Wednesday, May 25, 2022


 I have a lot on my plate

right now so I am

 taking a blogging break.

     I am going to curtail my visits on

Instagram, Facebook & Blogger

for a while.

I will pop in once in a while on

IG & FB but will not be blogging.

I feel guilty getting comments and not

being able to reply or to visit your blogs,

so---off I go for a while.

As some of you know,

John has some more surgery coming up,

I am still dealing with inflammatory issues,

and I need time to handle things here.

What's on my agenda?

I have a trip planned with my daughter

and three grand girls.

I have new books to read,

an upstairs full of 'stuff' to purge,

things to finish up in the condo,

and I need to get the camper

ready for the season.

We have NO internet and 

sketchy phone service at the RV park.



Look for me this fall

but for right now----

I just need a break.

I hate it when people just disappear

and you never know what happened to them....

so I did not want to be "that person".

Thank you all for always being

so faithful and following along

with all my nonsense.

You are


your photo name



Thoughts love and prayers going up for you and the family. I sure understand why you're taking a break from blogging. There will be little time left with all you have on your plate. I too feel the same as you know we have lots of things to take care of for now.
Know we love you always will. Keep in touch if when you can.
Xoxo Dolly

Amy at Ms. Toody Goo Shoes said...

Good luck to John with his surgery, and to you, as well. I'm glad that you have some nice things on your plate to look forward to, and balance things out. Have a great summer, Diana!

Rita C at Panoply said...

Take care of John and yourself, Diana. No need to reply, that's just another stressor. I hope you have a good summer.

Vee said...

Have a blessed and restorative time away, Diana. My goodness! You do have lots on your plate. I am glad that you are getting away with your daughter and the granddaughters. Take good care of you. You'll be missed, but priorities are priorities and all bloggers understand that.

Kathy said...

I sure understand taking a break and have been at that point myself. Have a safe and restorative period away and I will look for you when you come back. Praying for you and John.

Nancy's Notes said...

I totally understand. Take care and know I'm praying for you and John.

Hugs and blessings,

Anonymous said...

I hope you get the rest you need and the things done that need your attention. Enjoy your time, know that while you’ll be missed, we understand and I am praying for you all. Love ya!

Lauren @ My Wonderfully Made said...

Enjoy your time 'away' and taking care of the things you need to. I hope it's a restful, enjoyable summer for you all!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Enjoy your break and may only good come out of it. You'll be missed but just know you are in my prayers.

Far Ago Farm said...

Sending you & your family prayers to help navigate some of the paths you are on right now. I hope your time away will refresh you and bless you as well. Jane

Bluebell Woods said...

I hope you enjoy a well earned rest. Look forwards to your return in the fall. Be safe, and relax. '

Kim said...

Enjoy the summer and the trip with the girls. I hope the surgery goes well, too. Always thinking about you...xo

Pam Kessler said...

Enjoy your summer. Just think, when you come back Starbucks' pumpkin spice season will be in full swing!

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

You do have a lot on your plate Diana, and I notice during the summer it is much harder for me to keep up with blogging too. Have a blessed time as you get away with your granddaughters and do some camping! And good luck with the the "stuff", that is not a fun chore at all! Blessings :)

bobbie said...

Hugs ~

Chatty Crone said...

Gosh I know what you mean. I love blogging and have thought about coming back - but it takes so much time to do it right - and I have so m any things/issues going on.
I wish you well - take a break - come back. Hope John is okay.

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

Diana, wishing you and your husband luck with your health issues. I hope you have a great summer and that you can take care everything you want to accomplish. All the best!

jack69 said...

Take care and rest. Hope Hubby does great and when you get there, ENJOY the time away. Sending love and the best to you and yours (enjoy the trip!!) ;-)

Jeanie said...

Hang in there, my friend. So much on your plate -- go at it one bite at a time if you can (and I know that isn't always easy). Sending all good wishes to you and your family with the upcoming medical issues, especially.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hugs, Diana! I hope everything goes well this summer. See you when you have time to come back to the blogosphere.

Junkchiccottage said...

Hello Sweet Friend. I think life sometimes takes up more time than expected and we need a little break. I think you are doing a good thing with all you have going on. Enjoy the summer. xoxo Kris

Carla from The River said...

Enjoy your family, that is what it is all about.. enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!
Sending prayers and love!

Rose L said...

I pray all goes smoothly medicalwise and you have a lovely and peaceful summer.

Gert said...

Oh Diana, I totally understand. I think I’m one of those people….as I always think I I’ll do a post and never seem to get one done! Bless your heart…I will pray for you and John.


Anonymous said...

Good for you for taking care of yourself! You and John remain in my prayers always. Don’t even think about replying…everyone understands! Sending you strength, joy and love! ❤️

Pamela M. Steiner said...

We totally understand. Praying all will go well for your husband's surgery, and that your inflammatory issues will clear up when you can rest and relax and unload some stress. We will be right here when you get back, Lord willin' and the creek don't rise...So just don't worry about us...relax and try to have some fun!!!

Anonymous said...

