Tuesday, June 5, 2018


In the beginning-
I used to love to blog.
I looked forward to writing a post.
I looked forward to getting comments.
I looked forward to replying to
if there was an email addy connected.

I rolled with the punches
when blogger changed things up
on us over the years.
I hung in there and learned the new ropes.

I made many friends and know 
so many of you on a personal level
I have to say

I don't know what the forces behind
the blog platform are thinking....
or ARE they thinking?

I know time is precious for all of us...
and, that being said,
I am working full-time.
I still have grandkids to haul around,
soccer and volleyball games to watch,
a new home to find,
and way too many other things going on
 to even mention.

I don't have time right now
to gnash my teeth over these
new "restrictions".

To me there is not much sense
in answering your comments
on the blog itself.
I don't know about you but 
go back to see if someone
has responded to my comment.
I NEVER re-visit a blog 
(unless there is new content)
to see if someone replied to the
comment I left.

So-I am taking a break.
IF they can get some of 
resolved-I will be back with
bells on! 
(well, and clothes,too, cuz the 
alternative just ain't purty)!
Love you guys!
You KNOW I do!!!!

your photo name


NanaDiana said...

Hoping your comments come through---we'll see.....

Gay Van Beek, Canterbury Cottage Designs said...

What is going on? I will miss you!

Julie Smith said...

I've enjoyed them - understand time frame though. Life is busy!

Anonymous said...

didn't know there were new rules

Michele M./ Finch Rest said...

Agree. it's a very bad mistake on their part - took away a very sweet way of communication.

I never ever re=read an old post of mine, nearly never - I don't comment to comments very often either- maybe 4-5 times ever - so this is dumb.

It's hard to blog anyway, I miss it and wish to do it but never have the time anymore it seems.

Love you, lady- hope you come back soon.


LV said...

Amen! I agree with you. However, comments not my problem except do not get as many. Love getting them.

Debby Ray said...

I do understand but I will miss you! I have started to get comments but everyone is coming through as noreply but I have most of them in my email box anyway. They must be doing something because at first I wasn't getting any comments at all. I want it back the way it was too. Hope to see you soon! ♥

Lisa said...

I hate what they doing too. Im trying to hang in there and hope I still have visitors to my blog. I blog to unwind so I will continue. I folllow your blog so I will know when you post again. Like they say “ if it stops being fun, its time to change” .
look foawrd to you popping in with a post later!!!

Pam Kessler said...

I'm not on blogger any longer but I heard about the craziness that's going on. Not sure what they're thinking!

Pam Kessler said...

Hey, I clicked the little "Notify Me" box on the bottom right and it said something about follow up comments will be sent to my email address. Let's see if that works???

Fran said...

Totally understand but will miss your posts. Hope you are not gone for too long.

Linda said...

I was really shocked when I got a new iPad for my birthday, and my blogger app did not transfer over! Apparently there is NO LONGER an app available! I had to post from my old IPad when in Florida....kind of a drag! Thinking of changing to WordPress!
Don’t be a stranger...I know you have a full plate....stay in touch...💕
Linda :o)

Connie in Hartwood said...

A few years ago, I started answering comments on the blog itself at the suggestion of my husband (who used to manage blogs and online communities for Dell.) He told me that replying using threaded comments was good for readers who came afterward, to show that there is interaction and a conversation. It was, also, a way to get around the Google+ thing ... which I refuse to play. (I do FB and Instagram, and I don't need Google's social platform.) I don't go back to check on comments I make on other blogs to see if there's been a reply, except on the rare occasion when I ask a specific question.

To be honest, I have fallen away from blogging. It takes time that I want to spend in other ways, and there are times when it's a struggle to sit here and write a coherent story. I figure that I will blog less and do it only when I really have something that I want to say. Otherwise, I pop a picture up on Instagram, write a few sentences, and call it done. Other bloggers that I miss are over there doing the same thing. It's been great to reconnect.

