Monday, February 19, 2018


I am going to do some 
short little snippets of 
every once in a while called

Probably everyone has one
in their family
you know someone that has 

Ours used to be 
and many of you followed along
and laughed at her antics.
SweetCheeks is STILL funny
but on an "older kid" level now.

Well, THIS KID, is 
Here she is after cutting her bangs tight
to her head in front.
Yep--she is THAT KID!

She is not as DROLL as SWEETCHEEKS
but she is funny in a different way.
Smart beyond her years.

We were visiting this past week.
She was rubbing Papa's (MyHero) head
and looking at it.
He just got a haircut and it is
I did NOT have my camera so missed
the photo op--but you will get the idea.

So-Here is 

She climbs up on Papa's lap and is
rubbing his head.

Bright Eyes:  Papa- What is wrong with your head?
Papa:  What do you mean?
BE: Look at your hair!!!! (laughing)
Papa: What's wrong with my hair?
BE: It's all spotty and missing in spots  Why don't you just shave your whole head? That would look a LOT better, Papa!
Papa:  My hair is just fine, Bright Eyes!
BE:  Wait- Let me get you a mirror! (as she runs off to get a mirror from her "princess kit")

Thanks for humoring me by reading this.
While I am doing these to give you a smile 
for the day I am also doing them so that we
have a record of 

Have a wonderful, wonderful week!!!!

your photo name



How cute! I love this snippet and this child.

Latane Barton said...

She's a charming little sweetheart. That's a great way to record and keep the fun things she says.

Susie said...

Diana, I love that. Kids just have a way of saying truthful things in a funny way. :):) That little lady is going to be something. Blessings to all, love, xoxo, Susie

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

Too cute and and my man has spots, too.

Theresa said...

As the saying goes, "kids say the darndest things"! SO cute:) Have a blessed day, I hope you are enjoying your morning! HUGS!

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

Ah ha ha! I just started buzzing my husband's hair and I love it...

Vee said...

If all my critics were that adorable...

Debby said...

Don't you love their advice, hah.

Sally said...

She is so ADORABLE! Yes, we all have that one kid, but sometimes there are more than one. :)


Kim said...

She is adorable! Everyone needs on of them!

Jettie said...

Love this kid, she is full of spirit.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

She will not be deterred!

Lauren @ My Wonderfully Made said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! That is hilarious!!! What a cutie pie she is! I LOVE meeting little ones like that who are so confident and self-assured that they will talk to anyone and give their opinions and thoughts freely lol! I have twin girls who are now 26 and they are both very funny (especially when they play off of each other!) but my one girl . . . well, she has the sharpest, funniest wit. She keeps us in stitches!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I love it! I also have the most amusing Grands! They say and do such funny things. I love them and this is a good way to keep those memories. I was saying how fat my cat is and Tiger says, well Grandma your a little fat yourself. I laughed so hard, oh so true sweet boy!

Connie said...

That reminded me of the Art Linkletter show . . . do you remember the kids he would talk with? Children are so sweet and I think it is wonderful that you record these sweet moments on your blog, they will be great memories some day.

Sylvia said...

So Cute! Love little ones!

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh , what a sweetie,,

My Shasta Home said...

Very cute.

Billie Jo said...

How very precious!!!

cards4ubylouise and other treasures said...

Sweet, sweet, sweet!!!!

Red Rose Alley said...

That Bright Eyes sure is getting big. What a cutie. Did she cut her own bangs? My mom used to cut my bangs when I was in school, and one time they were crooked haha. But that was the year of my favorite school picture. : ) I can't believe Bright Eyes is in pre-school now.

love, ~Sheri

An Oasis in the Desert said...

Yep, she is not only cute but funny, too! We have one of those, and her name is Avery. Wish they could stay little a bit longer!

Warm hugs,

Lucille said...

She is so very precious!

Simply LKJ said...

That is hilarious!

Bill said...

Funny and cute, a great combo to have and she has it. You had me laughing when she was off to get the mirror.
Thanks for the laugh!

LV said...

Another one of your adorable treasures. Just the cutest!

Mac n' Janet said...

Nothing like a little brutal honesty.

Chatty Crone said...

You can share these any time as a memory - I love hearing her stories. She is precocious! And her bangs - I think she did a good job! lol. sandie

Junkchiccottage said...

Oh love that kid! What a cutie. Love that she just puts it out there. Too funny.
Have a great new week.


Oh my goodness, this "new funny kid" is adorable and she looks like you so much! I was laughing while reading your post cause our Maxima is a funny one too, she also cut her bangs real short last year, lol.. She looked Oriental, except with huge eyes..hehe
You have such bunch of cuties and you are so blessed dear friend.

Nonnie said...

That is exactly why I like to record the dun things they say. I love going back to read them. She is so precious. I bet she has a really cute voice, too.

Nonnie said...

FUN, not dun. Fat fingers here. 😂

NanaNor's said...

Diana, she is so funny!!! Doubt your man thought so! I've got a couple of those in our family too. Once a granddaughter was sitting on my brother's lap(he's in his 70's)and she started playing his neck gobbler skin(you know what I mean)and wanted to know what it was...we still laugh about that. Actually maybe it's called the turkey gobble part.

Suzanne said...

Hilarious! And she is a beautiful little girl. You are a lucky grandma and a good one. I love all your stories. 😘

Donna said...

Aww, how funny! I do believe little Miss Bright Eyes must have gotten her sense of humor from her nana!! She is so darn cute. Glad you were able to visit, hope you had a nice trip. Thanks for sharing, I've been in dire need of a laugh!!

