a nice day and week.

Lisa said...

Well, I like the bike! The skimpy not so much. He would just look way to sexy wearing that.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Thank you for cropping down that last pic...Not sure if my eyes could handle it. :)
I don't hate the pink color. Bonus: No one will steal it!

Vee said...

Ouch! That last pic... That is NOT your hero. Gosh, who ARE you trying to kid?!

The bike? Looks fabulous to me! šŸ’•

So sorry to know that Jettie has had such a time of it. Now that the medical community has that figured out, I am sure that she’ll be doing much better soon. Ongoing prayers.

Debby Ray said...

LOL...but I do love the pink! The only thing I don’t want to feast my eyes on is the guy in the pink wrestling singlet... who ever it was that invented that garment should be shot! I bet you could find something more suitable for your Hero to wear. šŸ˜‰ Jettie sure seems to be a strong lady with a great attitude!

Lynne said...

What fun you are!

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

Ahh I do like the pink bike but that guy in that outfit’s gotta go!!

My Grama's Soul said...

Ah....Diana your humor is ALWAYS so refreshing!!!


HappyK said...

Nice pink bike and I agree with the others, the biking outfit is not good.

Pam said...

Okay....loving the old bike, not a fan of pink though. You should have went with PURPLE! haha....I have been wanting to locate an old bike to put in the yard but then again, not sure at this point where I would put it. I do like what you have done and the pink does POP...Great job.

Jeanie said...

I love it as is, with that white basket and gorgeous geranium collection. Love the pink -- I think it's fabulous!

Ann said...

I absolutely LOVE the way your bike looks. That shade of pink works especially with the flowers you have in the basket. As for the outfit, I think your hero will be quite the sight out riding in that

cloches and lavender said...

I love the pink bike. At least if he rides your bike maybe he won't be so noticable

Have a great night


Rose L said...

That outfit is perfect for the bike! I am assuming the pink bike is for garden use only and does not take off!

living from glory to glory said...

YOU... Love the pink Bike... Do Not allow him out of the house with that outfit! Happy Day

Barbara said...

The pink bike is really cute. I wish I was able to ride a bike these days but I've got a disability that makes it unwise if not impossible.

Nil @ The Little House by the Lake said...

Pink is not one of my favorite colors, but the bike looks really nice. šŸ˜Š

Terri D said...

I LOVE it. Of course, my front flower bed features Pink Floyd Flamingo! LOL

Chatty Crone said...

I love peptol bismal pink - you ride the bike and he can sport the riding suit - then they would know you two were together! lol

Meghan said...

Nice post.Keep sharing. Thanks for sharing.

Cranberry Morning said...

Well that will certainly wake up anyone with a hangover. That would not be me, mind you, just well... You be sure to post a photo of your Hero in that suit. It does make one wonder if that guy thinks he looks cool. LOL

Brenda Pruitt said...

I think it's beautiful. And I don't even like pink!

This N That said...

I love it! Looks great...A classic for sure..Nice that you are picking on your hero again...He'd look great in that..No pictures please..

Adam said...

Cute bike

Shari Burke said...

That looks great! The bicycle, I mean, not the cycling outfit ;-)

Melanie said...

Definitely Pepto Bismol pink BUT...I think the bright color looks great in your garden! The outfit, well...I don't think your hubby would be too keen on donning something like that. Though he just might surprise you one day...

Nonnie said...

That is a beautiful bicycle. Who in the world would complain about watermarks? Hmmmm. That guy at the end makes me shudder! Will you really be riding the bike? Mine has been hanging in the garage for years and needs new tires and I wonder whether I should even get on a bike at this stage, although I have been wishing the past few weeks. The weather here is excellent. What about you?

Shirley said...

Diana, I had my chuckle for the day and I can see Sweet Cheeks picking the pink paint. Your sense of humor is so much fun and I am glad it is evening instead of morning or I might have spit out my coffee. I am working part-time so I don't get to pop in quite as much. They pick me up of a morning, feed me lunch, and bring me home. I even get paid for my work. It couldn't be better than that. Hugs and Prayers from your Missouri Friend Shirley

Leena Milligan Lanteigne said...

I love it! You know I'm crazy for pink and I say if you're gonna do it, go all the way! It matches the geraniums perfectly! I'm not so sure about the singlet for your Hero, however. I mean, a man has to have some sense of mystery about him, yes? Lol! Love ya!

Jan said...

Pink is so not my color...and I am so not a spandex wearing cyclist BUT I do own a pink (not that much or that bright) bike. I won't be painting it anytime soon, but we have a guy that is a bike hoarder nearby. He has hundreds, most only usable for parts or lawn dƩcor. I may have to see what I can do!

Henny Penny said...

I really like the PINK bicycle and it sure does match the flowers. The white trim and basket make it all so pretty. I bought a bright pink watering can for to use up at the garden and greenhouse. My husband keeps wishing I would put that bright pink can somewhere! Wait til he sees those old plastic chairs I plan to paint pink. Well it's for the playhouse. I like pink. Oh, I'm just glad you didn't show us all of that man in the suit. :)

Rain said...

Oh the spandex man lol...I think your bike looks fabulous, I'm not a fan of pink for me, but that looks so cute and cottage-y!!! The flowers look so nice with it!!

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Diana, Pepto Bismol is for sickies. I don't even want to think about it along with the pink biker! The bicycle is a whole different story. I love it and I think it is the best summer experience for your garden..Happy Weekend..xxoJudy

krishna said...

Oh dear! I love the end. it is so funny! ha ha ha..

BeachGypsy said...

Diana I LOVE THE BIKE and I would put it right smack dab in our front yard, yes indeed! Hope you have a nice weekend!

Carla from The River said...

I like the pink bike. I say it is you. ;-)

bj said...

This is the color I would have chosen!!

Wanda said...

Oh HaHaHa...yes the coffee just squirted out the nose. Needed that chuckle today. Thanks.

Jill said...

I love the bike so adorable and the basket of flowers too! It brightens up the yard :-) Hope your summer is off to a great start! It's in full swing here, Hayley just graduated and we are headed off for a few days to college orientation tomorrow. Always seems to be a whirlwind! Enjoy your weekend!


Linda @ Life and Linda said...

I happen to love the pink. Very pretty. The basket of flowers look lovely. i say No on that cycling outfit...LOL Happy weekend. xoxo

Rick Watson said...

We have an antique bike feature in our front yard.
Also, the pink tank top is unfortunate.

Our Hopeful Home said...

I think that color is perfect! Wish I had a bike to decorate:) xo Kathleen

Diana said...


Okay, the bicycle is ADORABLE!!! Love it!!

The dude in the outfit... not so much.

What a hoot! LOL!

I needed that laugh! Bless you! ♥

Lowcarb team member said...

I love pink and I love that bike :)

All the best Jan