Lisa said...

Hey Linda! I use Ipad to blog too. I hate that blogger doesnt support ipad. What I did was got the “Blog Touch Pro” app. This allows me to do just about everyting on blogger. I write all my post on there and it links to my blogger account. I can make drafts, schedule post and everything. I love it! So, try that.
I still go to my actual “blogger” account on my PC when I need to adjust any advanced settings.

S H Elliott said...

I have been on a six month break. Ha ha. Many have moved over to Instagram with me. Its easy and fun.

Angela said...

I didn't even know we used to be able to respond to people's comments via email. I always respond on the blog. Now I'm wondering if my readers are finding me rude because they think I haven't responded to their comments. Oops.
I hope blogger gets things fixed soon so you can return. Enjoy your blogging break.

Kim said...

Lots of changes that's for sure. I am not thrilled about it. A lot of it is coming from the need to comply with the new GDPR privacy rules. You need to have strict and implicit consent in order to email someone from the EU and since there is no way to determine who is and isn't from those countries everyone is affected. They said it should be fixed soon, but I don't know how. I answer comments on my blog and via email because sometimes people like to see my responses to others, but I love the comments and the friendships I have made and fostered directly through email, so I really hope it comes back up to speed!

Vee said...

But. The good thing is that that workaround you posted about yesterday is working (for me anyway). Have a blessed break. Sometimes, we just don’t need one.more.thing. I’ll miss you and look for you when you return. Many blessings... (I think it is a concerted effort to break connections. Off to polish my tin foil hat.)

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I agree, it is very frustrating. Let's hope they fix things soon.

Nonnie said...

I am going to hang in there for the rest of the year, I think. I'm going to miss you. I think it was your blog that helped me obtain all my new found friends and I sure have enjoyed being your friend and the fact that you were always one to comment no matter how boring or long my blog was and even respond to comments I made to you. 💕😘 xoxo

Susie said...

Diana, It is getting harder for me to follow all the changes , because I do not know enough to do the things I should on my blog anyways. LOL. I will miss your posts. Let me know when you might come to Horton's again. Blessings to all, wishing your son great success with his new business. xoxo,love you, Susie

Doreen@foxdenrd said...

I couldn’t agree with you more Diana! I’ve always thought bloggers who respond to commenters on their own blogs were basically wasting that precious commodity we call ‘time’. Unless the reply answered a question that would be of interest to others, what’s the point? On my old blog (I’m on Wordpress) I would respond on my blog but I had a plug-in that would notify the commenter. I deleted that plug in with my new blog so now I just email directly IF the commenter had a question OR if they don’t have a blog. If they do, I visit them.

For a few weeks now I have not been able to comment on blogger blogs using safari, which is my default browser on my iPad. Right now, I’m using Chrome because if I wasn’t this comment wouldn’t show up. So much has changed and while change is often good, these changes, not so much.

You’ve have a very full life Diana, and sometimes it’s best to concentrate on that rather than the frustrations of the internet. You will be missed but hopefully we will see you again, if not here, then on Facebook and/or IG.


Deborah Montgomery said...

I usually just visit someone's blog. I don't respond to comments on my blog and rarely email a response unless a specific question has been asked. Just no time. But I do always visit every one who comments. Or at least try very hard to do so. Hope you're not gone too long. xo

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

I switched to WP over a year ago and becoming compliant with GPDR was rather complicated. The past two months I’ve slowed posting and trying to rethink things. But, you know I love you, Diana and look forward to your updates via blog or other social media.

This N That said...

I don't blame you a bit Diana. It is a real pain and inconvenience. I never go back and comment or "revisit logs either.I know you have a lot on your plate right now so you are busy enough. You will be missed. Have a wonderful summer. I will be thinking about you.

This N That said...

It does work but you have to do it on every post that you write and I don't think you can do it until after it has been published so I miss A couple of early birds

chubmoma said...

