I don't usually do two posts in
one day but this is a special request.
one day but this is a special request.
has asked for prayer for
her handsome husband, Terry.
This is the only picture I could find
of him on her blog.
He is a fire chief
somewhere in greater Chicagoland.
(forgive me if I got that wrong Kris)

Anyway, he went into the hospital on Thursday
in terrible pain and they cannot figure out what is wrong with him.
Kris, understandably, is beside herself.
She is a nurse so knows more than most people
and she is WORRIED SICK!
Please pray that they can figure out
what is wrong with him
very soon and that there is a quick cure
for whatever it is.
Please pray for some peace of mind for Kris, too,
AND strength for her to get through this.
AND strength for her to get through this.
I will do an update as soon as I know anything.
Thank you so much.
You are all so awesome!
I might be off a bit in the next
couple of days.
yes-I know I am a bit "off" most of the time
I came home to try to get some
rest and get rid of this
terrible cold.
I will be headed back to help
Mimi with the baby on Sunday.
Oh no! I'm sorry to hear this! Kris and her husband are most definitely in my thoughts and prayers. Hoping they find out what is wrong soon.
So sorry to hear this. I will be praying for them and sending a get well hug your way as well.
Consider it done. Healing thoughts and prayers for Both Chris and her husband. I know she must be worried sick. Take care of yourself too. xoxo
Oh no. I will say a prayer right now. OH no about your cold as well. Your daughter is so lucky to have you helping out. Take care of yourself. xo
I will say a prayer for her right now and for you that you get to feeling better. There is several working at the nursing home that should be home instead praying for them to. Take care Hugs and Prayers from your Missouri Friend.
So sorry to hear this...sending prayers XO
Praying. As a daughter of a nurse I can totally relate to how she is feeling! Sometimes having more knowledge is not a good thing!
I prayed for Terry and Kris. Hope they find what he has. Take care of yourself!
Diana, I will absolutely pray for Terry and Kris. Praying the Drs. find out what's wrong and get him the help he needs. Thanks for letting us all know. xoxo,Susie
p.s. Take care of yourself too Diana.
Praying for this lovely couple. For his healing, for her peace. For the doctors to have special skill and anointing as they treat him and wisdom to pinpoint what is going on. I have been in her place. I so understand.
How frustrating to not know what is wrong! At least as a nurse maybe she will understand when they do come up with something. Take care of yourself now! You're going to wear out.
Thank you for posting~~~I am praying now for Terry and Kris. Blessings~~~Roxie
Thanks for sharing...Blogland has many prayer warriors. Will be praying for Terry and Kris.
Prayers for your friend! Feel better....I think I've got the flu. Yuck!
A prayer has been said that God will watch over them both and keep them safe in His care!
Diana if you are asking for prayers you've got 'em! Will have the entire family praying for Kris's husband Terry. As a nurse myself I know that sometimes having more knowledge then most can make things that much more frustrating. May the doc's figure out what is going on and may their skillfully train brains and hands begin to work on healing Terry!
Thank you for posting Diana and keeping us posted.
And you my friend feel better soon!
XO Barbara
Oh, goodness, Diana! I didn't know about this. Kris and I are buddies, I met her last summer, she lives in the suburbs of Chicago. Oh...I hope they find out what is wrong with Terry. He is such a great, brave man. He's the fire chief of their town. They don't make em any stronger. Please keep us updated and thank you my angel!
Oh, I do pray they can find out what is wrong with Kris' hubby. Sending prayers and thank you again, Diana, for giving us the opportunity to pray for someone.
Be a sweetie,
Thank you sweet Diana for this post for prayers for Terry. Tears are rolling down my face as I write this tonight. You are all so wonderful to leave me your special words and healing thoughts and most of all the prayers. I am not a big religious person but I believe in God and the power of prayer and I thank each and everyone of you for this. Terry had a procedure today that went down into his stomach, small instestines and pancreas they think they found the problem. His bile duct was not open and they put a stent in so if this is the culprit then he will be better in a few days. If not they will do more exploratory surgery to see what might be going on. His labs were all normal today and the GI doctor is pretty sure this was the problem and it is now fixed so your prayers are helping. He is a very sick man tonight after the procedure in a lot of pain but they said by tomorrow and even maybe by Sunday he should be doing much better. I am hopeful they found the problem and now that they fixed it he should be back to his good feeling self. Thank you all so much for these prayers. Blog land is like heaven with so many wonderful caring people. I thank each and everyone of you for your prayers. Thank you Diana for doing this for Terry and I. You are the best friend anyone could ask for. Thank you sweet friend.
Happy to hear they believe they have found what was wrong so they know how to treat him...praying!
Oh no. I'm glad to see Kris' update. Hopefully they have found the problem. Still praying.
Prayers from here!
Praying for Terry and Kris...
You take good care of yourself this weekend. Rest, rest, rest!
Praying for Terry & Kris...hoping they have found the source of his pain and that a speedy recovery is on the way. And a prayer for you, Diana...hope you are feeling better soon. Jane
Sending prayers to them both. Feel better, Diana!
Prayers for Kris and her husband.
I will definitely pray for sweet Kris and her husband. Hope you feel better. I am definitely fighting my cold. xo Laura
Praying for him!
Oh I am so glad that they think they have found the problem! My thoughts and prayers are with your family in the next several days! And Diana I have the same cold...boo! Hope you feel better soon! Nicole xoxo
I missed Krises post, so I am glad that you are spreading the word, Diana. I will be praying for her husband for sure. How scary that must be! Feel better soon, ok?
I follow Kris too. I'll definitely prayer for her hubby!
Get some rest, Diana!
Prayers for your friend's husband. Hope they have answers soon.
Prayers in Jesus Name for Terry and Kris.
