Sunday, May 8, 2016


I wrote this several years ago 
and I got so many private emails
from women who felt that I had
 'hit the nail on the head'.
Not all women have been blessed
with wonderful mothers.

I am away for the weekend.
Our first 'outing' since last Fall 
when John started cancer treatment.
However, I wanted to post this for all of you.

Mother's Day

Some of us have been blessed with wonderful Mothers.
Some of us have Mothers that were not quite so admirable.

Some of us have Mothers that praised us and adored us,
Some of us have Mothers that never said a kind word.

Some of us have Mothers that loved us unconditionally.
Some of us have Mothers that loved us only
if we met all her expectations,
and even that was not enough.

Some of us have Mothers that smiled readily.
Some of us have Mothers that never found much to smile about.

Some of us have Mothers that~
whatever we did~ it is more than they hoped for.
Some of us have Mothers that
no matter WHAT we did-it was never 
"quite right".

Some of us have Mothers that had a charmed childhood.
Some of us have Mothers that were raised in pain & shame.

Some of us have Mothers that
 need us & want us in their lives.
Some of us have Mothers that are needy
 and we seldom see them.

Some of us have Mothers that complete our lives.
Some of us have Mothers that
leave us aching, wanting and empty.

Some of us have Mothers that stand
on this side of the Great Beyond.
Some of us have Mothers that have passed
 over this earthly barrier.

Some of us will emulate our Mothers.
Some of us will vow to never be
anything like our Mothers.

Some of us are happy and fulfilled,
no matter what kind of Mother we had.
Some of us will never be happy
even if we were nurtured by an amazing Mother.

Today I am blessed to be a Mother.
My daughters are blessed to be Mothers, too.
Today I vow that I will be
the best mother (and grandmother) I can be.

Today I vow that I will love
as deeply as I can those that share my life.

Today I know that I am blessed indeed~
Today I hope that you find blessings
in your own life-
and love your Mother
even if it is just because she gave you life.

~Happy Mother's Day from Me to You~
©Nana Diana 
your photo name


Anonymous said...

such an inspiration this is ,, happy mothers day,,

coffeeontheporchwithme said...

That really gives me something to think about. I had a bit of both worlds growing up. I've certainly had thoughts about not wanting to become my mother and for me it is very motivating. Happy Mother's Day, Diana! -Jenn

Kathy said...

More true thoughts were never written. One reason I am not a mom. Happy Mother's Day! Enjoy your outing.

Sylvia said...

So true! I was blessed with a devoted Christian Mother but aware that some were not as blessed.
Happy Mother's Day,Diana. I hope you don't if I share this.

Jettie said...

So very true, I always vowed not to be the mother that my mother was.

RachelD said...

What an insightful, well-spoken message this is! A lot, lot of us have lived these words, and have had to stand in the Hallmark aisle, trying to pick one of those tiptoe cards year after year.

I hope you and all yours a wonderful Mothers' Day, with all the love you can hold, and spilling over.


Shirley said...

Good Morning Happy Mothers Day. I enjoyed your post today because it is so true. My mother has been deceases for a long time and I wish I could talk to her, but I know in my heart she is looking down from above. I am glad that you all are getting away. You both need that. Take care. Hugs and Prayers Shirley

jp@A Green Ridge said...


Debby said...

So so true. Love you

Red Rose Alley said...

That's nice, Diana. Happy Mother's Day! It's nice that you are getting out for the first time with John. What a special day this will be. :)

love, ~Sheri

ps I've always loved that sweet picture.

LV said...

Amen, my friend.

Cathy @ My 1929 Charmer said...

I was fortunate to have good Mom, but is you changed the wood Mother for Father it would surely fit. Happy Mother's day.

Chatty Crone said...

That was very sweet! Happy Mother's Day!

Tina@WhatWeKeep said...

True words, sweet lady.
Happy Mother's Day to you and yours...and I hope you have a wonderful first outing.
Love to you and John, Diana.
xoxo, T.

camp and cottage living said...

Beautiful, Diana. And I'm sure true for many.

At Rivercrest Cottage said...

Happy for you to be out and about with your hero. A great poem of understanding that not all of us were as blessed as some, but that we can bless others despite that.

Launna said...

Diana this is so true, Mother's day is tough for so many people. Some have amazing mothers, many did not... I think we need to do and give our best xox

Happy Mothers day to you ♡♡♡

Susie said...

Diana, I feel that my mother may have come somewhere in between the good and the bad. Buying a card was never easy...could never do that card that sais, "you were always there for me"..never fit mommy. But I loved my mother and knew it would take a lot for a child to turn on their mothers. I am so thankful that God gave me grace...grace to forgive the needless pain of most of my childhood. So I choose to remember the best times with my parents. I still love and deeply miss my mom. Blessings to you and your daughters for a Happy Mother's Day. Love, xoxo, Susie

Debby said...

Picking out a card is so hard.

Pom Pom said...

Happy Mother's Day to you, sweet Diana. God bless you.

Debbie said...

You know my history....and you know what I've learned from it.
So happy you have some time away, Diana....enjoy!
Love to you.
Happy Mother's Day, dear friend.
Wonderful post!!