I will miss your blog. I am really missing a lot of the blogs that I loved to follow and read. So many bloggers have gone to Instagram. I am a dinosaur and don't do Instagram because I still have an old flip phone. I just don't want to be bothered with all the things that a smart phone or I phone can do. My hubby and kids give me a hard time about it but I just want to make and nswer calls and texts.

Merlesworld said...

I feel that way sometimes a break always helps.

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

You will be missed Diana and hopefully thing will be fixed soon with blogger. Enjoy your time off with family and friends. :)

Connie said...

I answer all of my comments too, but I'm just realizing that they are not going through to the emails of my sweet blogging sisters. I don't like that either . . . it's like answering comments is a waste of time. Who sees them? I'm not going to stop blogging but I may stop replying to comments, until they get it switched back. I feel your frustration.

Cecilia said...

I hear ya! Pretty much doing the same thing. It's too annoying!

Billie Jo said...

Oh man!
You are the one I come to for all the answers!!!!
Say it isn't so!
I will mis you!

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

Oh do come back, Diana! I'm like you, and don't go back and revisit to to a reply on the comment page. However, I tried your new way, and comments are coming through, but as no reply bloggers.
Have a good break, but don't stay away long. xx

Cathy @ My 1929 Charmer said...

What am I going to do without a good laugh you have provided me? But I know you are on such a busy schedule...wow, working full-time, kids, grandkids and everything else. Take care of yourself with all that's going on...I'll be waiting for your return.. I'm on wordpress and its been a mess too! One thing I hate even though I have a blog roll on my blog they are not updated as if you're on blogger. So I never know who has posted new content and sure wish it could..

Betty said...

I am at a loss. I don't know what is going on.

Carla from The River said...

Hi Friend,
I totally understand what you are saying. I do hope they will fix things up. I will e mail to keep you posted on how your Wisconsin 12/12 Birthday Buddy is doing every now and then.

Junkchiccottage said...

Hi Diana,
I hope they fix the problems. I have been answering comments on my blog which I have to agree is probably not a great idea if most peeps don't come back to read the comment left to them. If I have someone's email I will try to respond that way. This whole thing is such a pain. I hope they get it fixed soon or I too will be letting go of my blog. I will miss your posts. Life is so busy and sometimes a nice break is a great idea.
Love ya,

Lorrie said...

I'm going to try your "fix" that you mentioned yesterday. I agree that this is so frustrating. I don't go back to blogs, either, except for one or two that I know only answer as replies on the post itself. Who has time to go back to see if someone replied?

Enjoy your break, and I do hope you come back soon.

Rose L said...

Breaks are good. You need to renew creative energies, have time to actually have something worthy to share, enjoy what you share, and feel good about posts. I always enjoy your blog, but it does not have to have posts every day. I know I do not. I hope you do post on occasion...maybe once a month?

Gayla said...

Oh, Diana, I will miss your posts! I love change when it is good, but I wonder what they are thinking. It may be due to the European privacy rules thatrecently changed big time. I hope to hear from you still.

Doris said...

I will miss your posts but I certainly understand. I rarely reply to comments on my blog....no time....and I'm clueless as to how to respond by email. So there you have it....no techie here, just a busy grandma :)
Take care, Diana!

Babs said...

I hope Blogger gets thing sorted out and you'll be back soon. Enjoy your break and the grandkids. Thanks for checking on me. Take care. xo

Leena Milligan Lanteigne said...

Awww! I'll miss you but I understand. Hope you'll connect thru fb and Instagram! Of course, I can always email bombard you! Love you!💜

Sylvia said...

Love you dear friend. You know I understand. I've left also for the same reasons. Always looked forward to your blog post. I'll see you on FB and keep in touch. Time should be well spent blogging, not causing so much pulling out your hair.
Hugs, Sylvia

Katie Mansfield said...

Thank you, GDPR. It all stems back to that. I'll miss you and I hope to see you on here soon.

Theresa said...