Just seeing this, but glad to see Kris' update! It must have been very frightening, but glad to see the docs think they've got it handled. Saying a prayer for you and hubby and the doctors right now, Kris.
Prayers for Kris and her dear husband.
Prayers flowing from MI. How frightening. Rest this weekend. Take care of yourself.
Oh, no I will certainly remember them both in prayer.
Morning, Praying for them! Also for you (REST) my friend! Loved the Bunny plates, and you tell Lulu she did a great job on the napkins! Roxy
I just saw her update on the comment form, so glad they found out what was causing it.
Kris has my prayers. How difficult for them - the not knowing especially.
I will definitely keep all of them in my prayers. My hubby is also a fire chief. Hoping they figure out how to make him well soon.
Will say a prayer, Diana. Thinking of them during this most difficult time.
Oh, Diana, I was just reading Kris's post and didn't have a clue. You are always so wonderful about doing good deeds and keeping us all up to date. I hope it is nothing serious. He is such a young man. I will go over and wish them the best..Take care, Judy
Been reading and thankful that Kris is better. What a pretty couple they are-not to mention he is a hunk of a fireman. Are all firemen that goodlooking. The ones I know are! Hope this is the end of their ordeal!
Ok I am reading these posts and this just made me smile. Thanks so much I will pass this on to my husband. He will be so thrilled to think you think he is a hunk of a fireman. LOL! It will defintely make him feel better. Thank you for your kind words.
Prayers going out and hope you feel better, too.
I'm so glad I saw this...I've been so busy...sending prayers and thinking good thoughts!
And I agree...her husband is very handsome!
Many prayers being said for Kris's hubby. I hope they find out what is wrong and he is on the road to a prompt recovery. Thoughts and well wishes.
Big hugs!!
Diana, I think you are one of the go to people in Blogland! I love that you post prayer requests! I believe much prayer, much power! I am praying for Kris' husband. I am praying that God will guide the doctor's to what is wrong with him and that he will have a quick recovery! Thanks for sharing this requests! Sending lots of prayers! XO, Betsy
I will be thinking and praying I know that is so hard. Where is the pain. - my husband has severe pain in his leg and I thought It was a blood clot - it ended up being something called a Baker's Cyst. So hopefully it will be something like that. Please let us know. Get well from your cold so you can visit your grandbaby!
Well, Diana, I am absolutely thrilled to meet you and thank you tons for running by my long neglected blog. That Beth, whatamIgonnadowithher?
Let me say, the oval dishes are adorable, the napkins are going to make me practice, and the dream living room I'm going to go through my monitor and take up squatters' rights. Yes, indeed, right up my alley.
But on to more serious things, I read this entry about your friend's husband and I can only imagine how she must be worrying. I know he is, too! I will join in and most certainly add them both to my prayers tonight and for however long it takes. I'll be cking back soon.
Until then, I'll be following you, too! You are such a sweetheart!
(I might just scream. No matter what I do to follow, I get nothing but error messages. It's happened all day and night. Not sure what I'm doing wrong but have you in favs for the time being. Made a folder for nothing but blog walks, sheesh)
Thanks Diana for letting us know about Kris's husband. I will add him to my prayer list. I am hoping that they will find out what is wrong and he will be well ASAP and praying for der sweet Kris also.
Please keep us informed
Hate asking this on this post........Diana, I'm trying on the Google friend Follow button. Is that the problem? I mean I'm signed in by way to Google on my own page so it should work, but it says I'm already signed in but asks that I sign in again, I do that and then it asks if I'm the owner of my own blog (yes always, yes just this time, or no, don't tell) and I've tried every button and always get an error and then not following. I think I'm going to try again tomorrow. I need to fix that other "reply" part you told me about as well. I think the gremlins got into my page and chg'd all my settings, lordy,. Will try again tomorrow :) Thanks xxx
I just saw this Diana and also read Kris' update. I pray they did figure out what was wrong and that he is feeling better tonight! As someone who lived with an ill husband for a lengthy period of time, I feel for Kris and pray that she is receiving strength from God and from the many blog land friend who are praying for her hubby!! Thank you for sharing this Diana!! Blessings, Cindy
Thanks for sharing....never good when you hear someone's husband is not only sick but they can't figure out what the problem is...As a nurse the poor thing must be a wreck...Linda Spencer just went through the same thing with her husband Craig if you don't follow her blog....Prayers going out that they find out what's wrong...He is a very handsome man....God bless him..
Oh no! Kris and Terry are such wonderful, dear people! Prayers coming on strong and yes, please keep us updated as you can. I'm going to write to Kris now. Thanks for the info Diana! Enjoy that lovely baby and feel better soon! Hugs Leena
Dear Kris, I'm praying for your husband and you, I hope they quickly find out what is wrong and can alleviate his pain. Sending love your way.
Prayers for this entire family, Diana. Bless their hearts. May the medical staff be guided rightly.
*hugs* all around,
Nana Diana First let me say thnak you for organizing this prayer group. It meant the world to Kris and I and truly, I believe, aided in my recovery. I still am a little weak but am on the road to recovery. I learned while I was in the hospital this time that knowing that people are concerned about you helps tremendously. I also know that my illness is nothing compared to many others and their strength can also be helpful.
I would however wish to log one minor complaint. The bloggers and your friends have caused me to have to enlarge the doorways in our house. (to fir a swollen head) I don't think that I have blushed that many times in my adult life, so thank you for everything. I will of course have the doors done in a weekend.
Prayers are a great gift because they come back to you in much greater quantities then you give and always when you need them. When someone needs a prayer they can count on me and Kris. Thank you from both of us.
Mr. Junk Chic Cottage (Terry)
Been praying and so glad he is improving. He is a handsome fella isn't he? And Kris is a true beauty!
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