This N That said...

Count your blessings...Some of you were very lucky..Happy Mothers day..

Debra Bartels said...

My husband's mother was one of those mothers hard to buy a card for. She was an unhappy person who treated my husband badl. Just him, not her two other children. Why we will never know. She was asked that very question. Her answer "I don't know". So thankful he let my mom show him a mother's love as long as she was with us. My hope is that "the why" will fade with time for him.

Debra Bartels said...

My husband's mother was one of those mothers hard to buy a card for. She was an unhappy person who treated my husband badl. Just him, not her two other children. Why we will never know. She was asked that very question. Her answer "I don't know". So thankful he let my mom show him a mother's love as long as she was with us. My hope is that "the why" will fade with time for him.

Linzey said...

My sister and I had the same conversation today. It was so sister bought blank notes and wrote her own sentiment

Linzey said...

Thank you Diana.... You captured it beautifully. It made me feel better knowing I'm not alone....

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Diana, you are a gifted writer. You are so insightful. I'm so glad you and John are getting away! Happy Mother's Day to you, dear one! xo ♥

AnnMarie aka Vintage Junkie aka NaNa said...

Yeah, I had/have the second kind of mother but the Lord brought me Mom Jane, my spiritual Mom and she has been in my life for 20 years. I just spoke to her by phone and now my Mother's Day is complete. Happy Mother's Day to you!

Kay G. said...

Hope you and John are both doing well.
Take care. xx

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hope you have had a wonderful weekend and Mother's Day!

amazingsusan said...

Yes, and

Shirley@Housepitality Designs said...

A most beautiful post Diana...Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day and trip!

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

Beautiful, Diana. xoxo Su

Sweet Tea said...

I hope, no I pray, that you and John are having a wonderful, refreshing get-away.

A Joyful Cottage said...

Beautifully written, Diana. I hope you and John had a nice getaway. Hugs, Nancy

Nancy's Notes said...

Diana, how wonderful to get away with John! Enjoy each minute, sweet lady! Happy Mother's Day to you!

Karen@Southern Gal Meets Midwest said...

Very moving Diana...have a safe and fun getaway :)

Kim said...

Great sentiment Diana. I am one of the lucky ones. I hope my daughters feel the same way. xoxo

Sonny G said...

Happy Mothers Day to ME and YOU. we both deserve all the happiness this life has to offer.
love ya bunches

Debbie - Mountain Mama said...

So true, Diana - I'm glad I'm one of the lucky ones. I hope you had a lovely outing with your hero for Mother's Day!! xo

Connie said...

Wow! That pretty much sums it up, doesn't it. I lost my father when I was 15 and I remember praying because I was afraid of what life would be like with my Momma. I look back and know that she did the best that she could under her circumstances and knowing a bit about how she was raised. I don't think that she ever felt loved by her mother, so it was hard for her to give love. I believe that deep down she felt love for her children, but didn't know how to express it. It's sad . . . we all can learn from our mother's . . . either to use them as examples or to raise above their example and break the chain.

Uniquely Ella said...

Hi Diana, Happy belated mother's day. Love this post, so true.
Sending blessings,

Uniquely Ella said...

Hi Diana, Happy belated mother's day. Love this post, so true.
Sending blessings,

Melanie said...

Beautiful post. I'm pretty close to my mom, but we have our ups and downs. I just feel very fortunate and blessed to still have her on this earth with me. It was a hard Mother's Day though, with having lost my oldest son 6-1/2 years ago. Glad to hear you two were actually away for a weekend!

Jill said...

Hope your mother's day was amazing! You deserve it :-) Have a great week.


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry you had a rough time with your mum growing up, that's really unfortunate. It seems like you haven't let it ruin you though and you seem like a really strong, independent person. You definitely have to be strong, going through what you are with John. You're inspirational xx.

Raindrops of Sapphire

Pat said...

A perfect post and so very true. Glad to hear you two are getting away for a bit.

Janice Kay Schaub said...

I am hoping that your life is taking a brighter turn and that you had a good weekend.
Hugs Janice

Feral Turtle said...

Sorry I am so behind...but what a wonderful post. Hope you had a great one Diana! Hope you have a fantastic week away. Cheers.

The Polka Dot Closet said...

I have neglected blogging and my blogging friends, but wanted to pop in tonight to check up on your Hero...Sounds slow and go, but more go than slow. Hang in Diana and love to your Hero!


Cranberry Morning said...

As you can tell, I'm running late. But Diana, this was a wonderful message. So many do not have mothers who gave them the nurturing we all need. I was blessed with wonderful, Godly parents for whom I am so grateful. Thank you for a reminder to me to pray for others who are struggling with relationships. We are praying for you guys. Hugs from NW. PS. Our daughter and SIL from Texas are moving back to Green Bay!!

Gypsy Heart said...

I remember this ~ absolutely nails it!


Forest Mother said...

This is beautiful. I try to do my best too - Diana and leave a legacy of unconditional love and laughter to my daughter. Hope you both had a wonderful weekend away.