I'll be here when you return and will miss you when you are gone:) It is annoying but it is my daily journal, comments/email or not... I'll just keep plugging along:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Hopefully you won't be away long, I feel like I'm just getting to know you. I'm persevering through it all but then I do have time to do it and not as busy as you. It become such a habit for me to blog, I don't think I'll be stopping until I no longer can. So many have gone the way of FB, but I prefer blogging. I wish you the best in all you've got to do.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

It's definitely bugging us ALL but it's nice to take a break for a number of reasons. It's SUMMER...lots to do! Hope things go well for you with all of your plans this summer. You'll be in my prayers and I hope I'll be in yours! Hugs, Diane

SImple and Serene Living said...

IT is all so annoying. I have cut way back on blogging while I decide what to do. I will miss you. xo Laura

Petie said...

Ughhhhh.....social media. They get us hooked and then start changing the simple to complicated. I am with you. I do not have time to jump through hoops. Have a great summer...

Sally said...

Wishing you well with all that's going on, Diana. I've about given up blogging.


Pam said...

I hate that you are breaking. But I understand. There have been no changes to my blog that I am aware of.

cards4ubylouise and other treasures said...

Everyone needs a break, that's why I started blogging once a week....if that. You will be missed. I guess I am one of those culprits that commented to the comments on my blog. Guess I did not know there was a rule against it. Have a great summer.

Nellie said...

Well! My first time on Blogger in months, and I discover you're leaving! Oh, dear! xoxo

Lauren @ My Wonderfully Made said...

GEEEEEEZZZZ!!! I've been so busy I totally missed this whole thing until I read this post! I was kind of surprised that I had no visits/comments on my latest post . . . lo and behold, they're there, just not published and no email telling me I had the comments. This STINKS!!! I agree - I'm so swamped right now that just getting a post up is a lot of work for me and I LOVE thanking those who comment and returning the visit but this makes it SO much harder!

Brenda Pruitt said...

Sorry about the problems. That's the prettiest pink roses I've ever seen!

Lauren @ My Wonderfully Made said...

And my goodness (yeah, I'm SLOW!) so even if I respond to a comment ON MY BLOG, no one will know I responded unless they RETURN to the blog post???? How ridiculous is THAT???

krishna said...

you are correct.. every time you have to go back to that blog..

krishna said...

O dear! I know this is awful.. Please come back soon.

AnnMarie aka Vintage Junkie aka NaNa said...

I am with you 100%! It is just not fun anymore. I have noticed lots of the blogs I follow are not posting much anymore. Etsy is doing the same thing....changing and fixing things that are not broken!! It is just annoying to have to continually relearn stuff that you use daily. I will miss your posts, but I will try to be in contact!

Ricki Treleaven said...

Don't you love how EUROPE has control over OUR websites? If they truly cared about the "safety" of their citizens, they'd CLOSE THEIR BORDERS!!!!

Shirley@Housepitality Designs said...

Diana...I so understand what you are going through. I have been so busy recently with the sale of my house and having to pack up and move my 4400 square foot house full of stuff!!...I have been reading your posts, and commenting when time permits...Hope these issues get resolved and you are back to making us smile and laugh out loud!...Will be following you on IG...

Jeanie said...

I could have written everything you wrote in this post. That is exactly how I feel. Last blogger note I got is that they will have the mail fixed next week. BUT, I'm betting a lot of those addresses will be changed to no-reply. Not by the person, by blogger. I'm slowly in the process of going through my sent messages to retrieve emails for those I do have an address for. Takes awhile because Outlook (or my version, at least) doesn't hold addresses where you reply to something in your mail directory and even if it does hold ones you've entered, if you haven't used them for awhile, they don't come up when you start typing the name. Sometimes technology makes me insane. I'll still write and if you post I'll still visit (so I hope you do too) but ugh! (And yes, for me, building personal relationships and friendships is what it's all about because I really do care about those who come to the blog and even when we've never met.