AnnMarie aka Vintage Junkie aka NaNa said...

Kids say the darndest things, don't they? :-) She must be so much fun to be around. I hope you had a great trip!

Terri Steffes said...

I love kid stories. Guess that’s why I stayed in public education so long!

Stacey said...

That's such a sweet story and the kind that you need to remember. ;)

Cecilia said...

LOL! That is so funny. I can just see her running to get that mirror to show her papa his patchy head. LOL.
(even with her bangs cut way up, she's as cute as can be!)

have a great week! hugs,

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What a cutie pie she is! And I hope she always says what she will take her a long way in life! Enjoy your week sweet friend and give your hubby hugs for all of us!

Debby Ray said...

It's great that you are putting these cute memories on your blog to always have them to look back. Nothing as precious as the innocence of a child!

Mary@mydogsmygardenandmary said...

Oh Diana, what a beautiful little girl. She is going to bring you and Papa lots of laughs and wonderful memories. She is to cute. Thanks so much for brightening my evening.


This N That said...

LOL. A whole family of little Diana's! Who could ask for anything more?

Lisa said...

No camera needed. The vision is well in my head. Lol. Shes a doll.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Kids are so honest, sometimes it hurts. Hopefully Papa can take it! She's a little darling, Diana. I imagine the two of you are proud as punch. Enjoy your evening! xo ♥

At Rivercrest Cottage said...

Little sweeties can get away with so much more than us. Obviously your Hero needed another look! We love having grandkids. As Dave Ramsey often says on his podcast: If I'd known how great having grandkids would be I would've been nicer to their parents.

Cheryl said...

Aw, she is just adorable! Thanks for sharing her antics with us here!! Love and hugs to you, sweet friend. :)

BeachGypsy said...

She is absolutely precious! I bet y'all had a fun fun visit!

Rose L said...

LOL Kids do say some funny things! It is always fun to record things for posterity...and to tease them when older!

Gayla said...

Oh, Bright Eyes! Such a cutie! Thanks for stopping by Oatmeal and Whimsy. Come back soon!

Karen said...

She is a delight! I believe she will be a person who speaks her mind! lol

Tanna said...

LOL! Oh, I love it!! They say the most delightful things and you are so wise in saving their little quips here!! Bight Eyes is such a precious little one! Glad you enjoyed time with them! blessings ~ tanna

Creations By Cindy said...

Awe, what a cute and adorable post. Made my morning! She is beautiful! Look at those eyes! I love listening to the grands talk. Especially when they have no clue that Nana is listening. Just cracks me up sometimes at the things they will say. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Curtains in My Tree said...

You know kids always tell the truth LOL she is a little doll. I don't have a granddaughters just 7 wonderful grandsons

Jeanie said...

I loved reading this, Diana. She sounds as adorable as she looks -- and that's pretty darned cute!

Thanks for visiting me at Marmelade Gypsy today. I'm so delighted I found your blog.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Adorable. What a joy and blessing...and truly brought a smile to my face today. Thanks, I needed that!! :) She is so cute. You are blessed.

Zaa said...

ha ha ..Cute story, darling little grand-daughter .... you got to love them all ...Thanks for sharing.

Pam said...

Oh say and do the funniest things don't they!?

Attic Clutter said...

Oh Diana she is as cute as Shirley Temple
Love your pretty floral banner..
thanks on,my door wreath..hugs Patty

Stephanie said...

Oh Diana, this was just too cute! Bright Eyes is a little darling :) Thanks for sharing.

Hugs to you!

Lorrie said...

Bright Eyes is the cutest thing - even with her chopped off bangs. It's fun to remember the things little people say.

Carla from The River said...

Thank you for sharing. And please keep them coming! I love it!!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

She is so adorable! I hope we'll get to hear many more of BE's conversations. :) xx Cheryl

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

Aww that is so cute and this is a grea way to keep track of the conversations you both have with that cutie pie.

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Oh, she is just precious - so fun to listen to her innocent 'logic'! Love that her mirror comes from her 'Princess kit', too! Thanks for the sweetness. x K

SImple and Serene Living said...

She is so adorable. It seems like almost every little girl has that moment when scissors and hair come together.
xo Laura

Henny Penny said...

She is adorable! and I love the little story. Reminds me of our little Madison (who is now in college).

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

Oh my goodness, Diana, Bright eyes and that adorable face, and those bangs!! I just want to kiss those cheeks of hers!! What a cute story with her Papa and his head!!

pogonip said...

Cutting your hair is a childhood rite of passage--how many times did I have to say that to kindergarten parents over the fifteeen years I taught! I had to laugh when my own grand-daughter cut herself some bangs to match mine. Her mom, not so much!

Cathy, 1929 Charmer Cottage said...

My hubs has a HUGE spot....Bright eyes is so adorable and seem to have the gift of words like her Grandma does. She's getting so big..

Cristina Garay said...

Hehe that's such a fun age! Keep on posting these. I remember all the good laughs we all had reading Sweet Cheeks stories. priceless moments!

nonie everythingsewing said...

What a sweet, sweet girl. This post just lifts my heart at a time it needs lifting the most.


Ricki Treleaven said...

I tell you what....your grands keep you on your toes! You are one blessed woman! Hours of entertainment from them, and I appreciate your sharing with me!

Cranberry Morning said...

Nothing as humbling as a young grandkid!! Haha!

Sandi said...

Hahahaa...imaging Grandpa looking at himself in a princess mirror!

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

priceless lol :)

Richella Parham said...

"Let me get you a mirror!" Oh, my word, Diana, this is priceless! :)