Wednesday, September 6, 2023



John is home and 

Scruffy is back to sleeping with

one of his 'babies'.

He did not eat the whole time 

John was in the hospital.

I did a follow up post on Facebook

but then realized that not all bloggers

are part of the FB community--

so decided to do an update here.

John came home from the hospital

late Sunday.

They don't really have any answers yet

but he has 4 more appointments with 

specialists to see if they can get things

figured out.

They altered his meds a bit and we are hopeful

that will help with the dizziness

and low blood pressure.

I will keep you all posted as things progress.

your photo name


Donna said...

Standing by with much love and prayer!!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Continuing in prayer for John and YOU and Scruffy too. What a sweet baby. (((hugs)))

Kathy said...

Praying for you both and for the doctors that they will find a way to help him.

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

Thanks for the update Diana and sending prayers your way.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

prayers for John and for you as you fulfill caregiver duties and for the poor pup who loves his daddy

Junkchiccottage said...

Keeping John in thoughts and prayers for them to find out what is going on. Little Scruffy with his sweet baby is adorable. Big Hugs. Kris

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Glad your husband is home and Scruffy is eating again.

Cecilia said...

Thanks for the update. I believe being home is better for someone than the hospital. I mean, there are times it’s necessary but you don’t get good sleep or rest. I am praying for answers and hope the change in medication is helpful. Poor Scruffy- he missed John and probably sensed your concern.
I’m glad you posted here on the blog as fb doesn’t always show us everything.
Hugs, Cecilia

coffeeontheporchwithme said...

Home is always better than a hospital, even if he's not quite figured out yet. Oh, that poor pup - not eating the whole time! I am hoping for the absolute best and some definite answers!! -Jenn

Anonymous said...

Such a sweet picture! Continuing to pray. I’m believing and asking for a miracle for John. Peace and rest for his wife and family. joan

Carla from The River said...

Continuing to pray... home is best and having a best friend at your side is even better.
xx oo

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

That is good news and should give you reason to hope for a cure! Thanks for the update, You both will continue to be in my prayers.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Thanks for the update. So glad there is a ray of hope to get the problems straightened out. xoxo

Ginny Hartzler said...

It's wonderful to hear this news. And I have confidence that at least one of these doctors will get to the bottom of everything.

HappyK said...

Thanks for the update and will be praying.

Mevely317 said...

Thanks for this update, Diana. Waiting is the worst, isn't it? Still praying!

Anonymous said...

Thank You for the update. Glad John is home.

Eileen in Fla. said...

Dear Nana Diana - I hope you know that many, many of your Readers have been thinking of you and your husband and sending fervant prayers for his recovery. You and your whole family are part of our family and we rejoice with you and your puppy that he has been well enough to return home.

bobbie said...

I'm not on FB, so I very much appreciate the update here.

Here's hoping the 4 specialists can come up with answers ~

Here ~


Terri D said...

Prayers continue!! So glad he is home. Love & hugs!

Amy at Ms. Toody Goo Shoes said...

Glad to hear John is home. Prayers for his continued recovery.

Melanie said...

Amazing how attuned our pets are to us. Poor Scruffy. I remember the times I've had surgery or have been very ill and bed-ridden, and my cats never left my side.

Love and prayers to you and John. (And Scruffy!)

jack69 said...

That scruffy is so stinking cute.... Glad Brother John is home and hope the next visits bring some ANSWERS. It is tough to WAIT!
Love you guys and prayers for you both...
Sherry & jack thinking of you, Prayers,,,,,

Ann said...

Prayers that they can figure out some answers for John. Obviously Scruffy found the cure for what ailed him :)

Betty said...

Glad to hear He is home. I hope they do find out what is causing the problems. Glad you post here, I do not have facebook anymore. Saying prayers for you.

Donna said...

Happy to hear John is home! Sweet little Scruffy missed him. Will continue to pray that the medical folks figure out what is wrong and are able to help John. My brother who had vasculitis along with other problems had low blood pressure.

Red Rose Alley said...

Diana, thanks for the update on John. I just said a prayer for him. That picture of Scruffy and his stuffed animal is so cute. Dogs need to be comforted too. Thinking of you.


Nellie said...

Prayers continuing, Diana! Good to have John home!

Billie Jo said...

Sending all the prayers and love, my friend!

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

I hope they can figure out what's wrong. Prayers and healing thoughts. xoxo

Far Ago Farm said...

Praying for answers and improved health.

Lisa said...

Prayers for healing and answers.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I am glad he is home, and hopefully they can figure out what is wrong. I hate waiting for answers, especially when they are super slow about it. Praying for healing!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I hope and pray he improves and feels stronger! Hugs to you both, Diane

Polly said...

Dear Diana, I hope you, hubby and Scruffy have a happy, restful together weekend x

Jeanie said...

I'm so glad he's home, Diana, and I hope the new tests reveal some results. But healing home is always better.

Theresa said...

Happy he is home, praying for you both! HUGS

Kay G. said...

Dear Diana,
Hopeful that they will figure out what is causing John's dizzy spells and low blood pressure. Will most certainly include him in my prayers.
God bless you both! xx

And give that sweet dog a pat on the head from me.

Kim said...

Glad John is home, I'm sending prayers, hoping that you get some answers soon and he continues to feel better and better. Love to your sweet pup, too. xxoo

At Rivercrest Cottage said...

Hi Di. It’s me,Sugar from At Rivercrest Cottage. Sorry to read John hasn’t been doing well. When Wild Bill was going through chemo and such, I wondered why they insisted on keeping him on 5 HBP meds. He was also falling and his BP was 83/

Just reading blogs today. I’m in Wisconsin now living in a house I bought on the Crystal River. It’s been almost 4 years since Wild Bill passed. Life does go on and is sweet once more. I’m engaged to a Wisconsin man and wouldn’t want to live anywhere but with him in Wisconsin.

Lowcarb team member said...

I felt sure I'd commented here, but blogger does cause comment glitches from time to time ... perhaps I'm in spam folder!!?

Praying for you both, and sending my good wishes.

All the best Jan

Wild Oak Designs said...

Oh my goodness! I am so sorry! I have been up in WA...which we will be all of late spring and summer from now on....
I will be taking my computer next time as I don't do much on my phone...

My prayers are with you and your hubby...what a terrible time! frightening for both of you!

living from glory to glory said...

Hey, I will be praying daily for him!! I have been so out of the loop, especially with blogging!
It's all so difficult and at times scary when we don't know what is going on! Keeping you both in my prayers!
Hugs, Roxy

Bless said...

So glad to read that John is home again. For some reason, I've stopped receiving notifications that you've published a new post, and I didn't think to check. Will be checking on a more regular basis!

Katie Isabella said...

Let me see what is happening to John. And Scruffy, I love seeing you with one of your babies. Katie here has 5 she loves.