Have a lovely summer!!! I rest laying down and read every afternoon after the "shoulds" are done. It's not selfishness to take care of yourself, it's self-caring. Like the stewardess says, Put YOUR oxygen mask on first!! Kathy A

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Take care of you and your husband. We will be praying and here when you return. xoxo

Red Rose Alley said...

I understand, Diana, but I do hope you return to blogging this Fall. Will miss you. Have a fun trip with your daughter. It really is nice to get away from everything for awhile. I have another trip coming up as well. I hope John's surgeries go well, and that you feel better soon. I know lots of people who are going through the "getting rid of things" right now. It's a long and hard process, so hang in there. Love you, dear friend, and think of me along the way. : )


Melanie said...

Thank you for letting us know that you're taking a break. Like you said, there's so many bloggers that just disappear into thin air and it makes us wonder what happened to them and if they're OK. You certainly do have a lot on your plate...I will be thinking about you and keeping both you and John in my prayers as he goes through his surgery.

Love and hugs,

Brenda Pruitt said...

Thanks for letting us know. I too hate it when a blogger just up and disappears. So thanks.

Ann said...

I'll miss your posts but it's totally understandable. You're in my feedly feed so I'll know when you return.
Take care.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the update. Enjoy your time off and have a good Summer. Will pray for you and John for healing and better health.
Joan,Marion and Marilyn

Lynne said...

Good for you Diana . . .
We all need to take care of ourselves!
Happy you are taking a break and treating yourself kindly!
Give that “bundle of Scruffy fun” a big hug from me.
Slainte’ ’my friend . . . ❤️

HappyK said...

Enjoy your time away. :)

Doreen@foxdenrd said...

Take care of yourself and that wonderful husband of yours! xxx

cloches and lavender said...

Take care of yourself and John. I'll praying for all

Terri D said...

Have a great summer. Take care of yourself as you take care of John. Prayers will continue!! Love & hugs!

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Do take t4he time you need and also care for yourself and John. You have a lot on your plate and sometimes you need to step Away.

Susie said...

Diana, You and your family are in my prayers. Hug John for me please. I will always remember his kind words to Ted and I at the hospital. I know you will love the time with your daughter and the sweet girls. Remember we all love you. Blessings and hugs to all, xoxo, Susie

Carole said...

Hope everything goes well. Enjoy your blogging break. Cheers

Anonymous said...

You DO have a lot on your plate, but if anyone can handle it, you can! Hope you get in some fun, rest and relaxation too. And BTW, I also don't do well when Bloggers just disappear, so thanks for the alert. See you when we see you.

Lorrie said...

I hope your time away will be restful and energizing. There is a lot happening in your life just now. Take good care, hugs, Lorrie

Bless said...

Enjoy your break

Linda said...

Love and prayers and we will be here when you return......

Patti @ Pandoras Box said...

It is so important to take care of your self - and family! Enjoy your break, soak up the summer and create wonderful memories!

Shelia said...

I so understand, Diana. You take care of you and your life. Don't feel guilty. We all need breaks. Take care and see you on the flip side.
Shelia :)

Estelle's said...

Take good care and will be missed!

Musings of a Vintage Junkie said...

Have a wonderful summer Diana!

Pam said...

Be blessed!! I am just getting back into blogging. I'll look for you in the fall. Xo

Karen said...

Go do all the things, be well, safe surgery and healing for your husband - have an enjoyable summer!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I understand! We all need a break from time to time. Hope you get to do some fun stuff this summer! Sweet hugs to you and John both!

racheld said...

Rest, fun, sweet sleep and make glorious memories. A tiny snip from my Memphis feed this a.m. said 1:15 to 7:00 a.m. on August 8 of 77 Elvis rented out the park and rode the Zippin Pippin countless times---is last public appearance.

Doris said...

Will miss your nonsense 😄
Please take care of you and your hubby. Getting older is sooo fun. (read that with some sarcasm, please) I no long go for a regular check up and walk out with nothing going on...had an xray this week, Arthur is showing up all of a sudden.
Enjoy your time away. Will look for you this fall!

Theresa said...

I will miss you but will be here waiting for your return! Have a blessed day and Summer ahead. HUGS and PRAYERS coming your way!

BeachGypsy said...

You will be missed and we eagerly await your return! God bless!!

"Cottage By The Sea" said...

Wishing you a good, relaxing, break and to come back all revived! Wishing your husband well and that you may both be blessed with better health. Love to you for a wonderful summer!


camp and cottage living said...

We pray for John and your son in-law everyday (how is your SIL) We will add you to our prayers and John's upcoming surgery. I hope you have a blessed summer, Diana, one to enjoy and accomplish all that you wish. {{Hugs to you all}}

Jenny the Pirate said...

I understand and I will miss you. Have lovely summer days, my friend. xoxo

Jenny the Pirate said...

OK chickie, break's over! We need to hear from you! xoxo

Carolyn said...

missing your blogging! Hope all is well and you come back soon!

Jenny the Pirate said...
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Anonymous said...

Had to comment as anonymous as blogger is still messing about with commenting!

All the best Jan

shahzad kiyani said...

Anonymous said...

shahzad kiyani said...
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