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Diana, I might be with you if it doesn't get fixed soon. When I started blogging, I used to leave my thank yous at the reply part of each new comment. I figured out pretty fast that not too many go back once they have read and commented so I stopped that real fast. I may try that for a week or two from now on but not everyone will know that I care about their comments! As far as the comment that you sent on I tried that once two and had about 50 bezillion comments that I did not need to have so we shall see. Have fun on your break and do something constructive, oh, yeah, it sounds like you might!!..Happy Break..xxoJudy

Anonymous said...

I totally understand! I got frustrated a long time ago. You will be missed, but I will enjoy seeing your on Facebook. Hug those precious Grands for me and take a wee bit of time for yourself too. XO!

Wild Oak Designs said...

I am almost there....so close in fact, I'm taking a break. I will miss you...but totally get it....life is too busy as it is....hugs....

Kim said...

Grrrr, aggravated with you, my friend! I wish everyone would stop changing so danged many things these days! It's dizzying!

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Oh, isn't it frustrating? I know life gets so busy these days and you deserve a break! Take care, dear one. Hugs xx Karen

Janice Kay Schaub said...

I don't answer on my blog either, I answer in emails. So what's new? I have not noticed. Not that this is a surprise I guess as I am not that observant. I have not noticed any changes. What did I miss.? I hope you won't go as so many will miss you. I understand how busy it gets with kiddies around. I have been working in the garden every day while the temps are moderate.
Luv Janice

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

It is definitely frustrating that another country's regulations have so much impact on us here. I hope blogger figures out a fix for this. I know just how busy life has gotten for me right now in gardening season, but I will always love blogging for the friendships it has brought into my life. Friends like you!! I have slowed down on blogging but still want to continue... Blessings to you sweet friend!!!

Renee said...

Sorry all this is going on. Hope you will be back.

pogonip said...

Just when we get comfortable with a platform, they go and change it on us. I'll be in my garden and visiting with the grand-girls instead of playing techie detective! Enjoy your break and let's hope Blogger gets us all up and running again SOON! Love back at ya...

Red Rose Alley said...

I can finally comment after all this time, yaaaaay! I do hope it stays this way. Hope you are enjoying your break, Diana.

love, ~me

Diane said...

Enjoy your break and looking forward to your future posts.

Hugs Diane

Forest Mother said...

I'm going to miss you and it was wonderful to hear from you again. I understand about busyness....I too am juggling a lot of balls.... But I do keep posting....I've considered other platforms but I just don't have time to play like that and so it goes....I hope you find somewhere beautiful to call home soon.

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

Understand - it can take alot of time away from other (maybe more important) things as well!

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Diana,

It annoys me to when they keep changing things all the time sigh! why do they do this?
Enjoy your blog break and look forward to seeing you back soon.
happy weekend

Okio B Designs said...

So frustrating! It's happened to me too and I just gave up on comments. =( But I do see you have a ton of them, so maybe blogger took your post seriously. =)


Janice Kay Schaub said...

I just got changed as well, now I have to reply on my blog and I don't like that. Hope you dont give up though, Come back soon

BeachGypsy said...

Diana, do you know B.J.?? she's been sick and hasn't posted in about 3 weeks or so...i'm worried about her.

Linda said...

I never revisit blogs either.....but I don't always reply either. Not everyone does and I just don't have time unless it's to answer a question or have a conversation. I never expect my comments on someone's blog to receive a reply.....

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

Linda contacted me yesterday about it and I fixed it. What a silly thing- so easy and yet it caused so much trouble!

Katie Isabella said...

some of us on Blogger have a terrible time making comments on Word Press blogs I go through the wringer every time. I have a storage type Blog on WP and with a workaround (it won't allow a straight forward comment from me from my WP blog to other WP blogs) I have found I can make a comment on WP blogs..but, no one knows it's Katie. It's my personal (storage) WP blog. Not hers. I hate it.